Research Article
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Year 2022, , 264 - 286, 22.04.2022



  • Akkoç, İ., & Faruk, Ç. A. (2016). The mediator role of job satisfaction on the effect of leader- member exchange on burnout: A research in the field of education. International Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2(2), 193–211.
  • Alev, S. (2020). Leader-member exchange as a predictor of organizational cynicism in schools. Trakya Journal of Education, 10(2), 347–360.
  • Ariani, D. W. (2012). Leader-member exchanges as a mediator of the effect of job satisfaction on affective organizational commitment: An empirical test. International Journal of Management, 29(1), 46.
  • Aslan, H. (2019). The mediating role of leader-member exchange in the effect of transformational leadership on employee performance and job satisfaction. In E. Kara (Ed.), Business and economics researches (pp. 201–214). Ankara: Academican Publishing.
  • Bağcı, B. (2018). The effect of person-organization fit on job satisfaction: A research on health institution. MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 7(4), 307–328.
  • Bartholomew, K. J., Ntoumanis, N., Cuevas, R., & Lonsdale, C. (2014). Job pressure and ill-health in physical education teachers: The mediating role of psychological need thwarting. Teaching and Teacher Education, 37, 101–107.
  • Baş, T., Keskin, N., & Mert, İ. S. (2010). Leader member exchange (LMX) model and validity and reliability of its instrument in Turkish. Ege Academic Review, 10(3), 1013–1013.
  • Bauer, Talya N, Erdogan, B., Liden, R. C., & Wayne, S. J. (2006). A longitudinal study of the moderating role of extraversion: Leader-member exchange, performance, and turnover during new executive development. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(2), 298–310.
  • Bauer, Tayla N., & Green, S. G. (1996). Development of leader-member exchange: A longitudinal test. Academy of Management Journal, 39(6), 1538–1567.
  • Bitmiş, M. G., & Ergeneli, A. (2012). The moderating effect of work stress on the relationships between dimensions of leader- member exchange and job satisfaction. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 1(6), 112–112.
  • Blau, P. M. (1964). Justice in Social Exchange. Sociological Inquiry, 34(2), 193–206.
  • Bolat, O. İ. (2011a). Lider-Üye Etkileşimi ve Tükenmişlik İlişkisi. ISGUC, The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 13(2), 63–80.
  • Bolat, O. İ. (2011b). The relationships between self-efficacy and burnout: Mediating effects of leader-member exchange. Ege Academic Review, 11(2), 255–255.
  • Breevaart, K., Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., & Van Den Heuvel, M. (2015). Leader-member exchange, work engagement, and job performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(7), 754–770.
  • Buch, R., Kuvaas, B., Dysvik, A., & Schyns, B. (2014). If and when social and economic leader-member exchange relationships predict follower work effort: The moderating role of work motivation. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 35(8), 725–739.
  • Bursal, M. (2017). SPSS ile temel veri analizleri. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Capone, V., & Petrillo, G. (2020). Mental health in teachers: Relationships with job satisfaction, efficacy beliefs, burnout and depression. Current Psychology, 39(5), 1757–1766.
  • Chang, C.-S., & Chang, H.-H. (2007). Effects of internal marketing on nurse job satisfaction and organizational commitment: Example of medical centers in Southern Taiwan. The Journal of Nursing Research, 15(4), 265–274.
  • Colakoglu, F. F., & Yılmaz, T. (2014). Burnout levels of physical education teachers according to personal factors. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152(2014), 409–414.
  • D’Elia, G. P. (1979). The determinants of job satisfaction among beginning librarians. The Library Quarterly, 49(3), 283–302.
  • Dansereau, F., Graen, G., & Haga, W. J. (1975). A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations: A longitudinal investigation of the role making process. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13(1), 46–78.
  • Demir, S. (2019). The role of leader-member exchange in teacher stress, burnout, and depression. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 20(1), 291–304.
  • Dienesch, R. M., & Liden, R. C. (1986). Leader-member exchange model of leadership: A critique and further development. Academy of Management Review, 11(3), 618–634.
  • Dulebohn, J. H., Bommer, W. H., Liden, R. C., Brouer, R. L., & Ferris, G. R. (2012). A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of leader-member exchange: Integrating the past with an eye toward the future. Journal of Management, 38(6), 1715–1759.
  • Duyan, M., & Yıldız, S. M. (2018). The effect of leader-member exchange on job performance of academic staff: An empirical evidence from higher education institutions. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(2), 1129-1136.
