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İmalat sanayinde yeşil pazarlama yöneliminin sürdürülebilir işletme performansı üzerindeki etkileri

Year 2025, Volume: 27 Issue: Özel Sayı, 85 - 104


Bu çalışma, üretim sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmelerin yeşil pazarlama yönelimlerinin sürdürülebilir işletme performansı üzerindeki etkilerini kısmi en küçük kareler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi (PLS-SEM) yöntemiyle analiz etmektedir. Ayrıca, işletme büyüklüğünün bir düzenleyici değişken olarak modeldeki ilişkiler üzerindeki rolü incelenmiştir. Araştırmada, İstanbul Sanayi Odası’na kayıtlı 226 işletmeden çevrimiçi anket yöntemiyle elde edilen veriler kullanılmıştır. Analiz bulguları, yeşil pazarlama yöneliminin stratejik, taktiksel ve örgütsel boyutlarının işletmelerin sosyal performansı üzerinde olumlu etkiler yarattığını ve taktiksel yeşil pazarlama yöneliminin çevresel performansı da pozitif yönde etkilediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Çoklu grup analizi sonucunda, küçük ve orta-büyük ölçekli işletmeler olarak sınıflandırılan iki grup arasında model ilişkileri açısından farklılık gözlenmemiştir.


  • Abdul-Rashid, S. H., Sakundarini, N., Ghazilla, R. A. R. ve Thurasamy, R. (2017). The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices on sustainability performance: Empirical evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37(2), 182-204.
  • Acosta, A.S., Crespo, A.H. ve Agudo, J.C. (2018). Effect of market orientation, network capability and entrepreneurial orientation on international performance of small and medium enterprises (smes). International Business Review, 27, 1128-1140.
  • Altarifi, S. M., Aqe, I. ve Tarawneh, K. A. (2016). The impact of market orientation on customer satisfaction of private schools in jordan. International Journal of Business and Management, 11(9), 117-125.
  • Amoako, G. K. (2020). A conceptual framework: Corporate environmental management activities and sustainable competitive advantage. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 31(2), 331-347.
  • Aragon, J.A., Hurtado, N., Sharma, S. ve Garcia, V.J. (2008). Environmental strategy and performance in small firms: A resource-based perspective. Journal of Environmental Management, 86, 88-103.
  • Baah, C., Opoku-Agyeman, D., Acquah, I. S. K., Agyabeng-Mensah, Y., Afum, E., Faibil, D. ve Abdoulaye, F. A. M. (2021). Examining the correlations between stakeholder pressures, green production practices, firm reputation, environmental and financial performance: evidence from manufacturing SMEs. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 100-114.
  • Braik, A., Saleh, Y. ve Jaaron A.M. Ayham (2024). Green marketing practices and organizational sustainable performance in developing countries context: an empirical study, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 27:6, 769-809.
  • Chang, C. H. (2011). The influence of corporate environmental ethics on competitive advantage: the mediation role of green innovation. Journal of Business Ethics, 104, 361-370.
  • Chung, K. C. (2020). Green marketing orientation: achieving sustainable development in green hotel management. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(6), 722-738.
  • Cohen, J. (2013). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.
  • Correia, E., Sousa, S., Viseu, C. ve Larguinho, M. (2023). Analysing the influence of green marketing communication in consumers’ green purchase behaviour. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1356. . ijerph20021356
  • D’Souza, C., Taghian, M., Sullivan-Mort, G. ve Gilmore, A. (2015). An evaluation of the role of green marketing and a firm’s internal practices for environmental sustainability. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 23, 600-615.
  • Dangelico, R. M. ve Vocalelli, D. (2017). “Green Marketing”: An analysis of definitions, strategy steps, and tools through a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 1263-1279.
  • De Giovanni, P. ve Vinzi, V. E. (2012). Covariance versus component-based estimations of performance in green supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, 135(2), 907-916.
