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Toplumsal cinsiyet perspektifinden Türk Edebiyatı’nda “Kadın” temsili

Year 2022, , 49 - 62, 31.12.2022


Kadınların erkeklerle eşit fırsatlara sahip olmadıkları ve hayatın birçok alanında her zaman erkeklerden daha dezavantajlı bir konumda oldukları iyi bilinen bir gerçektir. Bu dezavantajlılık durumu kendini edebiyat alanında da göstermiş ve kadınlar çok uzun bir süre hem bir karakter hem de yazar/şair olarak edebiyat sahnesinde görünmez olmuşlardır. Türk edebiyatında erkek yazarlar kadar başarılı / belki de daha başarılı birçok kadın yazar veya şair bulunsada, Türk edebiyatında kadının temsili oldukça sınırlıdır. Bununla birlikte, edebiyat müfredatına ve ders kitaplarına daha fazla kadın yazar, şair vb. dahil edilmesi, erkek ve kız öğrencilerin kadınların gücünü fark etmeleri ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine katkıda bulunmaları için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmayla Türk edebiyatında kadın yazarların statüsünü ortaya koymayı amaçlıyor ve kadının hem toplumdaki diğer kadınların hem de edebiyat dünyasında kendilerine yer edinememiş kadın yazar ve şairlerin sesi olarak daha görünür hale gelmesi gerektiğini öneriyoruz.


  • Adıgüzel, F. B. (2014). Edebiyat eğitiminde unutulmuş kadın yazarlar. Yaratıcı Drama Dergisi, 9(18), 17-31.
  • Ahmad, F., & Aziz, J. (2009). Students’ perception of the teachers’ teaching of literature communicating and understanding through the eyes of the audience. European Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3), 17-26.
  • Akar, N. (2015). A novelist observation on emotional deprivation during the first world war. The Journal of Pediatric Research, 2(1), 59-60.
  • Alamsyah, A. Pasaribu, A. & Sahri, Z. (2017). Potrayal of the nineteenth century English women in Jane Austen’s sense and sensibility. Language Literacy, 1(1), 1–26.
  • AlGweirien, H. (2017). Virginia Woolf’s representation of women: A feminist reading of “The Legacy”. English Language and Literature Studies, 7(1), 120-125.
  • Alver, K. (2006). Edebiyat ve kimlik. Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2, 32-42.
  • Aslan, C. (2010). Düşünme becerilerini geliştirici dil ve edebiyat öğretimi ortamları-Bir eğitim durumu örneği. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(24), 127-152.
  • Aslan, A. (2014). The role of the intellectual in contemporary Turkish women’s narratives. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 14(1), 2-8.
  • Atasü, E. (2001). Kadınlığım, yazarlığım, yurdum. Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi.
  • Aydın Satar, N. (2015). Geleneksel kadın rollerinin yeniden üretimi: Elif Şafak’ın Siyah Süt romanında otoriteyle uzlaşmak. Monograf Journal, 3, 46-77.
  • Baker, W. (2008). Jane Austen: A literary reference to her life and work. Facts On File, Inc., NY.: USA.
  • Basmaz, Ö. (2008). The rebellious daughter of the republic or the mother of the Turks: Re-considering the late Ottoman Empire and the early Turkish Republic through the politics of Halide Edip Adıvar. (Published master thesis dissertation). The University of Akron, Ohio, USA.
  • Başçı, P. (2003). “Love, Marriage, and Motherhood: Changing Expectations of Women in Late Ottoman Istanbul" (2003). World Languages and Literatures Faculty Publications and Presentations. Paper 54.
  • Bayrak Akyıldız, H. (2016). Edebiyatta kadın ve toplumsal cinsiyet. A. Altunoğlu (Ed.), In Toplumsal Cinsiyet Çalışmaları (pp. 138-159). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Berrian, B. F. (1981). Bibliographies of nine female African writers. Research in African Literatures, 12(2), 214-236.
