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The Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis For Determining The Dna Damage

Year 2008, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 41 - 52, 01.06.2008



  • Kılınç K., Kılınç A., “Oksijen Toksisitesinin Aracı Molekülleri Olarak Oksijen Radikalleri” Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi 33(2): 110 – 118. (2002)
  • Halliwell B., Dizdaroglu M., “The measurement of oxidative damage to DNA by HPLC and GC/MS techniques” Free Radical Res Commun;16:75-87(1992)
  • Ames B.N., Shigenara M.K, “DNA damage by Endogenous oxsidants and mithogenesis As Causes of Aging and Cancer” Molecular Biology of free radical scavenging systems, ed, scandalios, J.G. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratuary Pres, Plainviev .p:1-21) (1992)
  • Andican G., Burçak G., “Oksidatif DNA Hasarı Ve HPLC İle Analizi” II. Ulusal HPLC ve Diğer seperasyon Teknikleri sempozyumu. Özet kitabı.Ankara (2004)
  • Dizdaroglu M., “Chemical determination of free radical-induced damage to DNA” Free Radic Biol Med.;10(3-4):225–242. (1991) 6. Shigenaga M.K., Ames B.N., “Assays for 8-Hydroxy-2'- deoxyguanosine: A Biomarker of in vivo Oxidative DNA Damage” Free Rad. Biol. Med. 10, 211-216. (1991)
  • Cheng K.C., Cahill D.S., Kasai H., Nishimura S., Loeb L.A., “8- Hydroxyguanine, an abundant form of oxidative DNA damage, causes G to T and A to C substitutions” J. Biol. Chem. 267:166-172. (1992)
  • Kuchino Y., Mori F., Kasai H., et al., “Misreading of DNA templates containing 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine at the modified base and at adjacent residues” Nature 327, 77-79. (1987)
  • Dizdaroglu M., “Chemistry of Free Radical Damage to DNA and Nucleoprotein, in DNA and Free Radicals” Edited by B. Halliwell and O. I. Aruoma, Ellis Horwood, London, pp. 19-39. (1993)
  • Aruoma O.I., Halliwell B., Dizdaroglu M., “Iron Ion-Dependent Modification of Bases in DNA by the Superoxide Radical-Generating System Hypoxanthine/Xanthine Oxidase” J. Biol. Chem. 264, 13024- 13028. (1989)
  • Aruoma O.I., Halliwell B., Gajewski E., Dizdaroglu M., “Damage to the Bases in DNA Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide and Ferric Ion Chelates” J. Biol. Chem. 264, 20509-20512. (1989)
  • Dizdaroglu M., “Oxidative Damage to DNA in Mammalian Chromatin” Mutat. Res. 275, 331-342. (1992)
  • Thomas S., Lowe J.E., Knowles R.G., Green, I.C., Gren M.H.L., “Factors affecting the DNA damaging activity of superoxide and nitric oxide” Mutat Res. 18;402(1-2):77-84. (1998)
  • Steenken S., “Purine bases, nucleosides, and nucleotides: aqueous solution redox chemistry and transformation reactions to their radical cations and e- and OH adducts”Chem. Rev., 89: 503-520. (1989)
  • Yokuş B., Çakır D.Ü., “İnvivo Oksidatif DNA Hasarı Biyomarkerı; 8- Hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine” T Klin J Med Sci, 22535-543(2002)
  • Ünal Y., “Radyoterapi gören kanserli hastalara ait kan lenfositlerinde DNA hasarının COMET assay tekniği ile araştırılması” Gazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimler Entitüsü.Yüksek Lisans Tezi. (1998)