  • Dizman, H. ve Taştepe, Ö. (2021). Yeşil pazarlama uygulamalarının çevre dostu ürünleri satın alma niyeti ile marka imajı arasındaki aracılık rolü. International Journal of Disciplines Economics & Administrative Scienves Studies, 7(31), 558-563.
  • Dowell, G. ve Muthulingam, S. (2017). Will firms go green if it pays? The impact of disruption, cost, and external factors on the adoption of environmental initiatives. Strategic Management Journal, 38, 1287-1304.
  • Eneizan, B. M. ve Wahab, K. A. (2016). Effects of green marketing strategy on the financial and non-financial performance of firms: a conceptual paper. Arabian Journal Business Management Review, 6(5), 1-7.
  • Fatoki, O. (2019). Green marketing orientation and environmental and social performance of hospitality firms in South Africa. Foundations of Management, 11, 277-290.
  • Fernando, Y., Jabbour, C. J. C. ve Wah, W. X. (2019). Pursuing green growth in technology firms through the connections between environmental innovation and sustainable business performance: Does service capability matter? Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 141, 8-20.
  • Fousteris, A. E., Didaskalou, E. A., Tsogas, M. M. H. ve Georgakellos, D. A. (2018). The environmental strategy of businesses as an option under recession in Greece. Sustainability, 10(12), 4399.
  • Fraj, E., Martínez, E. ve Matute, J. (2011). Green marketing strategy and the firm’s performance: the moderating role of environmental culture. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19(4), 339-355.
  • Fraj, E., Martínez, E. ve Matute, J. (2013). Green marketing in B2B organisations: an empirical analysis from the natural‐resource‐based view of the firm. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 28(5), 396-410.
  • Gupta, S. ve Kumar, V. (2013). Sustainability as corporate culture of a brand for superior performance. Journal of World Business, 48(3), 311-320.
  • Gürbüz, S. ve Şahin, F. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık. Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
  • Hair, J. ve Alamer, A. (2022). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) in second language and education research: Guidelines using an applied example. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 1(3), 100027.
  • Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, M.C. ve Gudergan, P.S. (2018). Advanced Issues in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Han M, Lin H, Wang J, Wang Y. ve Jiang W. (2019). Turning corporate environmental ethics into firm performance: The role of green marketing programs. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28, 929-938.
  • Hassan, A. S. ve Jaaron, A. A. (2021). Total quality management for enhancing organizational performance: The mediating role of green manufacturing practices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 308, 127366.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2016). Testing measurement invariance of composites using partial least squares. International marketing review, 33(3), 405-431.
  • Hernandez, J.P.S.-I., Yanez-Araque, B. ve Moreno-Garcia, J. (2020). Moderating effect of firm size on the influence of corporate social responsibility in the economic performance of micro-, small-and medium-sized enterprises. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 151, 119774.
  • Khan, E. A., Royhan, P., Rahman, M. A., Rahman, M. M. ve Mostafa, A. (2020). The impact of enviropreneurial orientation on small firms’ business performance: The mediation of green marketing mix and eco-labeling strategies. Sustainability, 12(1), 221.
  • Kraus, S., Rehman, S. U. ve García, F. J. S. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and environmental performance: The mediating role of environmental strategy and green innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 160, 120262.
  • Lamm, E., Tosti-Kharas, J. ve King, C. E. (2015). Empowering employee sustainability: Perceived organizational support toward the environment. Journal of Business Ethics, 128, 207-220.
  • Leonidou, C. N., Katsikeas, C. S. ve Morgan, N. A. (2013). “Greening” the marketing mix: do firms do it and does it pay off? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41, 151-170.
  • Leonidou, C. N. ve Leonidou, L. C. (2011). Research into environmental marketing/management: A bibliographic analysis. European Journal of Marketing, 45 (1/2), 68-103.
  • Li, Y., Ye, F., Sheu, C. ve Yang, Q. (2018). Linking green market orientation and performance: Antecedents and processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 192, 924-931.
