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Radioabeling Of L-Tyrosine With 131I and Investigation of Radiopharmaceutical Potantial

Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 2 - 9, 01.04.2012



  • Ası, T., 1999. Tablolarla biyokimya. cilt II, Ankara.
  • Bader, J.B., Samnick, S., Schaefer, A., Hagen, T., Moringlane, J.R., Feiden, W., Piepgras, U. and Kirsch, C.M., 1988. Contribution of nuclear medicine to the diagnosis of recurrent brain tumors and cerebral radionecrosis. Radiologe, 38, 924–929.
  • Biersack, H.J., Coenen, H.H., Stöcklin, G., Reichmann K., Bockisch, A., Oehr, P., Kashab, M. and Rollmann, O., 1989. Imaging of brain tumors with L-3-[123I]iodo-α- methyl tyrosine and SPECT. Journal Nuclear Medicine, 30, 110–112.
  • Boonanuntanasarn, S., Yoshizaki, G., Iwai, K. And Takeuchi, T., 2004. Molecular cloning, gene expression in albino mutants and gene knockdown studies of tyrosinase mRNA in rainbow trout. Pigment Cell Research, 17, 413-421.
  • Deijen, J.B. and Orlebeke, J.F., 1994. Effect of tyrosine on cognitive function and blood pressure under stress. Brain Research Bulletin, 33, 319-323.
  • Gibson, C.J. and Wurtman, R.J., 1977. Physiological control of brain catechol synthesis by brain tirozine concentration. Biochem Pharmacoli, 26, 1137-1142.
  • Glaeser, B.S., Melamed, E., Growdon, J.H. and Wurtman, R.J., 1979. Elevation of plasma tirozine after a single oral dose of L-tirozine. Life Science, 25, 265-271.
  • Hao, S., Avraham, Y., Bonne, O. and Berry, E.M., 2001. Separation-induced body weight loss, impairment in alternation behavior, and autonomic tone: effects of tyrosine. Pharmacology Biochemistry Behavior, 68, 273–281.
  • Jager, P.L. Vaalburg, W., Pruim, J., de Vries, E.G., Langen, K.J. and. Piers, D.A, 2002. Radiolabeled amino acids: basic aspects and clinical applications in oncology. Journal Nuclear Medicine, 42, 432-445.
  • Jager, P.L., Franssen, E.J., Kool, W., Szabo, B.G., Hoekstra, H.J., Groen, H.J., de Vries, E.G., van Imhoff, G.W., Vaalburg W., and Piers, D.A., 1998. Feasibility of tumor imaging using L-3-[iodine-123]-iodo-alpha- methyl-tyrosine in extracranial tumors. Journal Nuclear Medicine, 39, 1736–1743.
  • Jager, P.L., Plaat, B.E., de Vries, E.G., Molenaar, W.M., Vaalburg, W., Piers D.A. and Hoekstra, H.J., 2000. Imaging of soft-tissue tumors using L-3-[iodine- 123]iodo-alpha-methyl-tyrosine emission computed tomography: comparison with proliferative and mitotic activity, cellularity, and vascularity. Clinical Cancer Research, 6, 2252–2259.
  • Jager, P.L., Vaalburg, W., Pruim, J., de Vries, E.G., Langen K.J., and Piers D.A.,, Radiolabeled amino acids: basic aspects and clinical applications in oncology. 2002, J Nucl Med 42
  • Karl-Josef, L., Pauleit, D., Coenen H.H., 2002. 3- [(123)I]Iodo-alpha-methyl-L-tyrosine: mechanisms and clinical applications. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 29(6): 625-31 uptake
  • Magill, R.A., Waters, W.F., Bray, G.A., Volaufova, J., Smith, S.R., Lieberman, H.R., McNevin, N. and Ryan, D.H., 2003. Effects of tyrosine, phentermine, caffeine D-amphetamine, and placebo on cognitive and motor performance deficits during sleep deprivation. Nutritional Neuroscience, 6, 237–246.
  • Neri, D.F., Wiegmann, D., Stanny, R.R., Shappell, S.A., McCardie, A. and McKay, D.L., 1995. The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine, 66, 313–319.
  • Özker, K., 1979. Meme tümörlerini sintigrafik olarak incelenmesinde radyoizotoplarıyla etiketli bir Östron türevinin sentezi, Çekmece Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi, Rapor No:199. amacıyla İyot
  • Özyürek, Emel., 2011. Çocuk ve ergenlikte kronik miyeloid lösemi. XXXVII. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Ankara, 98-102.
  • Panda, S.K., and Choudhury, S., 2004. Chromium stress in plants. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17, 95–102.
  • Phan, T.T., van Tol, K.M., Links, T.P., Piers, D.A., de Vries, E.G., Dullaart, R.P. and Jager, P.L. 2004. Diagnostic I- 131 scintigraphy in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer: no additional value of higher scan dose. Annual Nuclear Medicine, 18, 641-646.
  • Strüder, H.K., Hollmann, W., Platen, P., Donike, M., Gotzmann, A. and Weber, K., 1998. Influence of paroxetine, branched-chain amino acids and tyrosine on neuroendocrine system responses and fatigue in humans. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 30, 188- 194.
  • Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E., 2008. Bitki Fizyolojisi. Prof. Dr. İsmail Türkan (çeviri editorü), Palme Yayıncılık, 350- 252.
  • Thomas, J.R., Lockwood, P.A., Singh, A. and Deuster, P.A., 1999. Tyrosine improves working memory in a multitasking Biochemistry and Behavior, 64, 495-500. Pharmacology
  • van Spronsen, F.J., van Rijn, M., Bekhof, J., Koch, R. and Smit, supplementation in phenylalanine-restricted diets. American journal of Clinical Nutration, 73, 153-157.
  • Zubillaga, M.B., J.R., Bocciot, A., Gentile, A.E., Mitta, J.O., Nicolini and Caro, R.A., 1996. New methodology for pancreatic scintiscanning imaging using 125I-L-3 Iodo-alpha-Methyl Tyrosine. Acta Physiol. Acta Physiologica, Latinoamericana, 46, 83–89. et Therapeutica
  • Wasser, S.K., Azkarate, J.C., Booth, R.K., Hayward, L., Hunt, K., Ayres, K., Vynne, C., Gobush, K., Canales- Espinosa, D. and Rodríguez-Luna, E., 2010. Non- invasive measurement of thyroid hormone in feces of a diverse array of avian and mammalian species. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 168, 1-7.
  • Young, S.N., 2007. L-Tirozine to alleviate the effects of stress? Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 32, 224-228.

