Organizational citizenship behavior is an organizational behavior that has been the subject of research in many occupational groups. This content analysis, in the health field is planned to build the infrastructure for a doctoral thesis on organizational citizenship behavior subject area, Turkey from 2000-2020 years to include examining in detail the thesis study on organizational citizenship behavior in the health sector and practitioners aimed to present an overall analysis. For this purpose, the graduate theses on organizational citizenship behavior in the field of health between 2000-2020, which were registered in the database of YÖK National Thesis Center, were scanned. In total, matching the specified criteria, made in Turkey and open access 49 graduate theses were examined. The data collected from the theses were transferred to the Excel program, analyzed and turned into tables. According to the data, it was determined that the topic of organizational citizenship behavior in the field of health was studied the most in the most between 2011-2015 and master's theses (87.75%), and demographic variables are most frequently associated with the concepts of organizational justice, organizational trust, psychological capital, the scale developed by Podsakoff and MacKenzie (1990) is frequently preferred, quantitative methods are the most preferred. It was determined that correlation, regression, t test and ANOVA tests were used more frequently as analysis methods in postgraduate theses, mostly all hospital personnel were included in the sample group, and all of the nurse group and healthcare professionals were frequently selected as the sample group.