  • Bertens, H. (2008). Literary theory the basics. Routledge. USA.
  • Blackstone, A. (2003). Gender roles and society. Julia R. Miller, Richard M. Lerner, and Lawrence B. Schiamberg. Santa Barbara (Eds.), In Human Ecology: An Encyclopedia of Children, Families, Communities, and Environments (pp. 335-338). CA: ABC-CLIO.
  • Borsheim‐Black, C., Macaluso, M., & Petrone, R. (2014). Critical literature pedagogy: Teaching canonical literature for critical literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 58(2), 123-133.
  • Božič, Z. (2016)). The Problem of the Representation of Women Authors in Slovenian Secondary School Literature Textbooks. Athens Journal of Philology, 3(4), 239-250.
  • Bruns, C. V. (2011). Why literature? The value of literary reading and what it means for teaching. Continuum. USA.
  • Carter, R. (2007). Literature and language teaching 1986–2006: A review. International Journal of Applied Linguisticis,17(1), 3-13.
  • Coryat, S., & Clemens, C. (2017). Women in or outside of the Canon: Helping High School Students Investigate the Role of Women in “Literature”. English Journal, 106(5), 40-45.
  • Culler, J. (2000). Literary theory: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Çelik, T. (2019). Edebiyat öğretiminde muhafazakâr kanon. Folklor/Edebiyat, 25(97), 95-132.
  • De Beauvoir, S. (1981). Kadın, bağımsızlığa doğru (Bertan Onaran, Çev.) İstanbul: Payel Yayınevi.
  • Demir, S. (2016). Türkiye’deki edebiyat eğitimi üzerine bir değerlendirme. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(33), 48-68.
  • Devi, L. A. (2015). Women issues in Jane Austen and George Eliot novels. International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies, 2(1), 138-141.
  • Eagleton, T. (1996). Literary theory: An introduction. Blackwell Publishing: USA.
  • Easthope, A. (1991). Literary into cultural studies. Routledge:London.
  • Egitim Sen. (2010). Ortaöğretimde Türk Edebiyatı, Dil ve Anlatım Ders: Kitaplarında Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Araştırması: Edebiyat Kitaplarında Kadına Yer Yok. Ankara. Eğitim Sen.
  • Erdem, C. (2017). Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı öğretimi uygulamaları üzerine bazı tespitler. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 50(1), 99-126.
  • Falvey, D. (2019). Two-thirds of published poets are male, so does poetry have a gender issue?. (Available: 25.01.2020),
  • Fiehn, C. (2015). George Eliot and Her Women: The Representation of Women and Gender in George Eliot’s Fiction. (Available: 14.07.2019),'s_Fiction.
  • Fratzen, D. (2001). Rethinking foreign language literature: Towards an integration of literature and language at all levels. Scott, W. M., Tucker, H. (Eds.), In SLA and the literature classroom: Fostering dialogues (pp.109-130). Boston: Odyssey Press, Inc.
  • Gal, S. (1989). Between speech and silence: The problematics of research on language and gender. IPrA Papers in Pragmatics 3(1), l-38.
  • Görümlü, Ö. (2009). Elif Shafak's The Saint of Incipient insanities: An issue of identity. Selçuk University Joumal of Faculty of Letters, 21, 269-279.
  • He, X., & Liao, L. (2015). Women consciousness exploration in Jane Austen and her works. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(6), 293-297.
  • Hill, R. (1997). Jane Austen: A voyage of discovery. Persuasions, 19, 77-92.
  • Hişmanoğlu, M. (2005). Teaching English through literature. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 1(1), 53-66.
  • Hobbs, J. R. (1990). Literature and cognition. CSLA, CA.
  • Hoffmeinster, S. (2020). Women in poetry: Freedom and expression. Britt Haas, Michelle Liptak (Eds.), In Gleanings: A journal of first year student writing. Volume: 10 (pp. 32-37). Siena College.
  • Howell, S. (2014). The Evolution of Female Writers: An Exploration of Their Issues and Concerns from the 19th Century to Today, Available from, on 12/07/2019.