  • Eckleberry-Hunt, J., Kirkpatrick, H., & Barbera, T. (2018). The problems with burnout research. Academic Medicine, 93(3), 367–370.
  • Ergin, C. (1992). ‘Doktor ve hemşirelerde tükenmişlik ve maslach tükenmişlik ölçeginin uyarlanması’. VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bilimsel Çalışmaları, 22-25 Eylül 1992, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Düzenleme Kurulu ve Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını, Ankara.
  • Eryılmaz, İ., Dirik, D., & Altın Gülova, A. (2017). İş tatmininin belirleyicisi olarak lider-üye etkileşimi ve politik yetinin düzenleyici rolü. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies, 16. ICC Special Issue, 167–182.
  • Eşitti, B., & Kasap, M. (2020). The impact of leader–member exchange on lodging employees’ dynamic capacities: The mediating role of job satisfaction. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(2), 237–244.
  • Freudenberger, H. J. (1974). Staff burn‐out. Journal of Social Issues, 30(1), 159–165.
  • Gabriel, K. P., & Aguinis, H. (2021). How to prevent and combat employee burnout and create healthier workplaces during crises and beyond. Business Horizons, February, 1–24.
  • Gökalp, S., Kaya, O., Angay, A., & Akgün, F. (2015). The mediating role of leader-member exchange on the relationship between trust in school principals and job satisfaction according to the teachers ’ perceptions. BEU. SBE. Derg., 4(2), 45–70.
  • Gonzales, G., Gonzales, R., Costan, F., & Himang, C. (2020). Dimensions of motivation in teaching: Relations with social support climate, teacher efficacy, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction. Education Research International, 2020.
  • Graen, G., & Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership : Development of leader-member exchange (LMX ) over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective. Management Department Faculty Publications, 6(2), 219–247.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2019). AMOS ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Han, G. H., & Jekel, M. (2011). The mediating role of job satisfaction between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(1), 41–49.
  • Hombrados-Mendieta, I., & Cosano-Rivas, F. (2013). Burnout, workplace support, job satisfaction and life satisfaction among social workers in Spain: A structural equation model. International Social Work, 56(2), 228–246.
  • Hoppock, R. (1935). Job satisfaction. In Job satisfaction. Harper.
  • Huang, Y. H., He, Y., Lee, J., & Hu, C. (2021). Key drivers of trucking safety climate from the perspective of leader-member exchange: Bayesian network predictive modeling approach. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 150(2021 105850), 1–11.
  • Kang, J. (2013). Relationship among leader-member exchange (LMX), burnout and career turnover intention in social workers using SEM. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 14(8), 3739–3747.
  • Kara, S. (2020). Investigation of job satisfaction and burnout of visual arts teachers. International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 6(1), 160–171.
  • Kim, B. C. (Peter), Lee, G., & Carlson, K. D. (2010). An examination of the nature of the relationship between Leader-member-exchange (LMX) and turnover intent at different organizational levels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(4), 591–597.
  • Kurtessis, J. N., Eisenberger, R., Ford, M. T., Buffardi, L. C., Stewart, K. A., & Adis, C. S. (2017). Perceived organizational support: A meta-analytic evaluation of organizational support theory. Journal of Management, 43(6), 1854–1884.
  • Kuvaas, B., Buch, R., Dysvik, A., & Haerem, T. (2012). Economic and social leader-member exchange relationships and follower performance. Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), 756–765.
  • Lee, E. K., & Ji, E. J. (2018). The moderating role of leader-member exchange in the relationships between emotional labor and burnout in clinical nurses. Asian Nursing Research, 12(1), 56–61.
  • Liden, R. C., & Maslyn, J. M. (1998a). Multidimensionality of leader-member exchange: An empirical assessment through scale development. Journal of Management, 24(1), 43–72.
  • Liden, R. C., & Maslyn, J. M. (1998b). Multidimensionality of leader-member exchange: An empirical assessment through scale development. Journal of Management, 24(1), 43–72.
  • Liden, R. C., Sparrowe, R. T., & Wayne, S. J. (1997). Leader-member exchange theory: The past and potential for the future. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 15(October 2014), 47–119.
  • Liden, R. C., Wayne, S. J., & Stilwell, D. (1993). A longitudinal study on the early development of leader-member exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(4), 662–674.
