Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 9/30/24

Year: 2024


Alanya Acedemic Review, is a refereed journal that is issued by Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University Faculty of Economics, Business and Social Sciences three times a year. Scientific studies on the areas of economics, business management, public finance and international trade are published in Turkish and English in Alanya Acedemic Review.

Scientific studies on the areas of economics, business management, public finance and international trade are published in Turkish and English in Alanya Acedemic Review.

Article Structure
The directions on sample document must be followed for the article.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Alanya Academic Review Journal pursues the ethical standards determined by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The ethical task and responsibilities below, has been prepared taking into account the guidelines and policies, published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as an open Access.

Ethical Guidelines for Authorship

• Articles submitted to the journal should not be published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
• Authors should ensure that the article does not contain plagiarism and is their own work. The authors should have cited all the citations they used in their articles. To verify originality, your article may be checked by the originality detection service Crossref Similarity Check and/or by using software such as Turnitin. Only articles with a similarity rate ≤ 15% are taken into the review process.
• Authors should ensure that they contribute scientifically to the article. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors
• Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study.
• Authors should consider carefully the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript. Any change in the authorship list is not acceptable unless a clear reason communicated to the Editor. No changes can be made after publication of the article.
• The results included in the articles should be presented clearly and honestly, without fabricated, incorrect and inappropriate data manipulation.
• All of the article authors have equal responsibility for ethical principles.
• Authors should provide access to the datasets in the article, if deemed necessary.
• The authors are expected to make the corrections specified in the referee reports on time.
• "Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for research in all branches of science, including Social Sciences, and for studies on clinical and experimental humans and animals requiring an ethical committee decision, this approval must be specified and documented in the article." "Ethical committee approval" should be sent for articles uploaded to our system after January 1, 2020 and containing quantitative / qualitative field research and survey applications. Articles without ethics committee approval will not be accepted and will be removed from the process at any stage.
• All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential competing interests include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding.
• An "Ethical Declaration Form" must be signed by all authors during the article application and uploaded to the system after being scanned.
• Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a “Copyright Transfer Form”.

Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers

Alanya Academic Review is practicing the double-blind review process, in which the author(s) and reviewers do not know and cannot communicate each other. For the ethical conduct of reviewing process, reviewers must follow the guidelines as below:
• Reviewers should only accept to evaluate the articles related to the field of their expertise.
• Reviewers should make the evaluation objectively and only in relation to the content of the study. Nationality, gender, religious or political beliefs, and commercial concerns must not influence the evaluation.
• Reviewers should make the evaluation in confidentiality. The manuscript you receive is confidential, which means that it is not to be shared with other parties without authorization from the editor. Peer review is also confidential. Your review cannot be shared with anyone without informing the editor and the author(s).
• Reviewers should not accept to evaluate the article and inform the editors if there is a conflict or unity of interest.
• Reviewers should inform the editor immediately in case of any misconduct on the part of any author(s) (e.g. plagiarism, any other unethical activities).
• Reviewers should make the assessment in a constructive manner in accordance with academic etiquette and avoid offensive personal comments.
• Reviewers should allocate enough time to evaluate the manuscript. But concluding the process in accordance to the deadline is also a necessity.

Ethical Guidelines for Editors

• Editors should accept the articles only that are original and contribute the literature, the readers and researchers. Other institutions, other than the journal editor board, cannot influence this decision.
• Editors should evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to the author’s race, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, political belief, sexual orientation, country of origin, etc.
• Editors should send the articles to field editors and reviewers considering their area of expertise, and care that the articles are evaluated impartially and independently.
• Editors should operate with enough number of reviewers, and update it consistently.
• Editors should ensure that the peer review process is fair, unbiased, and timely.
• Editors should protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles, and defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of violation.
• Editors should take precautions to ensure that the content of the published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications. Editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts submitted to the journal without sending them to the reviewers if the manuscripts are not in compliance with the journal policies due to the reasons of plagiarism, lack of academic originality, legal requirements regarding libel and copyright infringement.
• Editors should attach importance to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles, emphasize that the clear approval of the participants of the article is documented, and rejects the articles without the approval of the ethics committee on the participants of the article and without any permit in experimental investigations.

Publication Policy

• Alanya Academic Review is a refereed magazine published by Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Faculty of Business in January, May, and September. Articles requested to be published must be novel and scientific. Articles submitted for publication must be scientific and original academic studies in Turkish or English, in the fields of economics, business and finance, operations, research and management science.
• The articles sent for publication are examined in terms of form and content by at least two reviewers in a double-blind review, that is, both authors and reviewers are anonymous. Articles which are not accepted by the reviewers are not published or sent back to the author. Articles asked to be revised are sent back to the author for revisions. It is the author’s responsibility to send the revised text to the journal by the specified deadline.
• Articles accepted for publication are published in an issue determined by the editor.
• The Authors are solely responsible for the content.
• Studies which have been presented in a scientific congress or submitted to a symposium as a paper may be submitted for publication on the condition that authors inform the editor.
• Articles submitted to the journal should not be published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
• There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
• Articles which are incompatible with or incomplete with the publication rules will not be considered.
• Authors, which are notified that their manuscripts have been put on the publication schedule, are required to fill out the Copyright Transfer Form, and to send it to the Journal Editorial Staff. Otherwise, manuscripts in question are not published.
• All manuscripts, which are sent to the Journal, are previewed by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts, which are irrelevant to the scope of Alanya Academic Review Journal, or manuscripts, which fail to meet the scientific criteria for an article’s content and form, are refused by the desk before the referee review process begins, or else the Editorial Board may make recommendations for changes in manuscripts.
• Authors may withdraw their manuscripts before they are sent to the reviewers.

This journal does not demand a publication fee for the submitted articles.