Research Article
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Analysis of Labor Qualification Requirements in Digitalized Sectors in Turkey with Current Jobs

Year 2023, , 823 - 845, 31.05.2023


In this study, the structural and cultural change caused by the digitalization and digital transformation process, which was accelerated by the Industry 4.0 process, and the need to shape the workforce in the direction of digitalization were investigated. In this context, it has been evaluated that the analysis of the demand and trend towards the quality of the workforce in the digitalized sectors in Turkey will contribute to the literature, and for this reason, a sample set has been created from the sectors determined based on the "Digitalization Index" score prepared at the country level, and a job search platform operating in Turkey. Content analysis was carried out with the MAXQDA 2022 program on 260 job postings by using Kariyer.Net data and the findings were revealed. In the findings, it has been determined that there is a higher demand for concrete qualifications for employees in digitalized sectors in Turkey, and social and cognitive abilities are more desired than abstract skills.


  • ABELL, A. (2000). “Skills For Knowledge Environments”, Information Management, 34(3): 33-41.
  • ACEMOĞLU, D., & AUTOR, D. (2011). “Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings”, Handbook of Labor Economics, 4: 1043-1071.
  • ASLAN, M., ERSOY KART, M., & ATAY, Ö. (2021). “Dördüncü Sanayi Devriminde Üniversite Sanayi İşbirliği: Türkiye İçin Olası Etkileri Üzerine Düşünceler”, Yönetim ve Çalışma Dergisi, (5)1: 15-29.
  • BİNGÖL, U., METE, H., & ÖZKAN, Y. (2019). “Comparative Qualitative Analysis of Turkey and Estonia in the IT Sector Vacancies”, Eastern Journal of European Studies, (10(2): 197-222.
  • BLAIR, P., & DEMING, D. (2020). “Structural Increases in Demand for Skill After The Great Recession”, AEA Papers and Proceedings, (110): 362-365.
  • BLOOM, N., & REHENN, J. (2007). “Measuring and Explaining Management Practices Across Firms and Countries”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(4): 1351-1408.
  • BÖRNER, K., SCRIVNER, O., GALLANT, M., MA, S., LIU, X., & CHEWNING, K. (2018). “Skill Discrepancies Between Research, Education and Jobs Reveal The Critical Need To Supply Soft Skills For The Data Economy”. PNAS, 115(50): 1-7.
  • BRANDS, K., & HOLTZBLATT, M. (2015). “Business Analytics: Transforming The Role Of Management Accountants”, Management Accountant Quarterly, 16(3): 1-13.
  • BRENNEN, J. S., & KREISS, D. (2016). “Digitalization. The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy”, 6.
  • BUEECHL, J., HÄRTING, R., & SCHRÖDER, M. (2021). “Influence Of Digitization On Employee Satisfaction In Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”, Procedia Computer Science, (92): 2753-2760.
  • CAO, G., YUAN, Y., & EL BANNA, A. (2019). “A Dynamic Capability View Of Marketing Analytics: Evidence From UK Firms”, Industrial Marketing Management, (76): 72- 83.
  • CARTWRIGHT, D. P. (1953). “Analysis of Qualitative Material”, Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences, 421-470.
  • CHIARINI, A. (2020). “Industry 4.0, Quality Management and TQM World. A Systematic Literature Review and A Proposed Agenda for Further Research”, The TQM Journal, 32(4): 603-616.
  • CUNHA, T., MEXAS, M., CANTARELI, A., & GONÇALVES, Q. (2020). “Proposal Guidelines to Implement The Concepts of Industry 4.0 Into Information Technology Companies”, The TQM Journal, 32(4): 741-759.
  • ÇULHA, D. (2021). ‘‘Nesnelerin İnterneti Aygıtlarının Görüşmelerinin Blok Zinciri’’, Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 14(2): 129-136.
  • DAMAR, N. (2022). “Dijital Çağda Bilişim Sektörünün İhtiyacı Olan Yetkinlikler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, Bilişim Sistemleri ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1): 25-40.
  • DELOITTE. (2021). “Deloitte Global İnsan Kaynakları Trendleri”, Deloitte Insights.
  • DEMİRYUMRUK DİKİCİ, B. (2020). “Günümüzün Dijitalleşen İşletmelerinde Yeni Liderlik ve Motivasyon Modelleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma”, Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15(26): 4185-5008.
