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The mediator role of self-efficacy in the effect of life satisfaction on psychological well-being of hospital employees
Year 2024,
Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 340 - 356, 16.12.2024
Hospital employees need to have strong personal and mental ability to perform under demanding conditions, therefore their life satisfaction, psychological well-being, and self-efficacy levels are crucial to maintaining their mental health. In line with this importance the aim of the study attempts to reveal the mediator role of self-efficacy in the effect of life satisfaction on psychological well-being. A questionnaire was developed to collect the data of the study and this questionnaire was applied face-to-face to the participants. The sample of the study was selected by simple random method. The study sample consists of 424 employees working in a state hospital in a province located in the Southeastern region of Turkey. After descriptive statistics were made with the SPSS program, the hypotheses of the research were tested by using the statistical method of structural equation modeling through the LISREL program. The findings indicate that life satisfaction has a favorable impact on self-efficacy and psychological well-being. Self-efficacy similarly has a favorable impact on psychological health. Additionally, self-efficacy mediates the effect of life satisfaction on psychological well-being.
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