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Determinants of Catastrophic Health Expenditures: The Case of Turkey

Year 2023, , 629 - 648, 31.05.2023


Equal access to healthcare services and their usage is important because the utilization of healthcare services can create an unforeseeable financial burden on individuals and households. It has been stated that if households have to finance their healthcare services by reducing their basic expenses or if out-of-pocket expenditures exceed or encompass a significant portion of household expenditures during a certain period, catastrophic health spending occurs. Study uses the data of Household Budget Expenditure Survey by Turkstat with 2018 year. The determinants of catastrophic health expenditures were determined with the logit model and the impoverishing effect of these expenditures was evaluated together. According to the results, the proportion of households spending on catastrophic health was calculated as 1.43% and the proportion of households being driven to poverty as a result of catastrophic health expenditures was calculated as 0.26 %. In addition, the presence of an individual aged 65 and over in the household and the lowest income group increase the likelihood of catastrophic health spending. It has been concluded that these expenditures deepen poverty together with the high rate of catastrophic health expenditures in low-income groups in Turkey.


  • ADISA, O. (2015). “Investigating Determinants of Catastrophic Health Spending Among Poorly Insured Elderly Households in Urban Nigeria”. International Journal for Equity in Health, 14(79),2-11.
  • AHMED, S., SZABO, S., & NILSEN, K. (2018). “Catastrophic Healthcare Expenditure and Impoverishment in Tropical Deltas: Evidence from the Mekong Delta region”. International Journal for Equity in Health, 17:53, 1–13.
  • AKHTAR, A., AHMAD, N., & CHOWDHURY, I.R. (2020). “Socio-economic Inequality in Catastrophic Health Expenditure among Households in India: A Decomposition Analysis”. Indian Economic Review,55, 339-369.
  • ALKAN, Ö., & DEMİR, A. (2019). “Tütün Kullanımını Bırakma Başarısını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Lojistik Regresyon ile Analizi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 33(4), 1227-1244.
  • AREGBESHOLA, B. S., & KHAN, S. M. (2018). “Out-of-Pocket Payments, Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Poverty Among Households in Nigeria 2010”, Int J Health Policy Manage, 7(9), 798–806.
  • ARSENIJEVIC, J., PAVLOVA, M., & GROOT, W. (2013). “Measuring the Catastrophic and Impoverishing Effect of Household Health Care Spending in Serbia”. Social Science &Medicine 78: 17-25.
  • ASHOUR, M. (2018). “Determinants of and Changes in Catastrophic Health Expenditure in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: An Analysis of Ten Rounds of the Palestinian Households Expenditure and Consumptions Survey (1996-2011)”. The Lancet, 391 doi:
  • BAŞAR, D., BROWN S., & HOLE, A. R. (2012). “Out-of-Pocket Health Care Expenditure in Turkey: Analysis of the Household Budget Surveys 2002-2008”. Sheffield Economic Research Paper Series, UK.
  • BAŞARA, B., & ŞAHİN, İ. (2008). “Türkiye’de Cepten Yapılan Sağlık Harcamalarını Etkileyen Etmenler”.Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi , 26 (2) , 319-340.
  • BERENSON, M.L., & LEVINE, D.M. (1996). Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications, Sixth Edition, Prentice-Hall International, 837-838.
  • BERKI, S. E. (1986). “A Look At Catastrophic Medical Expenses and the Poor”. Health Affairs 5(4): 139–45.
  • BEYAZ SİPAHİ, B. 2021. “Katastrofik Sağlık Harcaması ve Gelir Grupları Üzerine Etkisi”. İktisat Alanında Seçilmiş Konular, Efeakademi, İstanbul.
  • BIJLMAKERS, L., WINTJES, M., MWAPASA, G., CORNELISSEN, D., BORGSTEIN, E., BROEKHUIZENA, H., BRUGHAC, R., & GAJEWSKIC, J. (2019). “Out-Of-Pocket Payments and Catastrophic Household Expenditure to Access Essential Surgery in Malawi - A Cross-Sectional Patient Survey”. Annals of Medicine and Surgery,43, 85–90.
  • BRINDA, E.M., KOWAL, P., ATTERMANN, J., & ENEMARK, U. (2015). “Health Service Use, Out -of-Pocket Payments and Katastrophic Health Expenditure Among Older People in India: The WHO Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE)”. J Epidemiol Community Health, 69(5), 489-494.
