Research Article
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Stuck Between Two Worlds: The Dilemma of Homosexuality in The Roman Catholic Church

Year 2023, , 161 - 189, 30.05.2023


This article deals with the view of the Roman Catholic Church on homosexuality and homosexual relationships. In this context, the study examines the historical development of the Church’s teachings on homosexuality based on the biblical literature, the opinions of the Church Fathers, published statements and the statements of the popes. As a matter of fact, since the second half of the twentieth century, the LGBT+ movement, which has gained a global momentum with its discourses on gender inequality, sexual orientation and freedom of sexual preference, has also become a matter of concern for the Church. In the documents it announced on the subject, the Roma Curia continued its constant teaching that homosexual acts are a sin against the law of nature and chastity. In terms of reactions from within the church, the teachings of the Magisterium on this subject were accepted by traditionalist Catholic theologians, but were criticized by some revisionist theologians. The theologians between these two groups accept the teachings of the Church on the subject, however they argue that homosexuals should be given pastoral care. This approach, followed by Pope Francis, who has a relatively moderate rhetoric towards homosexuals, requires that a bridge be built between the Church and homosexual Catholics and they should be accompanied with compassion.


  • Aquinas, Thomas. Summa Theologica. çev. Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Ohio: Benziger Bros, 1947.
  • Augustine. İtiraflar. çev. Çiğdem Dürüşken. İstanbul: Kabalcı Yay., 2010.
  • Bailey, Derrick Sherwin. Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition. London: Longmans Green Pub., 1975.
  • Boswell, John. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
  • Brayer, Menachem M. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. New Jersey: Ktav Pub., 1986.
  • Brooten, Bernadette J. Love between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Ho-moeroticism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
  • Brown, Judith C. Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
  • Burke, Raymond L. Hope For the World: To Unite All Things in Christ. çev. Michael J. Miller. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2016.
  • Cahill, Lisa Sowle. “An Ethic for Same-Sex Relations”. A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church. ed. Robert Nugent. 93-106. New York: Crossroad Pub., 1983.
  • Callahan, Sidney. “Homosexuality, Moral Theology, and Scientific Evidence”. Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward the Development of Moral Theology, ed. Patricia Beattie Jung - Joseph Andrew Coray. 276-295. Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2001.
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church. Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1994.
  • Curran, Charles E. Catholic Moral Theology in Dialogue. Notre Dame, Indiana: Fides Pub., 1972.
  • Çinpolat, Salih. “Yahudilikte Çocuk Sahibi Olma ve Çoğalmanın Yeri ve Önemi”. Dini Araştırmalar 20/51 (2017), 137-152.
  • Çoban, Bkz. Bekir Zakir. “Eşcinsellik ve Hıristiyanlık”. Sınırlarda Dolaşmak: Dinlerin Eşcinselliğe Bakışı, ed. Süleyman Turan. 115-143. İstanbul: Okur Akademi Yay., 2018.
  • D’Antonio, William V. vd. American Catholics: Gender, Generation, and Commitment. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, 2001.
  • Davidson, James D. vd. The Search for Common Ground: What Unites and Divides Catholic Americans. Huntington: Our Sunday Visitor Pub., 1997.
  • Farley, Margaret A. Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics. London: Continuum Pub., 2012.
  • Foucault, Michel. Cinselliğin Tarihi. çev. Hülya Uğur Tanrıöver. İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yay., 2017.
  • Francis - Skorka, Abraham. On Heaven and Earth: Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the Twenty-First Century. çev. Alejandro Bermudez - Howard Goodman. New York: Image Books, 2013.
  • Francis - Tornielli, Andrea. The Name of God is Mercy. çev. Oonagh Stransky. New York: Random House, 2016.
  • Georgiades, Adonis. Homosexuality in Ancient Greece: The Myth Is Collapsing. çev. Andriana Hahla. Athens: Georgiades Pub., 2004.
  • Grippo, Dan Grippo, “The Vatican Can Slight Scripture for Its Purpose”, The Vatican and Homosexuality: Reactions to the “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons”, ed. Jeannine Gramick - Pat Furey. 33-39. New York: Crossroad Pub., 1988.
  • Harris, Peter E. B. “Speaking the Truth in Love”. The Vatican and Homosexuality: Reactions to the “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons”. ed. Jeannine Gramick - Pat Furey. 112-118. New York: Crossroad Pub., 1988.
