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Determinants of willingness to pay for solid waste management in Gweru city, Zimbabwe.

Year 2017, , 15 - 21, 30.09.2017


Many policies and
frameworks in developing countries are directed at waste management. With
increased rural to urban migration, most municipalities are faced with
increased improper disposal of solid waste and one of the major constraints is
limited financial capacity of local municipalities. The increasing financial challenges
for waste management have prompted researchers to pay close attention to the
demand side of the problem. This study seeks to analyse the determinants of household
willingness to pay for improved residential solid waste management in Gweru. An
open ended contingent valuation method was used to elicit household’s
willingness to pay and a binary logit model was used to account for the factors
influencing the respondent’s WTP. The results from the study indicated that
monthly average expenditure which is a proxy of household income, highest level
of education and the age of household head are important determinants of
household willingness to pay for solid waste management. The other variables
were not statistically and significantly associated with the willingness to pay
for waste management. The findings from this study indicate there is greater
chance of success in solid waste management if there is the possibility of cost


  • Ashenafi Itaile, (2011). Determinants of effective Household solid waste management practices: The case of Ambo Town –West Showa Zone Mekelle University Ethiopia.
  • Krishnal Thirumarpan and MSA Dilsath , (2015).Household willingness to pay for improved solid waste management in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Tropical Agriculture Research and Extension 18 (2).
  • Naeem Ur Rehman Khattack.,Suleman Amin,(2013). Willingness to pay for the treatment of environmental hazards ; Acase Study Peshawar :Asian Economic and Financial Review 3(7) : 831 - 842.
  • Naeem Ur Rheman Khattak , Jangraiz Khan and Iftikhar Ahmad , (2013) . An analysis of willingness to pay for better solid waste management services in Urban Areas of District Peshawar: MPRA PAPER No. 511 84.
  • Nkansha E., Dafor. N, K, Essel-Gaisey,F(2015). Willingness to pay for improved solid waste disposal in Tema Metropolis: UDS International Journal of Development Volm 2 No.9.
  • Ojok. J,Koech.M.K,Tole .M and Okot J-Okum,(2012). Household willingness to pay for improved municipal solid waste Management Services in Kampala Uganda: Science Journal of Environmental Engineering Research ISSN: 2276-7495.
  • Pham Thi Thuy Trang., Dinh Quang Toan and Nguyen ThiXuan Hanh,( 2017). Estimating Household Willingness to pay for Improved Solid Waste Management ; A Case Study of Thu Dau Mot City ,Binh Doung Matec Web Conference 95, 18 -004.
  • Yusurf .S.A, Salimonu K.K and Ojo.O.T, (2007). Determinants of Willingness to Pay for Improved Household solid waste Management in Oyo State :Nigeria Research Journal of Applied Science 2(3) 233-239.

Determinants of willingness to pay for solid waste management in Gweru city, Zimbabwe.

Year 2017, , 15 - 21, 30.09.2017


Gelişmekte olan
ülkelerdeki pek çok politika ve çerçeve atık yönetimine yöneliktir. Kırsaldan
kente göçe arttıkça, çoğu belediye artan katı atıkların arıtılması ile karşı
karşıyadır ve en büyük kısıtlamalardan birisi, yerel belediyelerin sınırlı mali
kapasitesidir. Atık yönetimi için artmakta olan mali zorluklar,
araştırmacıların sorunun talep tarafına yakından dikkat etmelerini sağlamıştır.
Bu çalışma, Gweru'da konut katı atık yönetiminin iyileştirilmesi için hanehalkı
gönüllü olma istekliliğinin belirleyicilerini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Hanehalkının
ödeme yapma isteğini ortaya çıkarmak için açık uçlu şarta bağlı değerleme
yöntemi kullanılmış ve katılımcının WTP'sini etkileyen faktörleri hesaba katmak
için ikili logit modeli kullanılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar,
hanehalkının gelirinin, en yüksek eğitim seviyesinin ve hanehalkı reisinin yaşının
vekâleti olan aylık ortalama harcamanın, katı atık yönetiminde hane halkı için
ödeme yapma istekliliğinin önemli belirleyicileri olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Diğer
değişkenler, atık yönetimi için ödeme yapma isteği ile istatistiksel olarak ve anlamlı
olarak ilişkili değildir. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular, maliyet paylaşımı
olasılığı varsa katı atık yönetiminde başarı olasılığının daha fazla olduğunu


  • Ashenafi Itaile, (2011). Determinants of effective Household solid waste management practices: The case of Ambo Town –West Showa Zone Mekelle University Ethiopia.
  • Krishnal Thirumarpan and MSA Dilsath , (2015).Household willingness to pay for improved solid waste management in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Tropical Agriculture Research and Extension 18 (2).
  • Naeem Ur Rehman Khattack.,Suleman Amin,(2013). Willingness to pay for the treatment of environmental hazards ; Acase Study Peshawar :Asian Economic and Financial Review 3(7) : 831 - 842.
  • Naeem Ur Rheman Khattak , Jangraiz Khan and Iftikhar Ahmad , (2013) . An analysis of willingness to pay for better solid waste management services in Urban Areas of District Peshawar: MPRA PAPER No. 511 84.
  • Nkansha E., Dafor. N, K, Essel-Gaisey,F(2015). Willingness to pay for improved solid waste disposal in Tema Metropolis: UDS International Journal of Development Volm 2 No.9.
  • Ojok. J,Koech.M.K,Tole .M and Okot J-Okum,(2012). Household willingness to pay for improved municipal solid waste Management Services in Kampala Uganda: Science Journal of Environmental Engineering Research ISSN: 2276-7495.
  • Pham Thi Thuy Trang., Dinh Quang Toan and Nguyen ThiXuan Hanh,( 2017). Estimating Household Willingness to pay for Improved Solid Waste Management ; A Case Study of Thu Dau Mot City ,Binh Doung Matec Web Conference 95, 18 -004.
  • Yusurf .S.A, Salimonu K.K and Ojo.O.T, (2007). Determinants of Willingness to Pay for Improved Household solid waste Management in Oyo State :Nigeria Research Journal of Applied Science 2(3) 233-239.
There are 8 citations in total.


Subjects Economics
Journal Section Makaleler

Mukarati Julius This is me

Nyamutowa Charles This is me

Shylet Mufandaedza This is me

Publication Date September 30, 2017
Acceptance Date October 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Julius, M., Charles, N., & Mufandaedza, S. (2017). Determinants of willingness to pay for solid waste management in Gweru city, Zimbabwe. Alanya Akademik Bakış, 1(3), 15-21.