  • BROWN, S., HOLE, A. R., & KILIC, D. (2014). “Out-Of-Pocket Health Care Expenditure in Turkey: Analysis of The 2003–2008 Household Budget Surveys”. Economic Modelling, 41, 211–218.
  • BUIGUT, S., ETTARH, R., & AMENDAH, D.D. (2015). “Catastrophic Health Expenditure and its Determinants in Kenya Slum Communities”. International Journal for Equity in Health, 14(46), 2-12.
  • CEBECİ, İ. (2012).” Krizleri İncelemede Kullanılan Nitel Tercih Modelleri: Türkiye İçin Bir Probit Model Uygulaması: (1988-2009)”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası 62 / 1 (July 2012): 127-146.
  • CLEOPATRA, I., & EUNICE, K. (2018). “Household Catastrophic Health Expenditure: Evidence fromNigeria”. Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, 6(1), 1–8.
  • ÇINAROĞLU, S., & ŞAHİN, B. (2016). “Katastrofik Sağlık Harcaması ve Yoksullaştırıcı Etki”. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 19(2), 73-86.
  • ERCAN, U. (2021). “The Determinants of Turkey Household Catastrophic Health Expenditures: A Different Approach by Data Mining”. Alphanumeric Journal ,9(2), 229-246.
  • FALCONI, D.P., & BERNABE, E. (2018).” Determinants of catastrophic healthcare expenditure in Peru. International Journal of Health Economics and Management”. Int J Health Econ Manag, 18:425–436
  • GIOVANIS, E., & ÖZDAMAR, Ö. (2017). “The Effects of the 2008 Health Reform on Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures in Turkey”, Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics &Administrative Sciences,36,71-102.
  • GOTSADZE, G., ZOIDZE, A., & RUKHADZE, N. (2009). “Household Catastrophic Health Expenditure: Evidence from Georgia and its Policy Implications”. BMC Health Services Research, 9(69), 1-9.
  • GUJARATI, D.N. (1995). Basic Econometrics, McGraws-Hills Inc, Int.Eds. 3, Istanbul.
  • HOSMER, D., LEMESHOW, S., & STURDIVANT, R. (2013). Applied Logistic Regression, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • HUA, X., ERREYGERS, G., CHALMERS, J., LABA, T., & CLARKE, P. (2017). “Using Administrative Data to Look at Changes in the Level and Distribution of Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenditure: an Example Using Medicare Data from Australia”. Health Policy, 121(4), 426-433.
  • ILUNGA-ILUNGA F., LEVEQUE, A., LAOKRI, S., & DRAMAIX, M. (2015). Incidence of Catastrophic Health Expenditures for Households: An Example of Medical Attention for the Treatment of severe Childhood Malaria in Kinshasa Reference Hospitals, Democratic Republic of Congo”. Journal of Infection and Public Health 8, 136-144.
  • KELLY, H. (2018). “Putting Families at the Heart of Their Baby's Care”. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 24(1), 13-16.
  • KILIÇ, D. (2017). “Türkiye’de 2009-2015 Yılları İçin Cepten Yapılan Sağlık Harcamalarının Katastrofik Etkisi”. Fiscaoeconomia, Catastrophic Health Expenditures, 5-14.
  • KIM, S., & KWON, S. (2015). “Impact of the Policy of Expanding Benefit Coverage for Cancer Patients on Catastrophic Health Expenditure Across Different Income Groups in South Korea”. Social Science & Medicine, 138, 241-247.
  • KIM, Y., & YANG, B. (2019). “Relationship Between Catastrophic Health Expenditures and Household Incomes and Expenditure Patterns in South Korea”. Health policy, 100(2-3), 239-246.
  • KRONEMAN, M., BOERMA, W., VAN DEN BERG, M., GROENEWEGEN, P., DE JONG, J., & VAN GINNEKEN, E. (2016). “Netherlands: Health System Review”. Health Syst Transit, 18(2) 1-240.
  • LENG, A., JING, J., NICHOLAS, S., & WANG, J. (2019). “Catastrophic Health Expenditure of Cancer Patients at the End-of-Life: a Retrospective Observational Study in China”. BMC Palliative Care, 18(1), 43.
  • LEVERE, M., ORZOL, S., LEININGER, L., & EARLY, N. (2019). “Contemporaneous and Longterm Effects of Children’s Public Health Insurance Expansions on Supplemental Security Income Participation”. Journal of Health Economics, 64, 80-92.
