Research Article
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Year 2021, , 483 - 500, 31.12.2021


In today’s consumer society, human body has become a commodity and, therefore, a project that needs working on accordingly. As a result of this transformation, body representation in media contents have often involved ideal thin bodies that are impossible to achieve even after maximum efforts and workouts. Advertisements, which are an indispensable component of consumer society just like other media contents, also play a significant role in shaping the reality in the minds of individuals about ideal body size. Under the light of this information, the study aims to explore how female body is represented in television advertisements in Turkey. To achieve this purpose, the ads broadcast on national television channels during prime time (20.00 – 22.59) between the programs with high ratings were analyzed through quantitative content analysis method. Accordingly, the sampling of the study was 1.828 female characters who acted in 2.908 spot television advertisements recorded between January 4th and February 2nd, 2021. The results revealed that more than half of the women that play a role in these commercials have “thin” body, which does not reflect the overall demographic reality of the society. In other words, the representations of female body in television ads are often distorted. The variables such as type of product, the social role played by female character, marital status, age, and level of nudity have been found to be the determining factors in these body representations.


  • Anderson A., and DiDomenico L. (1992). Diet Versus Shape Content of Popular Male and Female Magazines: a Dose-Response Relationship to The Incidence of Eating Disorders? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 11(1): 283–287.;2-O
  • Arslan, E. (2015). A Content Analysis Of Male and Female Characters Portrayed in Turkish Television Commercials. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 235-251.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2001). Baştan Çıkarma Üzerine. (A. Sönmezay, Çev.), İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Bernard, H. R. (2000). Social Research Methods. London: Sage Publications.
  • Bromberg, J. (1998). The Body Project: An Intimate History O F American Girls. New York: Random House.
  • Dyer, G. (1996). Advertising as Communication. New York:Routledge
  • Erdoğan İ. (2012). Pozitivist Metedoloji ve Ötesi. Ankara:Erk Yayınları.
  • Evans, A. (2014). Female Body Image and The Mass Media: A Content Analysis Of Primetime Television Advertisements And How They Lead To Body Dissatisfaction In Women. Retrieved from
  • Fouts, G., and Burggraf, K. (1999). Television Situation Comedies: Female Body Images and Verbal Reinforcements. Sex Roles, 40(5/6), 473–481.
  • Fouts, G., and Burggraf, K. (2000). Television Situation Comedies: Female Weight, Male Negative Comments, and Audience Reactions. Sex Roles, 42(9), 925-932.
  • Gerbner, G. (1998). Cultivation Analysis: An Overview. Mass Communication and Society, 1(3/4): 180-187.
  • Gonzalez-Lavin, A., and Smolak, L. (1995, March). Relationships Between Television and Eating Problems in Middle School Girls. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Hendriks, A. (2002). Examining The Effects of Hegemonic Depictions of Female Bodies on Television: A Call For Theory Of Programmatic Research. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 19(1), 106-123.
  • Kassarjian H. H. (1977) Content Analysis in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Research, 4 (1), 8-18.
  • Kaufman, L. (1980). Prime-Time Nutrition. Journal of Communication, 30 (3), 37–46.
  • Kilbourne, J. (1992). The Natural Beauty of the Human Body Moving in Space. The Homogeneity of Dance & Sport. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 63(5), 37-38.
  • Kilbourne, J. (1999). Deadly Persuasion: Why Women and Girls Must Fight The Addictive Power Of Advertising. Lexington Volunteer Recording Unit.
  • Köse, H. (2011). Tüketim Toplumunda Bir “Sosyal Beden” Kurgusu Olarak Kadın. Selçuk İletişim, 6(4),76-89. adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Matthai, A. S. (2005). A Content Analysis of Body Images of Female Models in YM Magazine From 1976–2004. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses veri tabanından erişildi (UMI No. 1427164).
  • Myers, P. N., and Biocca, F. (1992). The Elastic Body Image: The Effect of Television Advertising and Programming On Body İmage Distortions İn Young Women. Journal of Communication, 42, 106-133.
  • Reichert, T., Lambiase, J., Morgan, S., Carstarphen, M., and Zavoina, S. (1999). Cheesecake and Beefcake: No Matter How You Slice It, Sexual Explicitness in Advertising Continues to Increase. Journalism and Mass Communication Quaterly, 76(1), 7-20.
  • Reil, K. (2006). Real Beauty in Advertising: Fab or Fad? A Content Analysis of Female Images in Magazine Advertising. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses veri tabanından erişildi (UMI No. 305274954).
  • Robson, C. (2002). Real World Research. Oxford: Blackwell
  • Schroeder, J. E. and Zwick, D. (2004). Mirrors of Masculinity: Representation and Identity in Advertising Images. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 7(1), 21-52.
  • Silverstein, B., Perdue, L., Peterson, B.,and Kelly, I. (1986). The Role of Mass Media in Promoting A Thin Standard of Bodily Attractiveness For Women. Sex Roles, 14, 519–532.
  • Thompson, M. A., and Gray, J. J. (1995). Development and Validation of A New Body-Image Assessment Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 64(2), 258-269.
  • Williamson, J. (2001). Reklamların Dili: Reklamlarda Anlam ve İdeoloji. (A. Fethi, Çev.). Ankara: Ütopya.
  • Wiseman, C., Gray, J., Mosimann, J., and Ahrens, A. (1992). Cultural Expectations of Thinness In Women: An Update. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 11(3): 85-89.<85::AID-EAT2260110112>3.0.CO;2-T İnternet Kaynakları
  • Medyafaresi (2021). Erişim adresi: adresinden 04.01 - 02.02.2021 tarihleri arasında erişilmiştir.
  • The Cambridge Eating Disorder Center. (2011). Did You Know? adresinden 15.01.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • The National Eating Disorders Association (2006). Get The Facts on Eating disorders. adresinden 15.01.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2020). Türkiye Sağlık Araştırması 2019. adresinden 08.01.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.