  • ERSÖZ, B., & ÖZMEN, M. (2020). “Dijitalleşme ve Bilişim Teknolojilerinin Çalışanlar Üzerindeki Etkileri”, AJIT-e: Bilişim Teknolojileri Online Dergisi, 11(42): 170-179.
  • FARBOODI, M., MIHET, R., PHILIPPON, T., & VELDKAMP, L. (2019). “Big Data and Firm Dynamics”, AEA Papers and Proceedings, (109): 38-42.
  • GHOBAKHLOO, M. (2020). “Industry 4.0, Digitization and Opportunities For Sustainability”, Journal of Cleaner Production, (252): 1-21.
  • HERSHBEIN, B., & LISA, B. (2018). “Do Recessions Accelerate Routine-Biased Technological Change? Evidence From Vacancy Postings”, American Economic Review, 108(7): 1737-1772.
  • HOLSTI, O. R. (1969). “Content Analysis for The Social Sciences and Humanities”, Longman Higher Education, Canada.
  • HOYNES, H., MILLER, D., & SCHALLER, J. (2012). “Who Suffers During Recessions?”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(3): 27-48.
  • İZMEN, Ü., ÜÇDOĞRUK GÜREL, Y., & KILIÇASLAN, Y. (2020). “Türkiye’nin Dijital Dönüşüm Endeksi”, Türkiye Bilişim Sanayicileri Derneği, Ankara.
  • JAMKHANEH, H., SHAHIN, A., PARKOUHI, S., & SHAHIN, R. (2021). “The New Concept of Quality in the Digital Era: A Human Resource Empowerment Perspective”, The TQM Journal, 34(1): 1-20.
  • JINDAL, R., & SISODIA, A. (2021). “A Meta-Analysis of Industry 4.0 Design Principles Applied in the Health Sector”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 104: 1-15.
  • KARAKAŞ, S., RUKANCI, F., & ANAMERİÇ, H. (2009). “Belge Yönetimi ve Arşiv Terimleri Sözlüğü”, Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Yayın No: 24.
  • KAZMIER, L. (2003). Business Statistics: Schaums's Outlines, McGraw Hill, USA.
  • KESKİN, H., EKBER, A., & KOÇOĞLU, İ. (2016). Örgüt Teorisi, Nobel Akademi Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • KIRIM, A. (2010). Bana Bi Akıl Ver Hocam, Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • KOÇAK, A., & ARUN, Ö. (2006). “İçerik Analizi Çalışmalarında Örnekleme Sorunu”, Selçuk İletişim, 4(3): 21-28.
  • LASI, H., FETTKE, P., KEMPER, H., FELD, T., & HOFFMANN, M. (2014). “Industry 4.0.”, Business and Information Systems Engineering, 6(4): 239-242.
  • LEE, Z., CHAN, T., CHONG, A., & THADANI, D. (2019). “Customer Engagement Through Omnichannel Retailing: The Effects of Channel Integration Quality”, Industrial Marketing Management, (77): 90-101.
  • LEE, I., & LEE, K. (2015). “The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, Investments and Challenges for Enterprises”, Indiana University: Kelley School of Business, 58: 431-440.
  • LIAO, Y., DESCAHMPS, F., LOURES, E., & RAMOS, R. (2017). “Past, Present and Future of Industry 4.0 - A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda Proposal”, International Journal of Production Research, 55(12): 3609-3629.
  • LYU, W., & LIU, J. (2021). “Soft Skills, Hard Skills: What Matters Most? Evidence From Job Postings”, Applied Energy, (300): 1-12.
  • MACNAMARA, J. (2005). “Media Content Analysis: Its Uses; Benefits and Best Practice Methodology”, Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, 6(1): 1-34.
  • MCKINSEY. (2011). “Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition and Productivity”, McKinsey Global Institute, Washington.
  • METE, H. (2020). “Türkiye’de Bilişim İş Gücü Nitelik Talebinin Eğitim Müfredatları ile Uyum Analizi”, (Doktora Tezi), Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 168-169.
  • MODESTINO, A. SHOAG, D., & BALLANCE, J. (2020). “Upskilling: Do Employers Demand Greater Skill When Workers Are Plentiful?”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 102(4): 793-805.
  • MORO, A., & JOANNY, G. M. (2020). “Emerging Technologies in the Renewable Energy Sector: A Comparison of Expert Review With A Text Mining Software”, Futures, (117): 1-18.