  • Harvey, John F. “Homosexuality as a Pastoral Problem”. Theological Studies 16/1 (1955), 86-108.
  • Harvey, John F. Homosexuality & the Catholic Church: Clear Answers to Difficult Questions. Pennsylvania: Ascension Press, 2007.
  • Harvey, John F. The Homosexual Person: New Thinking in Pastoral Care. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1987.
  • Helminiak, Daniel A. What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality. San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, 1994.
  • Hogan, Richard M. - LeVoir, John M. Covenant of Love: Pope John Paul II on Sexuality, Marriage, and Family in the Modern World. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1992.
  • Hubbard Thomas K. (ed.). Homosexuality in Greece and Rome: A Sourcebook of Basic Documents. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
  • Hunt, Mary E. “Catholic Lesbian Feminist Theology”, Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward the Development of Moral Theology. ed. Patricia Beattie Jung - Joseph Andrew Coray. 388-406. Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2001.
  • Hunt, Mary E. “Just Good Sex: Feminist Catholicism and Human Rights”. Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives from the World’s Religions. ed. Patricia Beattie Jung vd. 158-173. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2001.
  • Hunt, Mary E. Hunt, “Good Sex: Women’s Religious Wisdom on Sexuality”, Reproductive Health Matters 4/8 (1996), 101.
  • Karras, Ruth Mazo. Sexuality in Medieval Europe. London & New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
  • Katar, Mehmet. “Tevrat’ın Lut Kıssası Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. AÜİFD 48/1 (2007), 57-76.
  • Keefe, J. “Homosexuality”. New Catholic Encyclopedia. ed. Berard L. Marthaler. 7/66-71. New York: Thomson & Gale Pub., 2003.
  • Kosnik, Anthony vd. (ed.), Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought: A Study (New York: Paulist Press, 1977), 192.
  • Lanslor, Tobias. Ortaçağ Avrupasında Eşcinsellik. Epub: Cambridge Stanford Books, 2019.
  • Lawler Michael G. - Salzman, Todd A. “Catholic Arguments Against Homosexual Acts and Relationships: Emotional Revulsion or Rational Argument?”. Sexes 3/4 (2022), 564-577.
  • Locke, Kenneth A. “The Bible on Homosexuality: Exploring Its Meaning and Authority”. Journal of Homosexuality 48/2 (2005), 125-156.
  • Lynch, John. “Institution and Imprimatur: Institutional Rhetoric and the Failure of the Catholic Church’s Pastoral Letter on Homosexuality”. Rhetoric and Public Affairs 8/3 (2005), 383-403.
  • Martin, James. A Big Heart Open to God: A Conversation with Pope Francis. New York: HarperOne, 2013.
  • Martin, James. Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT community can enter into a relationship of respect, compassion, and sensitivity. New York: HarperOne, 2018.
  • McCarten, Anthony. The Pope: Francis, Benedict, and the Decision that Shook the World. New York: Flatiron Books, 2019.
  • McCarty, Richard W. “A New Hope? Pope Francis, the Academy, and LGBT Scholars and Scholarship”. AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom 6 (2015), 1-12.
  • McNeill, John J. The Church and the Homosexual. Boston: Beacon Press, 1993.
  • Osuji, Peter I. “Who am I to judge?” A Revival of the Primacy of Conscience and the Impact of Culture in the Formation of Conscience”. Asian Horizons 10/4 (2016), 723-737.
  • Özkan, Ali Rafet. Dinlerde Kurban Kültü. Ankara: Akçağ Yay., 2003.
  • Parrinder, Geoffrey. Dünya Dinlerinde Cinsel Ahlak. çev. Niran Elçi. İstanbul: Say Yay., 2003.
  • Rowland, Tracey. Ratzinger’s Faith: The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Salzman, Todd A. - Lawler, Michael G. Sexual Ethics: A Theological Introduction. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012.
  • Salzman, Todd A. - Lawler, Michael G. The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology. Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press, 2008.
  • Sartre, Maurice. “Antik Yunan’da Eşcinsellik”. çev. Ayşen Gür. Batı’da Aşk ve Cinsellik. ed. Georges Duby vd. 44-60. İstanbul: İletişim Yay., 1992.
  • Schaff, Philip. Fathers of the Second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria -The Instructor-. 3. Cilt Grand Rapids: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, 1885.
