Research Article
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Analysis of the Film 'No Gold for Kalsaka' in terms of The Right to Economic Self-Determination

Year 2021, , 284 - 298, 30.06.2021


Colonialism activities in Africa have now turned into an economic exploitation system by multinational companies rather than the use of occupy and power as in past. Recent case in Kalsaka which has gold mine deposits in Burkina Faso, is a concrete instance of this. The people of Kalsaka suffer greatly because of unfair interventions in their natural resources. The film ‘No Gold for Kalsaka’ is a motion picture that pans over its camera to these grievances and that carries happenings in Kalsaka to the screen. When entered through the door that the film opens by considering the public opinion it creates, the legal perspective on the subject takes shape. In that sense, one of the legal norms that can be applied against unlawful treatments in Kalsaka is the right to economic self-determination. This as a human right, ensure the permanent sovereignty of the people of Kalsaka over their natural resources, may come to the fore in face of the actions they are subjected to. In this context, steps can be taken to compensate the damages of the Kalsaka people based on the authority given by this right which includes the rights to own, use and benefit from natural resources.


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  • Balcı, M. & Sönmez, G. (2001). Temel Belgelerde İnsan Hakları. İstanbul: Danışman.
  • Bauböck, R. (2004). Paradoxes of Self-Determination and the Right to Self-Government. IWE Working Paper, 42, 1-28.
  • Bazin, A. (1993). Sinema Nedir? (İbrahim Şener, Trans.). İstanbul: Sistem.
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  • Connor, W. (1994). Ethnonationalism, The Quest for Understanding. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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  • Dorsay, A. (2003). Sinema ve Çağımız. İstanbul: Remzi.
  • Elsaesser, T. & Hagener, M. (2014). Film Kuramı. Ankara: Dipnot.
  • Gardam, J.G. (1993). Non-Combatant Immunity As a Norm of International Humanitarian Law. Londra: Martinus Nijhoff.
  • Kamir, O. (2005). Why ‘Law-and-Film’ and What Does it Actually Mean? A Perspective. Continuum, 19(2), 255-278.
  • Kolker, R.P. (2018). Politics Goes to Movies Hollywood, Europe and Beyond. New York: Routledge.
  • Metz, C. (2012). Sinemada Anlam Üstüne Denemeler (Oğuz Adanır, Trans.). İstanbul: Hayalperest.
  • McLuhan, M. (2005). Yaradanımız Medya (Ünsal Oskay, Trans.). İstanbul: Merkez Kitaplar.
  • Monaco, J. (2014). Bir Film Nasıl Okunur? Sinema Dili, Tarihi ve Kuramı Sinema, Medya ve Mültimedya Dünyası (Ertan Yılmaz, Trans.). İstanbul: Oğlak.
  • Nowak, M. (2018). Menschenwürde und Menschenrechte. Wien: Picus Verlag.
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  • Potier, T. (2001). Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia and South Ossetia; A Legal Appraisal. Dordtrecht: Kluwer Law International.
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  • Yaylagül, L. (2018). Sinema Toplum Siyaset. Ankara: Dipnot.
  • Zhu, Y. & Biachford, D. (2006). Ethnic Disputes in International Politics: Manifestations and Conceptualizations. Nation- alism and Ethnic Politics, 12(1), 25-51.
  • Internet Sources African Union. (n.d.). African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Retrieved from ments/detail?id=49. Accessed on: 14/04/2021.
  • Africa Film Academy. (2020). Africa Movie Academy Awards. Retrieved from 2020-winners. Accessed on: 14/01/2021.
  • Dr. Y. (2013). Why the name: Burkina Faso?. African Heritage. Retrieved from the-name-burkina-faso/. Accessed on: 18/01/2021.
  • Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. (2011). Validation Report. Retrieved from tion%20Report%20-%20EITI%20Burkina%20Faso.pdf. Accessed on: 16/12/2020.
  • Jamasmie, C. (2012). Cluff Gold expands its mining operations in West Africa. Retrieved from https://www. Accessed on: 14/12/2020.
  • Proactive Investors. (2009). Cluff Gold fully commissions Kalsaka gold mine in Burkina Faso. Retrieved from https:// so--6733.html. Accessed on: 14/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Charter of the United Nations. Retrieved from Accessed on: 22/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States. Retrieved from view_doc.asp?symbol=a/res/3281(XXIX). Accessed on: 11/01/2021.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Retrieved from Accessed on: 27/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Declaration on the Right to Development. Retrieved from on: 30/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Retrieved from Treaties/1976/03/19760323%2006-17%20AM/Ch_IV_04.pdf. Accessed on: 29/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources. Retrieved from ga_1803/ga_1803.html. Accessed on: 11/01/2021.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Right to Exploit Freely Natural Wealth and Resource. Retrieved from record/211441. Accessed on: 11/01/2021.
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  • Van Wyngaardt, M. (2012). Cluff Gold to become Amara Mining. Mining Weekly. Retrieved from https://www.mining- Accessed on: 14/12/2020.