  • Majeed, M.U., Aslam, S., Murtaza, S.A., Attila, S. ve Molnar, E. (2022). Green marketing approaches and their impact on green purchase intentions: mediating role of green brand image and consumer beliefs towards the environment. Sustainability, 14, 11703.
  • Masoumik, S. M., Abdul-Rashid, S. H. ve Olugu, E. U. (2015). Importance-performance analysis of green strategy adoption within the Malaysian manufacturing industry. Procedia CIRP, 26, 646-652.
  • Mesci, M. (2011). Bilgi yönetimi, yenilik ve işletme performansı arasındaki ilişkide ara değişkenlerin etkisi: Beş yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde bir araştırma [Yayımlanmış doktora tezi]. Sakarya Üniversitesi.
  • Micheli, G. J., Cagno, E., Mustillo, G. ve Trianni, A. (2020). Green supply chain management drivers, practices and performance: A comprehensive study on the moderators. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121024.
  • Moravcikova, D., Krizanova, A., Kliestikova, J. ve Rypakova, M. (2017). Green marketing as the source of the competitive advantage of the business. Sustainability, 9(12), 2218.
  • Mukonza, C. ve Swarts, I. (2020). The influence of green marketing strategies on business performance and corporate image in the retail sector. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(3), 838-845.
  • Munoz, F., Vargas, M. ve Marco, I. (2014). Environmental Mutual Funds: Financial performance and managerial abilities. Journal of Business Ethics, 124, 551-569.
  • Mutingi, M., Mapfaira, H. ve Monageng, R. (2014). Developing performance management systems for the green supply chain. Journal of Remanufacturing, 4(1), 1-20.
  • Nath, P. ve Siepong, A. (2022). Green marketing capability: A configuration approach towards sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 354, 131727.
  • Negi, R., Gupta, A. K. ve Gaur, V. (2023). Effect of green marketing orientation dimensions on green innovation and organizational performance: A mediation-moderation analysis. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(8), 5435-5458.
  • Öndoğan, E. N. (2018). Hazır giyim sektörü ve yeşil pazarlama. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 27(2), 97-110.
  • Papadas, K. K., Avlonitis, G. J. ve Carrigan, M. (2017). Green marketing orientation: Conceptualization, scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 80, 236-246.
  • Papadas, K. K., Avlonitis, G. J., Carrigan, M. ve Piha, L. (2019). The interplay of strategic and internal green marketing orientation on competitive advantage. Journal of Business Research, 104, 632-643.
  • Samad, S., Nilashi, M., Almulihi, A., Alrizq, M., Alghamdi, A., Mohd, S., ... ve Azhar, S. N. F. S. (2021). Green supply chain management practices and impact on firm performance: The moderating effect of collaborative capability. Technology in Society, 67, 101766.
  • Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C.M. ve Hair, J.F. (2017). Partial least squares structural equation modelling. Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Sarwar, A., Zafar, A., Hamza, M. ve Qadir, A. (2021). The effect of green supply chain practices on firm sustainability performance: Evidence from Pakistan. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 31-38.
  • Schwoy, S., Dutzi, A., Corten, M. ve Steijvers, T. (2023). Staging or real commitment? CEO reputation management as a moderator of the influence of firm size on corporate social responsibility performance and controversies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 410, 137325.
  • Selvam, M., Gayathri, J.,Vasanth, V., Lingaraja, K. ve Marxiaoli, S. (2016). Determinants of firm performance: a subjective model. International Journal of Social Science Studie, 4(7), 90-100.
  • Shafaei, A., Nejati, M. ve Abd Razak, N. (2019). One size does not fit all: multi-group analysis of international students’ cross-cultural adaptation using MICOM. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 42(5), 536-552.
  • Shashi, C.P., Cerchione, R. ve Singh, R., (2019). The impact of leanness and innovativeness on environmental and financial performance: insights from Indian SMEs. International Journal of Production Economics, 212, 111-124.