Türk Televizyon Reklamlarında Kadın Bedeninin Sunumu: Bir İçerik Analizi

Year 2021, , 483 - 500, 31.12.2021


İçinde yaşadığımız tüketim toplumunda insan bedeni metalaşarak üzerinde çalışılması gereken bir proje haline dönüşmüştür. Bu dönüşümle birlikte medya içeriklerinde hakim beden temsillerinin birçok insanın azami çabayla dahi ulaşamayacağı ideal ince bedenlerden oluştuğu gözlenmektedir. Diğer tüm medya içerikleri gibi tüketim toplumunun ayrılmaz bir parçası olan reklamlar da ideal bedene dair bireylerin zihinlerindeki gerçekliğin şekillenmesinde önemli bir role sahiptir. Bu doğrultuda bu araştırmanın ana amacı Türkiye’de televizyon reklamlarında kadın bedenin nasıl temsil edildiğini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda prime time saatlerinde (20.00- 22.59) ulusal televizyon kanallarında en yüksek izlenme oranına sahip yayınlar sırasında gösterilen reklamlar nicel içerik analizi yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda 4 Ocak – 2 Şubat 2021 tarihleri arasında kaydedilen 2.908 spot televizyon reklamında yer alan 1.828 kadın karakter araştırmanın örneklemeni oluşturmuştur. Sonuçlar televizyon reklamlarında yer alan kadınların yarısından fazlasının “ince” bir bedene sahip olduğunu ancak bu oranın genel demografik gerçeklikle örtüşmediğini ortaya koymuştur. Reklamlarda kadın bedenine ait temsillerin çarpıtılmış olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ürün türü, reklamda yer alan kadın karakterin üstlendiği rol, medeni durumu, yaşı, çıplaklık düzeyi gibi değişkenlerin beden temsilleri üzerinde belirleyici olduğu anlaşılmıştır.