  • MORTENSEN, D., & PISSARIDES, C. (1994). “Job Creation and Job Destruction in The Theory of Unemployment”, The Review of Economic Studies, 61(3): 397-415.
  • MURO, M., LIU, S., WHITON, J., & KULKARNI, S. (2017). “Digitalization and The American Workforce”, Brookings India.
  • NASCIMENTO, D., ALENCASTRO, V., QUELHAS, O., CAIADO, R., GARZA-REYES, J., ROCHA-LONA, L., et al. (2019). “Exploring Industry 4.0 Technologies to Enable Circular Economy Practices in A Manufacturing Context: A Business Model Proposal”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(3): 607-627.
  • OESTERREICH, T., TEUTEBERG, F., BENSBERG, F., & BUSCHER, G. (2019). “The Controlling Profession in the Digital Age: Understanding the Impact of Digitization On The Controller's Job Roles, Skills and Competences”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, (35): 1-23.
  • ÖZDEMİR, M. (2010). “Nitel Veri Analizi: Sosyal Bilimlerde Yöntembilim Sorunsalı Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(1): 323-343.
  • ÖZKAN, Y., BİNGÖL, U., & METE, H. (2018). “Türkiye’de Elektronik İstihdam Platformlarında Yayınlanan Bilişim Sektörü İş İlanlarının Nitel Analizi (2017-2018)”, Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 6(18): 289-296.
  • PAGANI, M., & PARDO, C. (2017). “The Impact of Digital Technology On Relationships In A Business Network”, Industrial Marketing Management, (67): 185-192.
  • RITTER, T., & PEDERSEN, C. (2020). “Digitization Capability and The Digitalization of Business Models In Business To Business (B2B) Firms: Past, Present, and Future”, Industrial Marketing Management, (86): 180-190.
  • SCHOEMAKER, P., HEATON, S., & TEECE, D. (2018). “Innovation, Dynamic Capabilities and Leadership”, California Management Review, 61(1): 15-42.
  • SCHROEDER, A., ZIAEE BIGDELI, A., GALERA ZARCOS, C., & BAINES, T. (2019). “Capturing The Benefits of Industry 4.0: A Business Network Perspective”, Production Planning and Control, 30(16): 1305-1321.
  • SOYLU, A. (2018). “Endüstri 4.0 ve Girişimcilikte Yeni Yaklaşımlar”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (32): 43-57.
  • TEECE, D. (2018). “Business Models and Dynamic Capabilities”, Long Range Planning, 51(1): 40- 49.
  • THANKARD, C. (2016). “What The GDPR Means For Businesses”, Network Security, 6(2): 5-8.
  • TOKER, A., & KÖKASLAN, M. (2016). “Accenture Türkiye Dijitalleşme Endeksi”, Harvard Business Review.
  • TOKER, K. (2018). “Endüstri 4.0 ve Sürdürülebilirliğe Etkileri”, İstanbul Management Journal, (29)84: 51-64.
  • VENDRELL HERRERO, F., BUZTINZA, O., PARRY, G., & GEROGANTZIS, N. (2017). “Servitization, Digitization and Supply Chain Interdependency”, Industrial Marketing Management, (60): 69-81.
  • WEBER, R. H. (2010). ‘‘Internet of Things-New Security and Privacy Challenges’’, Computer Law&Security Review, 26(1): 23-30.
  • WINTER, S. (2003). “Understanding Dynamic Capabilities”, Strategic Managemet Journal, 24(10): 991-995.
  • XU, L., XU, E., & LI, L. (2008). “Industry 4.0: State Of The Art and Future Trends”, International Journal of Production Research, 56(8): 2941-2962.
  • YANKIN, F. (2019). “Dijital Dönüşüm Sürecinde Çalışma Hayatı”, Trakya Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi E-Dergi, 7(2): 1-38.

