Çokuluslu Toplumlarda Halkla İlişkiler Uygulamalarındaki Kültürel Etkiler: Singapurdaki Çokuluslu Örgütler Üzerine Bir Çalışma1
Year 2012,
Issue: 16, 151 - 166, 30.06.2012
Nanditha Ranan
Kavita Karan
Singapur’un çoklu etnisite ve çoklu kültüre sahip bir çevresi vardır. Stratejik pozisyonu ve iş dünyası politikaları, Singapur’un lider bir bölgesel iş merkezi olarak büyümesine yardım etmiştir ve birkaç çokuluslu örgütün genel merkezi Asya bölgesine hitap etmek üzere Singapur’dadır. Bu büyüme ile başa çıkmak için çevreci Rene’ Duboz tarafından başlatılan şu slogan söylenebilir: Bu çokuluslu örgütler “Küresel düşünüyor fakat yerel hareket ediyorlar”. Küresel iletişim stratejileri kullanıyorlar fakat aynı zamanda stratejilerini yerel düzeyde uygularken, yerel sistemleri anlıyor ve stratejilerini onlara adapte ediyorlar. Bu çalışma, yerel toplumsal kültürün örgütsel kültürü ne ölçüde biçimlendirdiği ve bu kapsamda örgütlerin dış kamularıyla kazan-kazan ilişkisiyle nasıl iletişim kurduklarını sınamaktadır. Örgütsel iletişim stratejilerini hangi modelin en iyi tanımladığını bulmak için Grunig’in dört iletişim modeli; Asya kültürlerinde halkla ilişkiler uygulamalarını etkileyen kültürel değerleri bulmak için de Hofstede’nin kültür boyutları çalışılmıştır
- Anderson, T. (1989). “Terrorism and censorship: The Media in Chains”, Journal of International Affairs. 47(1), 127-136.
- Arun, M. (1993, 12 Ağustos). [Röportaj] Institute of Policy Studies. Singapore.
- Banerjee, I. (2003). Cultural Rights in a Global World. Eastern Universities Press.
- Banks, S. P. (1995). Multicultural Public Relations: A Social Interpretive Approach. Thousand Oaks, C: Sage.
- Chow, H. W; Tan, S. J. & Chew, K. L. (1996).” Organizational Response to Public Relations: An Empirical Study of Firms in Singapore”, Public Relations Review. 22(3), 259-277.
- Conrad, C. (1985). Strategic Organizational Communication: Cultures, Situations, and Adaptation. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
- Constance Chay-Nemeth (2003). The Global Public Relations Handbook-Organizations, Research and Practice. Lawrence Erbaum.
- Grunig, J. E. ve Hunt, T. (1984). Managing Public Relations. Holt, Rinehart ve Winston, New York.
- Grunig, J. E. & Grunig, L. A. (1992). “Models of Public Relations and Communication”, içinde, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. (Ed.) J. E. Grunig, 285-325, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Grunig, L. A., Grunig, J. E., & Ehling, W. P. (1992). “What is an Effective Organization”, içinde, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. (Ed.) J. E. Grunig, 65-89, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s Consequences. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
- Hofstede, G. (1994). Uncommon Sense About Organizations: Cases, Studies and Field Observations. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
- Hofstede, G. & Bond, M. H. (1997). “The Confucius Connection: From Cultural Roots to Economic Growth”, Organizational Dynamics. 16(4), 4-21.
- Huang, Y. H. (2000). “The Personal Influence of Model and Gao Guanxi in Taiwan Chinese Public Relations”, Public Relations Review. 26, 219-236.
- Nair, B. (1986). A Primer on Public Relations Practice in Singapore. Singapore: Institute of Public Relations and Print N. Publish Pte. Ltd.
- Schwartz, H. M. & Davis, S. M. (1981). “Matching Corporate Culture and Business Strategy”, Organizational Dynamics. 10, 30-48.
- Singapur İstatistik Departmanı, www.singstat.sg’den 20 Kasım 2001 tarihinde indirilmiştir. Smirich, L. (1983). “Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis”, Administrative Science Quarterly. Eylük, Vol. 28, 339-358.
- Sriramesh, K. & Vercic, D. (2003). The Global Public Relations Handbook Theory, Research, and Practice. NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Sriramesh, K. (2002). “The Dire Need for Multiculturalism in Public Relations Education: An Asian Perspective”, Journal of Communication Management. 7(1), 54-70.
- Sriramesh, K. (1999). “The Models of Public Relations in India.” Top Faculty paper presented to the PR Division, AEJMC, Ağustos 4-7, New Orleans, LA.
- Sriramesh, K. (1996). “Power Distance and Public Relation: An Ethnographic Study of South Indian Organization”, içinde, International Public Relations: A Comparative Analysis. (Ed.) H. Culbertson & N. Chen. 171-190, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Sriramesh, K. (1992). “The Impact of Societal Culture on Public Relations: An Ethnographic Study of South Indian Organizations”. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
- Sriramesh, K. & White, J. (1992). “Societal Culture and Public Relations”, içinde, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. (Ed.) J. E. Grunig. 597-614. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Sriramesh, K.; Grunig, J. E. & Buffington, J. (1992). “Corporate Culture and Public Relations”, içinde, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. (Ed.) J. E. Grunig. 577-598. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Tan, Jasmine (1993). “Knockin’ on Asia’s Doors”, The Peak. 9(9), 53-56.