Analysis of the Film ‘No Gold for Kalsaka’ in terms of the Right to Economic Self-Determination

Year 2021, , 284 - 298, 30.06.2021


Afrika topraklarında geçmişteki işgalci ve güç kullanımına dayanan sömürgecilik faaliyetleri, günümüzde yerini çokuluslu sermaye şirketleri eliyle ekonomik sömürü düzenine bırakmıştır. Burkina Faso’nun altın madeni yataklarına sahip Kalsaka kasabasında yakın zamanda yaşananlar, bunun somut bir örneğidir. Kalsaka halkı, doğal kaynakları üzerinde gerçekleştirilen haksız müdahaleler nedeniyle büyük bir mağduriyet ile karşı karşıya kalmıştır. ‘No Gold for Kalsaka’ filmi, kamerasını bu hukuksuz manzaralara çevirerek Kalsaka’da yaşananları sinema perdesine taşıyor. Filmin oluşturmaya çalıştığı kamuoyu dikkate alınarak araladığı bu kapıdan girildiğinde, konuya ilişkin olarak hak savunuculuğu anlamında hukuki bakış açısı şekillenmektedir. Bu anlamda, Kalsaka’da sergilenen hukuka aykırı muamelelere karşı başvurulabilecek hukuki kurumların başında ekonomik kendi kaderini tayin hakkı geliyor. Kalsaka halkının doğal kaynakları üzerindeki sürekli egemenliklerini güvence altına alan bu hak, maruz kaldıkları eylemler karşısında gündeme gelebilir ve hukuki sorumluluklar doğurabilir. Bu çerçevede, Kalsaka halkının doğal kaynaklara dayanan zenginliklere sahip olma, kullanma ve yararlanma haklarını ihtiva eden bu hakkın verdiği yetkiye dayanarak uğradıkları zararların tazminine yönelik adımlar atılabilir.