  • Telli, S.G. ve S. Aydın (Dü.), (2023). Sürdürülebilir pazarlamaya giriş. Sürdürülebilir pazarlama. Konya: Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Tunç, T. (2020). Sürdürülebilir Yeşil Değer. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
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The impact of green marketing orientation on sustainable business performance in the manufacturing industry

Year 2025, Volume: 27 Issue: Özel Sayı, 85 - 104


This study examines the effects of green marketing orientation on the sustainable business performance of manufacturing firms using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Additionally, the moderating role of firm size as a categorical variable on the relationships within the model is investigated. The research utilizes data collected through an online survey from 226 firms registered with the Istanbul Chamber of Industry. The findings reveal that the strategic, tactical and organizational dimensions of green marketing orientation create positive effects on the social performance of firms and that tactical green marketing orientation also positively affects environmental performance. Multi-group analysis shows no differences between small and medium-large firms in model relationships.


  • Abdul-Rashid, S. H., Sakundarini, N., Ghazilla, R. A. R. ve Thurasamy, R. (2017). The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices on sustainability performance: Empirical evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37(2), 182-204.
  • Acosta, A.S., Crespo, A.H. ve Agudo, J.C. (2018). Effect of market orientation, network capability and entrepreneurial orientation on international performance of small and medium enterprises (smes). International Business Review, 27, 1128-1140.
  • Altarifi, S. M., Aqe, I. ve Tarawneh, K. A. (2016). The impact of market orientation on customer satisfaction of private schools in jordan. International Journal of Business and Management, 11(9), 117-125.
  • Amoako, G. K. (2020). A conceptual framework: Corporate environmental management activities and sustainable competitive advantage. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 31(2), 331-347.
  • Aragon, J.A., Hurtado, N., Sharma, S. ve Garcia, V.J. (2008). Environmental strategy and performance in small firms: A resource-based perspective. Journal of Environmental Management, 86, 88-103.
  • Baah, C., Opoku-Agyeman, D., Acquah, I. S. K., Agyabeng-Mensah, Y., Afum, E., Faibil, D. ve Abdoulaye, F. A. M. (2021). Examining the correlations between stakeholder pressures, green production practices, firm reputation, environmental and financial performance: evidence from manufacturing SMEs. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 100-114.
  • Braik, A., Saleh, Y. ve Jaaron A.M. Ayham (2024). Green marketing practices and organizational sustainable performance in developing countries context: an empirical study, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 27:6, 769-809.
  • Chang, C. H. (2011). The influence of corporate environmental ethics on competitive advantage: the mediation role of green innovation. Journal of Business Ethics, 104, 361-370.
  • Chung, K. C. (2020). Green marketing orientation: achieving sustainable development in green hotel management. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(6), 722-738.
  • Cohen, J. (2013). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.
  • Correia, E., Sousa, S., Viseu, C. ve Larguinho, M. (2023). Analysing the influence of green marketing communication in consumers’ green purchase behaviour. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1356. . ijerph20021356
  • D’Souza, C., Taghian, M., Sullivan-Mort, G. ve Gilmore, A. (2015). An evaluation of the role of green marketing and a firm’s internal practices for environmental sustainability. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 23, 600-615.
  • Dangelico, R. M. ve Vocalelli, D. (2017). “Green Marketing”: An analysis of definitions, strategy steps, and tools through a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 1263-1279.
  • De Giovanni, P. ve Vinzi, V. E. (2012). Covariance versus component-based estimations of performance in green supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, 135(2), 907-916.
  • Dizman, H. ve Taştepe, Ö. (2021). Yeşil pazarlama uygulamalarının çevre dostu ürünleri satın alma niyeti ile marka imajı arasındaki aracılık rolü. International Journal of Disciplines Economics & Administrative Scienves Studies, 7(31), 558-563.
  • Dowell, G. ve Muthulingam, S. (2017). Will firms go green if it pays? The impact of disruption, cost, and external factors on the adoption of environmental initiatives. Strategic Management Journal, 38, 1287-1304.
  • Eneizan, B. M. ve Wahab, K. A. (2016). Effects of green marketing strategy on the financial and non-financial performance of firms: a conceptual paper. Arabian Journal Business Management Review, 6(5), 1-7.
