Research Article
BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2023, , 21 - 42, 25.01.2023



  • Akşit, Cahit, Dinler Tarihi, Kamer Yayınları, İstanbul 2017.
  • Alexey I. Alexeev, “A few notes about the strigolniki heresy”, Cahiers du monde russe 46/46/1-2, (01 Ocak 2005), 285-296.
  • Alain Dierken ve Anna Morelli, Sectes et hérésies de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles 2002.
  • “An Historical Account of the Raskolniks” The Athenæum: A Journal of Literature, Sci-ence, the Fine Arts, Music, and the Drama, British Periodicals Limited, November 26, s. 825-828, London, 1836.
  • Doğan, Servet, Aryüsçü Hristiyanlık Gotlar Dönemi ve Sonrası, Eski Yeni, Ankara 2021.
  • Dualı, Şir Muhammed, “Rus Ortodoksluğunu Protesto Etmenin İmkânı: Malakanlar/Manevi Hristiyanlar”, Milel ve Nihal: İnanç, Kültür ve Mitoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, (25 Haziran 2018), 78-98.
  • Duygu, Zafer, Hristiyanlık ve İmparatorluk, Geç Antikçağda Kilise-Devlet İlişkileri ve Kristoloji Paradigmaları, Divan Kitap, İstanbul 2017.
  • Epihanius, The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, trans. Frank Williams, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, Ed. Einar Thomassen & Johannes van Oort, Cilt 63. Leiden 2012.
  • Fine, John V. A. "Fedor Kuritsyn’s 'Laodikijskoe Poslanie' and the Heresy of the, Source: Speculum", The University of Chicago Press, 41/3, 1966, s. 500-504. İnan, Rukiye Aysun 18. ve 19. Yüzyılda Duhaborlar, Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Doktora Tezi, Ankara 2020.
  • Inikova, Svetlana A. Koozma J. Tarasoff, History of the Doukhobors in the Archives of Vladimir D. Bonch-Bruevich, 1886-1950s: an annotated bibliography, New York: Legas, 1999.
  • Nicholas, B. Heretics and colonizers: forging Russia’s empire in the south Caucasus. Cor-nell University Press, Ithaca 2005.
  • Lane, Christel O. “Socio-Political Accomodation and Religious Decline: The case of the Molokan Sect in Soviet Society” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 17/2, 1975, s. 221-237.
  • Lavrin, Janko, “The Bogomils and Bogomilism”, The Slavonic and East European Review 8/23 (1929), s. 269-283.
  • Köstenberger, Andreas J.-Michael J. Kruger, The heresy of orthodoxy: how contemporary culture’s fascination with diversity has reshaped our understanding of early Christianity, Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2010.
  • Palmieri, Aurelio, “The Russian Doukhobors and Their Religious Teachings”, The Harvard Theological Review 8/1 (1915), s. 62-81.
  • Tabachnikova, Olga (ed.), Facets of Russian irrationalism between art and life: mystery inside enigma, Rodopi, Leiden 2016.
  • Ahmet Ulusan, "Yılların Hikayesi (Povest Vremennıhlet), Tarihteki Yeri ve Önemi", Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5/10, Kasım 2013, s. 183-204.
  • Zhigankov, Oleg, The Issue of Antitrinitarianism in the Fifteenth- Century Novgorod-Moscov Movement: Analysis and Evaluation, Andrew University, Doktora Tezi, Michigan 2000.
  • Алексеев, А.И. “Ересь Жидовствующих В России В1470–1510-Х Годах”, 2019. (Erişim Tarihi 22.06.2022).
  • Calington, Phillip. “Master Thesis: ‘Russian Church Reforms of the 17th Century and the Emergence of the Old Believers’”, 2018. (Erişim Tarihi 06.06.2022).
  • Engelstein, Laura "From Heresy To Harm: Self-Castrators in the Civic Discurse or Late tsarist Russia". (Erişim Tarihi 05.06. 2022).
  • Graham, Loren ve Jean-Michel Kantor. “Religious Heresy and Mathematical Creativity in Russia”. Mathematical Intelligencer 29/ 4, 2007, 17-22. (Erişim Tarihi 19.06.20222).
  • Hahn, Gordon M. “Religious Heresies 14th Century Russia, Prelude the Inception of Rus-sias Secondly Cultures and Vigilance Norm”, (Erişim Tarihi 06.06.2022)
  • Hays, Jeffrey. “History of the Russian Orthodox Church| Facts and Details”. (Erişim Tarihi 19.06. 2022).
  • Hillar, Marian, “The Philosophical Legacy of the 16th and 17thCentury Socinians: Their Rationality”, Philosophy of Religion, Texas Southern University, /Papers/ Reli/ ReliHill.htm (Erişim Tarihi 27.02.2020).
  • “History of the Russian Orthodox Church| Facts and Details”., (Erişim Tarihi 04.07.2022)
  • Khoo, Jeffrey, "Heresies Ancient and Modern" ts. (Erişim: 10.04.2018).
  • Koretsky, V. I. “Heresies in Russia”, The Free (Erişim Tarihi 30.5.2022).
  • “Sects and Heresies in Russia”, (Erişim Tarihi 01. 06. 2022).
  • Tertullianus, “De Corona” Church Fathers, Erişim 23 Aralık 2022. https://www.