  • Schaff, Philip. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers -Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans-. Grand Rapids: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, 1889.
  • Sümer, Necati. “Tanah’ta Cinsel Sapkınlıklar”. The Journal of Academic Social Sciences 29 (2016). 167-177.
  • Striet, Magnus. “Creation Theology and Concepts of Homosexuality”. çev. Alissa Jones Nelson. “Who am I to Judge?”: Homosexuality and the Catholic Church. ed. Stephan Goertz. 139-149. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Pub., 2022.
  • Şeker, Cihat. “Yahudilikte Evlilik ve Cinsellik Anlayışı / Ahlakı”. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 44 (2015), 247-271.
  • Turan, Süleyman. “Eşcinsellik ve Yahudilik”. Sınırlarda Dolaşmak: Dinlerin Eşcinselliğe Bakışı. ed. Süleyman Turan. 75-113. İstanbul: Okur Akademi Yay., 2018.
  • Vaggione, Juan Marco. “Sexual Rights and Religion: Same-sex Marriage and Lawmakers’ Catholic Identity in Argentina”. University of Miami Law Review 65 (2011), 935-954.
  • Veyne, Paul. “Roma’da Eşcinsellik”. çev. Ayşen Gür. Batı’da Aşk ve Cinsellik. ed. Georges Duby vd. 143-155. İstanbul: İletişim Yay., 1992.
  • Ware, Ann Patrick. “The Vatican Letter: Presuppositions and Objections”, The Vatican and Homosexuality: Reactions to the “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons”. ed. Jeannine Gramick - Pat Furey. 28-32.New York: Crossroad Pub, 1988.
  • Yasdıman, Hakkı Şah. “Yahudi Dininde Ailenin Yeri”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 13-14 (2001), 241-266.
  • Advocate. “The Advocate's Person of the Year: Pope Francis”. (2013). Erişim 6 Mart 2023).
  • Alison, James. “Some Musings Concerning the Phrases Objectively Disordered and Intrinsically Disordered…” (2020). Erişim 5 Mart 2023.
  • America Magazine. “A Big Heart Open to God: An interview with Pope Francis”. (2013). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • CNA, Catholic News Agency. “African cardinal: Pressure groups behind push to change Church teaching”. (2014). Erişim 9 Mart 2023.
  • CNA, Catholic News Agency. “Pope Francis calls for civil union law for same-sex couples…”. Erişim 29 Mart 2023.
  • Courage. “EnCourage”. Erişim 9 Mart 2023.
  • Outreach. “Pope Francis clarifies comments on homosexuality: One must consider the circumstances.”. (2023). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • Outreach. “Pope Francis praises Father James Martin during audience with Vatican communicators”. (2022). Erişim 7 Mart 2023.
  • Pew Research Center. “How Catholics around the world see same-sex marriage, homosexuality”. (2020). 11 Mart 2023.
  • Repubblica. “Robert Sarah: The wafer to the divorced betrays the Gospel, the Church cannot rebel against God”. (2015). Erişim 9 Mart 2023.
  • The Wanderer. “Interview With Cardinal Burke . . . Insights on the Church and Modern Society”, (2013). Erişim 9 Mart 2023.
  • Time. “Pope Francis, The People’s Pope”. (2013). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican News. “Pope sends letter to Fr. James Martin on homosexuality and sin”. (2023). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican News. “Pope to LGBT Catholics: God is Father who does not disown any of his children”. (2022). Erişim 7 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican News. “Pope: Critics help us grow, but I want them to say it to my face”. (2023). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican News. “Pope: Entire world is at war and in self-destruction”. (2023). Erişim 7 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican, ”. Erişim 7 Mart 2023.

