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Turizmde Deneyim Ekonomisi Uygulamaları

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 495 - 519, 31.05.2020


Temel düzeyde ve standart bir turizm hizmetinin tek başına turistlerin unutulmaz bir deneyim yaşamaları için yetersiz kalması turistik destinasyonların ve işletmelerin sunacağı hizmetlerde ve etkinliklerde unutulmaz deneyimler sağlamanın yollarını aramasına neden olmaktadır. Bu noktada iki eksenli (aktif/pasif, özümseyici/sarmalayıcı) ve dört boyutlu (eğitim, eğlence, estetik ve kaçış) deneyim ekonomisi modeli unutulmaz bir turistik deneyimin sağlanması için turizm alan yazınında yaygın olarak dikkate alınmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bu modeli bütüncül olarak öncül turizm çalışmaları ışığında araştırmaktır. Bu doğrultuda 2007-2019 tarihleri arasında turizmin farklı alanlarında deneyim ekonomisi modelini dikkate alan ve analiz edilmeye uygun 43 çalışma içerik analizi ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmalarda daha çok nicel araştırma yaklaşımın uygulandığı, daha çok festival konusunun araştırıldığı, konulara göre dört deneyim boyutu için çeşitli deneyim unsurlarının önerildiği, boyutların sıralamasının değiştiği ve boyutların 26 farklı kavramla doğrudan veya dolaylı ilişkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda turizm hizmeti sağlayıcıları ve araştırmacılar için öneriler sunulmuştur.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



  • ALEXIOU, M. V. (2020). “Experience Economy and Co-Creation in A Cultural Heritage Festival: Consumers’ Views”. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 15(2): 200-216.
  • ALİ, F., HUSSAIN, K. & RAGAVAN, N. A. (2014). “Memorable Customer Experience: Examining the Effects of Customers Experience on Memories and Loyalty in Malaysian Resort Hotels”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 144(1): 273-279.
  • ANIL, N. K. (2012). “Festival Visitors’ Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Example of Small, Local, and Municipality Organized Festival”. Turizam: Međunarodni Znanstveno-Stručni Časopis, 60(3): 255-271.
  • ANLI, C. K. & YAVAN, N. (2019). “Deneyim Yaratmada Mekânın Rolü: Starbucks ve Kahve Dünyası’nın Deneyim Ekonomisi ve Üçüncü Yer Bakımından Analizi”. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 18(1): 100-132.
  • AYOB, N., WAHID, N. A. & OMAR, A. (2013). “Mediating Effect of Visitors’ Event Experiences in Relation to Event Features and Post-Consumption Behaviors”. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 14(3), 177-192.
  • BITNER, M. J. (1992). “Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees”. Journal of Marketing, 56(2): 57-71.
  • BRUWER, J. (2014). “Service Quality Perception and Satisfaction: Buying Behaviour Prediction in an Australian Festivalscape”. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(1): 76-86.
  • BRUWER, J. & KELLEY, K. (2015). “Service Performance Quality Evaluation and Satisfaction in a USA Wine Festivalscape”. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 6(1): 18-38.
  • CHANG, L. L., BACKMAN, K. F. & HUANG, Y. C. (2014). “Creative Tourism: A Preliminary Examination of Creative Tourists’ Motivation, Experience, Perceived Value and Revisit Intention”. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 8(4): 401-419.
  • CHANG, S. (2018a). “Experience Economy In Hospitality and Tourism: Gain and Loss Values for Service and Experience”. Tourism Management, 64: 55-63.
  • CHANG, S. (2018b). “Experience Economy in the Hospitality Aad Tourism Context”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 27: 83-90.
  • CHANG, S. H. & LIN, R. (2015). “Building a Total Customer Experience Model: Applications for the Travel Experiences in Taiwan’s Creative Life Industry”. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(4): 438-453.
  • ÇULHA, O. & NEBİOĞLU, O. (2019). “Restoran Deneyiminin Unutulan Yüzü: Deneyim Ekonomisi”. 3. Uluslararası Turizmin Geleceği Kongresi: İnovasyon, Girişimcilik ve Sürdürülebilirlik, ss. 685-693, Mersin, 26-28 Eylül.
