This study scrutinized the business model change of Atlasglobal, having operated in the Turkish airline industry, and attempted to explain in what direction the change affected the firm's financial performance along with its competitive practices. First, the study focused on the change occurring over time to explain the impact in question. Then, we explained the change with the help of the case analysis method within qualitative research design, while a quantitative approach was employed to reveal the impact of the change on the firm success. The results uncovered that the firm's financial performance decreased after the business model change. On the other hand, we concluded that marketing and promotional moves increased financial performance more than other types of moves, while capacity moves reduced the performance compared to others.
ADİLOĞLU-YALÇINKAYA, L., & BESLER, S. (2021). “Institutional factors influencing business models: The case of Turkish Airlines”. Journal of Air Transport Management, 91.
AMIT, R., & ZOTT, C. (2001). “Value creation in e‐business”. Strategic Management Journal, 22(6‐7): 493-520.
ANDREVSKI, G., & DANNY, M. (2020). “Forbearance: Strategic Nonresponse to Competitive Attacks”. Academy of Management Review.
ANDREVSKI, G., RICHARD, O., SHAW, J., & FERRIER, W. (2014). “Racial diversity and firm performance: The moderating role of competitive intensity.” Journal of Management, 40: 820-844.
ARIKAN, İ. (1998). “Havayolu Ulaşımı ile Turizm İlişkisi ve Havaalanları”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(2): 46-54.
AVOGADRO, N., MALIGHETTI, P., REDONDI, R., & SALANTI, A. (2021). “A Tale of Airline Competition: When Full-Service Carriers Undercut Low-Cost Carriers Fares”. Journal of Air Transport Management, 92: 102027.
BAUM, J. A., & HELAINE J. K. (1999). “Dynamics of Dyadic Competitive Interaction”. Strategic Management Journal, 20(3): 251-278.
BIEGER, T., DÖRING, T., & LAESSER, C. (2002). “Transformation of Business Models in The Airline Industry–Impact on Tourism. In Air transport and Tourism, 52nd Congress: 49-83.
BUYLE, S., DEWULF, W., KUPFER, F., ONGHENA, E., MEERSMAN, H., & VAN DE VOORDE, E., (2021). “From Traditional to Professional Air Navigation Service Provider: A Typology of European ANSP Business Models”. Journal of Air Transport Management, 91: 102006.
CASADESUS-MASANELL, R., & RICART, J. E. (2009). “From Strategy to Business Models and to Tactics”. Long Range Planning, 43(2-3): 195-215.
CHEN, E. L. C. (2007). Strategy as Competitive Moves: Extending Competitive Dynamics Research To New Markets and New Moves. (Unpublished Dissertation). Stanford University, Stanford.
CHEN, E. L., KATILA, R., MCDONALD, R., & EISENHARDT, K. M. (2010). “Life in the fast lane: Origins of competitive interaction in new vs. established markets”. Strategic Management Journal, 31: 1527-1547.
CHEN, M. J., & HAMBRICK, D. C. (1995). “Speed, Stealth, and Selective Attack: How Small Firms Differ from Large Firms in Competitive Behavior”. Academy of Management Journal, 38(2): 453-482.
CHEN, M. J., & MACMILLAN, I. C. (1992). “Nonresponse and Delayed Response to Competitive Moves: The Roles of Competitor Dependence and Action Irreversibility”. Academy of Management Journal, 35(3): 539-570.
CHEN, M. J., & MILLER, D. (2012). “Competitive Dynamics: Themes, Trends, and A Prospective Research Platform”. The Academy of Management Annals, 6(1): 135-210.
CHEN, M. J., LIN, H. C., & MICHEL, J. G. (2010). “Navigating in a Hypercompetitive Environment: The Roles of Action Aggressiveness and TMT Integration”. Strategic Management Journal, 31(13): 1410-1430.
CHEN, T., VADAKE N., & XIUMEI, L. (2019). “Climbing the Mountain: Firm’s Competitive Actions and Emergence of Dominant Design”. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2019 (1).