  • İslam, A. (2016). Looking at Virginia Woolf: Women and society. (Published master thesis dissertation). BRAC University, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
  • Iskandarovna, K.G., & Kenjabayevna, D. G. (2020). The means of image “woman" in the literary world of Charlotte Bronte. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(12)), 136-139.
  • Kumar, R. P. (2014). Women as writers. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, 2(2), 72-75.
  • Kuşçu, N. K. (2014). Toplumsal cinsiyet ve edebiyat öğretimi: Ortaöğretim Türk Edebiyatı ders kitaplarında kadın yazarlar. Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 195-202.
  • Law on Gender Equality in Society (2008). (avaliable: 24.02.2021),
  • Mccormick, I. (2016). Women’s Writing and Feminisms: An Introduction. (Available:12.07.2019),'s_Writing_and_Feminisms an_Introduction, Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2400.9840
  • Millier, B. (2010). Mentoring and the female poet’s voice. American Literary History, 23(1), 117–125. DOI:10.1093/alh/ajq070.
  • Margaret, R. A. (2016). The Indian woman writers and their contribution in the world literature- A critical study. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 4(10), 32-36.
  • Moi, T. (2009). I am not a Woman Writer: About Women, Literature and Feminist Theory Today. (Available: 11.07.2019),, on 11/07/2019.
  • Mullen, J.S (1972). Women Writers in Freshman Textbooks. College English, 34(1), 79-84.
  • Nas, A. (2013). Inside India, outside of Kemalism: Analysis of Halide Edib’s writings on anti-colonialism. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(7), 187-193.
  • Nazlıpınar Subaşı, M. D. (2018). Halide Edip Adıvar and her perception of the ‘New Woman’ identity. International Journal of Human Studies, 1(2), 277-284.
  • Nilsen, H. N. (1990). American women's literature in the twentieth centurv: A survev of some feminist trends. American Studies in Scandinavia, 22, 25-37.
  • Özbay, C., Baliç, İ. (2004). Erkekliğin Ev Halleri. Toplum ve Bilim, 101,89-103.
  • Özbaş, L. F. (2012). Ramifications of a deportation (or genocide?): The bastard of Istanbul. Balikesir University The Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 15(28), 261-268.
  • Parkash, V. (2016). Feminist sensibility in the works of Sylvia Plath. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3(5), 204-205.
  • Polat, M. E. (2016). Adalet Ağaoğlu’nun bir göç romanı: Fikrimin İnce Gülü. Göç Dergisi, 3(2), 225 – 238.
  • Przybylska, Z. (2015). Jane Austen`s novel as an example of a depiction of English society in the long nineteenth century. World Scientific News, 8, 1-18.
  • Reilly, E. (1978). Sylvia Plath: The talented poet, tortured woman. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, XVI(3), 129-136.
  • Robinson, L. S. (1983). Treason our text: Feminist challenges to the literary canon. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 2(1), 83-98.
  • Salinovic, I. (2014). Women writers of 19th century Britain. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 1, 218-225.
  • Sarangi, I., & Mukherjee, Y. (2012). The Revolutionary spirit of the contemporary woman writers of India. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5(6), 19-21.
  • Sazyek, E. (2013). Phases of multicultural progress at the novels of Elif Şafak. International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 8(4), 1221-1242.
  • Sharma, A. B., & Gupta, T. (2014). Pathetic plight of a woman as revealed in Sylvia Plath’s poetry. Indian Journal of Research, 3(9), 1-2.
  • Singhai, C. (2016). Women and the sub-cultures: Turkey in the works of Elif Shafak. New Man International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(12), 4-8.
  • Stephenson, C. M. (2009). Gender equality and a culture of peace. J. De Rivera (Ed.), In handbook on building cultures of peace (pp. 123–138). New York, NY: Springer.
  • Subagyo, K. P. (2009). Confronted patriarchy in Sylvia Plath's poems. Teflin Journal, 20(1), 83-103.