  • DEMİR, A. K. & YALÇIN, B. (2016). “Genç Tüketicilerin İçecek Tercihlerinin Basamaklama Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi”. Business & Economics Research Journal, 7(1): 139-160.
  • DUAN, B., ARCODIA, C., MA, E. & HSIAO, A. (2018). “Understanding Wine Tourism in China Using an Integrated Product-Level and Experience Economy Framework”. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(10): 949-960.
  • HAYES, D. & MACLEOD, N. (2007). “Packaging Places: Designing Heritage Trails Using an Experience Economy Perspective to Maximize Visitor Engagement”. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 13(1): 45-58.
  • HOSANY, S. & WITHAM, M. (2010). “Dimensions of Cruisers’ Experiences, Satisfaction, and Intention to Recommend”. Journal of Travel Research, 49(3): 351-364.
  • HWANG, J. & HAN, H. (2018). “A Study on The Application of The Experience Economy to Luxury Cruise Passengers”. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18(4): 478-491.
  • HWANG, J. & LEE, J. (2019). “A Strategy for Enhancing Senior Tourists’ Well-Being Perception: Focusing on the Experience Economy. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36(3): 314-329.
  • HWANG, J. & LYU, S. O. (2015). “The Antecedents and Consequences of Well-Being Perception: An Application of the Experience Economy to Golf Tournament Tourists”. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(4): 248-257.
  • JUROWSKI, C. (2009, August). “An examination of the Four Realms of Tourism Experience Theory”. İçinde International CHRIE Conference-Refereed Track (s. 23).
  • KANGAL, A. (2013). “Neden–Sonuç Zinciri Teorisi ve Basamaklama Yöntemi: Tüketici Davranışı Araştırmalarında Kullanımı”. Business & Economics Research Journal, 4(2): 55-78.
  • KARPOV, A. & MERZLOV, A. (2016). “The Experience Economy Approach to Marketing Les Plus Beaux Villages Brand in Russia”. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 8(3): 373-379.
  • KETTER, E. (2018). “It’s All About You: Destination Marketing Campaigns in The Experience Economy Era”. Tourism Review, 73(3): 331-343.
  • KIM, J. H. (2010). “Determining the Factors Affecting The Memorable Nature of Travel Experiences”. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(8): 780-796.
  • KLENOSKY, D. B., GENGLER, C. E. & MULVEY, M. S. (1993). “Understanding the Factors İnfluencing Ski Destination Choice: A Means-End Analytic Approach”. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(4): 362-379.
  • LAI, I. K., LU, D. & LIU, Y. (2019). “Experience Economy in Ethnic Cuisine: A Case of Chengdu Cuisine”. British Food Journal. Makele Yayım Aşamasında.
  • LEE, S., JEONG, E. & QU, K. (2019). “Exploring Theme Park Visitors’ Experience on Satisfaction and Revisit Intention: A Utilization of Experience Economy Model”. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-24. Makale Yayım Aşamasında.
  • LO, A., QU, H. & WETPRASIT, P. (2013). “Realms of Tourism Spa Experience: The Case of Mainland Chinese Tourists”. Journal of China Tourism Research, 9(4): 429-451.
  • LONG, B. & GOLDENBERG, M. (2010). “A Means-End Analysis of Special Olympics Volunteers”. Leisure/Loisir, 34(2): 145-167.
  • LOUREIRO, S. M. C. (2014). “The Role of the Rural Tourism Experience Economy in Place Attachment and Behavioral Intentions”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 40: 1-9.
  • MAHDZAR, M., IZHAR, F. S., WEE, H., GHANI, A. A., HAMID, Z. A. & ANUAR, N. A. M. (2017). “Measuring Experience Economy and Satisfaction: An Examination of Visitors in Agricultural Park”. Advanced Science Letters, 23(8): 7574-7577.
  • MANHAS, P. S. & RAMJIT (2013). “Customer Experience and its Relative Influence on Satisfaction and Behavioural Intention in Hospitality and Tourism Industry”. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage, 6(1): 53-68.
  • MANTHIOU, A., LEE, S. A., TANG, L. R. & CHIANG, L. (2014). The Experience Economy Approach to Festival Marketing: Vivid Memory and Attendee Loyalty”. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(1): 22-35.
  • MASON, M. C. & PAGGIARO, A. (2009). “Celebrating Local Products: The Role of Food Events”. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 12(4): 364-383.