CHESBROUGH, H., & ROSENBLOOM, R. S. (2002). “The Role of the Business Model in Capturing Value from Innovation: Evidence from Xerox Corporation's Technology Spin‐Off Companies”. Industrial and Corporate Change, 11(3): 529-555.
CHESBROUGH, H. (2010). “Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers”. Long Range Planning, 43(2-3): 354-363.
DEMİL, B., & LECOCQ, X. (2010). “Business Model Evolution: in Search of Dynamic Consistency”. Long Range Planning, 43(2-3): 227-246.
DERFUS, P. J., MAGGITTI, P. G., GRIMM, C. M., & SMITH, K. G. (2008). “The Red Queen effect: Competitive actions and firm performance”. Academy of Management Journal, 51: 61-80.
FERRIER, W. J., SMITH, K. G., & GRIMM, C. M. (1999). “The Role of Competitive Action in Market Share Erosion and İndustry Dethronement: A Study of Industry Leaders and Challengers”. Academy of Management Journal, 42(4): 372-388.
FERRIER, W. J. (2001). “Navigating the competitive landscape: The drivers and consequences of competitive aggressiveness”. Academy of Management Journal, 44: 858-877.
GEORGE, D., & MALLERY, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, Pearson: Boston.
GEREDE, E. (2015). Havayolu Taşımacılığı ve Ekonomik Düzenlemeler Teori ve Türkiye Uygulaması. Ankara: Sivil Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları.
GNYAWALI, D. R., HE, J., & MADHAVAN, R. (2006). “Impact of co-opetition on firm competitive behavior: An empirical examination”. Journal of Management, 32: 507-530.
GRIMM, C. M., & SMITH, K. G. (1997). Strategy as Action: Industry Rivalry and Coordination. South-Western College Pub.
HAMBRICK, D. C., CHO, T. S., & CHEN, M.-J. (1996). “The influence of top management team heterogeneity on firms’ competitive moves”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41: 659-684.
HVASS, K. (2012). A Boolean Approach to Airline Business Model Innovation. Copenhagen: CIBEM Working Paper Series, 13.
JOHNSON, M.W., Christensen, C.M., & Kagermann, H. (2010). İş Modelinizi Yeniden Yaratmak. Harvard Business Review, (Çev:İlker, G.). İstanbul: MESS Yayınları.
KATILA, R., CHEN, E. L., & PIEZUNKA, H. (2012). “All the right moves: How entrepreneurial firms compete effectively”. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 116-132.
KING, D. R., & SCHRIBER, S. (2016). “Addressing Competitive Responses to Acquisitions”. California Management Review, 58(3), 109-124.
LILIEN, G. L., & YOON, E. (1990). “The Timing of Competitive Market Entry: An Exploratory Study of New Industrial Products”. Management Science, 36(5), 568-585.
MAGRETTA, J. (2002). “Why Business Models Matter”, Harvard Business Review: 3-8.
MILLER, D., & CHEN, M. J. (1994). “Sources and Consequences of Competitive Inertia: A Study of the U. S. Airline Industry”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39(1): 1-23.
MITCHELL, D., & COLES, C. (2003), "The ultimate competitive advantage of continuing business model innovation", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 15-21.
MORRIS, M., SCHINDEHUTTE, M., & ALLEN, J. (2005). “The Entrepreneur’s Business Model: Toward a Unified Perspective”. Journal of Business Research, 58(6): 726-735.
NADKARNI, S., CHEN, T., & CHEN, J. (2016). “The clock is ticking! Executive temporal depth, industry velocity and competitive aggressiveness”. Strategic Management Journal, 37: 1132-1153.
PUNCH, K. F. (2005). Sosyal Araştırmalara Giriş: Nicel ve Nitel Yaklaşımlar. (Çev. D. Bayrak, HB Arslan ve Z. Akyüz), Ankara, Siyasal Kitabevi.
PURKAYASTHA, A., & SHARMA, S. (2016), "Gaining competitive advantage through the right business model: Analysis based on case studies", Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 138-155.
RODOPLU, H., POLAT, A. G. G., & KILIÇ, Ö. G. D. (2019). “Uçak Sahipliği Açısından Türk Havacılık Şirketleri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi (ASEAD). 6(1): 92-104.
