Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 20, 15 - 44, 11.01.2020


Modern çağın “ileri” veya “alternatif” bir dönemi olarak öne çıkan postmodern dönem, inşa ettiği tenkitçi ben- merkezci akılcılık ile kendisine benzettiği öznel çoğulcu maneviyat olarak anladığı din olgusunu değerlendirmek ve anlamak istemektedir.

Bu makalede tarih boyunca yapılan din- akıl ilişkisine değindikten sonra postmodern aklın temel özelliklerini, geleneksel dine olan yıkıcı veya yapıcı tenkitlerini, inşa ettiği din formunu ve son olarak bu maneviyat formuna yönelik teorik çatı hükmündeki post-teolojiyi değerlendireceğiz.

Bilhassa postmodern tenkitçi akıl maneviyat konusunda modern dönemde gözlemlenen uzlaşı veya karşıtlık değil “interaktif ve entegre edici kesişimi” savunan postmodern teoloji (post-teoloji), sahip olduğu meselelerini oldukça teferruatlı tipolojilere ayırarak anlamlandırmakta ve yeni döneme uygun bir din anlayışı geliştirmektedir.


  • Alıcı, Mustafa; Evrimci Politeizm- Devrimci Monoteizm, Rağbet Yayınları, İstanbul 2013.
  • Benavides, Gustavo;“Modernity”, Critical Terms for Religious Studies, ed. Mark C. Taylor, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago- London 1998, 186-204.
  • Berry, Philippa; “Postmodernism and Post-religion”, The Cambridge Companion to Post-modernism, ed. Steven Connor, Cambridge- New York 2004, 168- 181.
  • Birkett, K. R.; “Christian Apologetics: Is It Viable in a Post-Christian Culture?”, New Dicti-onary of Christian Apologetics, ed. Campbell Campbell- Jack- Gavin J. McGrath, , IVP Aca-demic, Illinois 2006, 29- 34.
  • Brandewie, Ernest; When Giants Walked the Earth- The Life and Times of Wilhelm Schmidt SVD, Freiburg University Press, Freiburg 1990.
  • Brandewie, Ernest; Wilhelm Schmidt and The Origin of the Idea of God, Freiburg Univer-sity Press, Lanham 1983.
  • Canatan, Kadir; “İbn Rüşd’ün Epistemolojik Projesi: Dinî Bilgi ve Felsefî Bilgi’nin Uzlaştı-rılması”, Doğu – Batı İlişkisinin Entelektüel Boyut- İbn Rüşd’ü Yeniden Düşünmek- İbn Rüşd, ed. Musa Kazım Arıcan, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas 2009, I, 55-73.
  • Clippnger, David; “Metacriticism”, Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, ed. Victor E. Taylor- Charles E. Winquist, Routledge, London- New York 2001, 241-242.
  • Craig, William Lane; “Politically Incorrect Salvation”, Christian Apologetics in the Postmo-dern World, ed. Timothy R. Phillips- Dennis L. Okholm, IVP Press, Illinois 1995, 75- 97.
  • Çınar, Aliye; “İbn Rüşd Düşüncesinde Rasyonel Teoloji ve Akıl”, Doğu – Batı İlişkisinin Entelektüel Boyut- İbn Rüşd’ü Yeniden Düşünmek- İbn Rüşd, ed. Musa Kazım Arıcan, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas 2009, I, 355- 365.
  • Comte, Auguste; Positive Philosophy, ed. and trans. Harriet Martineau, University of Chica-go, New York 1955, I- II.
  • Demirci, Kürşat; Dinler Tarihinin Meseleleri, İnsan Yayınları, İstanbul 1997.
  • Dinges, William D.; “Postmodernism and Religious Institutions”, The Way, 36 (3), 215-225.
  • Driscoll, Mark; “The Church and Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World”, The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, ed. John Piper- Justin Taylor, Crossway, Illinois 2007, 125- 148.
  • Doğan, Hatice; Musa bin Meymun Rambam Maymonides’in Hayatı ve Eserleri Delaletü’l- Hairîn, Gözlem Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Geels, Antoonls; Postmodern Spirituality, State University of New York Press, New York 2009.
  • Gellner, Ernst; Postmodernism, Reason and Religion, Routledge, London- New York 2003.
  • Gensler, Harry J.; Anthology of Philosophy of Religion ed. R. Peterson, Cambridge Univer-sity Press, New York 2002.