  • Anderson A., and DiDomenico L. (1992). Diet Versus Shape Content of Popular Male and Female Magazines: a Dose-Response Relationship to The Incidence of Eating Disorders? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 11(1): 283–287.;2-O
  • Arslan, E. (2015). A Content Analysis Of Male and Female Characters Portrayed in Turkish Television Commercials. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 235-251.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2001). Baştan Çıkarma Üzerine. (A. Sönmezay, Çev.), İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Bernard, H. R. (2000). Social Research Methods. London: Sage Publications.
  • Bromberg, J. (1998). The Body Project: An Intimate History O F American Girls. New York: Random House.
  • Dyer, G. (1996). Advertising as Communication. New York:Routledge
  • Erdoğan İ. (2012). Pozitivist Metedoloji ve Ötesi. Ankara:Erk Yayınları.
  • Evans, A. (2014). Female Body Image and The Mass Media: A Content Analysis Of Primetime Television Advertisements And How They Lead To Body Dissatisfaction In Women. Retrieved from
  • Fouts, G., and Burggraf, K. (1999). Television Situation Comedies: Female Body Images and Verbal Reinforcements. Sex Roles, 40(5/6), 473–481.
  • Fouts, G., and Burggraf, K. (2000). Television Situation Comedies: Female Weight, Male Negative Comments, and Audience Reactions. Sex Roles, 42(9), 925-932.
  • Gerbner, G. (1998). Cultivation Analysis: An Overview. Mass Communication and Society, 1(3/4): 180-187.
  • Gonzalez-Lavin, A., and Smolak, L. (1995, March). Relationships Between Television and Eating Problems in Middle School Girls. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Hendriks, A. (2002). Examining The Effects of Hegemonic Depictions of Female Bodies on Television: A Call For Theory Of Programmatic Research. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 19(1), 106-123.
  • Kassarjian H. H. (1977) Content Analysis in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Research, 4 (1), 8-18.
  • Kaufman, L. (1980). Prime-Time Nutrition. Journal of Communication, 30 (3), 37–46.
  • Kilbourne, J. (1992). The Natural Beauty of the Human Body Moving in Space. The Homogeneity of Dance & Sport. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 63(5), 37-38.
  • Kilbourne, J. (1999). Deadly Persuasion: Why Women and Girls Must Fight The Addictive Power Of Advertising. Lexington Volunteer Recording Unit.
  • Köse, H. (2011). Tüketim Toplumunda Bir “Sosyal Beden” Kurgusu Olarak Kadın. Selçuk İletişim, 6(4),76-89. adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Matthai, A. S. (2005). A Content Analysis of Body Images of Female Models in YM Magazine From 1976–2004. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses veri tabanından erişildi (UMI No. 1427164).
  • Myers, P. N., and Biocca, F. (1992). The Elastic Body Image: The Effect of Television Advertising and Programming On Body İmage Distortions İn Young Women. Journal of Communication, 42, 106-133.
  • Reichert, T., Lambiase, J., Morgan, S., Carstarphen, M., and Zavoina, S. (1999). Cheesecake and Beefcake: No Matter How You Slice It, Sexual Explicitness in Advertising Continues to Increase. Journalism and Mass Communication Quaterly, 76(1), 7-20.
  • Reil, K. (2006). Real Beauty in Advertising: Fab or Fad? A Content Analysis of Female Images in Magazine Advertising. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses veri tabanından erişildi (UMI No. 305274954).
  • Robson, C. (2002). Real World Research. Oxford: Blackwell
  • Schroeder, J. E. and Zwick, D. (2004). Mirrors of Masculinity: Representation and Identity in Advertising Images. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 7(1), 21-52.
  • Silverstein, B., Perdue, L., Peterson, B.,and Kelly, I. (1986). The Role of Mass Media in Promoting A Thin Standard of Bodily Attractiveness For Women. Sex Roles, 14, 519–532.
  • Thompson, M. A., and Gray, J. J. (1995). Development and Validation of A New Body-Image Assessment Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 64(2), 258-269.
  • Williamson, J. (2001). Reklamların Dili: Reklamlarda Anlam ve İdeoloji. (A. Fethi, Çev.). Ankara: Ütopya.
  • Wiseman, C., Gray, J., Mosimann, J., and Ahrens, A. (1992). Cultural Expectations of Thinness In Women: An Update. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 11(3): 85-89.<85::AID-EAT2260110112>3.0.CO;2-T İnternet Kaynakları
  • Medyafaresi (2021). Erişim adresi: adresinden 04.01 - 02.02.2021 tarihleri arasında erişilmiştir.
  • The Cambridge Eating Disorder Center. (2011). Did You Know? adresinden 15.01.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • The National Eating Disorders Association (2006). Get The Facts on Eating disorders. adresinden 15.01.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2020). Türkiye Sağlık Araştırması 2019. adresinden 08.01.2021 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Articles

Fatma Yasa 0000-0002-4288-6124

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date August 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Yasa, F. (2021). Türk Televizyon Reklamlarında Kadın Bedeninin Sunumu: Bir İçerik Analizi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi(36), 483-500.