Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

1) Publishing Ethics

Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences is committed to following the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines prepared by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Following the Cope Guidance for Editors is within the scope of the Editors' duty, and the reviewers of the journal must follow the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

2) Declaration of Publication Ethics

Responsibilities of the Editor and Editorial Board
  • The editors of KOCATEPEİİBF Journal are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted for publication are in accordance with the journal's objectives and editorial policies and should be published.
  • The editors of KOCATEPEİİBF Journal should not allow unpublished material and other information and data in the manuscripts submitted by the author(s) to the journal to be used by anyone in their own work without the express written permission of the author(s).
  • Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of KOCATEPEIBF should always be evaluated in accordance with completely open, transparent, scientific and objective criteria without any prejudice.
  • The editors, associate editors and editorial board of KOCATEPEIBF Journal should not disclose information about submitted manuscripts to anyone other than the author(s), referees and publisher. Any information about an article submitted to the journal should not be disclosed by the editor to anyone other than the editorial board, referees and the journal owner.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
  • The Editorial Board of KOCATEPEİİBF Journal should keep the information regarding all submitted manuscripts confidential.
  • The Editorial Board of KOCATEPEİİBF Journal is responsible for making editorial decisions for submitted manuscripts.
  • The Editorial Board of KOCATEPEİİBF Journal should strive to meet the needs of readers and authors.
  • KOCATEPEİİBF Journal Editorial Board should strive to improve the quality of the journal.
  • KOCATEPEİİBF Journal Editorial Board should give utmost importance to scientific quality and originality.
  • The Editorial Board of KOCATEPEİİBF Journal should always be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.
Responsibilities of Reviewers
  • A reviewer who does not find the work assigned to him/her relevant to his/her field, who feels inadequate to criticize, or who is unable to provide a timely critique should notify the editor of this situation and withdraw from the review.
  • Reviewed manuscripts should be treated as confidential documents and should not be shown or discussed with anyone other than those authorized by the editor.
  • Reviewer criticism should be objective, fair and in accordance with scientific ethics. No personal criticism should be directed against the author. Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts without regard to the origin, gender, sexual orientation or political philosophy of the authors.
  • Reviewers should identify relevant published work not cited by the author. A reviewer should also bring to the editor's attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the work under review and any other previously published work within their knowledge.
  • Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which there are conflicts of interest that may arise from competition, collaboration or other relationships or connections with the author.
  • Reviewers should assist editors in decision-making and should also be able to assist authors in improving manuscripts.
Authors' Responsibilities
  • A manuscript submitted to Afyon Kocatepe University IIBF Journal must be original and the authors must undertake that the manuscript is an original work that has not been published in any other journal before. All kinds of information, documents and changes related to the article requested by the editor of the journal from the author(s) must be sent via the system within 15 days at the latest and the editor must be informed. It should be known that the author(s) will be deemed to have withdrawn the article if these requests are not fulfilled within the deadline.
  • Authors may be asked to provide relevant raw data in connection with their work that may be needed at the review stage, so they should be prepared to provide access to this data and retain it for a reasonable period of time following publication of their work.
  • Authors should write completely original manuscripts and if they use the work and/or words of others, they should cite them appropriately. By submitting an article to Afyon Kocatepe Journal of Economics and Business Administration, authors guarantee that their articles are original and in accordance with ethical standards, that the references used are fully cited, and that they are not similar to other articles in print or in the process of publication. In this context, authors should submit their manuscripts to a plagiarism detection software (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) and upload a document stating that their manuscripts are no more than 20% similar, excluding references, through the Afyon Kocatepe University IIBF Journal DergiPark system.
  • An author should not publish text describing essentially the same research in more than one article.
  • Acknowledgment of references taken from the work of others should always be done appropriately. Authors must cite previous publications that have influenced the substance of their reported work.
  • Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the concept, design, implementation or interpretation of the reported work. All significant contributors should be listed following the first author. In order to request a change in the author rankings after submission of the manuscript, the Editors must be notified via the JournalPark system and before the acceptance decision, explaining the rationale for the change in author rankings by all authors.
  • Changes in the author ranking can only be possible on the grounds that the contribution rates of the authors change during the revision phase of the revised manuscripts. For notifications made before the acceptance of the manuscript for publication, all authors should be added to the e-mail correspondence and the copyright form and author contribution rate declaration form should be filled out again and signed by all authors and attached to the e-mail. Requests for changes in the author ranking or author changes after the acceptance of the study for publication are not evaluated.
  • All authors are obliged to declare any financial resources or conflicts of interest that may affect the results or interpretations in their work.
  • If an author becomes aware of a significant inaccuracy or defect in his/her published work, it is the author's obligation to notify the journal editor immediately and to cooperate with the editor to correct the inaccuracy or defect. Since KOCATEPEİİBF Journal is published through the DergiPark system, such change requests must be made within 5 days from the date of publication of the journal. Authors have an obligation to work with the editor to ensure that errors are corrected. Notifications made after this period will only be published as corrections.

3) Notifying the Editor Regarding a Violation of the Ethical Principles

In case of any behavior that does not comply with the ethical principles regarding the editors, referees, authors in Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, or if an unethical situation is encountered regarding an article in the evaluation process, in early view or published, it should be reported to via e-mail.

4) Policy Decisions

  • The works of the same author cannot be published in two consecutive issues.
  • The works of the owner of the journal, editors, field editors and deputy editors cannot be published during their tenure in the journal.
  • A maximum quota of 20% is applied for each issue based on the date of acceptance for the studies from Afyon Kocatepe University faculty members.
  • Studies derived from theses written at Afyon Kocatepe University are not evaluated in our journal.

Last Update Time: 5/8/24, 11:58:51 PM
