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İngilizce Öğretmeni ve Öğretmen Adaylarının Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Kavrayışına Yönelik Bir Araştırma

Year 2020, , 384 - 396, 17.04.2020


Ölçme ve değerlendirmenin eğitim üzerindeki önemi tartışılmaz olsa da, ölçme ve değerlendirme yaparken ölçmecilerin niyetleri henüz ayrıntılı olarak incelenmemiştir. Bu amaçla, bu çalışma hizmet öncesi ve hizmet içi İngilizce öğretmenlerinin ölçme değerlendirme kavrayışlarını açıklamayı amaçlamıştır. Çalışmada ölçme ve değerlendirme kavramı dört ana başlık altında toplanmıştır; gelişim, okul sorumluluğu, öğrenci sorumluluğu ve önemsizlik. Çalışmaya toplam 97 öğretmen ve öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Betimsel sonuçlar, gelişim kavrayışının katılımcılar arasında en yüksek anlaşma düzeyini sağladığını göstermiştir. Öte yandan, okulun sorumluluğu en düşük anlaşma düzeyine sahiptir. Korelasyon sonuçları gelişme, okul ve öğrenci hesap sorumluluğu kavramlarının pozitif korelasyon gösterdiğini göstermiştir. Cinsiyet ve sınıf düzeyi/öğretim farklılıklarının katılımcıların kavrayışları üzerindeki etkilerini incelemek için çoklu bir varyans analizi uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, hem cinsiyet hem de sınıf düzeyi/öğretim faktörlerinin katılımcıların değerlendirme kavrayışları üzerinde önemli bir fark yarattığını göstermiştir. Takip eden tek yönlü varyans analizi, erkeklerin kadınlardan daha yüksek değere sahip olduğu, okul sorumluluğu üzerinde önemli cinsiyet farklılığı olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, sınıf ve öğretim grupları arasında okul ve öğrenci sorumluluğu arasında anlamlı bir fark vardır. Öğretmenler okul sorumluluğu için en yüksek değere sahiptir ve dördüncü sınıf öğrencileri öğrenci sorumluluğu için en yüksek ortalama değere sahiptir.


  • Azis, A. (2012). Teachers’ conceptions and use of assessment in student learning. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(1), 40-52.
  • Azis, A. (2015). Conceptions and practices of assessment: A case of teachers representing improvement conception. Teflin Journal, 26(2), 129-154.
  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(2), 139-148.
  • Brown, G.T.L. (2002). Teachers’ conceptions of assessment (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), University of Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Brown, G. T. (2004). Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Implications for policy and professional development. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 11(3), 301-318.
  • Brown, G. T. L. (2006). Teachers' conceptions of assessment inventory--Abridged (TCoA-IIIA-Version 3-Abridged). Unpublished test. Auckland, NZ: University of Auckland.
  • Brown, G. T., & Hirschfeld, G. H. (2008). Students’ conceptions of assessment: Links to outcomes. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 15(1), 3-17.
  • Brown, G. T., Kennedy, K. J., Fok, P. K., Chan, J. K. S., & Yu, W. M. (2009). Assessment for student improvement: Understanding Hong Kong teachers’ conceptions and practices of assessment. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 16(3), 347-363.
  • Brown G. T. L., & Michaelides M.P. (2011). Ecological rationality in teachers' conceptions of assessment across samples from Cyprus and New Zealand. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 26, 319–337.
  • Brown, G. T., & Remesal, A. (2012). Pre-service teachers' conceptions of assessment: A cross-cultural comparison. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 15(1), 75-89.
  • Eric A., Hanushek, E. A. & Raymond, M. E. (2005) Does school accountability lead to improved student performance?. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(2), 297–327.
  • Harris, L. R., & Brown, G. T. L. (2009). The complexity of teachers’ conceptions of assessment: Tensions between the needs of schools and students. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 16(3), 365-381.
  • Knight, P. T. (2002). Summative assessment in higher education: Practices in disarray. Studies in Higher Education, 27(3), 275-286.
  • Martin C, M. & Loeb, S. (2002). Does external accountability affect student outcomes? A cross-state analysis. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 24(4), 305–331.
  • Moiinvaziri, M. (2015). University teachers' conception of assessment: A structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, 1(3), 75-85.
  • Peterson, E. R., & Irving, S. E. (2008). Secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment and feedback. Learning and Instruction, 18, 238- 250.
  • Remesal, A. (2009). Spanish student teachers’ conceptions of assessment when starting their career. Symposium: Perceptions and conceptions of assessment in the classroom: Different national perspectives. 13th Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, Holland.
  • Shing, L. W., & Fai, H. S. K. (2007). Conceptions of assessment of mainland China college lecturers: A technical paper analyzing the Chinese version of CoA-III. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 16(2), 185-198.
  • Vardar, E. (2010). Sixth, seventh and eighth grade teachers’ conceptions of assessment (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Middle East Technical University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yetkin, R. (2017). Pre-service English teachers’ conception of assessment and their future assessment practices in a Turkish context (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Hacettepe University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yetkin, R. (2018). Exploring pre-service teachers’ conceptions of assessment in Turkish context. European Journal of Education Studies, 4(5), 133-147.
  • Yüce, Z. (2015). Pre-service English language teachers’ conceptions of assessment and assessment practices (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Çağ University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Wang, J. R., Kao, H. L., & Lin, S. W. (2010). Preservice teachers' initial conceptions about assessment of science learning: The coherence with their views of learning science [Abstract]. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(3), 522-529.
  • Zaimoğlu, S. (2013). Teachers’ and students’ conceptions of assessment in a university EFL preparatory school context (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Çağ University Institute of Social Sciences, Mersin.

