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New Developments in the Mechanisms of Action of Drugs Used in Depressıon Treatment

Yıl 2024, , 227 - 233, 31.12.2024


Depression is a long-term emotional condition marked by symptoms such as sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest, and decreased energy. Major depressive disorder is a neuropsychiatric condition that harms millions of people. The causes and risk factors of this mental condition, which is distinguished by its high prevalence, treatment resistance, and risk of relapse, have been widely investigated in both pre- and clinical investigations. Monoamine synthesis, release, transformation and reuptake are the subject of extensive research, as they are hypothesized to play a role in the etiopathogenesis of depression. These researches are mostly concerned with explaining monoamines like norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. According to the national and international guidelines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are typically advised as the first-line treatment for major depression. Other selective monoamine reuptake inhibitors, such as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are also available. Similarly, drugs including bupropion may contribute to the treatment of depression by offering a different effect profile. However, there are some concerns about the efficacy of these drugs. Although the acute pharmacological effects of current antidepressant drugs are linked to modulation of serotonin and/or norepinephrine transmission in the brain, the cellular and biochemical mechanisms underlying the long-term adaptations required for antidepressant effects have yet to be fully understood. The purpose of this study is to provide information about the pharmacological mechanisms of antidepressants based on current evidence.


  • 1. Harmer CJ, Duman RS, Cowen PJ. How do antidepressants work? New perspectives for refining future treatment approaches. Lancet Psychiatry. 2017 May;4(5):409-18.
  • 2. Saarelainen T, Hendolin P, Lucas G, Koponen E, Sairanen M, MacDonald E et al. Activation of the TrkB neurotrophin receptor is induced by antidepressant drugs and is required for antidepressant-induced behavioral effects. J Neurosci. 2003 Jan 1;23(1):349-57.
  • 3. Wang JQ, Derges JD, Bodepudi A, Pokala N, Mao LM. Roles of non-receptor tyrosine kinases in pathogenesis and treatment of depression. J Integr Neurosci. 2022 Jan 28;21(1):25
  • 4. Özpoyraz, Nurgül & Tamam, Lut & Ozerdem, Ayşegül. (2008). Antidepresanların Etki Düzenekleri ve Önemi [Mechanisms of Actions of Antidepressants and their Significance].
  • 5. Casarotto PC, Girych M, Fred SM, Kovaleva V, Moliner R, Enkavi G et al. Antidepressant drugs act by directly binding to TRKB neurotrophin receptors. Cell. 2021 Mar 4;184(5):1299-1313.e19.
  • 6. Ilchibaeva T, Tsybko A, Zeug A, Müller FE, Guseva D, Bischoff S et al. Seroto nin Receptor 5-HT2A Regulates TrkB Receptor Function in Heteroreceptor Complexes. Cells. 2022 Aug 2;11(15):2384.
  • 7. Chao MV. Neurotrophins and their receptors: a convergence point for many signalling pathways. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2003 Apr;4(4):299-309.
  • 8. Vega JA, García-Suárez O, Hannestad J, Pérez-Pérez M, Germanà A. Neurotrophins and the immune system. J Anat. 2003 Jul;203(1):1-19.
  • 9. Arosio B, Guerini FR, Voshaar RCO, Aprahamian I. Blood Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Major Depression: Do We Have a Translational Perspective? Front Behav Neurosci. 2021 Feb 12;15:626906.
  • 10. Schmidt HD, Banasr M, Duman RS. Future Antidepressant Targets: Neurotrophic Factors and Related Signaling Cascades. Drug Discov Today Ther Strateg. 2008 Fall;5(3):151-156.
  • 11. Casarotto P, Umemori J, Castrén E. BDNF receptor TrkB as the mediator of the antidepressant drug action. Front Mol Neurosci. 2022 Nov 2;15:1032224
  • 12. Enkavi G, Girych M, Moliner R, Vattulainen I, Castrén E. TrkB transmembrane domain: bridging structural understanding with therapeutic strategy. Trends Biochem Sci. Mayıs 2024;49(5):445-56.
  • 13. Rantamäki T. TrkB neurotrophin receptor at the core of antidepressant effects, but how? Cell Tissue Res. Temmuz 2019;377(1):115-124.
  • 14. Örsel S. Depresyonda Tedavi: Genel İlkeler ve Kullanılan Antidepresan İlaçlar. Turkish J Clin Psy. 2004; 7(4): 17-24
  • 15. Wang JQ, Mao L. The ERK Pathway: Molecular Mechanisms and Treatment of Depression. Mol Neurobiol. Eylül 2019;56(9):6197-205.
  • 16. Krystal JH, Sanacora G, Blumberg H, Anand A, Charney DS, Marek G et al. Glutamate and GABA systems as targets for novel antidepressant and mood-stabilizing treatments. Mol Psychiatry. 2002;7(S1):S71-80.
  • 17. Berton O, McClung CA, DiLeone RJ, Krishnan V, Renthal W, Russo SJ, vd. Essential Role of BDNF in the Mesolimbic Dopamine Pathway in Social Defeat Stress. Science. 10 Şubat 2006;311(5762):864-8.
  • 18. Gupta VK, You Y, Gupta VB, Klistorner A, Graham SL. TrkB receptor signalling: implications in neurodegenerative, psychiatric and proliferative disorders. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 May 13;14(5):10122-42
  • 19. Arosio B, Guerini FR, Voshaar RCO, Aprahamian I. Blood Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Major Depression: Do We Have a Translational Perspective? Front Behav Neurosci. 2021 Feb 12;15:626906
  • 20. Martinowich K, Manji H, Lu B. New insights into BDNF function in depression and anxiety. Nat Neurosci. 2007 Sep;10(9):1089-93.