ROY, A., HANSSENS, D. M., & RAJU, J. S. (1994). “Competitive Pricing by a Price Leader”. Management Science, 40(7), 809-823.
SMITH, K. G., GRIMM, C. M., GANNON, M. J., & CHEN, M. J. (1991). “Organizational Information Processing, Competitive Responses, and Performance in the US Domestic Airline Industry”. Academy of Management Journal, 34(1): 60-85.
SÖNMEZ, R., & EROĞLU, U. (2018). Türk Havayolu Sektörünün Rekabet Dinamikleri: Rakip Firmalar Arasındaki Rekabetçi Hamlelerin Belirlenmesi”, VII. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, 12-14 Eylül 2018, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Samsun.
SÖNMEZ, R., & EROĞLU, U. (2021). “Havayolu Sektöründe Rekabetçi Hamlelerin Belirlenmesi: Sektöre Özgü Bir Tipoloji Önerisi”. Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12 (1), 52-69. DOI: 10.18354/esam.770578
ŞENGÜR, Y., & ŞENGÜR, F. K. (2012). Havayolu İş Modelleri: Kavramsal Bir Analiz 20. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, İzmir-Türkiye May 2012.
ŞENGÜR, Y., & ŞENGÜR, F. K. (20179. “Airlines Define Their Business Models: A Content Analysis”. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 6(2): 141-154.
ŞENGÜR, Y. (2004). Havayolu Taşımacılığında Düşük Maliyetli Taşıyıcılar ve Türkiye’deki Uygulamaların Araştırılması. (Yayımlanmamış Yüklek Lisans Tezi). Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
TAŞÇI, D., & YALÇINKAYA, A. (2015). “Havayolu Sektöründe Yeni Bir İş Modeli: Bağlı Düşük Maliyetli Havayolu (Airline Within Airline) Modeli ve Anadolujet Örneği Bağlamında Bir Karşılaştırma”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 10(2): 177-201.
TELLIS, W. (1997). "Introduction to Case Study." The Qualitative Report, 3(2).
THEODORSON, G. A. & THEODORSON, A. G. (1969). A Modern Dictionary of Sociology. New York.
THOMAS, J. (2014). Aviation Insights Review (AIR): The Future of Airline Business Models – Which Will Win? L.E.K. Consulting / Executive Insights Volume XVI, Issue 34.
TIMMERS, P. (1998). “Business Models for Electronic Markets”. Electronic Markets, 8(2): 3-8.
TORLAK, G., SEVKLI, M., SANAL, M., & ZAİM, S. (2011). “Analyzing Business Competition by Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Method: An Example of Turkish Domestic Airline Industry”. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(4): 3396-3406.
VIDOVIĆ, A., ŠTIMAC, I., & VINCE, D. (2013). “Development of Business Models of Low-Cost Airlines”. ijtte-International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 3(1): 69-81.
YOUNG, G., SMITH, K. G., & GRIMM, C. M. (1996). “Austrian” and industrial organization perspectives on firm-level competitive activity and performance. Organization Science, 7: 243-254.
ZOTT, C., & AMIT, R. (2008). “The Fit Between Product Market Strategy And Business Model: Implications for Firm Performance”. Strategic Management Journal, 29(1): 1-26.
ZOTT, C., & AMIT, R. (2010). “Business Model Design: An Activity System Perspective”. Long Range Planning, 43(2-3): 216-226.
ZOTT, C., AMIT, R., & MASSA, L. (2011). “The Business Model: Recent Developments And Future Research”. Journal of Management, 37(4): 1019-1042.