  • Adanır, O. (2003). Sinemada Anlam ve Anlatım. İstanbul: Alfa.
  • Akçay, D. (1998). Selfdeterminasyon: Bir İlkenin Önlenemez Nötralizasyonu. Murat Sarıcı Armağanı, 27-37, İstanbul: Aybay.
  • Balcı, M. & Sönmez, G. (2001). Temel Belgelerde İnsan Hakları. İstanbul: Danışman.
  • Bauböck, R. (2004). Paradoxes of Self-Determination and the Right to Self-Government. IWE Working Paper, 42, 1-28.
  • Bazin, A. (1993). Sinema Nedir? (İbrahim Şener, Trans.). İstanbul: Sistem.
  • Bilge, A.S. (1959). Milletlerin Mukadderatlarını Kendilerinin Tayin Etmeleri Prensibi. Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 132-146.
  • Bring, O. (2003). Halkların Kendi Kaderini Tayin Etme Hakkı. Serbesti, 15, 22-34.
  • Crawford, J. (2001). The Right of Self-Determination in International Law: Its Development and Future. In. Philip Alston (Ed.), Peoples’ Rights (pp. 7-67). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Cassese, A. (1995). Self-Determination of Peoples. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Connor, W. (1994). Ethnonationalism, The Quest for Understanding. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Chemillier-Gendreau, M. (1998). Uluslararası Hukuk, Devletler Hukuku, Halklar Hukuku. In. Jean Leca (Ed.), Uluslar ve Milliyetçilikler. İstanbul: Metis.
  • Dorsay, A. (2003). Sinema ve Çağımız. İstanbul: Remzi.
  • Elsaesser, T. & Hagener, M. (2014). Film Kuramı. Ankara: Dipnot.
  • Gardam, J.G. (1993). Non-Combatant Immunity As a Norm of International Humanitarian Law. Londra: Martinus Nijhoff.
  • Kamir, O. (2005). Why ‘Law-and-Film’ and What Does it Actually Mean? A Perspective. Continuum, 19(2), 255-278.
  • Kolker, R.P. (2018). Politics Goes to Movies Hollywood, Europe and Beyond. New York: Routledge.
  • Metz, C. (2012). Sinemada Anlam Üstüne Denemeler (Oğuz Adanır, Trans.). İstanbul: Hayalperest.
  • McLuhan, M. (2005). Yaradanımız Medya (Ünsal Oskay, Trans.). İstanbul: Merkez Kitaplar.
  • Monaco, J. (2014). Bir Film Nasıl Okunur? Sinema Dili, Tarihi ve Kuramı Sinema, Medya ve Mültimedya Dünyası (Ertan Yılmaz, Trans.). İstanbul: Oğlak.
  • Nowak, M. (2018). Menschenwürde und Menschenrechte. Wien: Picus Verlag.
  • Oran, B. (1997). Azgelişmiş Ülke Milliyetçiliği: Kara Afrika Modeli. Ankara: Bilgi.
  • Özdek, Y. (2000). Uluslararası Politika ve İnsan Hakları. Ankara: Öteki.
  • Pazarcı, H. (2013). Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri (2. Kitap). Ankara: Turhan.
  • Potier, T. (2001). Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia and South Ossetia; A Legal Appraisal. Dordtrecht: Kluwer Law International.
  • Ryan, M. & Kellner, D. (2016). Politik Kamera (Elif Özsayar, Trans.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Tomuschat, C. (Ed.). (1993). Modern Law of Self-Determination. Londra: Martinus Nijhoff.
  • Tarhanlı, T. (1991). Uydular Aracılığıyla Yer Doğal Kaynaklarının Uzaktan Algılanması ve Uluslararası Hukuk. İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi.
  • Yaylagül, L. (2018). Sinema Toplum Siyaset. Ankara: Dipnot.
  • Zhu, Y. & Biachford, D. (2006). Ethnic Disputes in International Politics: Manifestations and Conceptualizations. Nation- alism and Ethnic Politics, 12(1), 25-51.
  • Internet Sources African Union. (n.d.). African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Retrieved from ments/detail?id=49. Accessed on: 14/04/2021.
  • Africa Film Academy. (2020). Africa Movie Academy Awards. Retrieved from 2020-winners. Accessed on: 14/01/2021.
  • Dr. Y. (2013). Why the name: Burkina Faso?. African Heritage. Retrieved from the-name-burkina-faso/. Accessed on: 18/01/2021.
  • Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. (2011). Validation Report. Retrieved from tion%20Report%20-%20EITI%20Burkina%20Faso.pdf. Accessed on: 16/12/2020.
  • Jamasmie, C. (2012). Cluff Gold expands its mining operations in West Africa. Retrieved from https://www. Accessed on: 14/12/2020.
  • Proactive Investors. (2009). Cluff Gold fully commissions Kalsaka gold mine in Burkina Faso. Retrieved from https:// so--6733.html. Accessed on: 14/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Charter of the United Nations. Retrieved from Accessed on: 22/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States. Retrieved from view_doc.asp?symbol=a/res/3281(XXIX). Accessed on: 11/01/2021.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Retrieved from Accessed on: 27/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Declaration on the Right to Development. Retrieved from on: 30/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Retrieved from Treaties/1976/03/19760323%2006-17%20AM/Ch_IV_04.pdf. Accessed on: 29/12/2020.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources. Retrieved from ga_1803/ga_1803.html. Accessed on: 11/01/2021.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Right to Exploit Freely Natural Wealth and Resource. Retrieved from record/211441. Accessed on: 11/01/2021.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Retrieved from ments/english/conventions/1_1_1969.pdf. Accessed on: 18/12/2020.
  • Van Wyngaardt, M. (2012). Cluff Gold to become Amara Mining. Mining Weekly. Retrieved from https://www.mining- Accessed on: 14/12/2020.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Articles

Selim Misafir 0000-0002-9268-6104

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date February 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Misafir, S. (2021). Analysis of the Film ’No Gold for Kalsaka’ in terms of The Right to Economic Self-Determination. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi(35), 284-298.