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“Keep In E-Touch”: Personality and Facebook Use

Year 2012, Issue: 18, 123 - 139, 01.12.2012


How are personality and Facebook related? This paper tries to find out the relationship between extraversion and the number of Facebook friends; extraversion and time spent on Facebook; personality and Facebook use; gender and Facebook use; and Facebook account age and the number of Facebook friends. A total of 103 participants aged 19 to 25 from SEGi University College (Malaysia) took part in the study. The Internet Motives Scale was used to measure Facebook use and the Ten-Item Personality Inventory to measure Big Five personality traits. A set of questions were asked in addition to the scales to obtain more information about specific uses of Facebook. To uncover the relationships at hand, descriptive statistics, frequency analyses, independent-samples t-tests, Pearson correlation analyses, one-way ANOVA, reliability analysis, and factor analysis were conducted. It was found that introverts have a smaller number of Facebook friends; extroverts use Facebook for relationship maintenance, passing time, virtual community, entertainment, and coolness; both extroverts and emotionally stable users spend more time on Facebook for relationship maintenance, while only extroverts spend more time for virtual community and companionship; and males use Facebook more for virtual community, entertainment, coolness, and companionship compared to females. The findings are discussed with regard to social enhancement and social compensation hypotheses as well as uses and gratifications theory


  • Anderson, Beth, Fagan, Patrick, Woodnutt, Tom and Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas (2012). “Facebook Psychology: Popular Questions Answered by Research.” Psychology of Popular Media Culture Vol.1, No.1: 23-37.
  • Anschutz, Doeschka J., Engels, Rutger C. M. E., Becker, Eni S.and Strien,Tatjana (2008a). “The Bold and The Beautiful. Influence Of Body Size Of Televised Media Models On Body Dissatisfaction and Actual Food Intake.” Appetite Vol.51, No.3: 530-537.
  • Anschutz, Doeschka J., Engels, Rutger C. M. E., Becker, Eni S.and Strien, Tatjana (2009). “The Effects of TV Commercials Using Less Thin Models On Young Women’s Mood, Body Image And Actual Food Intake.” Body Image Vol.6, No.4: 270-276.
  • Anschutz, Doeschka J., Strien, Tatjana and Engels, Rutger C. M. E. (2008b). “Exposure to Slim Images In Mass Media: Television Commercials As Reminders of Restriction in Restrained Eaters.” Health Psychology Vol.27, No.4: 401-408.
  • Bagdasarov, Zhanna, Greene, Kathryn, Banerjee, Smita C., Krcmar, Marina, Yanovitzky, Itzhak and Ruginyte, Dovile (2010). “I Am What I Watch: Voyeurism, Sensation Seeking, and Television Viewing Patterns.” Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media Vol.54, No.2: 299-315.
  • Barrick, Murray R. and Mount, Michael K. (1991). “The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis.” Personnel Psychology Vol.44, No.1: 1-26.
  • Bonds-Raacke, Jennifer and Raacke, John (2010). “MySpace and Facebook: Identifying Dimensions of Uses and Gratifications For Friend Networking Sites.” Individual Differences Research Vol.8, No.1: 27-33.
  • Bryant, Erin M. and Marmo, Jennifer (2009).“Relational Maintenance Strategies on Facebook.” http://www. Accessed : 30.03.2012.
  • Bushman, Brad J. (2006). “Effects of Warning and Information Labels on Attraction To Television Violence In Viewers Of Different Ages.” Journal of Applied Social Psychology Vol.36. No.9: 2073-2078.
  • Cloninger, Susan (2004). Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons (4th ed.). NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Correa, Teresa, Hinsley, Amber Willard and Zúñiga, Homero Gil (2010).“Who Interacts On The Web?: The Intersection of Users’ Personality and Social Media Use.” Computers in Human Behavior Vol.26, No.2: 247-253.
  • Costa, Paul T. and McCrae, Robert R. (1992).“Normal Personality Assessment In Clinical Practice: The NEO Personality Inventory.” Psychological Assessment Vol.4, No.1: 5-13.
  • Courage, Mary L. and Setliff, Alissa E. (2009). “Debating The Impact Of Television and Video Material On Very Young Children: Attention, Learning, and The Developing Brain.” Child Development Perspectives Vol.3, No.1: 72-78.