  • MEHMETOGLU, M. & ENGEN, M. (2011). “Pine and Gilmore's Concept Of Experience Economy and Its Dimensions: An Empirical Examination in Tourism”. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(4): 237-255.
  • MORGAN, M., ELBE, J. & DE ESTEBAN CURIEL, J. (2009). “Has the Experience Economy Arrived? The Views of Destination Managers in Three Visitor‐Dependent Areas”. International Journal of Tourism Research, 11(2): 201-216.
  • OH, H., FIORE, A. M. & JEOUNG, M. (2007). “Measuring Experience Economy Concepts: Tourism Applications”. Journal of Travel Research, 46(2): 119-132.
  • OSMOND, A. M., CHEN, T. & PEARCE, P. L. (2015). “Examining Experience Economy Approaches to Tourists’ Anticipated Experiences: Mainland Chinese Travellers Consider Australia”. European Journal of Tourism Research, 10: 95-108.
  • PARK, M., OH, H. & PARK, J. (2010). “Measuring the Experience Economy of Film Festival Participants”. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 10(2): 35-54.
  • PIKKEMAAT, B., PETERS, M., BOKSBERGER, P. & SECCO, M. (2009). “The Staging of Experiences in Wine Tourism”. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 18(2-3): 237-253.
  • PINE, B. J. & GILMORE, J. H. (1998). “Welcome to the Experience Economy”. Harvard Business Review, 76: 97-105.
  • PINE, B. J. & GILMORE, J. H. (2011). The Experience Economy, Harvard Business Press, Boston.
  • PINE, B. J. & GILMORE, J. H. (1999). The Experience Economy: Work is Theatre & Every Business a Stage, Harvard Business Press, Boston, MA.
  • QUADRI-FELITTI, D. L. & FIORE, A. M. (2013). “Destination Loyalty: Effects of Wine Tourists’ Experiences, Memories, and Satisfaction On Intentions”. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13(1): 47-62.
  • QUADRI-FELITTI, D. & FIORE, A. M. (2012). “Experience Economy Constructs as a Framework for Understanding Wine Tourism”. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 18(1): 3-15.
  • RADDER, L. & HAN, X. (2015). “An Examination of The Museum Experience Based on Pine and Gilmore's Experience Economy Realms”. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 31(2): 455-470.
  • RIJAL, C. P. & GHIMIRE, S. (2016). “Prospects of Creating Memorable Experience in Nepalese Tourism and Hospitality Industry”. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Education, 6: 40-66.
  • RIVERA, M. SEMRAD, K., & CROES, R. (2015). “The five E's in Festival Experience in the Context of Gen Y: Evidence from a Small Island Destination”. Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC, 19(2): 95-106.
  • SEMRAD, K. J. & RIVERA, M. (2018). “Advancing the 5E's in Festival Experience for the Gen Y Framework in the Context of eWOM”. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 7: 58-67.
  • SHIM, C., OH, E. J. & JEONG, C. (2017). “A Qualitative Analysis of South Korean Casino Experiences: A Perspective on the Experience Economy”. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(4): 358-371.
  • SHUYUN, J. & CHOONG-KI, L. (2017). “Examining Camping Tourists’ Experience Using the Experience Economy Theory”. 호텔경영학연구, 26(7): 21-37.
  • SONG, H. J., LEE, C. K., PARK, J. A., HWANG, Y. H. & REISINGER, Y. (2015). “The Influence of Tourist Experience on Perceived Value and Satisfaction with Temple Stays: The Experience Economy Theory. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(4): 401-415.
  • STASIAK, A. (2013). “Tourist Product in Experience Economy. Turyzm, 23(1): 27-35.
  • SUNTIKUL, W. & JACHNA, T. (2016). “Profiling the Heritage Experience in Macao's Historic Center”. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(4): 308-318.
  • THANH, T. V. & KIROVA, V. (2018). “Wine Tourism Experience: A Netnography Study.” Journal of Business Research, 83: 30-37.
  • tom DIECK, M. C., JUNG, T. H. & RAUSCHNABEL, P. A. (2018). “Determining Visitor Engagement through Augmented Reality at Science Festivals: An Experience Economy Perspective”. Computers in Human Behavior, 82: 44-53.