Heretic Movements in Orthodox Russia

Year 2023, , 21 - 42, 25.01.2023


Although it was not on the same scale as in the Catholic World and Western Europe, a number of heretical movements developed in Orthodox Russia and troubled the Ordodox Church. In the Orthodox world, the starting points of the heretical movements have generally been in the form of the church hierarchy, the divinity of Jesus, the formalism of establishment religiosity, religious abuse, and refusal to worship icons. Likewise, it was opposed to the Orthodox Church's authority to understand correctly and interpret the Bible. Heretic religious movements in Russia opposed the injustice in society, personal property, the authority of the Church and the state more strongly than the reformist movements in the West. The Russian Orthodox Church and the political authority have struggled with these movements from time to time, resorting to violence and repression. However, the reform movements in the Eastern Christian world were not as large-scale as in the West, nor were they such that they would not cause religious wars that would last for many years. In the same way, there have been no inquisitions and crusades against these religious mevements. Although there have been occasional prosecutions, mass deportations and rarely executions by burning, sometimes the Russian State and the Orthodox Church have gone to get rid of the problem by reconciliation or granting the those movements religious freedoms.


  • Akşit, Cahit, Dinler Tarihi, Kamer Yayınları, İstanbul 2017.
  • Alexey I. Alexeev, “A few notes about the strigolniki heresy”, Cahiers du monde russe 46/46/1-2, (01 Ocak 2005), 285-296.
  • Alain Dierken ve Anna Morelli, Sectes et hérésies de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles 2002.
  • “An Historical Account of the Raskolniks” The Athenæum: A Journal of Literature, Sci-ence, the Fine Arts, Music, and the Drama, British Periodicals Limited, November 26, s. 825-828, London, 1836.
  • Doğan, Servet, Aryüsçü Hristiyanlık Gotlar Dönemi ve Sonrası, Eski Yeni, Ankara 2021.
  • Dualı, Şir Muhammed, “Rus Ortodoksluğunu Protesto Etmenin İmkânı: Malakanlar/Manevi Hristiyanlar”, Milel ve Nihal: İnanç, Kültür ve Mitoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, (25 Haziran 2018), 78-98.
  • Duygu, Zafer, Hristiyanlık ve İmparatorluk, Geç Antikçağda Kilise-Devlet İlişkileri ve Kristoloji Paradigmaları, Divan Kitap, İstanbul 2017.
  • Epihanius, The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, trans. Frank Williams, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, Ed. Einar Thomassen & Johannes van Oort, Cilt 63. Leiden 2012.
  • Fine, John V. A. "Fedor Kuritsyn’s 'Laodikijskoe Poslanie' and the Heresy of the, Source: Speculum", The University of Chicago Press, 41/3, 1966, s. 500-504. İnan, Rukiye Aysun 18. ve 19. Yüzyılda Duhaborlar, Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Doktora Tezi, Ankara 2020.
  • Inikova, Svetlana A. Koozma J. Tarasoff, History of the Doukhobors in the Archives of Vladimir D. Bonch-Bruevich, 1886-1950s: an annotated bibliography, New York: Legas, 1999.
  • Nicholas, B. Heretics and colonizers: forging Russia’s empire in the south Caucasus. Cor-nell University Press, Ithaca 2005.
  • Lane, Christel O. “Socio-Political Accomodation and Religious Decline: The case of the Molokan Sect in Soviet Society” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 17/2, 1975, s. 221-237.
  • Lavrin, Janko, “The Bogomils and Bogomilism”, The Slavonic and East European Review 8/23 (1929), s. 269-283.
  • Köstenberger, Andreas J.-Michael J. Kruger, The heresy of orthodoxy: how contemporary culture’s fascination with diversity has reshaped our understanding of early Christianity, Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2010.
  • Palmieri, Aurelio, “The Russian Doukhobors and Their Religious Teachings”, The Harvard Theological Review 8/1 (1915), s. 62-81.
  • Tabachnikova, Olga (ed.), Facets of Russian irrationalism between art and life: mystery inside enigma, Rodopi, Leiden 2016.
  • Ahmet Ulusan, "Yılların Hikayesi (Povest Vremennıhlet), Tarihteki Yeri ve Önemi", Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5/10, Kasım 2013, s. 183-204.
  • Zhigankov, Oleg, The Issue of Antitrinitarianism in the Fifteenth- Century Novgorod-Moscov Movement: Analysis and Evaluation, Andrew University, Doktora Tezi, Michigan 2000.
  • Алексеев, А.И. “Ересь Жидовствующих В России В1470–1510-Х Годах”, 2019. (Erişim Tarihi 22.06.2022).
  • Calington, Phillip. “Master Thesis: ‘Russian Church Reforms of the 17th Century and the Emergence of the Old Believers’”, 2018. (Erişim Tarihi 06.06.2022).
  • Engelstein, Laura "From Heresy To Harm: Self-Castrators in the Civic Discurse or Late tsarist Russia". (Erişim Tarihi 05.06. 2022).
  • Graham, Loren ve Jean-Michel Kantor. “Religious Heresy and Mathematical Creativity in Russia”. Mathematical Intelligencer 29/ 4, 2007, 17-22. (Erişim Tarihi 19.06.20222).
  • Hahn, Gordon M. “Religious Heresies 14th Century Russia, Prelude the Inception of Rus-sias Secondly Cultures and Vigilance Norm”, (Erişim Tarihi 06.06.2022)
  • Hays, Jeffrey. “History of the Russian Orthodox Church| Facts and Details”. (Erişim Tarihi 19.06. 2022).
  • Hillar, Marian, “The Philosophical Legacy of the 16th and 17thCentury Socinians: Their Rationality”, Philosophy of Religion, Texas Southern University, /Papers/ Reli/ ReliHill.htm (Erişim Tarihi 27.02.2020).
  • “History of the Russian Orthodox Church| Facts and Details”., (Erişim Tarihi 04.07.2022)
  • Khoo, Jeffrey, "Heresies Ancient and Modern" ts. (Erişim: 10.04.2018).
  • Koretsky, V. I. “Heresies in Russia”, The Free (Erişim Tarihi 30.5.2022).
  • “Sects and Heresies in Russia”, (Erişim Tarihi 01. 06. 2022).
  • Tertullianus, “De Corona” Church Fathers, Erişim 23 Aralık 2022. https://www.