  • Ellison, Nicole B., Steinfield, Charles and Lampe, Cliff (2007). “The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use Of Online Social Network Sites.” Journal of Computer Mediated Communication Vol.12, No.4: 1143-1168.
  • “Fact sheet.” (2012). Accessed: 22.03.2012.
  • Fogel, Joshua and Nehmad, Elham (2009).“Internet Social Network Communities: Risk Taking, Trust, and Privacy Concerns.” Computers in Human Behavior Vol.25, No.1: 153-160.
  • Gezgin, Ulas Basar (2012). Psychology of Social Media. Germany: Lambert .
  • Gosling, Samuel D., Augustine, Adam A., Vazire, Simine, Holtzman, Nicholas and Gaddis, Sam (2011).“Manifestations of Personality In Online Social Networks: Self-Reported Facebook-Related Behaviors and Observable Profile Information.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Vol.14, No.9: 483-488.
  • Gosling, Samuel D., Rentfrow, Peter J. and Swann Jr., William B. (2003). “A Very Brief Measure of The Big-Five Personality Domains.”Journal of Research in Personality Vol.37, No.6: 504-528.
  • Joinson, Adam N. (2008). “‘Looking At’, ‘Looking Up’ Or ‘Keeping Up With’ People? Motives and Uses of Facebook.” Accessed: 30.03.2003.
  • Jonason, Peter K., Teicher, Emily A. and Schmitt, David P. (2011).“The TIPI’s Validity Confirmed: Associations with Sociosexuality and Self-Esteem.” Individual Differences Research.Vol.9, No.1: 52-60.
  • Kalpidou, Maria, Costin, Dan and Morris, Jessica (2011). “The Relationship Between Facebook and The Well Being Of Undergraduate College Students.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking Vol.14, No.4: 183-189.
  • Kim, Junghyun and Lee, Jong-Eun Roselyn (2011). “The Facebook Paths to Happiness: Effects Of The Number of Facebook Friends and Self-Presentation On Subjective Well-Being.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Vol.14, No.6: 359-364.
  • Kraut, Robert, Kiesler, Sara, Boneva, Bonka, Cummings, Jonathon, Helgeson, Vicki and Crawford, Anne (2002). “Internet Paradox Revisited.” Journal of Social Issues Vol.58, No.1: 49-74.
  • Lampe, Cliff, Ellison, Nicole B. and Steinfield, Charles (2008).“Changes in Use and Perception of Facebook.”” Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Manago, Adriana M., Taylor, Tamara, and Greenfield, Patricia M. (2012). “Me and My 400 friends: The Anatomy of College Students’ Facebook Networks, Their Communication Patterns, and Well Being.”Developmental Psychology Vol.48, No.2: 369-380.
  • Mehdizadeh, Soraya (2010). “Self-presentation 2.0: Narcissism and Self-esteem on Facebook.”Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Vol.13, No.4: 357-364.
  • Nosko, Amanda, Wood, Eileen and Molema, Seija (2010).“All About Me: Disclosure In Online Social Networking Profiles: The Case of Facebook.” Computers in Human Behavior Vol.26, No.3: 406-418. Ong, Eileen Y. L., Ang, Rebecca P., Ho, Jim C. M., Lim, Joylynn C. Y., Goh, Dion H., Lee, Chei Sian and Chua
  • Alton Y. K. (2011). “Narcissism, Extraversion, and Adolescents’ Self-presentation on Facebook.” Personality and Individual Differences 50(2), 180-185.
  • Orr, Emily S., Sisic, Mia, Ross, Craig, Simmering, Mary G., Arseneault, Jaime M. and Orr, R. Robert (2009). “The Influence of Shyness On The Use Of Facebook In An Undergraduate Sample.” CyberPsychology and Behavior Vol.12, No.3: 337-340.
  • Park, Namsu,Kee, Kerk F. and Valenzuela, Sebastian (2009). “Being Immersed In Social Networking Environment: Facebook Groups, Uses and Gratifications, and Social Outcomes.” CyberPsychology and Behavior.Vol.12, No.6: 729-733.