  • WORDART, (Erişim tarihi: 07.12.2019)

Experience Economy Applications in Tourism

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 495 - 519, 31.05.2020


The fact that a basic and standard tourism service alone is insufficient for tourists to have an unforgettable experience causes the tourist destinations and businesses to seek ways to provide unforgettable experiences in the services and activities to be offered. At this point, experience economy model with two-axis (active/passive, absorption/immersion) and four-dimension (education, entertainment, aesthetics and escape) is widely considered in the tourism literature to provide an unforgettable tourist experience. The aim of this study is to investigate this model as a whole in the light of previous tourism studies. Accordingly, between 2007 and 2019, 43 studies taking into account the model in diverse fields of tourism and suitable for analysis were analyzed by content analysis. In the studies, it was determined that mostly quantitative research approach was applied, mostly festival topic was investigated, diverse experience elements were proposed for four experience dimensions according to the topics, the ranking of the dimensions was changed, and the dimensions have direct or indirect relationships with 26
different concepts. Suggestions are provided for tourism service providers and researchers.

Project Number



  • ALEXIOU, M. V. (2020). “Experience Economy and Co-Creation in A Cultural Heritage Festival: Consumers’ Views”. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 15(2): 200-216.
  • ALİ, F., HUSSAIN, K. & RAGAVAN, N. A. (2014). “Memorable Customer Experience: Examining the Effects of Customers Experience on Memories and Loyalty in Malaysian Resort Hotels”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 144(1): 273-279.
  • ANIL, N. K. (2012). “Festival Visitors’ Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Example of Small, Local, and Municipality Organized Festival”. Turizam: Međunarodni Znanstveno-Stručni Časopis, 60(3): 255-271.
  • ANLI, C. K. & YAVAN, N. (2019). “Deneyim Yaratmada Mekânın Rolü: Starbucks ve Kahve Dünyası’nın Deneyim Ekonomisi ve Üçüncü Yer Bakımından Analizi”. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 18(1): 100-132.
  • AYOB, N., WAHID, N. A. & OMAR, A. (2013). “Mediating Effect of Visitors’ Event Experiences in Relation to Event Features and Post-Consumption Behaviors”. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 14(3), 177-192.
  • BITNER, M. J. (1992). “Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees”. Journal of Marketing, 56(2): 57-71.
  • BRUWER, J. (2014). “Service Quality Perception and Satisfaction: Buying Behaviour Prediction in an Australian Festivalscape”. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(1): 76-86.
  • BRUWER, J. & KELLEY, K. (2015). “Service Performance Quality Evaluation and Satisfaction in a USA Wine Festivalscape”. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 6(1): 18-38.
  • CHANG, L. L., BACKMAN, K. F. & HUANG, Y. C. (2014). “Creative Tourism: A Preliminary Examination of Creative Tourists’ Motivation, Experience, Perceived Value and Revisit Intention”. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 8(4): 401-419.
  • CHANG, S. (2018a). “Experience Economy In Hospitality and Tourism: Gain and Loss Values for Service and Experience”. Tourism Management, 64: 55-63.
  • CHANG, S. (2018b). “Experience Economy in the Hospitality Aad Tourism Context”. Tourism Management Perspectives, 27: 83-90.
  • CHANG, S. H. & LIN, R. (2015). “Building a Total Customer Experience Model: Applications for the Travel Experiences in Taiwan’s Creative Life Industry”. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(4): 438-453.
  • ÇULHA, O. & NEBİOĞLU, O. (2019). “Restoran Deneyiminin Unutulan Yüzü: Deneyim Ekonomisi”. 3. Uluslararası Turizmin Geleceği Kongresi: İnovasyon, Girişimcilik ve Sürdürülebilirlik, ss. 685-693, Mersin, 26-28 Eylül.
  • DEMİR, A. K. & YALÇIN, B. (2016). “Genç Tüketicilerin İçecek Tercihlerinin Basamaklama Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi”. Business & Economics Research Journal, 7(1): 139-160.
  • DUAN, B., ARCODIA, C., MA, E. & HSIAO, A. (2018). “Understanding Wine Tourism in China Using an Integrated Product-Level and Experience Economy Framework”. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(10): 949-960.