  • LI, Y., WU, Q., XU, L., LEGGE, D., HAO, Y., GAOA, L., NING, N., & WAN, G. (2012). “Factors Affecting Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Impoverishment from Medical Expenses in China: Policy Implications of Universal Health Insurance”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 90(9), 633-712.
  • MANAVGAT, G., SAYGILI, F., & AUDIBERT, M. (2020).” Examining the Economic Burden of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures for Households in Different Socio-Economic Groups in Turkey”. Sosyoekonomi, 28(46), 25-49.
  • MI, H., FAN, X., LU, B., CAI, L., & PIGGOTT, J. (2018). “Preparing for Population Ageing: Estimating the Cost of Formal Aged Care in China”. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 10(1),83.
  • MINH, V.H., PHUONG, N.T.K., SAKSENA, P., JAMES, C.D., & XU, K. (2013). “Financial Burden of Household Out-of Pocket Health Expenditure in Viet Nam: Findings from the National Living Standard Survey 2002-2010”. Social Science & Medicine, 96, 258-263.
  • NARCI, H.Ö., ŞAHİN, İ., & YILDIRIM, H.H. (2014).” Financial catastrophe and poverty impacts of out-of-pocket health payments in Turkey”. The European Journal of Health Economics volume 16, pages255–270.
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  • RASHAD, A.S., & SHARAF, M.F. (2015). “Catastrophic and Impoverishing Effects of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure: New Evidence from Egypt”. Journal of Economics, 5(5), 526 533.
  • THAKUR, R., SANGAR, S., RAM, B., & FAIZAN, M. (2018). “Quantifying the Burden of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure in India”, Public Health, 159, 4-7.
  • TOKATLIOĞLU, İ., & TOKATLIOĞLU, Y. (2014). “Türkiye’de 2002-2011 Yılları Arasında Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamalarının Yoksulluk Yaratma Kapasitesi”, Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 24(87), 1-36.
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Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamalarının Belirleyicileri: Türkiye Örneği

Year 2023, , 629 - 648, 31.05.2023


Sağlık hizmetlerine ulaşımının ve kullanımının eşit bir şekilde sağlanması önem arz etmektedir. Çünkü sağlık hizmetleri kullanımı bireyler ve hanehalkları üzerinde öngörülemeyecek finansal yük yaratabilmektedir. Belirli bir dönemde hanelerin sağlık hizmetlerini finanse edebilmek için temel harcamalarını kısması ya da cepten yapılan harcamalarının hanehalkının harcamasını aşması veya büyük bir bölümünü kapsaması durumunda katastrofik sağlık harcaması ortaya çıktığı ifade edilmiştir. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumunun (TÜİK) 2018 Hanehalkı Bütçe Anketi (HBA) verileri kullanılarak, katastrofik sağlık harcamalarının belirleyicileri lojistik regresyon modeli ile incelenmiş ve bu harcamaların yoksullaştırıcı etkisi birlikte değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, katastrofik sağlık harcaması yapan hane oranı %1.43 ve katastrofik sağlık harcamaları sonucunda yoksulluğa sürüklenen hane oranı ise %0.26 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Hanede 65 yaş ve üstü bireyin olması ve en düşük gelir grubun katastrofik sağlık harcama yapma olasılığını artırmaktadır. Oysa hanehalkı büyüklüğünün artması, hanede beş yaş ve altı bireyin olması, hanehalkı reisinin evli olması ve hanede lise ve üstü eğitim düzeyine sahip bireyin olması katastrofik sağlık harcama yapma olasılığını azaltmaktadır. Türkiye’de düşük gelir gruplarında katastrofik sağlık harcama oranı yüksek olması ile birlikte bu harcamaların yoksulluğu derinleştirdiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • ADISA, O. (2015). “Investigating Determinants of Catastrophic Health Spending Among Poorly Insured Elderly Households in Urban Nigeria”. International Journal for Equity in Health, 14(79),2-11.
  • AHMED, S., SZABO, S., & NILSEN, K. (2018). “Catastrophic Healthcare Expenditure and Impoverishment in Tropical Deltas: Evidence from the Mekong Delta region”. International Journal for Equity in Health, 17:53, 1–13.
  • AKHTAR, A., AHMAD, N., & CHOWDHURY, I.R. (2020). “Socio-economic Inequality in Catastrophic Health Expenditure among Households in India: A Decomposition Analysis”. Indian Economic Review,55, 339-369.
  • ALKAN, Ö., & DEMİR, A. (2019). “Tütün Kullanımını Bırakma Başarısını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Lojistik Regresyon ile Analizi”. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 33(4), 1227-1244.