Türkiye’de Dijitalleşen Sektörlerde İş Gücü Niteliğindeki Gereksinimlerin Güncel İş İlanları ile Analizi

Year 2023, , 823 - 845, 31.05.2023


Bu çalışmada Endüstri 4.0 sürecinin de ivme kazandırdığı dijitalleşme ve dijital dönüşüm sürecinin işletmelerde neden olduğu yapısal ve kültürel değişim ve bunun beraberinde getirdiği iş gücünü dijitalleşme yönünde şekillendirme ihtiyacı araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda Türkiye’de dijitalleşen sektörlerdeki iş gücü niteliğine yönelik talep ve eğilimin analiz edilmesinin literatüre katkı sağlayacağı değerlendirilmiş ve bu nedenle ülke düzeyinde hazırlanan “Dijitalleşme Endeksi” puanı baz alınarak belirlenen sektörlerden bir örneklem seti oluşturulmuş ve Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren bir iş bulma platformu olan Kariyer.Net verilerinden yararlanılarak 260 iş ilanı üzerinden MAXQDA 2022 programı ile içerik analizi yapılmış ve bulguları ortaya konulmuştur. Elde edilen bulgularda Türkiye’de dijitalleşen sektörlerde çalışanlara yönelik somut niteliklere talebin daha çok olduğu, soyut becerilerden ise sosyal ve bilişsel yeteneklerin daha çok arzulandığı belirlenmiştir.


  • ABELL, A. (2000). “Skills For Knowledge Environments”, Information Management, 34(3): 33-41.
  • ACEMOĞLU, D., & AUTOR, D. (2011). “Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings”, Handbook of Labor Economics, 4: 1043-1071.
  • ASLAN, M., ERSOY KART, M., & ATAY, Ö. (2021). “Dördüncü Sanayi Devriminde Üniversite Sanayi İşbirliği: Türkiye İçin Olası Etkileri Üzerine Düşünceler”, Yönetim ve Çalışma Dergisi, (5)1: 15-29.
  • BİNGÖL, U., METE, H., & ÖZKAN, Y. (2019). “Comparative Qualitative Analysis of Turkey and Estonia in the IT Sector Vacancies”, Eastern Journal of European Studies, (10(2): 197-222.
  • BLAIR, P., & DEMING, D. (2020). “Structural Increases in Demand for Skill After The Great Recession”, AEA Papers and Proceedings, (110): 362-365.
  • BLOOM, N., & REHENN, J. (2007). “Measuring and Explaining Management Practices Across Firms and Countries”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(4): 1351-1408.
  • BÖRNER, K., SCRIVNER, O., GALLANT, M., MA, S., LIU, X., & CHEWNING, K. (2018). “Skill Discrepancies Between Research, Education and Jobs Reveal The Critical Need To Supply Soft Skills For The Data Economy”. PNAS, 115(50): 1-7.
  • BRANDS, K., & HOLTZBLATT, M. (2015). “Business Analytics: Transforming The Role Of Management Accountants”, Management Accountant Quarterly, 16(3): 1-13.
  • BRENNEN, J. S., & KREISS, D. (2016). “Digitalization. The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy”, 6.
  • BUEECHL, J., HÄRTING, R., & SCHRÖDER, M. (2021). “Influence Of Digitization On Employee Satisfaction In Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”, Procedia Computer Science, (92): 2753-2760.
  • CAO, G., YUAN, Y., & EL BANNA, A. (2019). “A Dynamic Capability View Of Marketing Analytics: Evidence From UK Firms”, Industrial Marketing Management, (76): 72- 83.
  • CARTWRIGHT, D. P. (1953). “Analysis of Qualitative Material”, Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences, 421-470.
  • CHIARINI, A. (2020). “Industry 4.0, Quality Management and TQM World. A Systematic Literature Review and A Proposed Agenda for Further Research”, The TQM Journal, 32(4): 603-616.
  • CUNHA, T., MEXAS, M., CANTARELI, A., & GONÇALVES, Q. (2020). “Proposal Guidelines to Implement The Concepts of Industry 4.0 Into Information Technology Companies”, The TQM Journal, 32(4): 741-759.
  • ÇULHA, D. (2021). ‘‘Nesnelerin İnterneti Aygıtlarının Görüşmelerinin Blok Zinciri’’, Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 14(2): 129-136.
  • DAMAR, N. (2022). “Dijital Çağda Bilişim Sektörünün İhtiyacı Olan Yetkinlikler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, Bilişim Sistemleri ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1): 25-40.
  • DELOITTE. (2021). “Deloitte Global İnsan Kaynakları Trendleri”, Deloitte Insights.
  • DEMİRYUMRUK DİKİCİ, B. (2020). “Günümüzün Dijitalleşen İşletmelerinde Yeni Liderlik ve Motivasyon Modelleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma”, Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15(26): 4185-5008.