Depresyon Tedavisinde Kullanılan İlaçların Etki Mekanizmalarındaki Yeni Gelişmeler

Yıl 2024, , 227 - 233, 31.12.2024


Depresyon; kişinin duygusal durumunda uzun süreli bir bozukluğa işaret eden, üzüntü, umutsuzluk, ilgi kaybı ve enerji düşüklüğü gibi belirtilerle karakterize olan mental bir sağlık sorunudur. Majör depresif bozukluk, milyonlarca insanı olumsuz olarak etkileyen nöropsikiyatrik bir hastalıktır. Yüksek yaygınlık, tedavi direnci ve tekrarlama riski ile karakterize edilen bu ruhsal bozukluğun nedenleri ve risk faktörleri, hem öncesi hem de klinik çalışmalarda kapsamlı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Depresyon etiyopatogenezinde rol oynadığı düşünülen monoaminlerin sentezi, salgılanması, dönüşümü ve geri alımıyla ilgili yoğun araştırmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu araştırmalar genellikle norepinefrin, serotonin ve dopamin gibi monoaminlerle ilgili açıklamalara odaklanmaktadır. Ulusal ve uluslararası kılavuzlar, major depresyonlu çoğu hastada birinci basamak tedavi olarak genellikle seçici serotonin geri alım inhibitörlerini önermektedir. Serotonin-norepinefrin geri alım inhibitörleri gibi diğer seçici monoamin geri alım inhibitörleri de bulunmaktadır. Bupropion gibi diğer ilaçlar, farklı bir etki profili sunarak depresyon tedavisine katkıda bulunabilir. Ancak bu ilaçların etkinlikleri konusunda bazı belirsizliklerin bulunduğu ifade edilmektedir. Mevcut antidepresan ilaçların akut farmakolojik etkileri, beyindeki serotonin ve/veya norepinefrin iletiminin modülasyonuyla ilişkilendirilse de, antidepresan ilaç tedavilerinin terapötik etkileri için gerekli olan uzun dönem adaptasyonların altında yatan hücresel ve biyokimyasal mekanizmalar henüz tam olarak aydınlatılamamıştır. Bu çalışmada antidepresan ilaçların farmakolojik mekanizmaları hakkında, güncel çalışmalarla bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • 1. Harmer CJ, Duman RS, Cowen PJ. How do antidepressants work? New perspectives for refining future treatment approaches. Lancet Psychiatry. 2017 May;4(5):409-18.
  • 2. Saarelainen T, Hendolin P, Lucas G, Koponen E, Sairanen M, MacDonald E et al. Activation of the TrkB neurotrophin receptor is induced by antidepressant drugs and is required for antidepressant-induced behavioral effects. J Neurosci. 2003 Jan 1;23(1):349-57.
  • 3. Wang JQ, Derges JD, Bodepudi A, Pokala N, Mao LM. Roles of non-receptor tyrosine kinases in pathogenesis and treatment of depression. J Integr Neurosci. 2022 Jan 28;21(1):25
  • 4. Özpoyraz, Nurgül & Tamam, Lut & Ozerdem, Ayşegül. (2008). Antidepresanların Etki Düzenekleri ve Önemi [Mechanisms of Actions of Antidepressants and their Significance].
  • 5. Casarotto PC, Girych M, Fred SM, Kovaleva V, Moliner R, Enkavi G et al. Antidepressant drugs act by directly binding to TRKB neurotrophin receptors. Cell. 2021 Mar 4;184(5):1299-1313.e19.
  • 6. Ilchibaeva T, Tsybko A, Zeug A, Müller FE, Guseva D, Bischoff S et al. Seroto nin Receptor 5-HT2A Regulates TrkB Receptor Function in Heteroreceptor Complexes. Cells. 2022 Aug 2;11(15):2384.