The Impact Of a Firm's Business Model Change on Its Competitiveness: From Atlasjet to Atlasglobal
Year 2023,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 721 - 739, 31.05.2023
Bir firmanın sahip olduğu iş modeli değer yaratabilmesini ve rekabet avantajı kazanabilmesini sağlamaktadır. Ancak zamanla iş modelinin istenilen rekabetçiliği yakalayamaması ya da ileride rekabetçi olamayacağının düşünülmesi ile mevcut iş modeli değiştirilebilir. Bu araştırmada havayolu sektöründe faaliyet gösteren Atlasglobal firmasının iş modeli değişimi konu alınmakta ve bu değişimin rekabet uygulamaları ile birlikte firmanın finansal performansına etkisi açıklanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Söz konusu etkiyi açıklayabilmek için süreç ile birlikte süreç içerisindeki değişime odaklanılmış olup, değişim nitel araştırma tasarımı çerçevesinde vaka analizi yöntemi ile açıklanmaya çalışılırken değişimin firma başarısı üzerindeki etkisi ise nicel yöntemle açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda iş modelinin değişiminden sonra finansal performansın azaldığı, rekabetçi uygulamalarından pazarlama ve promosyon hamlelerinin finansal performansı diğer hamle türlerine göre daha fazla arttırdığı, kapasite hamlelerinin ise finansal performansı diğer hamlelere göre azalttığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
ADİLOĞLU-YALÇINKAYA, L., & BESLER, S. (2021). “Institutional factors influencing business models: The case of Turkish Airlines”. Journal of Air Transport Management, 91.
AMIT, R., & ZOTT, C. (2001). “Value creation in e‐business”. Strategic Management Journal, 22(6‐7): 493-520.
ANDREVSKI, G., & DANNY, M. (2020). “Forbearance: Strategic Nonresponse to Competitive Attacks”. Academy of Management Review.
ANDREVSKI, G., RICHARD, O., SHAW, J., & FERRIER, W. (2014). “Racial diversity and firm performance: The moderating role of competitive intensity.” Journal of Management, 40: 820-844.
ARIKAN, İ. (1998). “Havayolu Ulaşımı ile Turizm İlişkisi ve Havaalanları”. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(2): 46-54.
AVOGADRO, N., MALIGHETTI, P., REDONDI, R., & SALANTI, A. (2021). “A Tale of Airline Competition: When Full-Service Carriers Undercut Low-Cost Carriers Fares”. Journal of Air Transport Management, 92: 102027.
BAUM, J. A., & HELAINE J. K. (1999). “Dynamics of Dyadic Competitive Interaction”. Strategic Management Journal, 20(3): 251-278.
BIEGER, T., DÖRING, T., & LAESSER, C. (2002). “Transformation of Business Models in The Airline Industry–Impact on Tourism. In Air transport and Tourism, 52nd Congress: 49-83.
BUYLE, S., DEWULF, W., KUPFER, F., ONGHENA, E., MEERSMAN, H., & VAN DE VOORDE, E., (2021). “From Traditional to Professional Air Navigation Service Provider: A Typology of European ANSP Business Models”. Journal of Air Transport Management, 91: 102006.
CASADESUS-MASANELL, R., & RICART, J. E. (2009). “From Strategy to Business Models and to Tactics”. Long Range Planning, 43(2-3): 195-215.
CHEN, E. L. C. (2007). Strategy as Competitive Moves: Extending Competitive Dynamics Research To New Markets and New Moves. (Unpublished Dissertation). Stanford University, Stanford.
CHEN, E. L., KATILA, R., MCDONALD, R., & EISENHARDT, K. M. (2010). “Life in the fast lane: Origins of competitive interaction in new vs. established markets”. Strategic Management Journal, 31: 1527-1547.
CHEN, M. J., & HAMBRICK, D. C. (1995). “Speed, Stealth, and Selective Attack: How Small Firms Differ from Large Firms in Competitive Behavior”. Academy of Management Journal, 38(2): 453-482.
CHEN, M. J., & MACMILLAN, I. C. (1992). “Nonresponse and Delayed Response to Competitive Moves: The Roles of Competitor Dependence and Action Irreversibility”. Academy of Management Journal, 35(3): 539-570.
CHEN, M. J., & MILLER, D. (2012). “Competitive Dynamics: Themes, Trends, and A Prospective Research Platform”. The Academy of Management Annals, 6(1): 135-210.
CHEN, M. J., LIN, H. C., & MICHEL, J. G. (2010). “Navigating in a Hypercompetitive Environment: The Roles of Action Aggressiveness and TMT Integration”. Strategic Management Journal, 31(13): 1410-1430.