  • ERSÖZ, B., & ÖZMEN, M. (2020). “Dijitalleşme ve Bilişim Teknolojilerinin Çalışanlar Üzerindeki Etkileri”, AJIT-e: Bilişim Teknolojileri Online Dergisi, 11(42): 170-179.
  • FARBOODI, M., MIHET, R., PHILIPPON, T., & VELDKAMP, L. (2019). “Big Data and Firm Dynamics”, AEA Papers and Proceedings, (109): 38-42.
  • GHOBAKHLOO, M. (2020). “Industry 4.0, Digitization and Opportunities For Sustainability”, Journal of Cleaner Production, (252): 1-21.
  • HERSHBEIN, B., & LISA, B. (2018). “Do Recessions Accelerate Routine-Biased Technological Change? Evidence From Vacancy Postings”, American Economic Review, 108(7): 1737-1772.
  • HOLSTI, O. R. (1969). “Content Analysis for The Social Sciences and Humanities”, Longman Higher Education, Canada.
  • HOYNES, H., MILLER, D., & SCHALLER, J. (2012). “Who Suffers During Recessions?”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(3): 27-48.
  • İZMEN, Ü., ÜÇDOĞRUK GÜREL, Y., & KILIÇASLAN, Y. (2020). “Türkiye’nin Dijital Dönüşüm Endeksi”, Türkiye Bilişim Sanayicileri Derneği, Ankara.
  • JAMKHANEH, H., SHAHIN, A., PARKOUHI, S., & SHAHIN, R. (2021). “The New Concept of Quality in the Digital Era: A Human Resource Empowerment Perspective”, The TQM Journal, 34(1): 1-20.
  • JINDAL, R., & SISODIA, A. (2021). “A Meta-Analysis of Industry 4.0 Design Principles Applied in the Health Sector”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 104: 1-15.
  • KARAKAŞ, S., RUKANCI, F., & ANAMERİÇ, H. (2009). “Belge Yönetimi ve Arşiv Terimleri Sözlüğü”, Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Yayın No: 24.
  • KAZMIER, L. (2003). Business Statistics: Schaums's Outlines, McGraw Hill, USA.
  • KESKİN, H., EKBER, A., & KOÇOĞLU, İ. (2016). Örgüt Teorisi, Nobel Akademi Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • KIRIM, A. (2010). Bana Bi Akıl Ver Hocam, Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • KOÇAK, A., & ARUN, Ö. (2006). “İçerik Analizi Çalışmalarında Örnekleme Sorunu”, Selçuk İletişim, 4(3): 21-28.
  • LASI, H., FETTKE, P., KEMPER, H., FELD, T., & HOFFMANN, M. (2014). “Industry 4.0.”, Business and Information Systems Engineering, 6(4): 239-242.
  • LEE, Z., CHAN, T., CHONG, A., & THADANI, D. (2019). “Customer Engagement Through Omnichannel Retailing: The Effects of Channel Integration Quality”, Industrial Marketing Management, (77): 90-101.
  • LEE, I., & LEE, K. (2015). “The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, Investments and Challenges for Enterprises”, Indiana University: Kelley School of Business, 58: 431-440.
  • LIAO, Y., DESCAHMPS, F., LOURES, E., & RAMOS, R. (2017). “Past, Present and Future of Industry 4.0 - A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda Proposal”, International Journal of Production Research, 55(12): 3609-3629.
  • LYU, W., & LIU, J. (2021). “Soft Skills, Hard Skills: What Matters Most? Evidence From Job Postings”, Applied Energy, (300): 1-12.
  • MACNAMARA, J. (2005). “Media Content Analysis: Its Uses; Benefits and Best Practice Methodology”, Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, 6(1): 1-34.
  • MCKINSEY. (2011). “Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition and Productivity”, McKinsey Global Institute, Washington.
  • METE, H. (2020). “Türkiye’de Bilişim İş Gücü Nitelik Talebinin Eğitim Müfredatları ile Uyum Analizi”, (Doktora Tezi), Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 168-169.
  • MODESTINO, A. SHOAG, D., & BALLANCE, J. (2020). “Upskilling: Do Employers Demand Greater Skill When Workers Are Plentiful?”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 102(4): 793-805.
  • MORO, A., & JOANNY, G. M. (2020). “Emerging Technologies in the Renewable Energy Sector: A Comparison of Expert Review With A Text Mining Software”, Futures, (117): 1-18.