L-Tirozin'in 131I ile Radyoişaretlenmesi ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9)

Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 2 - 9, 01.04.2012


Amin grubu aromatik türevi bileşikler 131I ile işaretlenerek hastalıkların tanısında yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, L-tirozin’in 131I ile radyoişaretlenmesi, radyoişaretleme verimi, in vitro karalılığı ve işaretli bileşiğin biyodağılımı değerlendirilmiştir. İşaretli bileşiğin kalite kontrol çalışmaları Elektroforez ve Radyo İnce Tabaka Kromatografisi (RİTK) kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Biyodağılım 9 adet erkek Albino Wistar sıçanlar üzerinde yapıldı ve üç gruba ayrıldı. İşaretli bileşik sıçanlara verildikten sonra 15, 60 ve 180 dakika sonra hayvanlar sakrifiye edilerek, belirli organlar çıkarılarak bu organlardaki enjekte edilen dozun gram başına doz dağılımları ölçüldü. radyoişaretleme verimi % 92,325±2,74 olarak bulundu. Biyodağılım sunucunda 131I-L-tirozin’nin yüksek oranda mide, böbrek, pankreas, tiroid, akciğer ve pankreasta tutulum gösterdiği saptandı. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda, 131I-L-trs bileşiğinin radyoişaretleme veriminin yüksek olduğu, mide, böbrek, pankreas ve tiroitte tutulumunu yüksek olduğu ve diagnostik çalışmalar için yeterli kararlılığa sahip olduğu bulunmuştur