  • Liu, S., Lin, X., & Hu, W. (2013). How Followers’ Unethical Behavior is Triggered by Leader-member Exchange: the Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 41(3), 357–366.
  • Locke, E. A. (1970). Job satisfaction and job performance: A theoretical analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 5(5), 484–500.
  • MacKinnon, D. P., Lockwood, C. M., & Williams, J. (2004). Confidence limits for the indirect effect: Distribution of the product and resampling methods. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 39(1), 99–128.
  • Malik, M., Wan, D., Ahmad, M. I., Naseem, M. A., & ur Rehman, R. (2015). The role of LMX in employee’s job motivation, satisfaction, empowerment, stress and turnover: Cross country analysis. Journal of Applied Business Research, 31(5), 1987–2000.
  • Mardanov, I., Sterrett, J., & Baker, J. (2007). Satisfaction with supervision and member job satisfaction in leader-member exchange: An empirical study in the restaurant industry. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 12(3), 37-56.
  • Maslach, C., & Jackson, S. E. (1981). The measurement of experienced burnout. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2(2), 99–113.
  • Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W. B., & Leiter, M. P. (2001). Job burnout. Annu. Rev. Psychol., 52, 397–422.
  • Meydan, C. H., & Şeşen, H. (2011). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi AMOS uygulamaları. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Montani, F., Courcy, F., & Vandenberghe, C. (2017). Innovating under stress: The role of commitment and leader-member exchange. Journal of Business Research, 77, 1–13.
  • Nagar, K. (2012). Organizational commitment and job satisfaction among teachers during times of burnout. Vikalpa, 37(2), 43–60.
  • Navajas-Romero, V., Díaz-Carrión, R., & Casas-Rosal, J. C. (2020). Comparing working conditions and job satisfaction in hospitality workers across Europe. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 90(May 2019), 102631.
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The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Burnout: A Study on Physical Education Teachers

Year 2022, , 264 - 286, 22.04.2022


This research was carried out to examine the mediating role of job satisfaction in the effect of physical education teachers' leader-member exchange on burnout. Liden and Maslyn's (1998a) leader-member exchange, Chang and Chang's (2007) job satisfaction, and Maslach and Jackson's (1981)Maslach burnout scale were used as data collection tools to determine the level of leader-member exchange. The study group of the research consists of a total of 155 physical education teachers, who work in the Malatya and Hatay provinces of Turkey. The study group was selected with the convenience sampling method, one of the non-random sampling methods. A questionnaire was applied to the teachers participating in the research via electronic communication tools. Data from participants were analyzed using SPSS Amos 20.0. In the research, descriptive statistics, correlation and boostrap regression analysis were performed. As a result of this study, it was found that job satisfaction played a mediating role in the effect of leader-member exchange on physical education teachers' burnout levels. It can be stated that increasing physical education teachers' leader-member exchange and improving their relationships with their superiors can be effective in increasing job satisfaction and reducing burnout.


  • Akkoç, İ., & Faruk, Ç. A. (2016). The mediator role of job satisfaction on the effect of leader- member exchange on burnout: A research in the field of education. International Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2(2), 193–211.
  • Alev, S. (2020). Leader-member exchange as a predictor of organizational cynicism in schools. Trakya Journal of Education, 10(2), 347–360.
  • Ariani, D. W. (2012). Leader-member exchanges as a mediator of the effect of job satisfaction on affective organizational commitment: An empirical test. International Journal of Management, 29(1), 46.
  • Aslan, H. (2019). The mediating role of leader-member exchange in the effect of transformational leadership on employee performance and job satisfaction. In E. Kara (Ed.), Business and economics researches (pp. 201–214). Ankara: Academican Publishing.
  • Bağcı, B. (2018). The effect of person-organization fit on job satisfaction: A research on health institution. MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 7(4), 307–328.
  • Bartholomew, K. J., Ntoumanis, N., Cuevas, R., & Lonsdale, C. (2014). Job pressure and ill-health in physical education teachers: The mediating role of psychological need thwarting. Teaching and Teacher Education, 37, 101–107.
  • Baş, T., Keskin, N., & Mert, İ. S. (2010). Leader member exchange (LMX) model and validity and reliability of its instrument in Turkish. Ege Academic Review, 10(3), 1013–1013.
  • Bauer, Talya N, Erdogan, B., Liden, R. C., & Wayne, S. J. (2006). A longitudinal study of the moderating role of extraversion: Leader-member exchange, performance, and turnover during new executive development. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(2), 298–310.
