Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 6/1/22

Year: 2022

The Journal aims to promote contemporary research in the field of business, finance, management, economics, marketing, production management, accounting, and relevant subjects. Moreover, it seeks to facilitate communications between academics and practitioners on domestic and international issues.

The Journal covers contemporary research in the field of business, finance, management, economics, marketing, production management, accounting, and relevant subjects. The Journal reviews theoretical and empirical papers, and case studies written in Turkish and English in the field of social sciences. The journal also publishes review papers and technical reports.


APA Citation Guide should be used throughout the studies. For example, you may reach this link. In English papers, please use "p." instead of "s." in intext citations to indicate the page number.

Submitted manuscripts should cover economics, public finance, political science, public administration, international relations, labor economics and industrial relations, international trade and finance, econometrics, and similar fields; unique, prepared with a method, research, and model which is appropriate with scientific rules. The manuscript should fill a gap in its research field, unpublished and appropriate to the research and publication ethics. There are not any charges and/or fees for authors at any stage of submission and review. Also, there is not any payment to the reviewers and/or authors such as royalty fees, etc.

Manuscripts should be in Turkish or English.

The journal uses a double-blind peer review method. Therefore, articles have been sending at least three reviewers. In order to be accepted, an article must get the positive opinion of at least two-thirds of the reviewers. Reviewers are assigned among expert academicians in their study fields and at least with a Ph.D. degree. Scholars who work in the same institution as the author cannot be assigned as a reviewer. Also, reviewers are preferably chosen from outside our university.

Revision Requests of referees must be done according to the revision report and sent to the editorial board by the authors.

Authors can object to rejection decisions by providing evidence. This objection will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and after that, the Journal can make a decision to invite different referees for the manuscript.

Submitted translation papers should obtain and submit approval for publication of original author(s) and original article. Translation papers are also subject to the peer-review process.

Accepted manuscripts are listed according to their acceptance date. Author(s)'s name(s) and surname(s) placed under the Turkish title. The submission date and acceptance date and titles, institutions, and e-mail addresses are placed in the footnote of the first page.

Copyrights and publication rights of published manuscripts belong to Journal. According to this, at the submission stage Journal demands a signed form about copyright from all of the authors. The right to second time publish the full paper requires the permission of the Journal after the first time the Journal published the paper.

All of the responsibility for the published manuscripts belong to the authors.

General Formatting Requirements

Journal does not charge any fee from authors. Also, the journal does not pay any fee (such as royalty, etc.) to authors or referees. 

Please prepare your manuscript using the template of our journal in the Microsoft Word (doc.) format. To download the manuscript template, please click here! As our journal does not charge a fee for article submission and processing, the authors have the responsibility to prepare manuscripts in line with the guidelines in the template article.

Authors have legal responsibility for the content of their studies. Also, the authors agree on the open-access policy and Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License and sign-upload the copyright form to DergiPark.

Our template includes all general formatting requirements, page layout, paragraph format, tables-figures, and heading formats. Authors will just transfer their submission to the journal template.

The references must follow the APA 6.0 Guide. 

The submitted manuscripts should cover contemporary research in the field of business, finance, management, economics, marketing, production management, accounting, and relevant subjects. The manuscripts can be empirical papers and case studies written in Turkish and English in the field of social sciences. The journal also publishes review papers and technical reports.

The length of the manuscripts must be between 3000 and 7000 words including the öz, abstract, tables, and appendix without the references.

KOCATEPEİİBF accepts Turkish and English manuscripts.

KOCATEPEİİBF uses the iThenticate plagiarism detection tools for preventing plagiarism and controlling the similarity rate. Authors must also submit the similarity report obtained through plagiarism software such as Turnitin, iThenticate, etc. while submitting their papers. Should the similarity rate exceeds more than 20% excluding bibliography and matches less than 5 words, the manuscript will be rejected by the editorial board.

Our journal does not charge for article submission and processing fees. As there is no income of our journal, the author(s) should have the responsibility of redaction, layout, proofreading, and translation.

As stated in the journal template, Turkish and English abstracts should be between 100 and 200 words. These abstracts should be followed by keywords up to 4 (Turkish abstracts will be translated for the submissions of international authors) and should be followed by 1 to 4 JEL Codes.

If studies are granted by an institution or presented at a conference, symposium, etc. authors should mention that as a footnote on the first page.

To emphasize a part in your texts, please use italics instead of the bold option.

Manuscript Review

The studies submitted to the KOCATEPEİİBF are pre reviewing by the Managing Editor or Editorial Assistant for Journal coverage, plagiarism, similarity rate, and spelling rules. When the Managing Editor considers the manuscript appropriate for the journal policy, Editor-in-chief assigns the manuscript to at least three referees based on their expertise, from different universities.

Referee Assign Invitation is valid for 7 days. If the reviewer accepts reviewing the manuscript, the reviewing process will start and expected to end in 30 days. This time can be extended by Managing Editor for 15 more days only for one time. If reviewers do not follow the deadlines, new reviewers will be assigned by Managing Editor. Reviewers are assigned among expert academicians in their study fields and at least with a Ph.D. degree. Scholars who work in the same institution as the author cannot be assigned as a reviewer. Also, reviewers are preferably chosen from outside our university.

Referees have 4 options upon the final decision on the manuscripts: Publishable, Non-Publishable, Needs Minor Revisions and Do Not Need Reviewing Again, Needs Major Revisions, and Do Need Reviewing Again. The revisions must be done and the revised final document must be sent by the authors to the KOCATEPEİİBF Editorial.

In order to be accepted for publishing, an article must get the positive opinion of at least two-thirds of reviewers.

Our Copyright Policy

The manuscripts submitted to KOCATEPEİİBF for publication should be original ones that have not been published before or not submitted anywhere else for publication.

The authors agree on the requirements of the open-access policy and Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. They also accept to disclaim the copyright of the study by uploading the copyright form signed by all of the authors while submission to DergiPark.

Ethics Policy

Editors should:

o   hold the following responsibilities that are based on the guidelines "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published as open Access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors should:

o   submit original manuscripts that have not been published before or have not been submitted anywhere else for publication.

o   indicate just the authors who contributed to the manuscript at the intellectual level.

o   should be ready to supply extra documents such as raw data, consent forms, and permission forms.

o   just submit their submission to one journal at a time.

Reviewers should:

o   agree to review only their subject of expertise in an unbiased and confidential manner.

o   review the manuscript constructively and kindly, avoiding insulting.

o   review the content of a manuscript objectively without considering issues such as gender, religion, and politics.

Ethics Policy

Editors should:

o hold the following responsibilities that are based on the guidelines "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published as open Access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors should:

o submit original manuscripts that have not published before or not submitted to anywhere else for publication.

o indicate just the authors who contributed to the manuscript at the intellectual level.

o should be ready to supply extra documents such as raw data, consent forms, and permission forms.

o just submit their submission to one journal at a time.

Reviewers should:

o agree to review only in their subject of expertise in an unbiased and confidential manner.

o review the manuscript constructively and kindly, avoiding insulting.

o review the content of a manuscript objectively without considering issues such as gender, religion, and politics.

The Journal has accepted implementing the following principles:

1. Editors, subject editors, and editorial assistants cannot submit their manuscripts as long as they are part of the editorial board.
2. One author cannot publish articles on successive issues.
3. There is a maximum 20% quota for the scholars affiliated with Afyon Kocatepe University considering their acceptance dates.
4. The journal does not accept manuscripts produced from theses that are prepared at Afyon Kocatepe University. 

Our Journal does not charge any submission fee. We do not pay any royalties to the authors and reviewers.
