The Effect of Stratification Period and Sowing Time on Germination of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Seeds
Year 2009,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 87 - 90, 01.06.2009
Cengiz Yücedağ
Hazin Cemal Gültekin
- Voravuthikunvhai, S. P.,, Sririrak, T., Limsuwan, S., Supawita, T., Lida, T., Honda, T., 2005. Inhi- bitory Effects of Active Compounds from Punica granatum Pericarp on Verocytotoxin Production by Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli 0157:H7. Journal of Health Science, 51 (5):590-596.
- Göktürk, A., Ölmez, Z., Temel, F., 2006. Some Native Plants for Erosion Control Efforts in Ço- ruh River Valley, Artvin, Turkey. Pakistan J. Of Biological Sciences, 9 (4):667-673.
- Anesini, C., Perez, C., 1993. Screening of Plants Used in Argentine Folk Medicine for Antimicro- bial Activity. J. Ethnopharmacol., 39:119-128.
- Sudheesh, S., Vijayalakshmi, N. R., 2005. Flavo- noids from Punica granatum–Potential Antipero- xidative Agents. Fitoterapia, 76:181-186.
- Mahmoud, A., Nawwar, M., Sahar, A., Hussein, M., Merfort, I., 1994. NMR Spectral Analysis of Polyphenols from Punica granatum. Phytoche- mistry, 36:793-798.
- Aslam,M., 2006. Cultivation, Conservation and Propagation of Medicinal Herbs. Introduction of Medicinal Herbs and Species as Crop Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, p. 104, Islama- bad.
- Shukla, M., Gupta, K., Rasheed, Z., Khan, K. A., Haqqi, T. M., 2008. Bioavailable constituents/ metabolites of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) preferentially inhibit COX2 activity ex vivo and IL-1beta-induced PGE2 production in human chondrocytes in vitro. Journal of Inflammation, 5:9.
- Güngör, I., Atatoprak, A., Özer, F., Akdağ, N., Kandemir, N.I., 2002. Bitkilerin Dünyası (In Tur- kish). Lazer Ofset Matbaa, Ankara.
- Riley, J.M., 1981. Growing Rare Fruit From Seed. Califormia Rare Fruit Growers Yearbook, 13:1- 47.
- Piotto, B., Bartolini, G., Bussotti, F., Asensio, A., Garcia, C., Chessa, I., Ciccarese, C., et al., 2003. Fact Sheets on the Propagation of Mediterranean Trees and Shrubs from Seed. In: Seed Propagati- on of Mediterranean Trees And Shrubs.Piotto, B. And A.D. Noi (Eds.), Italy, pp.11-51.
- Ölmez, Z., Temel, F., Göktürk, A., Yahyaoğlu, Z., 2007a. Effects of Cold Stratification Treatments on Germination of Twelve Different Drought- Tolerant Shrubs Seeds. J. Environ. Biol., 28, (In press).
- Ölmez, Z., Temel, F., Göktürk, A., Yahyaoğlu, Z., 2007. Effects of Sulphuric Acid and Cold Strati- fication Pretreatments on Germination of Pomeg- ranate (Punica granatum L.) Seeds. Asian J. of Plant Sciences, 6 (2):427-430.
- ISTA, (International Seed Testing Association), 1999. International Rules for Seed Testing, Seed Sci. and Technology, 27 (Suppl.): 333 pp.
- Kalıpsız, A., 1994. İstatistik Yöntemler, İ.Ü. Or- man Fak. Yayınları No: 3835/427, İstanbul.