  • Ası, T., 1999. Tablolarla biyokimya. cilt II, Ankara.
  • Bader, J.B., Samnick, S., Schaefer, A., Hagen, T., Moringlane, J.R., Feiden, W., Piepgras, U. and Kirsch, C.M., 1988. Contribution of nuclear medicine to the diagnosis of recurrent brain tumors and cerebral radionecrosis. Radiologe, 38, 924–929.
  • Biersack, H.J., Coenen, H.H., Stöcklin, G., Reichmann K., Bockisch, A., Oehr, P., Kashab, M. and Rollmann, O., 1989. Imaging of brain tumors with L-3-[123I]iodo-α- methyl tyrosine and SPECT. Journal Nuclear Medicine, 30, 110–112.
  • Boonanuntanasarn, S., Yoshizaki, G., Iwai, K. And Takeuchi, T., 2004. Molecular cloning, gene expression in albino mutants and gene knockdown studies of tyrosinase mRNA in rainbow trout. Pigment Cell Research, 17, 413-421.
  • Deijen, J.B. and Orlebeke, J.F., 1994. Effect of tyrosine on cognitive function and blood pressure under stress. Brain Research Bulletin, 33, 319-323.
  • Gibson, C.J. and Wurtman, R.J., 1977. Physiological control of brain catechol synthesis by brain tirozine concentration. Biochem Pharmacoli, 26, 1137-1142.
  • Glaeser, B.S., Melamed, E., Growdon, J.H. and Wurtman, R.J., 1979. Elevation of plasma tirozine after a single oral dose of L-tirozine. Life Science, 25, 265-271.
  • Hao, S., Avraham, Y., Bonne, O. and Berry, E.M., 2001. Separation-induced body weight loss, impairment in alternation behavior, and autonomic tone: effects of tyrosine. Pharmacology Biochemistry Behavior, 68, 273–281.
  • Jager, P.L. Vaalburg, W., Pruim, J., de Vries, E.G., Langen, K.J. and. Piers, D.A, 2002. Radiolabeled amino acids: basic aspects and clinical applications in oncology. Journal Nuclear Medicine, 42, 432-445.
  • Jager, P.L., Franssen, E.J., Kool, W., Szabo, B.G., Hoekstra, H.J., Groen, H.J., de Vries, E.G., van Imhoff, G.W., Vaalburg W., and Piers, D.A., 1998. Feasibility of tumor imaging using L-3-[iodine-123]-iodo-alpha- methyl-tyrosine in extracranial tumors. Journal Nuclear Medicine, 39, 1736–1743.
  • Jager, P.L., Plaat, B.E., de Vries, E.G., Molenaar, W.M., Vaalburg, W., Piers D.A. and Hoekstra, H.J., 2000. Imaging of soft-tissue tumors using L-3-[iodine- 123]iodo-alpha-methyl-tyrosine emission computed tomography: comparison with proliferative and mitotic activity, cellularity, and vascularity. Clinical Cancer Research, 6, 2252–2259.
  • Jager, P.L., Vaalburg, W., Pruim, J., de Vries, E.G., Langen K.J., and Piers D.A.,, Radiolabeled amino acids: basic aspects and clinical applications in oncology. 2002, J Nucl Med 42
  • Karl-Josef, L., Pauleit, D., Coenen H.H., 2002. 3- [(123)I]Iodo-alpha-methyl-L-tyrosine: mechanisms and clinical applications. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 29(6): 625-31 uptake
  • Magill, R.A., Waters, W.F., Bray, G.A., Volaufova, J., Smith, S.R., Lieberman, H.R., McNevin, N. and Ryan, D.H., 2003. Effects of tyrosine, phentermine, caffeine D-amphetamine, and placebo on cognitive and motor performance deficits during sleep deprivation. Nutritional Neuroscience, 6, 237–246.
  • Neri, D.F., Wiegmann, D., Stanny, R.R., Shappell, S.A., McCardie, A. and McKay, D.L., 1995. The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine, 66, 313–319.
  • Özker, K., 1979. Meme tümörlerini sintigrafik olarak incelenmesinde radyoizotoplarıyla etiketli bir Östron türevinin sentezi, Çekmece Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi, Rapor No:199. amacıyla İyot
  • Özyürek, Emel., 2011. Çocuk ve ergenlikte kronik miyeloid lösemi. XXXVII. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Ankara, 98-102.
  • Panda, S.K., and Choudhury, S., 2004. Chromium stress in plants. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17, 95–102.
  • Phan, T.T., van Tol, K.M., Links, T.P., Piers, D.A., de Vries, E.G., Dullaart, R.P. and Jager, P.L. 2004. Diagnostic I- 131 scintigraphy in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer: no additional value of higher scan dose. Annual Nuclear Medicine, 18, 641-646.
  • Strüder, H.K., Hollmann, W., Platen, P., Donike, M., Gotzmann, A. and Weber, K., 1998. Influence of paroxetine, branched-chain amino acids and tyrosine on neuroendocrine system responses and fatigue in humans. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 30, 188- 194.
  • Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E., 2008. Bitki Fizyolojisi. Prof. Dr. İsmail Türkan (çeviri editorü), Palme Yayıncılık, 350- 252.
  • Thomas, J.R., Lockwood, P.A., Singh, A. and Deuster, P.A., 1999. Tyrosine improves working memory in a multitasking Biochemistry and Behavior, 64, 495-500. Pharmacology
  • van Spronsen, F.J., van Rijn, M., Bekhof, J., Koch, R. and Smit, supplementation in phenylalanine-restricted diets. American journal of Clinical Nutration, 73, 153-157.
  • Zubillaga, M.B., J.R., Bocciot, A., Gentile, A.E., Mitta, J.O., Nicolini and Caro, R.A., 1996. New methodology for pancreatic scintiscanning imaging using 125I-L-3 Iodo-alpha-Methyl Tyrosine. Acta Physiol. Acta Physiologica, Latinoamericana, 46, 83–89. et Therapeutica
  • Wasser, S.K., Azkarate, J.C., Booth, R.K., Hayward, L., Hunt, K., Ayres, K., Vynne, C., Gobush, K., Canales- Espinosa, D. and Rodríguez-Luna, E., 2010. Non- invasive measurement of thyroid hormone in feces of a diverse array of avian and mammalian species. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 168, 1-7.
  • Young, S.N., 2007. L-Tirozine to alleviate the effects of stress? Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 32, 224-228.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Muhsin Sarıkaya This is me