  • Giddens, Anthony; The Consequences of Modernity, Stanford University Press, Cambridge 1990.
  • Griffin, David Ray; God and Religion in The Postmodern World, Sunny Press, New York 1989.
  • Harari, Yuval Noah; 21. yüzyıl için 21 Ders, çev. Selin Siral, Kolektif Kitap, İstanbul 2018.
  • Harman, Ömer Faruk; “Feyyumi, Said b. Yusuf”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedi-si, XII, TDV, İstanbul 1989, 517-519.
  • Hefner, Philip; The Human Factor: Evolution, Culture, and Religion, Fortress Press, Min-neapolis 1993.
  • Hefner, Philip; Technology and Human Becoming, Fortress Press, Minneapolis 2003.
  • Hugo, D. R.; “Post-Ego”, Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, Encyclopedia of Postmoder-nism, ed. Victor E. Taylor- Charles E. Winquist, Stoony Brook, London- New York 2001, 301-302.
  • Kant, Immanuel; “ Aydınlanma Nedir?”, çev. Atilla Yayla, Liberal Düşünce, Bahar- Yaz 2005, 10/38-39, 225-230.
  • Kutluer, İlhan; Yitirilmiş Hikmeti Ararken, İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2017.
  • Ladriere, A.; “Reasoning”, New Catholic Encyclopedia, ed. Berard H. Marthaler, Thomson Learning, Inc., Washington 2003, XI, 946- 949.
  • Maltby, Paul; “Postmodern Critique”, Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, ed. Victor E. Taylor- Charles E. Winquist, Stoony Brook, London- New York 2001, 302- 304.
  • Marx- Engels; Selected Works- The Communist Manifesto, ed. Samuel H. Beer, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1955.
  • Meagner, Paul K.; “Reason, Use Of”, New Catholic Encyclopedia, ed. Berard H. Marthaler, Thomson Learning, Inc., Washington 2003, XI, 946.
  • Robbins, A. M.; “Lecitimacy of Apologetics”, New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, ed. Campbell Campbell- Jack- Gavin J. McGrath, IVP Press, Illinois 2006, 21- 29.
  • Stark, Rodney; “Rationality”,Guide to the Study of Religion, ed. Willi Braun- Russell McCutcheon, Continium Publishing, London- New York 2000, 239- 258.
  • Stenudd, Stefan; “Theagenes”, The Cosmos of the Ancient- The Greek Philosophers on Myth and Cosmology, Book Surge Publishing, Malmö 2007, 85- 87.
  • Strynkowski, J., “Reasoning, Theological”, New Catholic Encyclopedia, ed. Berard H. Marthaler, Thomson Learning, Inc., Washington 2003, XI, 949- 950.
  • Stoller, Paul, “Rationality”, Critical Terms for Religious Studies , ed. Mark C. Taylor, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago- London 1998, 239- 255.
  • Taylor, Justin, “Introduction”, The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, The Sup-remacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, ed. John Piper- Justin Taylor, Crossway, Illinois 2007, 13- 20.
  • Thweatt-Bates, Jeanine; Cyborg Selves- A Theological Anthropology of the Posthuman, Farnham- Burlington 2012.
  • Ülken, Hilmi Ziya; İslam Düşüncesi, DoğuBatı Yayınları, İstanbul 2015.
  • Vanhoozer, Kevin J.; “Theology and Condition of Postmodernity: A Report on Knowledge of (God), ed. Kevin J. Vanhoozer, ), Cambridge University Press, Cambidge 2003, 27-41.
  • Ward, Graham; “Introduction: Where We Stand”, The Blackwell Companion to Postmodern Theology, ed. Graham Ward, Blackwell Press, Oxford 2005, XII- XXVII.
  • Water, Brent; From Human to Post Human- Christian Theology and Technology in a Postmodern World, Ashgate Press, Hamsphire- Burlington 2006.
  • Williams, Anna N.; The Divine Sense- The Intellect in Patristic Theology, Cambridge Uni-versity Press, Cambridge- New York 2007.
  • Yonge, C. D.; “Introduction”, Cicero’s Treatise on the Nature of Gods;On Divination; On the Fate; On the Republic; On the Laws: And On the Standing For Consulship, trans & ed. C. D. Yonge, Kessinger Publishing, Londra 1853, 1-6.


Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 20, 15 - 44, 11.01.2020


Postmodern age which is conceived as “the progressed one” or an “alternative age” for Modern-ism, constructing a self-centered rationality approach, would like to evaluate and comprehends the fact of religion as the pluralist spirituality.

In this article we try to deal with postmodern theology, having been considered as theoretical frame to this kind of spirituality after having discussed main characteristics of Postmodern reason and its destroying or productive critical approaches to the traditional form religion as well as its construction of religion.

Especially, the postmodern critical reason, never treating the spirituality in the sense of rec-onciliation neither in opposition but defending the approach of” integral cross-section relationship when met with it, has a detailed and differentiated types of subjects matter; therefore it forms a new type of religion proper to its new age. 


  • Alıcı, Mustafa; Evrimci Politeizm- Devrimci Monoteizm, Rağbet Yayınları, İstanbul 2013.
  • Benavides, Gustavo;“Modernity”, Critical Terms for Religious Studies, ed. Mark C. Taylor, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago- London 1998, 186-204.
  • Berry, Philippa; “Postmodernism and Post-religion”, The Cambridge Companion to Post-modernism, ed. Steven Connor, Cambridge- New York 2004, 168- 181.
  • Birkett, K. R.; “Christian Apologetics: Is It Viable in a Post-Christian Culture?”, New Dicti-onary of Christian Apologetics, ed. Campbell Campbell- Jack- Gavin J. McGrath, , IVP Aca-demic, Illinois 2006, 29- 34.
  • Brandewie, Ernest; When Giants Walked the Earth- The Life and Times of Wilhelm Schmidt SVD, Freiburg University Press, Freiburg 1990.
  • Brandewie, Ernest; Wilhelm Schmidt and The Origin of the Idea of God, Freiburg Univer-sity Press, Lanham 1983.
  • Canatan, Kadir; “İbn Rüşd’ün Epistemolojik Projesi: Dinî Bilgi ve Felsefî Bilgi’nin Uzlaştı-rılması”, Doğu – Batı İlişkisinin Entelektüel Boyut- İbn Rüşd’ü Yeniden Düşünmek- İbn Rüşd, ed. Musa Kazım Arıcan, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas 2009, I, 55-73.
  • Clippnger, David; “Metacriticism”, Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, ed. Victor E. Taylor- Charles E. Winquist, Routledge, London- New York 2001, 241-242.
  • Craig, William Lane; “Politically Incorrect Salvation”, Christian Apologetics in the Postmo-dern World, ed. Timothy R. Phillips- Dennis L. Okholm, IVP Press, Illinois 1995, 75- 97.
  • Çınar, Aliye; “İbn Rüşd Düşüncesinde Rasyonel Teoloji ve Akıl”, Doğu – Batı İlişkisinin Entelektüel Boyut- İbn Rüşd’ü Yeniden Düşünmek- İbn Rüşd, ed. Musa Kazım Arıcan, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas 2009, I, 355- 365.
  • Comte, Auguste; Positive Philosophy, ed. and trans. Harriet Martineau, University of Chica-go, New York 1955, I- II.
  • Demirci, Kürşat; Dinler Tarihinin Meseleleri, İnsan Yayınları, İstanbul 1997.
  • Dinges, William D.; “Postmodernism and Religious Institutions”, The Way, 36 (3), 215-225.
  • Driscoll, Mark; “The Church and Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World”, The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, ed. John Piper- Justin Taylor, Crossway, Illinois 2007, 125- 148.
  • Doğan, Hatice; Musa bin Meymun Rambam Maymonides’in Hayatı ve Eserleri Delaletü’l- Hairîn, Gözlem Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Geels, Antoonls; Postmodern Spirituality, State University of New York Press, New York 2009.
  • Gellner, Ernst; Postmodernism, Reason and Religion, Routledge, London- New York 2003.
  • Gensler, Harry J.; Anthology of Philosophy of Religion ed. R. Peterson, Cambridge Univer-sity Press, New York 2002.
  • Giddens, Anthony; The Consequences of Modernity, Stanford University Press, Cambridge 1990.
  • Griffin, David Ray; God and Religion in The Postmodern World, Sunny Press, New York 1989.
  • Harari, Yuval Noah; 21. yüzyıl için 21 Ders, çev. Selin Siral, Kolektif Kitap, İstanbul 2018.