  • AREGBESHOLA, B. S., & KHAN, S. M. (2018). “Out-of-Pocket Payments, Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Poverty Among Households in Nigeria 2010”, Int J Health Policy Manage, 7(9), 798–806.
  • ARSENIJEVIC, J., PAVLOVA, M., & GROOT, W. (2013). “Measuring the Catastrophic and Impoverishing Effect of Household Health Care Spending in Serbia”. Social Science &Medicine 78: 17-25.
  • ASHOUR, M. (2018). “Determinants of and Changes in Catastrophic Health Expenditure in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: An Analysis of Ten Rounds of the Palestinian Households Expenditure and Consumptions Survey (1996-2011)”. The Lancet, 391 doi:
  • BAŞAR, D., BROWN S., & HOLE, A. R. (2012). “Out-of-Pocket Health Care Expenditure in Turkey: Analysis of the Household Budget Surveys 2002-2008”. Sheffield Economic Research Paper Series, UK.
  • BAŞARA, B., & ŞAHİN, İ. (2008). “Türkiye’de Cepten Yapılan Sağlık Harcamalarını Etkileyen Etmenler”.Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi , 26 (2) , 319-340.
  • BERENSON, M.L., & LEVINE, D.M. (1996). Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications, Sixth Edition, Prentice-Hall International, 837-838.
  • BERKI, S. E. (1986). “A Look At Catastrophic Medical Expenses and the Poor”. Health Affairs 5(4): 139–45.
  • BEYAZ SİPAHİ, B. 2021. “Katastrofik Sağlık Harcaması ve Gelir Grupları Üzerine Etkisi”. İktisat Alanında Seçilmiş Konular, Efeakademi, İstanbul.
  • BIJLMAKERS, L., WINTJES, M., MWAPASA, G., CORNELISSEN, D., BORGSTEIN, E., BROEKHUIZENA, H., BRUGHAC, R., & GAJEWSKIC, J. (2019). “Out-Of-Pocket Payments and Catastrophic Household Expenditure to Access Essential Surgery in Malawi - A Cross-Sectional Patient Survey”. Annals of Medicine and Surgery,43, 85–90.
  • BRINDA, E.M., KOWAL, P., ATTERMANN, J., & ENEMARK, U. (2015). “Health Service Use, Out -of-Pocket Payments and Katastrophic Health Expenditure Among Older People in India: The WHO Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE)”. J Epidemiol Community Health, 69(5), 489-494.
  • BROWN, S., HOLE, A. R., & KILIC, D. (2014). “Out-Of-Pocket Health Care Expenditure in Turkey: Analysis of The 2003–2008 Household Budget Surveys”. Economic Modelling, 41, 211–218.
  • BUIGUT, S., ETTARH, R., & AMENDAH, D.D. (2015). “Catastrophic Health Expenditure and its Determinants in Kenya Slum Communities”. International Journal for Equity in Health, 14(46), 2-12.
  • CEBECİ, İ. (2012).” Krizleri İncelemede Kullanılan Nitel Tercih Modelleri: Türkiye İçin Bir Probit Model Uygulaması: (1988-2009)”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası 62 / 1 (July 2012): 127-146.
  • CLEOPATRA, I., & EUNICE, K. (2018). “Household Catastrophic Health Expenditure: Evidence fromNigeria”. Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, 6(1), 1–8.
  • ÇINAROĞLU, S., & ŞAHİN, B. (2016). “Katastrofik Sağlık Harcaması ve Yoksullaştırıcı Etki”. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 19(2), 73-86.
  • ERCAN, U. (2021). “The Determinants of Turkey Household Catastrophic Health Expenditures: A Different Approach by Data Mining”. Alphanumeric Journal ,9(2), 229-246.
  • FALCONI, D.P., & BERNABE, E. (2018).” Determinants of catastrophic healthcare expenditure in Peru. International Journal of Health Economics and Management”. Int J Health Econ Manag, 18:425–436
  • GIOVANIS, E., & ÖZDAMAR, Ö. (2017). “The Effects of the 2008 Health Reform on Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures in Turkey”, Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics &Administrative Sciences,36,71-102.
  • GOTSADZE, G., ZOIDZE, A., & RUKHADZE, N. (2009). “Household Catastrophic Health Expenditure: Evidence from Georgia and its Policy Implications”. BMC Health Services Research, 9(69), 1-9.