Hüseyin Enginar This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2012
Submission Date August 8, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Sarıkaya, M., & Enginar, H. (2012). L-Tirozin’in 131I ile Radyoişaretlenmesi ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(1), 2-9.
AMA Sarıkaya M, Enginar H. L-Tirozin’in 131I ile Radyoişaretlenmesi ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. April 2012;12(1):2-9.
Chicago Sarıkaya, Muhsin, and Hüseyin Enginar. “L-Tirozin’in 131I Ile Radyoişaretlenmesi Ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9)”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 12, no. 1 (April 2012): 2-9.
EndNote Sarıkaya M, Enginar H (April 1, 2012) L-Tirozin’in 131I ile Radyoişaretlenmesi ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 12 1 2–9.
IEEE M. Sarıkaya and H. Enginar, “L-Tirozin’in 131I ile Radyoişaretlenmesi ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9)”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 2–9, 2012.
ISNAD Sarıkaya, Muhsin - Enginar, Hüseyin. “L-Tirozin’in 131I Ile Radyoişaretlenmesi Ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9)”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 12/1 (April 2012), 2-9.
JAMA Sarıkaya M, Enginar H. L-Tirozin’in 131I ile Radyoişaretlenmesi ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2012;12:2–9.
MLA Sarıkaya, Muhsin and Hüseyin Enginar. “L-Tirozin’in 131I Ile Radyoişaretlenmesi Ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9)”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, 2012, pp. 2-9.
Vancouver Sarıkaya M, Enginar H. L-Tirozin’in 131I ile Radyoişaretlenmesi ve Radyofarmasötik Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi (011201) (1-9). Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2012;12(1):2-9.