Ortodoks Rusya'da Heretik Akımlar

Year 2023, , 21 - 42, 25.01.2023


Katolik Dünya ve Batı Avrupa’da olduğu ölçekte olmasa bile Ortodoks Rusya'da da bir takım “heretik” cereyanlar gelişmiş ve Ortodoks Kiliseyi uğraştırmıştır. Ortodoks dünyada heretik akımların hareket noktaları genelde kilise hiyerarşisi, İsa'nın tanrılığı, müesses din şekilciliği, din istismarı ve ikonlara ibadeti reddetme şeklinde olmuştur. Aynı şekilde Kutsal Kitabı anlam ve yorumlama yetkisinin Ortodoks Kiliseye ait olmasına karşı çıkılmıştır. Rusya’daki heretik dinî akımlar Batıdaki reformist akımlardan daha güçlü bir şekilde toplumdaki adaletsizliğe, şahsi mülkiyete, Kilisenin ve devletin otoritesine karşı çıkılmışlardır. Rus Ortodoks Kilisesi ve siyasi otorite bu akımlarla zaman zaman şiddete ve baskıya başvurarak mücadele vermiştir. Ancak Hristiyan dünyanın doğusundaki reform hareketleri ve heretik cereyanlar Batıdaki kadar büyük çaplı olmadığı gibi uzun yıllar sürecek din savaşlarına da neden olacak boyutta olmadı. Aynı şekilde bu akımlara karşı engizisyon ve haçlı seferleri de söz konusu olmamıştır. Zaman zaman kovuşturma, toplu sürgün ve nadiren yakarak idamlar olmuşsa da bazen de Çar ve Ortodoks Kilise onlarla uzlaşma yoluna giderek veya dinî özgürlükler vererek sorunu hâlletme yoluna gitmiştir.