İki Dünya Arasında Sıkışmak: Roma Katolik Kilisesi’nde Eşcinsellik Dilemması

Year 2023, , 161 - 189, 30.05.2023


Bu çalışma, Roma Katolik Kilisesi’nin eşcinselliğe ve eşcinsel birlikteliklere bakışını konu edinmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada Kutsal Kitap literatürü, Kilise babalarının görüşleri, yayımlanan bildiriler ve papaların söylemlerinden hareketle Kilise’nin eşcinselliğe ilişkin öğretilerinin tarihsel gelişimi incelenmektedir. Nitekim yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği, cinsel yönelim ve cinsel tercih özgürlüğü söylemleri ile küresel çapta büyük bir ivmeye sahip olan LGBTQIA+ hareketi, Kilise için de önemli bir endişe meselesi haline gelmiştir. Konu hakkında ilan ettiği belgelerde Roma Curia, eşcinsel eylemlerin doğa yasasına ve iffete aykırı bir günah olduğu yönündeki sürekli öğretisini devam ettirmiştir. Kilise içinden gelen tepkiler açısından bakıldığında ise Magisterium’un bu konudaki öğretileri, gelenekçi Katolik teologlar cephesinde kabul görürken bazı revizyonist teologlar tarafından ise tepkiyle karşılanarak eleştirilmiştir. Bu iki grup arasında kalan teologlar ise konuya ilişkin Kilise öğretilerini kabul etmekle birlikte eşcinsellere pastoral yardımda bulunulması gerektiğini savunmaktadır. Eşcinsellere yönelik nispeten ılımlı bir söyleme sahip olan Papa Francis’in de takip ettiği bu yaklaşım, Kilise ile eşcinsel Katolikler arasında bir köprü kurularak onlara merhametle eşlik edilmesini gerektirmektedir.


  • Aquinas, Thomas. Summa Theologica. çev. Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Ohio: Benziger Bros, 1947.
  • Augustine. İtiraflar. çev. Çiğdem Dürüşken. İstanbul: Kabalcı Yay., 2010.
  • Bailey, Derrick Sherwin. Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition. London: Longmans Green Pub., 1975.
  • Boswell, John. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
  • Brayer, Menachem M. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature. New Jersey: Ktav Pub., 1986.
  • Brooten, Bernadette J. Love between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Ho-moeroticism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
  • Brown, Judith C. Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
  • Burke, Raymond L. Hope For the World: To Unite All Things in Christ. çev. Michael J. Miller. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2016.
  • Cahill, Lisa Sowle. “An Ethic for Same-Sex Relations”. A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church. ed. Robert Nugent. 93-106. New York: Crossroad Pub., 1983.
  • Callahan, Sidney. “Homosexuality, Moral Theology, and Scientific Evidence”. Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward the Development of Moral Theology, ed. Patricia Beattie Jung - Joseph Andrew Coray. 276-295. Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2001.
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church. Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1994.
  • Curran, Charles E. Catholic Moral Theology in Dialogue. Notre Dame, Indiana: Fides Pub., 1972.
  • Çinpolat, Salih. “Yahudilikte Çocuk Sahibi Olma ve Çoğalmanın Yeri ve Önemi”. Dini Araştırmalar 20/51 (2017), 137-152.
  • Çoban, Bkz. Bekir Zakir. “Eşcinsellik ve Hıristiyanlık”. Sınırlarda Dolaşmak: Dinlerin Eşcinselliğe Bakışı, ed. Süleyman Turan. 115-143. İstanbul: Okur Akademi Yay., 2018.
  • D’Antonio, William V. vd. American Catholics: Gender, Generation, and Commitment. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, 2001.
  • Davidson, James D. vd. The Search for Common Ground: What Unites and Divides Catholic Americans. Huntington: Our Sunday Visitor Pub., 1997.
  • Farley, Margaret A. Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics. London: Continuum Pub., 2012.
  • Foucault, Michel. Cinselliğin Tarihi. çev. Hülya Uğur Tanrıöver. İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yay., 2017.
  • Francis - Skorka, Abraham. On Heaven and Earth: Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the Twenty-First Century. çev. Alejandro Bermudez - Howard Goodman. New York: Image Books, 2013.
  • Francis - Tornielli, Andrea. The Name of God is Mercy. çev. Oonagh Stransky. New York: Random House, 2016.
  • Georgiades, Adonis. Homosexuality in Ancient Greece: The Myth Is Collapsing. çev. Andriana Hahla. Athens: Georgiades Pub., 2004.
  • Grippo, Dan Grippo, “The Vatican Can Slight Scripture for Its Purpose”, The Vatican and Homosexuality: Reactions to the “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons”, ed. Jeannine Gramick - Pat Furey. 33-39. New York: Crossroad Pub., 1988.
  • Harris, Peter E. B. “Speaking the Truth in Love”. The Vatican and Homosexuality: Reactions to the “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons”. ed. Jeannine Gramick - Pat Furey. 112-118. New York: Crossroad Pub., 1988.