- Tan, R. (2001). The State of Public Relations in Singapore. Singapur: Singapur, Polytechnic.
- Vercic, D.; Grunig, L. A. ve Grunig, J. E. (1996). “Global and Specific Principles: Evidence from Solvenia”, içinde, International Public Relations: A Comperative Analysis. (Ed.) H. Culberston & N. Chen. 31-67. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Yeap, S. B. (1994). “The State of Public Relations in Singapore”, Public Relations Review. 20, 373-394.
- Cyborlink Web sitesi- http://spectrum.troyst.edu/vorism/hofstede.htm- 27 Ekim 2004’te indirildi.
Year 2012,
Issue: 16, 151 - 166, 30.06.2012
Nanditha Ranan
Kavita Karan
- Anderson, T. (1989). “Terrorism and censorship: The Media in Chains”, Journal of International Affairs. 47(1), 127-136.
- Arun, M. (1993, 12 Ağustos). [Röportaj] Institute of Policy Studies. Singapore.
- Banerjee, I. (2003). Cultural Rights in a Global World. Eastern Universities Press.
- Banks, S. P. (1995). Multicultural Public Relations: A Social Interpretive Approach. Thousand Oaks, C: Sage.
- Chow, H. W; Tan, S. J. & Chew, K. L. (1996).” Organizational Response to Public Relations: An Empirical Study of Firms in Singapore”, Public Relations Review. 22(3), 259-277.
- Conrad, C. (1985). Strategic Organizational Communication: Cultures, Situations, and Adaptation. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
- Constance Chay-Nemeth (2003). The Global Public Relations Handbook-Organizations, Research and Practice. Lawrence Erbaum.
- Grunig, J. E. ve Hunt, T. (1984). Managing Public Relations. Holt, Rinehart ve Winston, New York.
- Grunig, J. E. & Grunig, L. A. (1992). “Models of Public Relations and Communication”, içinde, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. (Ed.) J. E. Grunig, 285-325, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Grunig, L. A., Grunig, J. E., & Ehling, W. P. (1992). “What is an Effective Organization”, içinde, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. (Ed.) J. E. Grunig, 65-89, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s Consequences. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
- Hofstede, G. (1994). Uncommon Sense About Organizations: Cases, Studies and Field Observations. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.
- Hofstede, G. & Bond, M. H. (1997). “The Confucius Connection: From Cultural Roots to Economic Growth”, Organizational Dynamics. 16(4), 4-21.
- Huang, Y. H. (2000). “The Personal Influence of Model and Gao Guanxi in Taiwan Chinese Public Relations”, Public Relations Review. 26, 219-236.
- Nair, B. (1986). A Primer on Public Relations Practice in Singapore. Singapore: Institute of Public Relations and Print N. Publish Pte. Ltd.
- Schwartz, H. M. & Davis, S. M. (1981). “Matching Corporate Culture and Business Strategy”, Organizational Dynamics. 10, 30-48.
- Singapur İstatistik Departmanı, www.singstat.sg’den 20 Kasım 2001 tarihinde indirilmiştir. Smirich, L. (1983). “Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis”, Administrative Science Quarterly. Eylük, Vol. 28, 339-358.
- Sriramesh, K. & Vercic, D. (2003). The Global Public Relations Handbook Theory, Research, and Practice. NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Sriramesh, K. (2002). “The Dire Need for Multiculturalism in Public Relations Education: An Asian Perspective”, Journal of Communication Management. 7(1), 54-70.
- Sriramesh, K. (1999). “The Models of Public Relations in India.” Top Faculty paper presented to the PR Division, AEJMC, Ağustos 4-7, New Orleans, LA.
- Sriramesh, K. (1996). “Power Distance and Public Relation: An Ethnographic Study of South Indian Organization”, içinde, International Public Relations: A Comparative Analysis. (Ed.) H. Culbertson & N. Chen. 171-190, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Sriramesh, K. (1992). “The Impact of Societal Culture on Public Relations: An Ethnographic Study of South Indian Organizations”. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
- Sriramesh, K. & White, J. (1992). “Societal Culture and Public Relations”, içinde, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. (Ed.) J. E. Grunig. 597-614. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Sriramesh, K.; Grunig, J. E. & Buffington, J. (1992). “Corporate Culture and Public Relations”, içinde, Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. (Ed.) J. E. Grunig. 577-598. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Tan, Jasmine (1993). “Knockin’ on Asia’s Doors”, The Peak. 9(9), 53-56.
- Tan, R. (2001). The State of Public Relations in Singapore. Singapur: Singapur, Polytechnic.
- Vercic, D.; Grunig, L. A. ve Grunig, J. E. (1996). “Global and Specific Principles: Evidence from Solvenia”, içinde, International Public Relations: A Comperative Analysis. (Ed.) H. Culberston & N. Chen. 31-67. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates.
- Yeap, S. B. (1994). “The State of Public Relations in Singapore”, Public Relations Review. 20, 373-394.
- Cyborlink Web sitesi- http://spectrum.troyst.edu/vorism/hofstede.htm- 27 Ekim 2004’te indirildi.