  • Şahin, E. (2014). A comparative approach to fictions named Malone Dies and Lying Down to die. Athens Journal of Philology, 1(2), 127-138,
  • Şahin, V. (2018). Romanla kimlikleşen bir yüz: Halide Edib Adıvar ve edebi yaratımları. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Tuğlu, B. (2016). Bodies (re) gained: Gender and identity in Elif Shafak‘s Pinhan and Virginia Woolf‘s Orlando. International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, 2(3), 90-95.
  • Yurttaş, H. (2016). Representation of Women in George Eliot’s Middlemarch, (Available: 12.07.2019),
  • Uygun-Aytemiz, B. (2016). Toplumsal cinsiyet ve edebiyat. F. Saygılıgil (Ed.), In Toplumsal Cinsiyet Tartışmaları (pp. 61-72). İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Woolf, V. (2014). Kendine ait bir oda (Derya Öztürk, Çev.) Ankara:Tutku Yayınevi.
  • Zancanella, D. (1991). Teachers reading/readers teaching: Five teachers' personal approaches to literature and their teaching of literature. Research in the Teaching of English, 25(1), 5-32.

The Representation of “Woman” in Turkish Literature from the Perspective of Gender

Year 2022, , 49 - 62, 31.12.2022


It is a well known fact that the women do not have equal opportunities with men and have always been inferior to men in several spheres of life. This inferiority has manifested itself in the field of literature as well and the women have been invisible both as a character and an author for a long time. Although there are several female authors or poets as successful as / maybe more successful than male authors in Turkish literature, the representation of women in Turkish literature is rather limited. Nevertheless, including more women authors, poets, etc in the literature curriculum and textbooks has utmost importance in order to enable male and female students to notice the power of women and contribute to gender equality in society. In this sense, with this study we aim to present the status of woman authors in Turkish literature in a detailed way and suggest that the women must become more visible both as the voice of other woman in the society and the woman in the literature world.


  • Adıgüzel, F. B. (2014). Edebiyat eğitiminde unutulmuş kadın yazarlar. Yaratıcı Drama Dergisi, 9(18), 17-31.
  • Ahmad, F., & Aziz, J. (2009). Students’ perception of the teachers’ teaching of literature communicating and understanding through the eyes of the audience. European Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3), 17-26.
  • Akar, N. (2015). A novelist observation on emotional deprivation during the first world war. The Journal of Pediatric Research, 2(1), 59-60.
  • Alamsyah, A. Pasaribu, A. & Sahri, Z. (2017). Potrayal of the nineteenth century English women in Jane Austen’s sense and sensibility. Language Literacy, 1(1), 1–26.
  • AlGweirien, H. (2017). Virginia Woolf’s representation of women: A feminist reading of “The Legacy”. English Language and Literature Studies, 7(1), 120-125.
  • Alver, K. (2006). Edebiyat ve kimlik. Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2, 32-42.
  • Aslan, C. (2010). Düşünme becerilerini geliştirici dil ve edebiyat öğretimi ortamları-Bir eğitim durumu örneği. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(24), 127-152.
  • Aslan, A. (2014). The role of the intellectual in contemporary Turkish women’s narratives. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 14(1), 2-8.
  • Atasü, E. (2001). Kadınlığım, yazarlığım, yurdum. Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi.
  • Aydın Satar, N. (2015). Geleneksel kadın rollerinin yeniden üretimi: Elif Şafak’ın Siyah Süt romanında otoriteyle uzlaşmak. Monograf Journal, 3, 46-77.
  • Baker, W. (2008). Jane Austen: A literary reference to her life and work. Facts On File, Inc., NY.: USA.
  • Basmaz, Ö. (2008). The rebellious daughter of the republic or the mother of the Turks: Re-considering the late Ottoman Empire and the early Turkish Republic through the politics of Halide Edip Adıvar. (Published master thesis dissertation). The University of Akron, Ohio, USA.