  • HAYES, D. & MACLEOD, N. (2007). “Packaging Places: Designing Heritage Trails Using an Experience Economy Perspective to Maximize Visitor Engagement”. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 13(1): 45-58.
  • HOSANY, S. & WITHAM, M. (2010). “Dimensions of Cruisers’ Experiences, Satisfaction, and Intention to Recommend”. Journal of Travel Research, 49(3): 351-364.
  • HWANG, J. & HAN, H. (2018). “A Study on The Application of The Experience Economy to Luxury Cruise Passengers”. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18(4): 478-491.
  • HWANG, J. & LEE, J. (2019). “A Strategy for Enhancing Senior Tourists’ Well-Being Perception: Focusing on the Experience Economy. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36(3): 314-329.
  • HWANG, J. & LYU, S. O. (2015). “The Antecedents and Consequences of Well-Being Perception: An Application of the Experience Economy to Golf Tournament Tourists”. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(4): 248-257.
  • JUROWSKI, C. (2009, August). “An examination of the Four Realms of Tourism Experience Theory”. İçinde International CHRIE Conference-Refereed Track (s. 23).
  • KANGAL, A. (2013). “Neden–Sonuç Zinciri Teorisi ve Basamaklama Yöntemi: Tüketici Davranışı Araştırmalarında Kullanımı”. Business & Economics Research Journal, 4(2): 55-78.
  • KARPOV, A. & MERZLOV, A. (2016). “The Experience Economy Approach to Marketing Les Plus Beaux Villages Brand in Russia”. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 8(3): 373-379.
  • KETTER, E. (2018). “It’s All About You: Destination Marketing Campaigns in The Experience Economy Era”. Tourism Review, 73(3): 331-343.
  • KIM, J. H. (2010). “Determining the Factors Affecting The Memorable Nature of Travel Experiences”. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(8): 780-796.
  • KLENOSKY, D. B., GENGLER, C. E. & MULVEY, M. S. (1993). “Understanding the Factors İnfluencing Ski Destination Choice: A Means-End Analytic Approach”. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(4): 362-379.
  • LAI, I. K., LU, D. & LIU, Y. (2019). “Experience Economy in Ethnic Cuisine: A Case of Chengdu Cuisine”. British Food Journal. Makele Yayım Aşamasında.
  • LEE, S., JEONG, E. & QU, K. (2019). “Exploring Theme Park Visitors’ Experience on Satisfaction and Revisit Intention: A Utilization of Experience Economy Model”. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-24. Makale Yayım Aşamasında.
  • LO, A., QU, H. & WETPRASIT, P. (2013). “Realms of Tourism Spa Experience: The Case of Mainland Chinese Tourists”. Journal of China Tourism Research, 9(4): 429-451.
  • LONG, B. & GOLDENBERG, M. (2010). “A Means-End Analysis of Special Olympics Volunteers”. Leisure/Loisir, 34(2): 145-167.
  • LOUREIRO, S. M. C. (2014). “The Role of the Rural Tourism Experience Economy in Place Attachment and Behavioral Intentions”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 40: 1-9.
  • MAHDZAR, M., IZHAR, F. S., WEE, H., GHANI, A. A., HAMID, Z. A. & ANUAR, N. A. M. (2017). “Measuring Experience Economy and Satisfaction: An Examination of Visitors in Agricultural Park”. Advanced Science Letters, 23(8): 7574-7577.
  • MANHAS, P. S. & RAMJIT (2013). “Customer Experience and its Relative Influence on Satisfaction and Behavioural Intention in Hospitality and Tourism Industry”. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage, 6(1): 53-68.
  • MANTHIOU, A., LEE, S. A., TANG, L. R. & CHIANG, L. (2014). The Experience Economy Approach to Festival Marketing: Vivid Memory and Attendee Loyalty”. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(1): 22-35.
  • MASON, M. C. & PAGGIARO, A. (2009). “Celebrating Local Products: The Role of Food Events”. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 12(4): 364-383.
  • MEHMETOGLU, M. & ENGEN, M. (2011). “Pine and Gilmore's Concept Of Experience Economy and Its Dimensions: An Empirical Examination in Tourism”. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(4): 237-255.