  • Phillips, Sarah (2007). “A Brief History of Facebook.” newmedia. Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Poropat, Arthur E. (2009). “A Meta-Analysis of The Five-Factor Model of Personality and Academic Performance.” Psychological Bulletin Vol.135, No.2: 322-338.
  • Raacke, John and Bonds-Raacke, Jennifer (2008). “MySpace and Facebook: Applying The Uses and Gratifications Theory to Exploring Friend-Networking Sites.” CyberPsychology and Behavior Vol.11, No.2: 169- 174.
  • Robinson, Thomas N., Saphir, Melissa Nichols, Kraemer, Helena C., Varady, Ann and Haydel, M.S. K. Farish (2001). “Effects of Reducing Television Viewing On Children’s Requests For Toys: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Vol.22, No.3: 179-184.
  • Ross, Craig, Orr, Emily S., Sisic, Mia, Arseneault, Jaime M., Simmering, Mary G.and Orr, R. Robert (2009). “Personality and Motivations Associated with Facebook Use.” Computers in Human Behavior Vol.25, No.2: 578-586.
  • Ruggiero, Thomas E. (2000). “Uses and Gratifications Theory in the 21st Century.” Mass Communication and Society Vol.3, No.1: 3-37.
  • “SEGi University College Kota Damansara.” (2012). Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Sheldon, Pavica (2008a). “Student favorite: Facebook and Motives for its Use.” http://research-methods-se2 ts+use.pdf . Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Sheldon, Pavica (2008b). “The Relationship between Unwillingness-To-Communicate and Students’ Facebook Use.” Journal of Media Psychology Vol.20, No.2: 67-75.
  • “Malaysa Facebook Statistics.” (2012). Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Ulu, Inci Pinar and Tezer, Esin (2010).“Adaptive and Maladaptive Perfectionism, Adult Attachment, and Big Five Personality Traits. ”The Journal of Psychology Vol.144, No.4: 327-340.
  • Urista, Mark A., Dong, Qingwen and Day, Kenneth D. (2009). “Explaining Why Young Adults Use Myspace and Facebook Through Uses and Gratifications Theory.” Human Communication Vol.12, No.2: 215-229.
  • Valenzuela, Sebastian, Park, Namsu and Kee, Kerk F. (2009). “Is There Social Capital In A Social Network Site?: Facebook Use and College Students’ Life Satisfaction, Trust, and Participation.” Journal of ComputerMediated Communication Vol.14, No.4: 875-901.
  • Valkenburg, Patti M., Schouten, Alexander P. and Peter, Jochen (2005). “Adolescents’ Identity Experiments on The Internet.” New Media and Society Vol.7. No.3: 383-402.
  • Williams, Geraint, Dean, Philv and Williams, Elisabeth (2009). “Do Nurses Really Care? Confirming The Stereotype With A Case Control Study.” British Journal of Nursing Vol.18. No.3: 162-165.
  • Wilson, Kathryn, Fornasier, Stephanie and White, Katherine M. (2010). “Psychological Predictors of Young Adults’ Use Oo Social Networking Sites.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Vol.13. No.2: 173-177.
  • Zheng, Lijun and Zheng, Yong (2011). “The Relationship of Masculinity and Femininity To The Big Five Personality Dimensions Among A Chinese Sample.” Social Behavior and Personality Vol.39. No.4: 445-450.
  • Zywica, Jolene and Danowski, James (2008).“The Faces of Facebookers: Investigating Social Enhancement and Social Compensation Hypotheses; Predicting Facebook and Offline Popularity From Sociability and SelfEsteem, and Mapping The Meanings Of Popularity With Semantic Networks.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Vol.14. No.1: 1-34.