  • Harvey, John F. “Homosexuality as a Pastoral Problem”. Theological Studies 16/1 (1955), 86-108.
  • Harvey, John F. Homosexuality & the Catholic Church: Clear Answers to Difficult Questions. Pennsylvania: Ascension Press, 2007.
  • Harvey, John F. The Homosexual Person: New Thinking in Pastoral Care. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1987.
  • Helminiak, Daniel A. What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality. San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, 1994.
  • Hogan, Richard M. - LeVoir, John M. Covenant of Love: Pope John Paul II on Sexuality, Marriage, and Family in the Modern World. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1992.
  • Hubbard Thomas K. (ed.). Homosexuality in Greece and Rome: A Sourcebook of Basic Documents. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
  • Hunt, Mary E. “Catholic Lesbian Feminist Theology”, Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward the Development of Moral Theology. ed. Patricia Beattie Jung - Joseph Andrew Coray. 388-406. Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2001.
  • Hunt, Mary E. “Just Good Sex: Feminist Catholicism and Human Rights”. Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives from the World’s Religions. ed. Patricia Beattie Jung vd. 158-173. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2001.
  • Hunt, Mary E. Hunt, “Good Sex: Women’s Religious Wisdom on Sexuality”, Reproductive Health Matters 4/8 (1996), 101.
  • Karras, Ruth Mazo. Sexuality in Medieval Europe. London & New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
  • Katar, Mehmet. “Tevrat’ın Lut Kıssası Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. AÜİFD 48/1 (2007), 57-76.
  • Keefe, J. “Homosexuality”. New Catholic Encyclopedia. ed. Berard L. Marthaler. 7/66-71. New York: Thomson & Gale Pub., 2003.
  • Kosnik, Anthony vd. (ed.), Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought: A Study (New York: Paulist Press, 1977), 192.
  • Lanslor, Tobias. Ortaçağ Avrupasında Eşcinsellik. Epub: Cambridge Stanford Books, 2019.
  • Lawler Michael G. - Salzman, Todd A. “Catholic Arguments Against Homosexual Acts and Relationships: Emotional Revulsion or Rational Argument?”. Sexes 3/4 (2022), 564-577.
  • Locke, Kenneth A. “The Bible on Homosexuality: Exploring Its Meaning and Authority”. Journal of Homosexuality 48/2 (2005), 125-156.
  • Lynch, John. “Institution and Imprimatur: Institutional Rhetoric and the Failure of the Catholic Church’s Pastoral Letter on Homosexuality”. Rhetoric and Public Affairs 8/3 (2005), 383-403.
  • Martin, James. A Big Heart Open to God: A Conversation with Pope Francis. New York: HarperOne, 2013.
  • Martin, James. Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT community can enter into a relationship of respect, compassion, and sensitivity. New York: HarperOne, 2018.
  • McCarten, Anthony. The Pope: Francis, Benedict, and the Decision that Shook the World. New York: Flatiron Books, 2019.
  • McCarty, Richard W. “A New Hope? Pope Francis, the Academy, and LGBT Scholars and Scholarship”. AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom 6 (2015), 1-12.
  • McNeill, John J. The Church and the Homosexual. Boston: Beacon Press, 1993.
  • Osuji, Peter I. “Who am I to judge?” A Revival of the Primacy of Conscience and the Impact of Culture in the Formation of Conscience”. Asian Horizons 10/4 (2016), 723-737.
  • Özkan, Ali Rafet. Dinlerde Kurban Kültü. Ankara: Akçağ Yay., 2003.
  • Parrinder, Geoffrey. Dünya Dinlerinde Cinsel Ahlak. çev. Niran Elçi. İstanbul: Say Yay., 2003.
  • Rowland, Tracey. Ratzinger’s Faith: The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Salzman, Todd A. - Lawler, Michael G. Sexual Ethics: A Theological Introduction. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012.
  • Salzman, Todd A. - Lawler, Michael G. The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology. Washington, D.C: Georgetown University Press, 2008.
  • Sartre, Maurice. “Antik Yunan’da Eşcinsellik”. çev. Ayşen Gür. Batı’da Aşk ve Cinsellik. ed. Georges Duby vd. 44-60. İstanbul: İletişim Yay., 1992.
