Publication Process

Publication Process

Taking the field of the text into account, each article is sent to two editorial board members by the editor.
Editorial Board members evaluate the article according to the Editorial Board Evaluation Criteria and send it to the editor.
Field editors assigned with writing and plagiarism/similarity control evaluate the articles accepted by the editorial board according to the Writing and Plagiarism/Similarity Criteria.
Articles that meet the writing rules and plagiarism/similarity criteria are sent by the editor to the editor in charge of the referee process.
Field editors send the article to two referees chosen by the editorial board members.
Referees evaluate the articles according to Article Referee Evaluation Criteria.
Articles that pass the referee process are subjected to plagiarism/similarity control again.
Articles that pass the plagiarism/similarity control get checked by the language editors according to the Language Editor Evaluation Criteria.
Articles that pass the language control are read by the editors responsible for editing and redaction, and necessary corrections are made.
Articles that pass the redaction are sent to the author for a last reading.
Lastly, when the article returns from the author, the DOI numbers are assigned and the journal is prepared for publication.

Translation and Copyright documents are checked by the editor. If there is no copyright document, the translation is sent back to the author without being put through the evaluation process.
Translations are evaluated by the editorial board member appointed by the editor according to the Translation Evaluation Criteria.
Translations are checked by the editors responsible for writing and plagiarism/similarity for the Writing and Plagiarism/Similarity Criteria.
The text is taken into the evaluation process by 2 referees according to the Translation Referee Evaluation Criteria. When there are positive and negative referee reports for the same text, the decision on the article is made by the Editorial Board, taking into account the content of the reports.
The editor examines the text and makes it ready for publication.

Last Update Time: 3/14/25, 10:56:44 PM