  • Başçı, P. (2003). “Love, Marriage, and Motherhood: Changing Expectations of Women in Late Ottoman Istanbul" (2003). World Languages and Literatures Faculty Publications and Presentations. Paper 54.
  • Bayrak Akyıldız, H. (2016). Edebiyatta kadın ve toplumsal cinsiyet. A. Altunoğlu (Ed.), In Toplumsal Cinsiyet Çalışmaları (pp. 138-159). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Berrian, B. F. (1981). Bibliographies of nine female African writers. Research in African Literatures, 12(2), 214-236.
  • Bertens, H. (2008). Literary theory the basics. Routledge. USA.
  • Blackstone, A. (2003). Gender roles and society. Julia R. Miller, Richard M. Lerner, and Lawrence B. Schiamberg. Santa Barbara (Eds.), In Human Ecology: An Encyclopedia of Children, Families, Communities, and Environments (pp. 335-338). CA: ABC-CLIO.
  • Borsheim‐Black, C., Macaluso, M., & Petrone, R. (2014). Critical literature pedagogy: Teaching canonical literature for critical literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 58(2), 123-133.
  • Božič, Z. (2016)). The Problem of the Representation of Women Authors in Slovenian Secondary School Literature Textbooks. Athens Journal of Philology, 3(4), 239-250.
  • Bruns, C. V. (2011). Why literature? The value of literary reading and what it means for teaching. Continuum. USA.
  • Carter, R. (2007). Literature and language teaching 1986–2006: A review. International Journal of Applied Linguisticis,17(1), 3-13.
  • Coryat, S., & Clemens, C. (2017). Women in or outside of the Canon: Helping High School Students Investigate the Role of Women in “Literature”. English Journal, 106(5), 40-45.
  • Culler, J. (2000). Literary theory: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Çelik, T. (2019). Edebiyat öğretiminde muhafazakâr kanon. Folklor/Edebiyat, 25(97), 95-132.
  • De Beauvoir, S. (1981). Kadın, bağımsızlığa doğru (Bertan Onaran, Çev.) İstanbul: Payel Yayınevi.
  • Demir, S. (2016). Türkiye’deki edebiyat eğitimi üzerine bir değerlendirme. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(33), 48-68.
  • Devi, L. A. (2015). Women issues in Jane Austen and George Eliot novels. International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies, 2(1), 138-141.
  • Eagleton, T. (1996). Literary theory: An introduction. Blackwell Publishing: USA.
  • Easthope, A. (1991). Literary into cultural studies. Routledge:London.
  • Egitim Sen. (2010). Ortaöğretimde Türk Edebiyatı, Dil ve Anlatım Ders: Kitaplarında Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Araştırması: Edebiyat Kitaplarında Kadına Yer Yok. Ankara. Eğitim Sen.
  • Erdem, C. (2017). Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı öğretimi uygulamaları üzerine bazı tespitler. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 50(1), 99-126.
  • Falvey, D. (2019). Two-thirds of published poets are male, so does poetry have a gender issue?. (Available: 25.01.2020),
  • Fiehn, C. (2015). George Eliot and Her Women: The Representation of Women and Gender in George Eliot’s Fiction. (Available: 14.07.2019),'s_Fiction.
  • Fratzen, D. (2001). Rethinking foreign language literature: Towards an integration of literature and language at all levels. Scott, W. M., Tucker, H. (Eds.), In SLA and the literature classroom: Fostering dialogues (pp.109-130). Boston: Odyssey Press, Inc.
  • Gal, S. (1989). Between speech and silence: The problematics of research on language and gender. IPrA Papers in Pragmatics 3(1), l-38.
  • Görümlü, Ö. (2009). Elif Shafak's The Saint of Incipient insanities: An issue of identity. Selçuk University Joumal of Faculty of Letters, 21, 269-279.
  • He, X., & Liao, L. (2015). Women consciousness exploration in Jane Austen and her works. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(6), 293-297.