  • Schaff, Philip. Fathers of the Second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophilus, and Clement of Alexandria -The Instructor-. 3. Cilt Grand Rapids: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, 1885.
  • Schaff, Philip. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers -Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans-. Grand Rapids: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, 1889.
  • Sümer, Necati. “Tanah’ta Cinsel Sapkınlıklar”. The Journal of Academic Social Sciences 29 (2016). 167-177.
  • Striet, Magnus. “Creation Theology and Concepts of Homosexuality”. çev. Alissa Jones Nelson. “Who am I to Judge?”: Homosexuality and the Catholic Church. ed. Stephan Goertz. 139-149. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Pub., 2022.
  • Şeker, Cihat. “Yahudilikte Evlilik ve Cinsellik Anlayışı / Ahlakı”. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 44 (2015), 247-271.
  • Turan, Süleyman. “Eşcinsellik ve Yahudilik”. Sınırlarda Dolaşmak: Dinlerin Eşcinselliğe Bakışı. ed. Süleyman Turan. 75-113. İstanbul: Okur Akademi Yay., 2018.
  • Vaggione, Juan Marco. “Sexual Rights and Religion: Same-sex Marriage and Lawmakers’ Catholic Identity in Argentina”. University of Miami Law Review 65 (2011), 935-954.
  • Veyne, Paul. “Roma’da Eşcinsellik”. çev. Ayşen Gür. Batı’da Aşk ve Cinsellik. ed. Georges Duby vd. 143-155. İstanbul: İletişim Yay., 1992.
  • Ware, Ann Patrick. “The Vatican Letter: Presuppositions and Objections”, The Vatican and Homosexuality: Reactions to the “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons”. ed. Jeannine Gramick - Pat Furey. 28-32.New York: Crossroad Pub, 1988.
  • Yasdıman, Hakkı Şah. “Yahudi Dininde Ailenin Yeri”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 13-14 (2001), 241-266.
  • Advocate. “The Advocate's Person of the Year: Pope Francis”. (2013). Erişim 6 Mart 2023).
  • Alison, James. “Some Musings Concerning the Phrases Objectively Disordered and Intrinsically Disordered…” (2020). Erişim 5 Mart 2023.
  • America Magazine. “A Big Heart Open to God: An interview with Pope Francis”. (2013). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • CNA, Catholic News Agency. “African cardinal: Pressure groups behind push to change Church teaching”. (2014). Erişim 9 Mart 2023.
  • CNA, Catholic News Agency. “Pope Francis calls for civil union law for same-sex couples…”. Erişim 29 Mart 2023.
  • Courage. “EnCourage”. Erişim 9 Mart 2023.
  • Outreach. “Pope Francis clarifies comments on homosexuality: One must consider the circumstances.”. (2023). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • Outreach. “Pope Francis praises Father James Martin during audience with Vatican communicators”. (2022). Erişim 7 Mart 2023.
  • Pew Research Center. “How Catholics around the world see same-sex marriage, homosexuality”. (2020). 11 Mart 2023.
  • Repubblica. “Robert Sarah: The wafer to the divorced betrays the Gospel, the Church cannot rebel against God”. (2015). Erişim 9 Mart 2023.
  • The Wanderer. “Interview With Cardinal Burke . . . Insights on the Church and Modern Society”, (2013). Erişim 9 Mart 2023.
  • Time. “Pope Francis, The People’s Pope”. (2013). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican News. “Pope sends letter to Fr. James Martin on homosexuality and sin”. (2023). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican News. “Pope to LGBT Catholics: God is Father who does not disown any of his children”. (2022). Erişim 7 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican News. “Pope: Critics help us grow, but I want them to say it to my face”. (2023). Erişim 6 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican News. “Pope: Entire world is at war and in self-destruction”. (2023). Erişim 7 Mart 2023.
  • Vatican, ”. Erişim 7 Mart 2023.
There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Cultural Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Duygu Mete 0000-0002-6261-5428

Süleyman Turan 0000-0002-3731-2986

Early Pub Date May 24, 2023
Publication Date May 30, 2023
Acceptance Date May 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Mete, D., & Turan, S. (2023). İki Dünya Arasında Sıkışmak: Roma Katolik Kilisesi’nde Eşcinsellik Dilemması. AKRA Kültür Sanat Ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 11(30), 161-189.

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