  • Bauer, Tayla N., & Green, S. G. (1996). Development of leader-member exchange: A longitudinal test. Academy of Management Journal, 39(6), 1538–1567.
  • Bitmiş, M. G., & Ergeneli, A. (2012). The moderating effect of work stress on the relationships between dimensions of leader- member exchange and job satisfaction. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 1(6), 112–112.
  • Blau, P. M. (1964). Justice in Social Exchange. Sociological Inquiry, 34(2), 193–206.
  • Bolat, O. İ. (2011a). Lider-Üye Etkileşimi ve Tükenmişlik İlişkisi. ISGUC, The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 13(2), 63–80.
  • Bolat, O. İ. (2011b). The relationships between self-efficacy and burnout: Mediating effects of leader-member exchange. Ege Academic Review, 11(2), 255–255.
  • Breevaart, K., Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., & Van Den Heuvel, M. (2015). Leader-member exchange, work engagement, and job performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(7), 754–770.
  • Buch, R., Kuvaas, B., Dysvik, A., & Schyns, B. (2014). If and when social and economic leader-member exchange relationships predict follower work effort: The moderating role of work motivation. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 35(8), 725–739.
  • Bursal, M. (2017). SPSS ile temel veri analizleri. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Capone, V., & Petrillo, G. (2020). Mental health in teachers: Relationships with job satisfaction, efficacy beliefs, burnout and depression. Current Psychology, 39(5), 1757–1766.
  • Chang, C.-S., & Chang, H.-H. (2007). Effects of internal marketing on nurse job satisfaction and organizational commitment: Example of medical centers in Southern Taiwan. The Journal of Nursing Research, 15(4), 265–274.
  • Colakoglu, F. F., & Yılmaz, T. (2014). Burnout levels of physical education teachers according to personal factors. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152(2014), 409–414.
  • D’Elia, G. P. (1979). The determinants of job satisfaction among beginning librarians. The Library Quarterly, 49(3), 283–302.
  • Dansereau, F., Graen, G., & Haga, W. J. (1975). A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations: A longitudinal investigation of the role making process. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13(1), 46–78.
  • Demir, S. (2019). The role of leader-member exchange in teacher stress, burnout, and depression. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 20(1), 291–304.
  • Dienesch, R. M., & Liden, R. C. (1986). Leader-member exchange model of leadership: A critique and further development. Academy of Management Review, 11(3), 618–634.
  • Dulebohn, J. H., Bommer, W. H., Liden, R. C., Brouer, R. L., & Ferris, G. R. (2012). A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of leader-member exchange: Integrating the past with an eye toward the future. Journal of Management, 38(6), 1715–1759.
  • Duyan, M., & Yıldız, S. M. (2018). The effect of leader-member exchange on job performance of academic staff: An empirical evidence from higher education institutions. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(2), 1129-1136.
  • Eckleberry-Hunt, J., Kirkpatrick, H., & Barbera, T. (2018). The problems with burnout research. Academic Medicine, 93(3), 367–370.
  • Ergin, C. (1992). ‘Doktor ve hemşirelerde tükenmişlik ve maslach tükenmişlik ölçeginin uyarlanması’. VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bilimsel Çalışmaları, 22-25 Eylül 1992, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Düzenleme Kurulu ve Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını, Ankara.
  • Eryılmaz, İ., Dirik, D., & Altın Gülova, A. (2017). İş tatmininin belirleyicisi olarak lider-üye etkileşimi ve politik yetinin düzenleyici rolü. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies, 16. ICC Special Issue, 167–182.
  • Eşitti, B., & Kasap, M. (2020). The impact of leader–member exchange on lodging employees’ dynamic capacities: The mediating role of job satisfaction. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(2), 237–244.
  • Freudenberger, H. J. (1974). Staff burn‐out. Journal of Social Issues, 30(1), 159–165.
  • Gabriel, K. P., & Aguinis, H. (2021). How to prevent and combat employee burnout and create healthier workplaces during crises and beyond. Business Horizons, February, 1–24.
  • Gökalp, S., Kaya, O., Angay, A., & Akgün, F. (2015). The mediating role of leader-member exchange on the relationship between trust in school principals and job satisfaction according to the teachers ’ perceptions. BEU. SBE. Derg., 4(2), 45–70.
  • Gonzales, G., Gonzales, R., Costan, F., & Himang, C. (2020). Dimensions of motivation in teaching: Relations with social support climate, teacher efficacy, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction. Education Research International, 2020.