  • 7. Chao MV. Neurotrophins and their receptors: a convergence point for many signalling pathways. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2003 Apr;4(4):299-309.
  • 8. Vega JA, García-Suárez O, Hannestad J, Pérez-Pérez M, Germanà A. Neurotrophins and the immune system. J Anat. 2003 Jul;203(1):1-19.
  • 9. Arosio B, Guerini FR, Voshaar RCO, Aprahamian I. Blood Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Major Depression: Do We Have a Translational Perspective? Front Behav Neurosci. 2021 Feb 12;15:626906.
  • 10. Schmidt HD, Banasr M, Duman RS. Future Antidepressant Targets: Neurotrophic Factors and Related Signaling Cascades. Drug Discov Today Ther Strateg. 2008 Fall;5(3):151-156.
  • 11. Casarotto P, Umemori J, Castrén E. BDNF receptor TrkB as the mediator of the antidepressant drug action. Front Mol Neurosci. 2022 Nov 2;15:1032224
  • 12. Enkavi G, Girych M, Moliner R, Vattulainen I, Castrén E. TrkB transmembrane domain: bridging structural understanding with therapeutic strategy. Trends Biochem Sci. Mayıs 2024;49(5):445-56.
  • 13. Rantamäki T. TrkB neurotrophin receptor at the core of antidepressant effects, but how? Cell Tissue Res. Temmuz 2019;377(1):115-124.
  • 14. Örsel S. Depresyonda Tedavi: Genel İlkeler ve Kullanılan Antidepresan İlaçlar. Turkish J Clin Psy. 2004; 7(4): 17-24
  • 15. Wang JQ, Mao L. The ERK Pathway: Molecular Mechanisms and Treatment of Depression. Mol Neurobiol. Eylül 2019;56(9):6197-205.
  • 16. Krystal JH, Sanacora G, Blumberg H, Anand A, Charney DS, Marek G et al. Glutamate and GABA systems as targets for novel antidepressant and mood-stabilizing treatments. Mol Psychiatry. 2002;7(S1):S71-80.
  • 17. Berton O, McClung CA, DiLeone RJ, Krishnan V, Renthal W, Russo SJ, vd. Essential Role of BDNF in the Mesolimbic Dopamine Pathway in Social Defeat Stress. Science. 10 Şubat 2006;311(5762):864-8.
  • 18. Gupta VK, You Y, Gupta VB, Klistorner A, Graham SL. TrkB receptor signalling: implications in neurodegenerative, psychiatric and proliferative disorders. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 May 13;14(5):10122-42
  • 19. Arosio B, Guerini FR, Voshaar RCO, Aprahamian I. Blood Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Major Depression: Do We Have a Translational Perspective? Front Behav Neurosci. 2021 Feb 12;15:626906
  • 20. Martinowich K, Manji H, Lu B. New insights into BDNF function in depression and anxiety. Nat Neurosci. 2007 Sep;10(9):1089-93.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Sistemleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Derleme

Gülcan Tanrıkulu Kayan 0009-0002-5778-7521

Salim Yalçın İnan 0000-0002-4505-0760

Yusuf Karataş 0000-0002-2892-5625

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Tanrıkulu Kayan G, İnan SY, Karataş Y. Depresyon Tedavisinde Kullanılan İlaçların Etki Mekanizmalarındaki Yeni Gelişmeler. aktd. Aralık 2024;33(4):227-233. doi:10.17827/aktd.1536755