“E-Bağlantıda Ol”: Kişilikve Facebook Kullanımı

Year 2012, Issue: 18, 123 - 139, 01.12.2012


Kişilik ile Facebook ilişkisi nasıldır? Bu çalışma, dışa dönüklük ve Facebook arkadaşı sayısı; dışadönüklük ve Facebook’ta harcanan zaman; kişilik ve Facebook kullanımı; cinsiyet ve Facebook kullanımı; ve Facebook hesap yaşı ve Facebook arkadaşı sayısı arasındaki ilişkileri bulmaya çalışmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, SEGi University College’dan (Malezya) yaşları 19 ile 25 yaş arasında değişmekte olan toplam 103 katılımcı yeralmaktadır. Facebook kullanımını ölçmek için İnternet Motifleri Ölçeği; büyük beş kişilik özelliklerini ölçmek için ise 10 maddeli kişilik envanteri kullanıldı. Ölçeklere ek olarak, Facebook’un özel kullanımları hakkında daha fazla bilgi alabilmek için test soruları soruldu. Söz konusu ilişkileri ortaya çıkarmak için betimsel istatistik, sıklık çözümlemesi, bağımsız örneklemli t testleri, Pearson korelasyon çözümlemesi, tek yönlü ANOVA, güvenirlik çözümlemesi ve etmen çözümlemesi gerçekleştirildi.Bu bağlamda, içe dönük kişiliklerin daha az sayıda Facebook arkadaşına sahip olduğu; dışa dönüklerin ise Facebook’u, ilişkilerini sürdürme, zaman geçirme, sanal topluluk, eğlenme ve havalılık amacıyla kullandığı; dışa dönüklerin ve duygusal olarak istikrarlı kullanıcıların Facebook’ta ilişkilerini sürdürme amacıyla daha fazla zaman geçirdiği; yalnızca içe dönüklerin daha çok sanal topluluk ve eşlik etme amacıyla zaman harcadığı; ve erkeklerin Facebook’u daha çok sanal topluluk, eğlence, havalılık ve eşlik etme amacıyla kullandığı ortaya konulmuştur. Bulgular, toplumsal güçlendirme ve toplumsal telafi denenceleri ve kullanımlar ve doyumlar kuramı ile ilişkili bir biçimde tartışılmaktadır


  • Anderson, Beth, Fagan, Patrick, Woodnutt, Tom and Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas (2012). “Facebook Psychology: Popular Questions Answered by Research.” Psychology of Popular Media Culture Vol.1, No.1: 23-37.
  • Anschutz, Doeschka J., Engels, Rutger C. M. E., Becker, Eni S.and Strien,Tatjana (2008a). “The Bold and The Beautiful. Influence Of Body Size Of Televised Media Models On Body Dissatisfaction and Actual Food Intake.” Appetite Vol.51, No.3: 530-537.
  • Anschutz, Doeschka J., Engels, Rutger C. M. E., Becker, Eni S.and Strien, Tatjana (2009). “The Effects of TV Commercials Using Less Thin Models On Young Women’s Mood, Body Image And Actual Food Intake.” Body Image Vol.6, No.4: 270-276.
  • Anschutz, Doeschka J., Strien, Tatjana and Engels, Rutger C. M. E. (2008b). “Exposure to Slim Images In Mass Media: Television Commercials As Reminders of Restriction in Restrained Eaters.” Health Psychology Vol.27, No.4: 401-408.
  • Bagdasarov, Zhanna, Greene, Kathryn, Banerjee, Smita C., Krcmar, Marina, Yanovitzky, Itzhak and Ruginyte, Dovile (2010). “I Am What I Watch: Voyeurism, Sensation Seeking, and Television Viewing Patterns.” Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media Vol.54, No.2: 299-315.
  • Barrick, Murray R. and Mount, Michael K. (1991). “The Big Five Personality Dimensions and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis.” Personnel Psychology Vol.44, No.1: 1-26.
  • Bonds-Raacke, Jennifer and Raacke, John (2010). “MySpace and Facebook: Identifying Dimensions of Uses and Gratifications For Friend Networking Sites.” Individual Differences Research Vol.8, No.1: 27-33.
  • Bryant, Erin M. and Marmo, Jennifer (2009).“Relational Maintenance Strategies on Facebook.” http://www. Accessed : 30.03.2012.
  • Bushman, Brad J. (2006). “Effects of Warning and Information Labels on Attraction To Television Violence In Viewers Of Different Ages.” Journal of Applied Social Psychology Vol.36. No.9: 2073-2078.
  • Cloninger, Susan (2004). Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons (4th ed.). NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Correa, Teresa, Hinsley, Amber Willard and Zúñiga, Homero Gil (2010).“Who Interacts On The Web?: The Intersection of Users’ Personality and Social Media Use.” Computers in Human Behavior Vol.26, No.2: 247-253.