CHEN, T., VADAKE N., & XIUMEI, L. (2019). “Climbing the Mountain: Firm’s Competitive Actions and Emergence of Dominant Design”. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2019 (1).
CHESBROUGH, H., & ROSENBLOOM, R. S. (2002). “The Role of the Business Model in Capturing Value from Innovation: Evidence from Xerox Corporation's Technology Spin‐Off Companies”. Industrial and Corporate Change, 11(3): 529-555.
CHESBROUGH, H. (2010). “Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers”. Long Range Planning, 43(2-3): 354-363.
DEMİL, B., & LECOCQ, X. (2010). “Business Model Evolution: in Search of Dynamic Consistency”. Long Range Planning, 43(2-3): 227-246.
DERFUS, P. J., MAGGITTI, P. G., GRIMM, C. M., & SMITH, K. G. (2008). “The Red Queen effect: Competitive actions and firm performance”. Academy of Management Journal, 51: 61-80.
FERRIER, W. J., SMITH, K. G., & GRIMM, C. M. (1999). “The Role of Competitive Action in Market Share Erosion and İndustry Dethronement: A Study of Industry Leaders and Challengers”. Academy of Management Journal, 42(4): 372-388.
FERRIER, W. J. (2001). “Navigating the competitive landscape: The drivers and consequences of competitive aggressiveness”. Academy of Management Journal, 44: 858-877.
GEORGE, D., & MALLERY, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, Pearson: Boston.
GEREDE, E. (2015). Havayolu Taşımacılığı ve Ekonomik Düzenlemeler Teori ve Türkiye Uygulaması. Ankara: Sivil Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları.
GNYAWALI, D. R., HE, J., & MADHAVAN, R. (2006). “Impact of co-opetition on firm competitive behavior: An empirical examination”. Journal of Management, 32: 507-530.
GRIMM, C. M., & SMITH, K. G. (1997). Strategy as Action: Industry Rivalry and Coordination. South-Western College Pub.
HAMBRICK, D. C., CHO, T. S., & CHEN, M.-J. (1996). “The influence of top management team heterogeneity on firms’ competitive moves”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41: 659-684.
HVASS, K. (2012). A Boolean Approach to Airline Business Model Innovation. Copenhagen: CIBEM Working Paper Series, 13.
JOHNSON, M.W., Christensen, C.M., & Kagermann, H. (2010). İş Modelinizi Yeniden Yaratmak. Harvard Business Review, (Çev:İlker, G.). İstanbul: MESS Yayınları.
KATILA, R., CHEN, E. L., & PIEZUNKA, H. (2012). “All the right moves: How entrepreneurial firms compete effectively”. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 116-132.
KING, D. R., & SCHRIBER, S. (2016). “Addressing Competitive Responses to Acquisitions”. California Management Review, 58(3), 109-124.
LILIEN, G. L., & YOON, E. (1990). “The Timing of Competitive Market Entry: An Exploratory Study of New Industrial Products”. Management Science, 36(5), 568-585.
MAGRETTA, J. (2002). “Why Business Models Matter”, Harvard Business Review: 3-8.
MILLER, D., & CHEN, M. J. (1994). “Sources and Consequences of Competitive Inertia: A Study of the U. S. Airline Industry”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39(1): 1-23.
MITCHELL, D., & COLES, C. (2003), "The ultimate competitive advantage of continuing business model innovation", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 15-21.
MORRIS, M., SCHINDEHUTTE, M., & ALLEN, J. (2005). “The Entrepreneur’s Business Model: Toward a Unified Perspective”. Journal of Business Research, 58(6): 726-735.
NADKARNI, S., CHEN, T., & CHEN, J. (2016). “The clock is ticking! Executive temporal depth, industry velocity and competitive aggressiveness”. Strategic Management Journal, 37: 1132-1153.
PUNCH, K. F. (2005). Sosyal Araştırmalara Giriş: Nicel ve Nitel Yaklaşımlar. (Çev. D. Bayrak, HB Arslan ve Z. Akyüz), Ankara, Siyasal Kitabevi.