  • Fairbain D.W., Olive P.L., O’Neill, K.L., “The Comet Assay: A Comprehensive Reviev” Muation Res.; 339: 37-59. (1995)
  • Ertürk Ş., “Sevofuloranın DNA Hasarı Üzerine Etkilerinin Bening Ve Maling Olgularda Comet Assay Yöntemi İle Değerlendirilmesi” Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anesteziyoloji Ve Reaminasyon Anabilim Dalı . Uzmanlık Tezi. (2001)
  • Singh, N.P., Danner, D.E. Tice, R.R., Brant, L., Schneider, E.L., “Single cell gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay): its importance in human biology” Mutat. Res. 37 P:123. (1990)
  • Ostling O., Johanson K.J., “Microelectrophoretic Study Of Radiation- İnduced DNA Damage In Individual Mammalian Cells” Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications , 123, 291–298. (1984)
  • Tice R.R., Agurell E., Anderson D., Burlinson B., Hartmann A., Kobayashi H., Miyamae Y., Rojas E., Ryu J.C., Sasaki Y.F. “Single Cell Gel/Comet Assay: Guidelines for In Vitro and In Vivo Genetic Toxicology Testing” Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 35:206- 221. (2000)
  • Gwo J.C., Wu C.Y., Chang W.S., Cheng H.S., “Evaluation ofdamage in Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas)spermatozoa before and after cryopreservation using comet assay” Cryo Lett; 24: 171-180. (2003) Jin
  • Singh N.P., McCoy M.T., Tice R.R., Schneider E.L., “A simple technique for quantitation of low levels of DNA damage in individual cells” Exp. Cell Res. 175, 184-191. (1988)
  • Horoz M., Bolukbas, C., Bolukbas, F., Kocyigit, A., Aslan M., Koylu A.O., Gumus M., Celik H., Koksal M., “Assessment of peripheral DNA damage by alkaline comet assay in maintenance hemodialysis subjects with hepatitis C infection Mutation” Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 596, Issues 1-2, Pages 137-142. (2006) 25. Kocyigit A., Keles H., Selek EREL O.,“Increased DNA damage and oxidative stress in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis Mutation” Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, Volume 585, Issues 1-2, 71-78. (2005)
  • Kobayashi H., Sugiyama C., Morikava Y., Hayashi M., Sofuni T.,“A Comparasion Between Manual Microscopic Analysis and Computerized Image Analysis InThe Single Cell Gel Electropheresis” MMS Commun., 3(2) 103-115. (1995)
  • Collins A.R., “The Comet Assay for DNA Damage and Repair Principles, Applications, and Limitations” Molecular Biotechnology Volume (26); 249-261 (2004)
  • Shen HM, Ong CN. “Detection of oxidative DNA damage in human sperm and its association withsperm function and male infertility” Free Rad Biol Med; 28: 529-536. (2000)
  • Giovannelli L., Pitozzi V., Riolo S., Dolara P.,”Measurement of DNA breaks and oxidative damage in polymorphonuclear and mononuclear white blood cells: a novel approach using the comet assay” Mutation Research 538 71–80(2003)
  • Gamlı, M., “Anestezik Maddelere Maruz Kalan Ameliyathane Çalışanlarında Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay (Comet Assay) Tekniği İle Kromozom Kırıklarının Tesbiti” Sağlık Bakanlığı Ankara Hastanesi Anesteziyoloji Ve Reanimasyon Kliniği. Uzmanlık Tezi. (1997)
  • Fairbain. D.W., Olive, P.L., O’Neill, K.L., “The Comet Assay: A Comprehensive Reviev” Muation Res. 339: 37-59 (1995)

Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi

Year 2008, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 41 - 52, 01.06.2008


Çeşitli iç ve dış nedenlerden dolayı DNA’da farklı düzeyde hasarlar meydana gelmektedir. DNA hasarına insan ve fare, at, domuz, balık gibi pek çok hayvan türünde rastlanmaktadır. DNA da oluşan bu hasarların başlıcaları; tek ve çift sarmal kırıkları, oksidatif DNA baz hasarı, DNADNA, DNA-protein ve DNA-ilaç çaprazlaşmaları ve DNA da mutasyonlar gibi bir takım yapısal bozulmalardır. Tek hücre jel elektroforezi yada “Comet Analiz” canlı populasyonlarında, hücre düzeyinde DNA hasar tespitininde kullanılan, hızlı, basit ve çok hassas flouresan mikroskobik yöntemdir


  • Kılınç K., Kılınç A., “Oksijen Toksisitesinin Aracı Molekülleri Olarak Oksijen Radikalleri” Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi 33(2): 110 – 118. (2002)
  • Halliwell B., Dizdaroglu M., “The measurement of oxidative damage to DNA by HPLC and GC/MS techniques” Free Radical Res Commun;16:75-87(1992)
  • Ames B.N., Shigenara M.K, “DNA damage by Endogenous oxsidants and mithogenesis As Causes of Aging and Cancer” Molecular Biology of free radical scavenging systems, ed, scandalios, J.G. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratuary Pres, Plainviev .p:1-21) (1992)
  • Andican G., Burçak G., “Oksidatif DNA Hasarı Ve HPLC İle Analizi” II. Ulusal HPLC ve Diğer seperasyon Teknikleri sempozyumu. Özet kitabı.Ankara (2004)
  • Dizdaroglu M., “Chemical determination of free radical-induced damage to DNA” Free Radic Biol Med.;10(3-4):225–242. (1991) 6. Shigenaga M.K., Ames B.N., “Assays for 8-Hydroxy-2'- deoxyguanosine: A Biomarker of in vivo Oxidative DNA Damage” Free Rad. Biol. Med. 10, 211-216. (1991)
  • Cheng K.C., Cahill D.S., Kasai H., Nishimura S., Loeb L.A., “8- Hydroxyguanine, an abundant form of oxidative DNA damage, causes G to T and A to C substitutions” J. Biol. Chem. 267:166-172. (1992)
  • Kuchino Y., Mori F., Kasai H., et al., “Misreading of DNA templates containing 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine at the modified base and at adjacent residues” Nature 327, 77-79. (1987)
  • Dizdaroglu M., “Chemistry of Free Radical Damage to DNA and Nucleoprotein, in DNA and Free Radicals” Edited by B. Halliwell and O. I. Aruoma, Ellis Horwood, London, pp. 19-39. (1993)
  • Aruoma O.I., Halliwell B., Dizdaroglu M., “Iron Ion-Dependent Modification of Bases in DNA by the Superoxide Radical-Generating System Hypoxanthine/Xanthine Oxidase” J. Biol. Chem. 264, 13024- 13028. (1989)
  • Aruoma O.I., Halliwell B., Gajewski E., Dizdaroglu M., “Damage to the Bases in DNA Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide and Ferric Ion Chelates” J. Biol. Chem. 264, 20509-20512. (1989)
  • Dizdaroglu M., “Oxidative Damage to DNA in Mammalian Chromatin” Mutat. Res. 275, 331-342. (1992)
  • Thomas S., Lowe J.E., Knowles R.G., Green, I.C., Gren M.H.L., “Factors affecting the DNA damaging activity of superoxide and nitric oxide” Mutat Res. 18;402(1-2):77-84. (1998)
  • Steenken S., “Purine bases, nucleosides, and nucleotides: aqueous solution redox chemistry and transformation reactions to their radical cations and e- and OH adducts”Chem. Rev., 89: 503-520. (1989)
  • Yokuş B., Çakır D.Ü., “İnvivo Oksidatif DNA Hasarı Biyomarkerı; 8- Hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine” T Klin J Med Sci, 22535-543(2002)
  • Ünal Y., “Radyoterapi gören kanserli hastalara ait kan lenfositlerinde DNA hasarının COMET assay tekniği ile araştırılması” Gazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimler Entitüsü.Yüksek Lisans Tezi. (1998)
  • Fairbain D.W., Olive P.L., O’Neill, K.L., “The Comet Assay: A Comprehensive Reviev” Muation Res.; 339: 37-59. (1995)
  • Ertürk Ş., “Sevofuloranın DNA Hasarı Üzerine Etkilerinin Bening Ve Maling Olgularda Comet Assay Yöntemi İle Değerlendirilmesi” Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anesteziyoloji Ve Reaminasyon Anabilim Dalı . Uzmanlık Tezi. (2001)