  • Harman, Ömer Faruk; “Feyyumi, Said b. Yusuf”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedi-si, XII, TDV, İstanbul 1989, 517-519.
  • Hefner, Philip; The Human Factor: Evolution, Culture, and Religion, Fortress Press, Min-neapolis 1993.
  • Hefner, Philip; Technology and Human Becoming, Fortress Press, Minneapolis 2003.
  • Hugo, D. R.; “Post-Ego”, Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, Encyclopedia of Postmoder-nism, ed. Victor E. Taylor- Charles E. Winquist, Stoony Brook, London- New York 2001, 301-302.
  • Kant, Immanuel; “ Aydınlanma Nedir?”, çev. Atilla Yayla, Liberal Düşünce, Bahar- Yaz 2005, 10/38-39, 225-230.
  • Kutluer, İlhan; Yitirilmiş Hikmeti Ararken, İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2017.
  • Ladriere, A.; “Reasoning”, New Catholic Encyclopedia, ed. Berard H. Marthaler, Thomson Learning, Inc., Washington 2003, XI, 946- 949.
  • Maltby, Paul; “Postmodern Critique”, Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, ed. Victor E. Taylor- Charles E. Winquist, Stoony Brook, London- New York 2001, 302- 304.
  • Marx- Engels; Selected Works- The Communist Manifesto, ed. Samuel H. Beer, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow 1955.
  • Meagner, Paul K.; “Reason, Use Of”, New Catholic Encyclopedia, ed. Berard H. Marthaler, Thomson Learning, Inc., Washington 2003, XI, 946.
  • Robbins, A. M.; “Lecitimacy of Apologetics”, New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, ed. Campbell Campbell- Jack- Gavin J. McGrath, IVP Press, Illinois 2006, 21- 29.
  • Stark, Rodney; “Rationality”,Guide to the Study of Religion, ed. Willi Braun- Russell McCutcheon, Continium Publishing, London- New York 2000, 239- 258.
  • Stenudd, Stefan; “Theagenes”, The Cosmos of the Ancient- The Greek Philosophers on Myth and Cosmology, Book Surge Publishing, Malmö 2007, 85- 87.
  • Strynkowski, J., “Reasoning, Theological”, New Catholic Encyclopedia, ed. Berard H. Marthaler, Thomson Learning, Inc., Washington 2003, XI, 949- 950.
  • Stoller, Paul, “Rationality”, Critical Terms for Religious Studies , ed. Mark C. Taylor, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago- London 1998, 239- 255.
  • Taylor, Justin, “Introduction”, The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, The Sup-remacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, ed. John Piper- Justin Taylor, Crossway, Illinois 2007, 13- 20.
  • Thweatt-Bates, Jeanine; Cyborg Selves- A Theological Anthropology of the Posthuman, Farnham- Burlington 2012.
  • Ülken, Hilmi Ziya; İslam Düşüncesi, DoğuBatı Yayınları, İstanbul 2015.
  • Vanhoozer, Kevin J.; “Theology and Condition of Postmodernity: A Report on Knowledge of (God), ed. Kevin J. Vanhoozer, ), Cambridge University Press, Cambidge 2003, 27-41.
  • Ward, Graham; “Introduction: Where We Stand”, The Blackwell Companion to Postmodern Theology, ed. Graham Ward, Blackwell Press, Oxford 2005, XII- XXVII.
  • Water, Brent; From Human to Post Human- Christian Theology and Technology in a Postmodern World, Ashgate Press, Hamsphire- Burlington 2006.
  • Williams, Anna N.; The Divine Sense- The Intellect in Patristic Theology, Cambridge Uni-versity Press, Cambridge- New York 2007.
  • Yonge, C. D.; “Introduction”, Cicero’s Treatise on the Nature of Gods;On Divination; On the Fate; On the Republic; On the Laws: And On the Standing For Consulship, trans & ed. C. D. Yonge, Kessinger Publishing, Londra 1853, 1-6.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Cultural Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Alici 0000-0002-8070-8425

Publication Date January 11, 2020
Acceptance Date December 23, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 8 Issue: 20


APA Alici, M. (2020). POST-RELIGIO ET RATIO: POSTMODERN DİN BİLİMLERİNDE AKIL-DİN İLİŞKİSİ. AKRA Kültür Sanat Ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 8(20), 15-44.

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