  • MORGAN, M., ELBE, J. & DE ESTEBAN CURIEL, J. (2009). “Has the Experience Economy Arrived? The Views of Destination Managers in Three Visitor‐Dependent Areas”. International Journal of Tourism Research, 11(2): 201-216.
  • OH, H., FIORE, A. M. & JEOUNG, M. (2007). “Measuring Experience Economy Concepts: Tourism Applications”. Journal of Travel Research, 46(2): 119-132.
  • OSMOND, A. M., CHEN, T. & PEARCE, P. L. (2015). “Examining Experience Economy Approaches to Tourists’ Anticipated Experiences: Mainland Chinese Travellers Consider Australia”. European Journal of Tourism Research, 10: 95-108.
  • PARK, M., OH, H. & PARK, J. (2010). “Measuring the Experience Economy of Film Festival Participants”. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 10(2): 35-54.
  • PIKKEMAAT, B., PETERS, M., BOKSBERGER, P. & SECCO, M. (2009). “The Staging of Experiences in Wine Tourism”. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 18(2-3): 237-253.
  • PINE, B. J. & GILMORE, J. H. (1998). “Welcome to the Experience Economy”. Harvard Business Review, 76: 97-105.
  • PINE, B. J. & GILMORE, J. H. (2011). The Experience Economy, Harvard Business Press, Boston.
  • PINE, B. J. & GILMORE, J. H. (1999). The Experience Economy: Work is Theatre & Every Business a Stage, Harvard Business Press, Boston, MA.
  • QUADRI-FELITTI, D. L. & FIORE, A. M. (2013). “Destination Loyalty: Effects of Wine Tourists’ Experiences, Memories, and Satisfaction On Intentions”. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13(1): 47-62.
  • QUADRI-FELITTI, D. & FIORE, A. M. (2012). “Experience Economy Constructs as a Framework for Understanding Wine Tourism”. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 18(1): 3-15.
  • RADDER, L. & HAN, X. (2015). “An Examination of The Museum Experience Based on Pine and Gilmore's Experience Economy Realms”. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 31(2): 455-470.
  • RIJAL, C. P. & GHIMIRE, S. (2016). “Prospects of Creating Memorable Experience in Nepalese Tourism and Hospitality Industry”. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Education, 6: 40-66.
  • RIVERA, M. SEMRAD, K., & CROES, R. (2015). “The five E's in Festival Experience in the Context of Gen Y: Evidence from a Small Island Destination”. Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC, 19(2): 95-106.
  • SEMRAD, K. J. & RIVERA, M. (2018). “Advancing the 5E's in Festival Experience for the Gen Y Framework in the Context of eWOM”. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 7: 58-67.
  • SHIM, C., OH, E. J. & JEONG, C. (2017). “A Qualitative Analysis of South Korean Casino Experiences: A Perspective on the Experience Economy”. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(4): 358-371.
  • SHUYUN, J. & CHOONG-KI, L. (2017). “Examining Camping Tourists’ Experience Using the Experience Economy Theory”. 호텔경영학연구, 26(7): 21-37.
  • SONG, H. J., LEE, C. K., PARK, J. A., HWANG, Y. H. & REISINGER, Y. (2015). “The Influence of Tourist Experience on Perceived Value and Satisfaction with Temple Stays: The Experience Economy Theory. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(4): 401-415.
  • STASIAK, A. (2013). “Tourist Product in Experience Economy. Turyzm, 23(1): 27-35.
  • SUNTIKUL, W. & JACHNA, T. (2016). “Profiling the Heritage Experience in Macao's Historic Center”. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(4): 308-318.
  • THANH, T. V. & KIROVA, V. (2018). “Wine Tourism Experience: A Netnography Study.” Journal of Business Research, 83: 30-37.
  • tom DIECK, M. C., JUNG, T. H. & RAUSCHNABEL, P. A. (2018). “Determining Visitor Engagement through Augmented Reality at Science Festivals: An Experience Economy Perspective”. Computers in Human Behavior, 82: 44-53.
  • WORDART, (Erişim tarihi: 07.12.2019)
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler

Osman Çulha 0000-0003-2024-4582

Project Number Yok
Publication Date May 31, 2020
Acceptance Date May 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Çulha, O. (2020). Turizmde Deneyim Ekonomisi Uygulamaları. Alanya Akademik Bakış, 4(2), 495-519.