  • Singh, N.P., Danner, D.E. Tice, R.R., Brant, L., Schneider, E.L., “Single cell gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay): its importance in human biology” Mutat. Res. 37 P:123. (1990)
  • Ostling O., Johanson K.J., “Microelectrophoretic Study Of Radiation- İnduced DNA Damage In Individual Mammalian Cells” Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications , 123, 291–298. (1984)
  • Tice R.R., Agurell E., Anderson D., Burlinson B., Hartmann A., Kobayashi H., Miyamae Y., Rojas E., Ryu J.C., Sasaki Y.F. “Single Cell Gel/Comet Assay: Guidelines for In Vitro and In Vivo Genetic Toxicology Testing” Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 35:206- 221. (2000)
  • Gwo J.C., Wu C.Y., Chang W.S., Cheng H.S., “Evaluation ofdamage in Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas)spermatozoa before and after cryopreservation using comet assay” Cryo Lett; 24: 171-180. (2003) Jin
  • Singh N.P., McCoy M.T., Tice R.R., Schneider E.L., “A simple technique for quantitation of low levels of DNA damage in individual cells” Exp. Cell Res. 175, 184-191. (1988)
  • Horoz M., Bolukbas, C., Bolukbas, F., Kocyigit, A., Aslan M., Koylu A.O., Gumus M., Celik H., Koksal M., “Assessment of peripheral DNA damage by alkaline comet assay in maintenance hemodialysis subjects with hepatitis C infection Mutation” Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 596, Issues 1-2, Pages 137-142. (2006) 25. Kocyigit A., Keles H., Selek EREL O.,“Increased DNA damage and oxidative stress in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis Mutation” Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, Volume 585, Issues 1-2, 71-78. (2005)
  • Kobayashi H., Sugiyama C., Morikava Y., Hayashi M., Sofuni T.,“A Comparasion Between Manual Microscopic Analysis and Computerized Image Analysis InThe Single Cell Gel Electropheresis” MMS Commun., 3(2) 103-115. (1995)
  • Collins A.R., “The Comet Assay for DNA Damage and Repair Principles, Applications, and Limitations” Molecular Biotechnology Volume (26); 249-261 (2004)
  • Shen HM, Ong CN. “Detection of oxidative DNA damage in human sperm and its association withsperm function and male infertility” Free Rad Biol Med; 28: 529-536. (2000)
  • Giovannelli L., Pitozzi V., Riolo S., Dolara P.,”Measurement of DNA breaks and oxidative damage in polymorphonuclear and mononuclear white blood cells: a novel approach using the comet assay” Mutation Research 538 71–80(2003)
  • Gamlı, M., “Anestezik Maddelere Maruz Kalan Ameliyathane Çalışanlarında Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay (Comet Assay) Tekniği İle Kromozom Kırıklarının Tesbiti” Sağlık Bakanlığı Ankara Hastanesi Anesteziyoloji Ve Reanimasyon Kliniği. Uzmanlık Tezi. (1997)
  • Fairbain. D.W., Olive, P.L., O’Neill, K.L., “The Comet Assay: A Comprehensive Reviev” Muation Res. 339: 37-59 (1995)
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

A.Fatih Fidan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2008
Submission Date August 8, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Fidan, A. (2008). Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(1), 41-52.
AMA Fidan A. Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. June 2008;8(1):41-52.
Chicago Fidan, A.Fatih. “Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8, no. 1 (June 2008): 41-52.
EndNote Fidan A (June 1, 2008) Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8 1 41–52.
IEEE A. Fidan, “Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 41–52, 2008.
ISNAD Fidan, A.Fatih. “Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8/1 (June 2008), 41-52.
JAMA Fidan A. Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2008;8:41–52.
MLA Fidan, A.Fatih. “Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi”. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, 2008, pp. 41-52.
Vancouver Fidan A. Dna Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2008;8(1):41-52.