  • GUJARATI, D.N. (1995). Basic Econometrics, McGraws-Hills Inc, Int.Eds. 3, Istanbul.
  • HOSMER, D., LEMESHOW, S., & STURDIVANT, R. (2013). Applied Logistic Regression, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • HUA, X., ERREYGERS, G., CHALMERS, J., LABA, T., & CLARKE, P. (2017). “Using Administrative Data to Look at Changes in the Level and Distribution of Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenditure: an Example Using Medicare Data from Australia”. Health Policy, 121(4), 426-433.
  • ILUNGA-ILUNGA F., LEVEQUE, A., LAOKRI, S., & DRAMAIX, M. (2015). Incidence of Catastrophic Health Expenditures for Households: An Example of Medical Attention for the Treatment of severe Childhood Malaria in Kinshasa Reference Hospitals, Democratic Republic of Congo”. Journal of Infection and Public Health 8, 136-144.
  • KELLY, H. (2018). “Putting Families at the Heart of Their Baby's Care”. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 24(1), 13-16.
  • KILIÇ, D. (2017). “Türkiye’de 2009-2015 Yılları İçin Cepten Yapılan Sağlık Harcamalarının Katastrofik Etkisi”. Fiscaoeconomia, Catastrophic Health Expenditures, 5-14.
  • KIM, S., & KWON, S. (2015). “Impact of the Policy of Expanding Benefit Coverage for Cancer Patients on Catastrophic Health Expenditure Across Different Income Groups in South Korea”. Social Science & Medicine, 138, 241-247.
  • KIM, Y., & YANG, B. (2019). “Relationship Between Catastrophic Health Expenditures and Household Incomes and Expenditure Patterns in South Korea”. Health policy, 100(2-3), 239-246.
  • KRONEMAN, M., BOERMA, W., VAN DEN BERG, M., GROENEWEGEN, P., DE JONG, J., & VAN GINNEKEN, E. (2016). “Netherlands: Health System Review”. Health Syst Transit, 18(2) 1-240.
  • LENG, A., JING, J., NICHOLAS, S., & WANG, J. (2019). “Catastrophic Health Expenditure of Cancer Patients at the End-of-Life: a Retrospective Observational Study in China”. BMC Palliative Care, 18(1), 43.
  • LEVERE, M., ORZOL, S., LEININGER, L., & EARLY, N. (2019). “Contemporaneous and Longterm Effects of Children’s Public Health Insurance Expansions on Supplemental Security Income Participation”. Journal of Health Economics, 64, 80-92.
  • LI, Y., WU, Q., XU, L., LEGGE, D., HAO, Y., GAOA, L., NING, N., & WAN, G. (2012). “Factors Affecting Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Impoverishment from Medical Expenses in China: Policy Implications of Universal Health Insurance”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 90(9), 633-712.
  • MANAVGAT, G., SAYGILI, F., & AUDIBERT, M. (2020).” Examining the Economic Burden of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures for Households in Different Socio-Economic Groups in Turkey”. Sosyoekonomi, 28(46), 25-49.
  • MI, H., FAN, X., LU, B., CAI, L., & PIGGOTT, J. (2018). “Preparing for Population Ageing: Estimating the Cost of Formal Aged Care in China”. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 10(1),83.
  • MINH, V.H., PHUONG, N.T.K., SAKSENA, P., JAMES, C.D., & XU, K. (2013). “Financial Burden of Household Out-of Pocket Health Expenditure in Viet Nam: Findings from the National Living Standard Survey 2002-2010”. Social Science & Medicine, 96, 258-263.
  • NARCI, H.Ö., ŞAHİN, İ., & YILDIRIM, H.H. (2014).” Financial catastrophe and poverty impacts of out-of-pocket health payments in Turkey”. The European Journal of Health Economics volume 16, pages255–270.
  • ODEKON, M. (2015). “The Sage Encyclopedia of World Poverty”. Sage Publications, Papanicolas & Smith, 2013
  • RASHAD, A.S., & SHARAF, M.F. (2015). “Catastrophic and Impoverishing Effects of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure: New Evidence from Egypt”. Journal of Economics, 5(5), 526 533.
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There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Makaleler

Banu Beyaz Sipahi 0000-0002-5242-5049

Publication Date May 31, 2023
Acceptance Date May 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Beyaz Sipahi, B. (2023). Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamalarının Belirleyicileri: Türkiye Örneği. Alanya Akademik Bakış, 7(2), 629-648.