An Investigation into In-service and Pre-service English Teachers’ Conception of Assessment

Year 2020, , 384 - 396, 17.04.2020


Although the importance of assessment on education is undebatable, the intentions of assessors while conducting assessment haven’t been studied yet in detail. To this end, this study aimed to disclose pre-service and in-service English teachers’ conceptions of assessment. In the study, conception of assessment was categorized under four main titles; improvement, school accountability, student accountability and irrelevance. A total of 97 pre-service and in-service teachers participated in the study. Descriptive results indicated that conception of improvement held the highest agreement level among participants. On the other hand, school accountability got the lowest agreement level. Correlation results showed that improvement, school and student accountability conceptions were positively correlated. A MANOVA analysis was applied to scrutinize any effects of gender and grade level/teaching differences on participants’ conceptions. Analysis results indicated that both gender and grade level/teaching factors made significant difference on participants’ conceptions of assessment. A follow up ANOVA analysis indicated significant gender difference on school accountability, with males had higher value than females. Also, there was a significant difference among grade level/teaching groups on school and student accountabilities. Teachers held the highest value for school accountability, and fourth graders held the highest mean value for student accountability.


  • Azis, A. (2012). Teachers’ conceptions and use of assessment in student learning. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(1), 40-52.
  • Azis, A. (2015). Conceptions and practices of assessment: A case of teachers representing improvement conception. Teflin Journal, 26(2), 129-154.
  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(2), 139-148.
  • Brown, G.T.L. (2002). Teachers’ conceptions of assessment (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), University of Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Brown, G. T. (2004). Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Implications for policy and professional development. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 11(3), 301-318.
  • Brown, G. T. L. (2006). Teachers' conceptions of assessment inventory--Abridged (TCoA-IIIA-Version 3-Abridged). Unpublished test. Auckland, NZ: University of Auckland.
  • Brown, G. T., & Hirschfeld, G. H. (2008). Students’ conceptions of assessment: Links to outcomes. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 15(1), 3-17.
  • Brown, G. T., Kennedy, K. J., Fok, P. K., Chan, J. K. S., & Yu, W. M. (2009). Assessment for student improvement: Understanding Hong Kong teachers’ conceptions and practices of assessment. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 16(3), 347-363.
  • Brown G. T. L., & Michaelides M.P. (2011). Ecological rationality in teachers' conceptions of assessment across samples from Cyprus and New Zealand. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 26, 319–337.
  • Brown, G. T., & Remesal, A. (2012). Pre-service teachers' conceptions of assessment: A cross-cultural comparison. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 15(1), 75-89.
  • Eric A., Hanushek, E. A. & Raymond, M. E. (2005) Does school accountability lead to improved student performance?. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(2), 297–327.
  • Harris, L. R., & Brown, G. T. L. (2009). The complexity of teachers’ conceptions of assessment: Tensions between the needs of schools and students. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 16(3), 365-381.
  • Knight, P. T. (2002). Summative assessment in higher education: Practices in disarray. Studies in Higher Education, 27(3), 275-286.
  • Martin C, M. & Loeb, S. (2002). Does external accountability affect student outcomes? A cross-state analysis. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 24(4), 305–331.
  • Moiinvaziri, M. (2015). University teachers' conception of assessment: A structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature, 1(3), 75-85.
  • Peterson, E. R., & Irving, S. E. (2008). Secondary school students’ conceptions of assessment and feedback. Learning and Instruction, 18, 238- 250.
  • Remesal, A. (2009). Spanish student teachers’ conceptions of assessment when starting their career. Symposium: Perceptions and conceptions of assessment in the classroom: Different national perspectives. 13th Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, Holland.
  • Shing, L. W., & Fai, H. S. K. (2007). Conceptions of assessment of mainland China college lecturers: A technical paper analyzing the Chinese version of CoA-III. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 16(2), 185-198.
  • Vardar, E. (2010). Sixth, seventh and eighth grade teachers’ conceptions of assessment (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Middle East Technical University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yetkin, R. (2017). Pre-service English teachers’ conception of assessment and their future assessment practices in a Turkish context (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Hacettepe University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yetkin, R. (2018). Exploring pre-service teachers’ conceptions of assessment in Turkish context. European Journal of Education Studies, 4(5), 133-147.
  • Yüce, Z. (2015). Pre-service English language teachers’ conceptions of assessment and assessment practices (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Çağ University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Wang, J. R., Kao, H. L., & Lin, S. W. (2010). Preservice teachers' initial conceptions about assessment of science learning: The coherence with their views of learning science [Abstract]. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(3), 522-529.
  • Zaimoğlu, S. (2013). Teachers’ and students’ conceptions of assessment in a university EFL preparatory school context (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Çağ University Institute of Social Sciences, Mersin.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Articles

Ramazan Yetkin 0000-0002-4688-509X

Zekiye Özer 0000-0001-8673-8687

Publication Date April 17, 2020
Submission Date June 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Yetkin, R., & Özer, Z. (2020). An Investigation into In-service and Pre-service English Teachers’ Conception of Assessment. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 13(2), 384-396.