Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 643 - 675, 25.07.2024



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The Effect of Lesson Study on Pre-service Teachers' Noticing Skills Towards Misconceptions

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 643 - 675, 25.07.2024


The aim of the study is to examine how lesson study activities affect pre-service classroom teachers' noticing of students' misconceptions. A qualitative research approach was adopted and action research method was used. The study was conducted with 9 pre-service teachers. The data were obtained from the observation form, video recordings, reflection reports and content notes in order to reveal how the lesson study model affected the noticing development of pre-service teachers. In addition to these, the "video exam" at the end of the Teaching Practicum-II course also constituted one of the data collection tools. Descriptive analysis was used in the study. The data obtained were analyzed by adapting the theoretical framework of "Levels of Noticing of Students' Mathematical Thinking" developed by van Es (2011) as "Levels of Noticing of Students' Misconceptions" in order to reveal pre-service teachers' noticing of students' mathematical thinking. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the noticing skills of the lesson study group pre-service teachers, were mainly level 3 or level 4, while the noticing skills of the comparison group pre-service teachers were mainly level 1 and level 2.

Ethical Statement

Konu : Etik Kurul Belgesi Sayı : E-81614018-000-2100005124 09.12.2021


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There are 126 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Specialist Studies in Education (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Yasemin Türk 0000-0002-2680-3149

Adnan Baki 0000-0002-1331-053X

Publication Date July 25, 2024
Submission Date September 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Türk, Y., & Baki, A. (2024). The Effect of Lesson Study on Pre-service Teachers’ Noticing Skills Towards Misconceptions. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 17(3), 643-675.