  • Akşit, Cahit, Dinler Tarihi, Kamer Yayınları, İstanbul 2017.
  • Alexey I. Alexeev, “A few notes about the strigolniki heresy”, Cahiers du monde russe 46/46/1-2, (01 Ocak 2005), 285-296.
  • Alain Dierken ve Anna Morelli, Sectes et hérésies de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles 2002.
  • “An Historical Account of the Raskolniks” The Athenæum: A Journal of Literature, Sci-ence, the Fine Arts, Music, and the Drama, British Periodicals Limited, November 26, s. 825-828, London, 1836.
  • Doğan, Servet, Aryüsçü Hristiyanlık Gotlar Dönemi ve Sonrası, Eski Yeni, Ankara 2021.
  • Dualı, Şir Muhammed, “Rus Ortodoksluğunu Protesto Etmenin İmkânı: Malakanlar/Manevi Hristiyanlar”, Milel ve Nihal: İnanç, Kültür ve Mitoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, (25 Haziran 2018), 78-98.
  • Duygu, Zafer, Hristiyanlık ve İmparatorluk, Geç Antikçağda Kilise-Devlet İlişkileri ve Kristoloji Paradigmaları, Divan Kitap, İstanbul 2017.
  • Epihanius, The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, trans. Frank Williams, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, Ed. Einar Thomassen & Johannes van Oort, Cilt 63. Leiden 2012.
  • Fine, John V. A. "Fedor Kuritsyn’s 'Laodikijskoe Poslanie' and the Heresy of the, Source: Speculum", The University of Chicago Press, 41/3, 1966, s. 500-504. İnan, Rukiye Aysun 18. ve 19. Yüzyılda Duhaborlar, Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Doktora Tezi, Ankara 2020.
  • Inikova, Svetlana A. Koozma J. Tarasoff, History of the Doukhobors in the Archives of Vladimir D. Bonch-Bruevich, 1886-1950s: an annotated bibliography, New York: Legas, 1999.
  • Nicholas, B. Heretics and colonizers: forging Russia’s empire in the south Caucasus. Cor-nell University Press, Ithaca 2005.
  • Lane, Christel O. “Socio-Political Accomodation and Religious Decline: The case of the Molokan Sect in Soviet Society” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 17/2, 1975, s. 221-237.
  • Lavrin, Janko, “The Bogomils and Bogomilism”, The Slavonic and East European Review 8/23 (1929), s. 269-283.
  • Köstenberger, Andreas J.-Michael J. Kruger, The heresy of orthodoxy: how contemporary culture’s fascination with diversity has reshaped our understanding of early Christianity, Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2010.
  • Palmieri, Aurelio, “The Russian Doukhobors and Their Religious Teachings”, The Harvard Theological Review 8/1 (1915), s. 62-81.
  • Tabachnikova, Olga (ed.), Facets of Russian irrationalism between art and life: mystery inside enigma, Rodopi, Leiden 2016.
  • Ahmet Ulusan, "Yılların Hikayesi (Povest Vremennıhlet), Tarihteki Yeri ve Önemi", Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5/10, Kasım 2013, s. 183-204.
  • Zhigankov, Oleg, The Issue of Antitrinitarianism in the Fifteenth- Century Novgorod-Moscov Movement: Analysis and Evaluation, Andrew University, Doktora Tezi, Michigan 2000.
  • Алексеев, А.И. “Ересь Жидовствующих В России В1470–1510-Х Годах”, 2019. (Erişim Tarihi 22.06.2022).
  • Calington, Phillip. “Master Thesis: ‘Russian Church Reforms of the 17th Century and the Emergence of the Old Believers’”, 2018. (Erişim Tarihi 06.06.2022).
  • Engelstein, Laura "From Heresy To Harm: Self-Castrators in the Civic Discurse or Late tsarist Russia". (Erişim Tarihi 05.06. 2022).
  • Graham, Loren ve Jean-Michel Kantor. “Religious Heresy and Mathematical Creativity in Russia”. Mathematical Intelligencer 29/ 4, 2007, 17-22. (Erişim Tarihi 19.06.20222).
  • Hahn, Gordon M. “Religious Heresies 14th Century Russia, Prelude the Inception of Rus-sias Secondly Cultures and Vigilance Norm”, (Erişim Tarihi 06.06.2022)
  • Hays, Jeffrey. “History of the Russian Orthodox Church| Facts and Details”. (Erişim Tarihi 19.06. 2022).
  • Hillar, Marian, “The Philosophical Legacy of the 16th and 17thCentury Socinians: Their Rationality”, Philosophy of Religion, Texas Southern University, /Papers/ Reli/ ReliHill.htm (Erişim Tarihi 27.02.2020).
  • “History of the Russian Orthodox Church| Facts and Details”., (Erişim Tarihi 04.07.2022)
  • Khoo, Jeffrey, "Heresies Ancient and Modern" ts. (Erişim: 10.04.2018).
  • Koretsky, V. I. “Heresies in Russia”, The Free (Erişim Tarihi 30.5.2022).
  • “Sects and Heresies in Russia”, (Erişim Tarihi 01. 06. 2022).
  • Tertullianus, “De Corona” Church Fathers, Erişim 23 Aralık 2022. https://www.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Cultural Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Servet Doğan 0000-0001-8835-6041

Publication Date January 25, 2023
Acceptance Date December 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Doğan, S. (2023). Ortodoks Rusya’da Heretik Akımlar. AKRA Kültür Sanat Ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 11(29), 21-42.

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