  • Graen, G., & Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership : Development of leader-member exchange (LMX ) over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective. Management Department Faculty Publications, 6(2), 219–247.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2019). AMOS ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Han, G. H., & Jekel, M. (2011). The mediating role of job satisfaction between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(1), 41–49.
  • Hombrados-Mendieta, I., & Cosano-Rivas, F. (2013). Burnout, workplace support, job satisfaction and life satisfaction among social workers in Spain: A structural equation model. International Social Work, 56(2), 228–246.
  • Hoppock, R. (1935). Job satisfaction. In Job satisfaction. Harper.
  • Huang, Y. H., He, Y., Lee, J., & Hu, C. (2021). Key drivers of trucking safety climate from the perspective of leader-member exchange: Bayesian network predictive modeling approach. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 150(2021 105850), 1–11.
  • Kang, J. (2013). Relationship among leader-member exchange (LMX), burnout and career turnover intention in social workers using SEM. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 14(8), 3739–3747.
  • Kara, S. (2020). Investigation of job satisfaction and burnout of visual arts teachers. International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 6(1), 160–171.
  • Kim, B. C. (Peter), Lee, G., & Carlson, K. D. (2010). An examination of the nature of the relationship between Leader-member-exchange (LMX) and turnover intent at different organizational levels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(4), 591–597.
  • Kurtessis, J. N., Eisenberger, R., Ford, M. T., Buffardi, L. C., Stewart, K. A., & Adis, C. S. (2017). Perceived organizational support: A meta-analytic evaluation of organizational support theory. Journal of Management, 43(6), 1854–1884.
  • Kuvaas, B., Buch, R., Dysvik, A., & Haerem, T. (2012). Economic and social leader-member exchange relationships and follower performance. Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), 756–765.
  • Lee, E. K., & Ji, E. J. (2018). The moderating role of leader-member exchange in the relationships between emotional labor and burnout in clinical nurses. Asian Nursing Research, 12(1), 56–61.
  • Liden, R. C., & Maslyn, J. M. (1998a). Multidimensionality of leader-member exchange: An empirical assessment through scale development. Journal of Management, 24(1), 43–72.
  • Liden, R. C., & Maslyn, J. M. (1998b). Multidimensionality of leader-member exchange: An empirical assessment through scale development. Journal of Management, 24(1), 43–72.
  • Liden, R. C., Sparrowe, R. T., & Wayne, S. J. (1997). Leader-member exchange theory: The past and potential for the future. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 15(October 2014), 47–119.
  • Liden, R. C., Wayne, S. J., & Stilwell, D. (1993). A longitudinal study on the early development of leader-member exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(4), 662–674.
  • Liu, S., Lin, X., & Hu, W. (2013). How Followers’ Unethical Behavior is Triggered by Leader-member Exchange: the Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 41(3), 357–366.
  • Locke, E. A. (1970). Job satisfaction and job performance: A theoretical analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 5(5), 484–500.
  • MacKinnon, D. P., Lockwood, C. M., & Williams, J. (2004). Confidence limits for the indirect effect: Distribution of the product and resampling methods. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 39(1), 99–128.
  • Malik, M., Wan, D., Ahmad, M. I., Naseem, M. A., & ur Rehman, R. (2015). The role of LMX in employee’s job motivation, satisfaction, empowerment, stress and turnover: Cross country analysis. Journal of Applied Business Research, 31(5), 1987–2000.
  • Mardanov, I., Sterrett, J., & Baker, J. (2007). Satisfaction with supervision and member job satisfaction in leader-member exchange: An empirical study in the restaurant industry. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 12(3), 37-56.
  • Maslach, C., & Jackson, S. E. (1981). The measurement of experienced burnout. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2(2), 99–113.
  • Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W. B., & Leiter, M. P. (2001). Job burnout. Annu. Rev. Psychol., 52, 397–422.
  • Meydan, C. H., & Şeşen, H. (2011). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi AMOS uygulamaları. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Montani, F., Courcy, F., & Vandenberghe, C. (2017). Innovating under stress: The role of commitment and leader-member exchange. Journal of Business Research, 77, 1–13.
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There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Mehdi Duyan 0000-0003-1060-0838

Publication Date April 22, 2022
Submission Date September 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Duyan, M. (2022). The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Burnout: A Study on Physical Education Teachers. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 15(2), 264-286.