  • Fatoki, O. (2019). Green marketing orientation and environmental and social performance of hospitality firms in South Africa. Foundations of Management, 11, 277-290.
  • Fernando, Y., Jabbour, C. J. C. ve Wah, W. X. (2019). Pursuing green growth in technology firms through the connections between environmental innovation and sustainable business performance: Does service capability matter? Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 141, 8-20.
  • Fousteris, A. E., Didaskalou, E. A., Tsogas, M. M. H. ve Georgakellos, D. A. (2018). The environmental strategy of businesses as an option under recession in Greece. Sustainability, 10(12), 4399.
  • Fraj, E., Martínez, E. ve Matute, J. (2011). Green marketing strategy and the firm’s performance: the moderating role of environmental culture. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19(4), 339-355.
  • Fraj, E., Martínez, E. ve Matute, J. (2013). Green marketing in B2B organisations: an empirical analysis from the natural‐resource‐based view of the firm. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 28(5), 396-410.
  • Gupta, S. ve Kumar, V. (2013). Sustainability as corporate culture of a brand for superior performance. Journal of World Business, 48(3), 311-320.
  • Gürbüz, S. ve Şahin, F. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık. Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
  • Hair, J. ve Alamer, A. (2022). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) in second language and education research: Guidelines using an applied example. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 1(3), 100027.
  • Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, M.C. ve Gudergan, P.S. (2018). Advanced Issues in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Han M, Lin H, Wang J, Wang Y. ve Jiang W. (2019). Turning corporate environmental ethics into firm performance: The role of green marketing programs. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28, 929-938.
  • Hassan, A. S. ve Jaaron, A. A. (2021). Total quality management for enhancing organizational performance: The mediating role of green manufacturing practices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 308, 127366.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2016). Testing measurement invariance of composites using partial least squares. International marketing review, 33(3), 405-431.
  • Hernandez, J.P.S.-I., Yanez-Araque, B. ve Moreno-Garcia, J. (2020). Moderating effect of firm size on the influence of corporate social responsibility in the economic performance of micro-, small-and medium-sized enterprises. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 151, 119774.
  • Khan, E. A., Royhan, P., Rahman, M. A., Rahman, M. M. ve Mostafa, A. (2020). The impact of enviropreneurial orientation on small firms’ business performance: The mediation of green marketing mix and eco-labeling strategies. Sustainability, 12(1), 221.
  • Kraus, S., Rehman, S. U. ve García, F. J. S. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and environmental performance: The mediating role of environmental strategy and green innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 160, 120262.
  • Lamm, E., Tosti-Kharas, J. ve King, C. E. (2015). Empowering employee sustainability: Perceived organizational support toward the environment. Journal of Business Ethics, 128, 207-220.
  • Leonidou, C. N., Katsikeas, C. S. ve Morgan, N. A. (2013). “Greening” the marketing mix: do firms do it and does it pay off? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41, 151-170.
  • Leonidou, C. N. ve Leonidou, L. C. (2011). Research into environmental marketing/management: A bibliographic analysis. European Journal of Marketing, 45 (1/2), 68-103.
  • Li, Y., Ye, F., Sheu, C. ve Yang, Q. (2018). Linking green market orientation and performance: Antecedents and processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 192, 924-931.
  • Majeed, M.U., Aslam, S., Murtaza, S.A., Attila, S. ve Molnar, E. (2022). Green marketing approaches and their impact on green purchase intentions: mediating role of green brand image and consumer beliefs towards the environment. Sustainability, 14, 11703.
  • Masoumik, S. M., Abdul-Rashid, S. H. ve Olugu, E. U. (2015). Importance-performance analysis of green strategy adoption within the Malaysian manufacturing industry. Procedia CIRP, 26, 646-652.
  • Mesci, M. (2011). Bilgi yönetimi, yenilik ve işletme performansı arasındaki ilişkide ara değişkenlerin etkisi: Beş yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde bir araştırma [Yayımlanmış doktora tezi]. Sakarya Üniversitesi.