  • Costa, Paul T. and McCrae, Robert R. (1992).“Normal Personality Assessment In Clinical Practice: The NEO Personality Inventory.” Psychological Assessment Vol.4, No.1: 5-13.
  • Courage, Mary L. and Setliff, Alissa E. (2009). “Debating The Impact Of Television and Video Material On Very Young Children: Attention, Learning, and The Developing Brain.” Child Development Perspectives Vol.3, No.1: 72-78.
  • Ellison, Nicole B., Steinfield, Charles and Lampe, Cliff (2007). “The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use Of Online Social Network Sites.” Journal of Computer Mediated Communication Vol.12, No.4: 1143-1168.
  • “Fact sheet.” (2012). Accessed: 22.03.2012.
  • Fogel, Joshua and Nehmad, Elham (2009).“Internet Social Network Communities: Risk Taking, Trust, and Privacy Concerns.” Computers in Human Behavior Vol.25, No.1: 153-160.
  • Gezgin, Ulas Basar (2012). Psychology of Social Media. Germany: Lambert .
  • Gosling, Samuel D., Augustine, Adam A., Vazire, Simine, Holtzman, Nicholas and Gaddis, Sam (2011).“Manifestations of Personality In Online Social Networks: Self-Reported Facebook-Related Behaviors and Observable Profile Information.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Vol.14, No.9: 483-488.
  • Gosling, Samuel D., Rentfrow, Peter J. and Swann Jr., William B. (2003). “A Very Brief Measure of The Big-Five Personality Domains.”Journal of Research in Personality Vol.37, No.6: 504-528.
  • Joinson, Adam N. (2008). “‘Looking At’, ‘Looking Up’ Or ‘Keeping Up With’ People? Motives and Uses of Facebook.” Accessed: 30.03.2003.
  • Jonason, Peter K., Teicher, Emily A. and Schmitt, David P. (2011).“The TIPI’s Validity Confirmed: Associations with Sociosexuality and Self-Esteem.” Individual Differences Research.Vol.9, No.1: 52-60.
  • Kalpidou, Maria, Costin, Dan and Morris, Jessica (2011). “The Relationship Between Facebook and The Well Being Of Undergraduate College Students.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking Vol.14, No.4: 183-189.
  • Kim, Junghyun and Lee, Jong-Eun Roselyn (2011). “The Facebook Paths to Happiness: Effects Of The Number of Facebook Friends and Self-Presentation On Subjective Well-Being.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Vol.14, No.6: 359-364.
  • Kraut, Robert, Kiesler, Sara, Boneva, Bonka, Cummings, Jonathon, Helgeson, Vicki and Crawford, Anne (2002). “Internet Paradox Revisited.” Journal of Social Issues Vol.58, No.1: 49-74.
  • Lampe, Cliff, Ellison, Nicole B. and Steinfield, Charles (2008).“Changes in Use and Perception of Facebook.”” Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Manago, Adriana M., Taylor, Tamara, and Greenfield, Patricia M. (2012). “Me and My 400 friends: The Anatomy of College Students’ Facebook Networks, Their Communication Patterns, and Well Being.”Developmental Psychology Vol.48, No.2: 369-380.
  • Mehdizadeh, Soraya (2010). “Self-presentation 2.0: Narcissism and Self-esteem on Facebook.”Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Vol.13, No.4: 357-364.
  • Nosko, Amanda, Wood, Eileen and Molema, Seija (2010).“All About Me: Disclosure In Online Social Networking Profiles: The Case of Facebook.” Computers in Human Behavior Vol.26, No.3: 406-418. Ong, Eileen Y. L., Ang, Rebecca P., Ho, Jim C. M., Lim, Joylynn C. Y., Goh, Dion H., Lee, Chei Sian and Chua
  • Alton Y. K. (2011). “Narcissism, Extraversion, and Adolescents’ Self-presentation on Facebook.” Personality and Individual Differences 50(2), 180-185.
  • Orr, Emily S., Sisic, Mia, Ross, Craig, Simmering, Mary G., Arseneault, Jaime M. and Orr, R. Robert (2009). “The Influence of Shyness On The Use Of Facebook In An Undergraduate Sample.” CyberPsychology and Behavior Vol.12, No.3: 337-340.