PURKAYASTHA, A., & SHARMA, S. (2016), "Gaining competitive advantage through the right business model: Analysis based on case studies", Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 138-155.
RODOPLU, H., POLAT, A. G. G., & KILIÇ, Ö. G. D. (2019). “Uçak Sahipliği Açısından Türk Havacılık Şirketleri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi (ASEAD). 6(1): 92-104.
ROY, A., HANSSENS, D. M., & RAJU, J. S. (1994). “Competitive Pricing by a Price Leader”. Management Science, 40(7), 809-823.
SMITH, K. G., GRIMM, C. M., GANNON, M. J., & CHEN, M. J. (1991). “Organizational Information Processing, Competitive Responses, and Performance in the US Domestic Airline Industry”. Academy of Management Journal, 34(1): 60-85.
SÖNMEZ, R., & EROĞLU, U. (2018). Türk Havayolu Sektörünün Rekabet Dinamikleri: Rakip Firmalar Arasındaki Rekabetçi Hamlelerin Belirlenmesi”, VII. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, 12-14 Eylül 2018, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Samsun.
SÖNMEZ, R., & EROĞLU, U. (2021). “Havayolu Sektöründe Rekabetçi Hamlelerin Belirlenmesi: Sektöre Özgü Bir Tipoloji Önerisi”. Ege Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12 (1), 52-69. DOI: 10.18354/esam.770578
ŞENGÜR, Y., & ŞENGÜR, F. K. (2012). Havayolu İş Modelleri: Kavramsal Bir Analiz 20. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, İzmir-Türkiye May 2012.
ŞENGÜR, Y., & ŞENGÜR, F. K. (20179. “Airlines Define Their Business Models: A Content Analysis”. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 6(2): 141-154.
ŞENGÜR, Y. (2004). Havayolu Taşımacılığında Düşük Maliyetli Taşıyıcılar ve Türkiye’deki Uygulamaların Araştırılması. (Yayımlanmamış Yüklek Lisans Tezi). Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
TAŞÇI, D., & YALÇINKAYA, A. (2015). “Havayolu Sektöründe Yeni Bir İş Modeli: Bağlı Düşük Maliyetli Havayolu (Airline Within Airline) Modeli ve Anadolujet Örneği Bağlamında Bir Karşılaştırma”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 10(2): 177-201.
TELLIS, W. (1997). "Introduction to Case Study." The Qualitative Report, 3(2).
THEODORSON, G. A. & THEODORSON, A. G. (1969). A Modern Dictionary of Sociology. New York.
THOMAS, J. (2014). Aviation Insights Review (AIR): The Future of Airline Business Models – Which Will Win? L.E.K. Consulting / Executive Insights Volume XVI, Issue 34.
TIMMERS, P. (1998). “Business Models for Electronic Markets”. Electronic Markets, 8(2): 3-8.
TORLAK, G., SEVKLI, M., SANAL, M., & ZAİM, S. (2011). “Analyzing Business Competition by Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Method: An Example of Turkish Domestic Airline Industry”. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(4): 3396-3406.
VIDOVIĆ, A., ŠTIMAC, I., & VINCE, D. (2013). “Development of Business Models of Low-Cost Airlines”. ijtte-International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 3(1): 69-81.
YOUNG, G., SMITH, K. G., & GRIMM, C. M. (1996). “Austrian” and industrial organization perspectives on firm-level competitive activity and performance. Organization Science, 7: 243-254.
ZOTT, C., & AMIT, R. (2008). “The Fit Between Product Market Strategy And Business Model: Implications for Firm Performance”. Strategic Management Journal, 29(1): 1-26.
ZOTT, C., & AMIT, R. (2010). “Business Model Design: An Activity System Perspective”. Long Range Planning, 43(2-3): 216-226.
ZOTT, C., AMIT, R., & MASSA, L. (2011). “The Business Model: Recent Developments And Future Research”. Journal of Management, 37(4): 1019-1042.
Sönmez, R., Düzgün, A., & Ön, E. (2023). The Impact Of a Firm’s Business Model Change on Its Competitiveness: From Atlasjet to Atlasglobal. Alanya Akademik Bakış, 7(2), 721-739.