Nar ( Punica granatum L.) Tohumlarının Çimlenmesine Katlama Süresi ve Ekim Zamanının Etkisi
Year 2009,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 87 - 90, 01.06.2009
Cengiz Yücedağ
Hazin Cemal Gültekin
Bu çalışmada, nar (Punica granatum L.) tohumlarının çimlenme oranı üzerine ekim zamanı ve soğuk-ıslak katlama işlemlerinin etkisi belirlenmiştir. Bu amaçla, tür tohumları bir aylık aralıklarla sekiz farklı tarihte (1 şubat-15 mayıs 2008 tarihleri arasında) doğrudan (önişlem uygulamadan) ve ayrıca soğuk hava deposunda (+4°C) 15 ile 90 gün arasında değişen altı farklı süreli (15 gün aralıklarla) soğuk-ıslak katlama işlemine alınarak 15 mayıs 2008 tarihinde ekilmişlerdir. Bu bağlamda, ekim zamanı ve soğuk-ıslak katlama işlemleri çimlenme oranı üzerinde önemli (p
- Voravuthikunvhai, S. P.,, Sririrak, T., Limsuwan, S., Supawita, T., Lida, T., Honda, T., 2005. Inhi- bitory Effects of Active Compounds from Punica granatum Pericarp on Verocytotoxin Production by Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli 0157:H7. Journal of Health Science, 51 (5):590-596.
- Göktürk, A., Ölmez, Z., Temel, F., 2006. Some Native Plants for Erosion Control Efforts in Ço- ruh River Valley, Artvin, Turkey. Pakistan J. Of Biological Sciences, 9 (4):667-673.
- Anesini, C., Perez, C., 1993. Screening of Plants Used in Argentine Folk Medicine for Antimicro- bial Activity. J. Ethnopharmacol., 39:119-128.
- Sudheesh, S., Vijayalakshmi, N. R., 2005. Flavo- noids from Punica granatum–Potential Antipero- xidative Agents. Fitoterapia, 76:181-186.
- Mahmoud, A., Nawwar, M., Sahar, A., Hussein, M., Merfort, I., 1994. NMR Spectral Analysis of Polyphenols from Punica granatum. Phytoche- mistry, 36:793-798.
- Aslam,M., 2006. Cultivation, Conservation and Propagation of Medicinal Herbs. Introduction of Medicinal Herbs and Species as Crop Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, p. 104, Islama- bad.
- Shukla, M., Gupta, K., Rasheed, Z., Khan, K. A., Haqqi, T. M., 2008. Bioavailable constituents/ metabolites of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) preferentially inhibit COX2 activity ex vivo and IL-1beta-induced PGE2 production in human chondrocytes in vitro. Journal of Inflammation, 5:9.
- Güngör, I., Atatoprak, A., Özer, F., Akdağ, N., Kandemir, N.I., 2002. Bitkilerin Dünyası (In Tur- kish). Lazer Ofset Matbaa, Ankara.
- Riley, J.M., 1981. Growing Rare Fruit From Seed. Califormia Rare Fruit Growers Yearbook, 13:1- 47.
- Piotto, B., Bartolini, G., Bussotti, F., Asensio, A., Garcia, C., Chessa, I., Ciccarese, C., et al., 2003. Fact Sheets on the Propagation of Mediterranean Trees and Shrubs from Seed. In: Seed Propagati- on of Mediterranean Trees And Shrubs.Piotto, B. And A.D. Noi (Eds.), Italy, pp.11-51.
- Ölmez, Z., Temel, F., Göktürk, A., Yahyaoğlu, Z., 2007a. Effects of Cold Stratification Treatments on Germination of Twelve Different Drought- Tolerant Shrubs Seeds. J. Environ. Biol., 28, (In press).
- Ölmez, Z., Temel, F., Göktürk, A., Yahyaoğlu, Z., 2007. Effects of Sulphuric Acid and Cold Strati- fication Pretreatments on Germination of Pomeg- ranate (Punica granatum L.) Seeds. Asian J. of Plant Sciences, 6 (2):427-430.
- ISTA, (International Seed Testing Association), 1999. International Rules for Seed Testing, Seed Sci. and Technology, 27 (Suppl.): 333 pp.
- Kalıpsız, A., 1994. İstatistik Yöntemler, İ.Ü. Or- man Fak. Yayınları No: 3835/427, İstanbul.