  • Park, Namsu,Kee, Kerk F. and Valenzuela, Sebastian (2009). “Being Immersed In Social Networking Environment: Facebook Groups, Uses and Gratifications, and Social Outcomes.” CyberPsychology and Behavior.Vol.12, No.6: 729-733.
  • Phillips, Sarah (2007). “A Brief History of Facebook.” newmedia. Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Poropat, Arthur E. (2009). “A Meta-Analysis of The Five-Factor Model of Personality and Academic Performance.” Psychological Bulletin Vol.135, No.2: 322-338.
  • Raacke, John and Bonds-Raacke, Jennifer (2008). “MySpace and Facebook: Applying The Uses and Gratifications Theory to Exploring Friend-Networking Sites.” CyberPsychology and Behavior Vol.11, No.2: 169- 174.
  • Robinson, Thomas N., Saphir, Melissa Nichols, Kraemer, Helena C., Varady, Ann and Haydel, M.S. K. Farish (2001). “Effects of Reducing Television Viewing On Children’s Requests For Toys: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Vol.22, No.3: 179-184.
  • Ross, Craig, Orr, Emily S., Sisic, Mia, Arseneault, Jaime M., Simmering, Mary G.and Orr, R. Robert (2009). “Personality and Motivations Associated with Facebook Use.” Computers in Human Behavior Vol.25, No.2: 578-586.
  • Ruggiero, Thomas E. (2000). “Uses and Gratifications Theory in the 21st Century.” Mass Communication and Society Vol.3, No.1: 3-37.
  • “SEGi University College Kota Damansara.” (2012). Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Sheldon, Pavica (2008a). “Student favorite: Facebook and Motives for its Use.” http://research-methods-se2 ts+use.pdf . Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Sheldon, Pavica (2008b). “The Relationship between Unwillingness-To-Communicate and Students’ Facebook Use.” Journal of Media Psychology Vol.20, No.2: 67-75.
  • “Malaysa Facebook Statistics.” (2012). Accessed: 30.03.2012.
  • Ulu, Inci Pinar and Tezer, Esin (2010).“Adaptive and Maladaptive Perfectionism, Adult Attachment, and Big Five Personality Traits. ”The Journal of Psychology Vol.144, No.4: 327-340.
  • Urista, Mark A., Dong, Qingwen and Day, Kenneth D. (2009). “Explaining Why Young Adults Use Myspace and Facebook Through Uses and Gratifications Theory.” Human Communication Vol.12, No.2: 215-229.
  • Valenzuela, Sebastian, Park, Namsu and Kee, Kerk F. (2009). “Is There Social Capital In A Social Network Site?: Facebook Use and College Students’ Life Satisfaction, Trust, and Participation.” Journal of ComputerMediated Communication Vol.14, No.4: 875-901.
  • Valkenburg, Patti M., Schouten, Alexander P. and Peter, Jochen (2005). “Adolescents’ Identity Experiments on The Internet.” New Media and Society Vol.7. No.3: 383-402.
  • Williams, Geraint, Dean, Philv and Williams, Elisabeth (2009). “Do Nurses Really Care? Confirming The Stereotype With A Case Control Study.” British Journal of Nursing Vol.18. No.3: 162-165.
  • Wilson, Kathryn, Fornasier, Stephanie and White, Katherine M. (2010). “Psychological Predictors of Young Adults’ Use Oo Social Networking Sites.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Vol.13. No.2: 173-177.
  • Zheng, Lijun and Zheng, Yong (2011). “The Relationship of Masculinity and Femininity To The Big Five Personality Dimensions Among A Chinese Sample.” Social Behavior and Personality Vol.39. No.4: 445-450.
  • Zywica, Jolene and Danowski, James (2008).“The Faces of Facebookers: Investigating Social Enhancement and Social Compensation Hypotheses; Predicting Facebook and Offline Popularity From Sociability and SelfEsteem, and Mapping The Meanings Of Popularity With Semantic Networks.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Vol.14. No.1: 1-34.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ulaş Başar Gezgin This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Issue: 18


APA Gezgin, U. B. (2012). “E-Bağlantıda Ol”: Kişilikve Facebook Kullanımı. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi(18), 123-139.


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