  • MORTENSEN, D., & PISSARIDES, C. (1994). “Job Creation and Job Destruction in The Theory of Unemployment”, The Review of Economic Studies, 61(3): 397-415.
  • MURO, M., LIU, S., WHITON, J., & KULKARNI, S. (2017). “Digitalization and The American Workforce”, Brookings India.
  • NASCIMENTO, D., ALENCASTRO, V., QUELHAS, O., CAIADO, R., GARZA-REYES, J., ROCHA-LONA, L., et al. (2019). “Exploring Industry 4.0 Technologies to Enable Circular Economy Practices in A Manufacturing Context: A Business Model Proposal”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(3): 607-627.
  • OESTERREICH, T., TEUTEBERG, F., BENSBERG, F., & BUSCHER, G. (2019). “The Controlling Profession in the Digital Age: Understanding the Impact of Digitization On The Controller's Job Roles, Skills and Competences”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, (35): 1-23.
  • ÖZDEMİR, M. (2010). “Nitel Veri Analizi: Sosyal Bilimlerde Yöntembilim Sorunsalı Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(1): 323-343.
  • ÖZKAN, Y., BİNGÖL, U., & METE, H. (2018). “Türkiye’de Elektronik İstihdam Platformlarında Yayınlanan Bilişim Sektörü İş İlanlarının Nitel Analizi (2017-2018)”, Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 6(18): 289-296.
  • PAGANI, M., & PARDO, C. (2017). “The Impact of Digital Technology On Relationships In A Business Network”, Industrial Marketing Management, (67): 185-192.
  • RITTER, T., & PEDERSEN, C. (2020). “Digitization Capability and The Digitalization of Business Models In Business To Business (B2B) Firms: Past, Present, and Future”, Industrial Marketing Management, (86): 180-190.
  • SCHOEMAKER, P., HEATON, S., & TEECE, D. (2018). “Innovation, Dynamic Capabilities and Leadership”, California Management Review, 61(1): 15-42.
  • SCHROEDER, A., ZIAEE BIGDELI, A., GALERA ZARCOS, C., & BAINES, T. (2019). “Capturing The Benefits of Industry 4.0: A Business Network Perspective”, Production Planning and Control, 30(16): 1305-1321.
  • SOYLU, A. (2018). “Endüstri 4.0 ve Girişimcilikte Yeni Yaklaşımlar”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (32): 43-57.
  • TEECE, D. (2018). “Business Models and Dynamic Capabilities”, Long Range Planning, 51(1): 40- 49.
  • THANKARD, C. (2016). “What The GDPR Means For Businesses”, Network Security, 6(2): 5-8.
  • TOKER, A., & KÖKASLAN, M. (2016). “Accenture Türkiye Dijitalleşme Endeksi”, Harvard Business Review.
  • TOKER, K. (2018). “Endüstri 4.0 ve Sürdürülebilirliğe Etkileri”, İstanbul Management Journal, (29)84: 51-64.
  • VENDRELL HERRERO, F., BUZTINZA, O., PARRY, G., & GEROGANTZIS, N. (2017). “Servitization, Digitization and Supply Chain Interdependency”, Industrial Marketing Management, (60): 69-81.
  • WEBER, R. H. (2010). ‘‘Internet of Things-New Security and Privacy Challenges’’, Computer Law&Security Review, 26(1): 23-30.
  • WINTER, S. (2003). “Understanding Dynamic Capabilities”, Strategic Managemet Journal, 24(10): 991-995.
  • XU, L., XU, E., & LI, L. (2008). “Industry 4.0: State Of The Art and Future Trends”, International Journal of Production Research, 56(8): 2941-2962.
  • YANKIN, F. (2019). “Dijital Dönüşüm Sürecinde Çalışma Hayatı”, Trakya Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi E-Dergi, 7(2): 1-38.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Finance
Journal Section Makaleler

Emre İmamoğlu 0000-0002-5673-9766

Kürşad Barutcu 0000-0003-1702-6656

Publication Date May 31, 2023
Acceptance Date March 8, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA İmamoğlu, E., & Barutcu, K. (2023). Türkiye’de Dijitalleşen Sektörlerde İş Gücü Niteliğindeki Gereksinimlerin Güncel İş İlanları ile Analizi. Alanya Akademik Bakış, 7(2), 823-845.