  • Micheli, G. J., Cagno, E., Mustillo, G. ve Trianni, A. (2020). Green supply chain management drivers, practices and performance: A comprehensive study on the moderators. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121024.
  • Moravcikova, D., Krizanova, A., Kliestikova, J. ve Rypakova, M. (2017). Green marketing as the source of the competitive advantage of the business. Sustainability, 9(12), 2218.
  • Mukonza, C. ve Swarts, I. (2020). The influence of green marketing strategies on business performance and corporate image in the retail sector. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(3), 838-845.
  • Munoz, F., Vargas, M. ve Marco, I. (2014). Environmental Mutual Funds: Financial performance and managerial abilities. Journal of Business Ethics, 124, 551-569.
  • Mutingi, M., Mapfaira, H. ve Monageng, R. (2014). Developing performance management systems for the green supply chain. Journal of Remanufacturing, 4(1), 1-20.
  • Nath, P. ve Siepong, A. (2022). Green marketing capability: A configuration approach towards sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 354, 131727.
  • Negi, R., Gupta, A. K. ve Gaur, V. (2023). Effect of green marketing orientation dimensions on green innovation and organizational performance: A mediation-moderation analysis. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(8), 5435-5458.
  • Öndoğan, E. N. (2018). Hazır giyim sektörü ve yeşil pazarlama. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 27(2), 97-110.
  • Papadas, K. K., Avlonitis, G. J. ve Carrigan, M. (2017). Green marketing orientation: Conceptualization, scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 80, 236-246.
  • Papadas, K. K., Avlonitis, G. J., Carrigan, M. ve Piha, L. (2019). The interplay of strategic and internal green marketing orientation on competitive advantage. Journal of Business Research, 104, 632-643.
  • Samad, S., Nilashi, M., Almulihi, A., Alrizq, M., Alghamdi, A., Mohd, S., ... ve Azhar, S. N. F. S. (2021). Green supply chain management practices and impact on firm performance: The moderating effect of collaborative capability. Technology in Society, 67, 101766.
  • Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C.M. ve Hair, J.F. (2017). Partial least squares structural equation modelling. Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Sarwar, A., Zafar, A., Hamza, M. ve Qadir, A. (2021). The effect of green supply chain practices on firm sustainability performance: Evidence from Pakistan. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 31-38.
  • Schwoy, S., Dutzi, A., Corten, M. ve Steijvers, T. (2023). Staging or real commitment? CEO reputation management as a moderator of the influence of firm size on corporate social responsibility performance and controversies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 410, 137325.
  • Selvam, M., Gayathri, J.,Vasanth, V., Lingaraja, K. ve Marxiaoli, S. (2016). Determinants of firm performance: a subjective model. International Journal of Social Science Studie, 4(7), 90-100.
  • Shafaei, A., Nejati, M. ve Abd Razak, N. (2019). One size does not fit all: multi-group analysis of international students’ cross-cultural adaptation using MICOM. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 42(5), 536-552.
  • Shashi, C.P., Cerchione, R. ve Singh, R., (2019). The impact of leanness and innovativeness on environmental and financial performance: insights from Indian SMEs. International Journal of Production Economics, 212, 111-124.
  • Telli, S.G. ve S. Aydın (Dü.), (2023). Sürdürülebilir pazarlamaya giriş. Sürdürülebilir pazarlama. Konya: Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Tunç, T. (2020). Sürdürülebilir Yeşil Değer. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Marketing (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Çilem Eda Hallumoğlu 0000-0001-8601-4320

Tülin Ural 0000-0002-1873-8906

Early Pub Date February 20, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date December 28, 2024
Acceptance Date February 10, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 27 Issue: Özel Sayı


APA Hallumoğlu, Ç. E., & Ural, T. (2025). İmalat sanayinde yeşil pazarlama yöneliminin sürdürülebilir işletme performansı üzerindeki etkileri. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(Özel Sayı), 85-104.