  • Hill, R. (1997). Jane Austen: A voyage of discovery. Persuasions, 19, 77-92.
  • Hişmanoğlu, M. (2005). Teaching English through literature. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 1(1), 53-66.
  • Hobbs, J. R. (1990). Literature and cognition. CSLA, CA.
  • Hoffmeinster, S. (2020). Women in poetry: Freedom and expression. Britt Haas, Michelle Liptak (Eds.), In Gleanings: A journal of first year student writing. Volume: 10 (pp. 32-37). Siena College.
  • Howell, S. (2014). The Evolution of Female Writers: An Exploration of Their Issues and Concerns from the 19th Century to Today, Available from, on 12/07/2019.
  • İslam, A. (2016). Looking at Virginia Woolf: Women and society. (Published master thesis dissertation). BRAC University, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
  • Iskandarovna, K.G., & Kenjabayevna, D. G. (2020). The means of image “woman" in the literary world of Charlotte Bronte. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(12)), 136-139.
  • Kumar, R. P. (2014). Women as writers. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, 2(2), 72-75.
  • Kuşçu, N. K. (2014). Toplumsal cinsiyet ve edebiyat öğretimi: Ortaöğretim Türk Edebiyatı ders kitaplarında kadın yazarlar. Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 195-202.
  • Law on Gender Equality in Society (2008). (avaliable: 24.02.2021),
  • Mccormick, I. (2016). Women’s Writing and Feminisms: An Introduction. (Available:12.07.2019),'s_Writing_and_Feminisms an_Introduction, Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2400.9840
  • Millier, B. (2010). Mentoring and the female poet’s voice. American Literary History, 23(1), 117–125. DOI:10.1093/alh/ajq070.
  • Margaret, R. A. (2016). The Indian woman writers and their contribution in the world literature- A critical study. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 4(10), 32-36.
  • Moi, T. (2009). I am not a Woman Writer: About Women, Literature and Feminist Theory Today. (Available: 11.07.2019),, on 11/07/2019.
  • Mullen, J.S (1972). Women Writers in Freshman Textbooks. College English, 34(1), 79-84.
  • Nas, A. (2013). Inside India, outside of Kemalism: Analysis of Halide Edib’s writings on anti-colonialism. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(7), 187-193.
  • Nazlıpınar Subaşı, M. D. (2018). Halide Edip Adıvar and her perception of the ‘New Woman’ identity. International Journal of Human Studies, 1(2), 277-284.
  • Nilsen, H. N. (1990). American women's literature in the twentieth centurv: A survev of some feminist trends. American Studies in Scandinavia, 22, 25-37.
  • Özbay, C., Baliç, İ. (2004). Erkekliğin Ev Halleri. Toplum ve Bilim, 101,89-103.
  • Özbaş, L. F. (2012). Ramifications of a deportation (or genocide?): The bastard of Istanbul. Balikesir University The Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 15(28), 261-268.
  • Parkash, V. (2016). Feminist sensibility in the works of Sylvia Plath. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3(5), 204-205.
  • Polat, M. E. (2016). Adalet Ağaoğlu’nun bir göç romanı: Fikrimin İnce Gülü. Göç Dergisi, 3(2), 225 – 238.
  • Przybylska, Z. (2015). Jane Austen`s novel as an example of a depiction of English society in the long nineteenth century. World Scientific News, 8, 1-18.
  • Reilly, E. (1978). Sylvia Plath: The talented poet, tortured woman. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, XVI(3), 129-136.
  • Robinson, L. S. (1983). Treason our text: Feminist challenges to the literary canon. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 2(1), 83-98.
  • Salinovic, I. (2014). Women writers of 19th century Britain. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 1, 218-225.
  • Sarangi, I., & Mukherjee, Y. (2012). The Revolutionary spirit of the contemporary woman writers of India. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5(6), 19-21.
  • Sazyek, E. (2013). Phases of multicultural progress at the novels of Elif Şafak. International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 8(4), 1221-1242.
  • Sharma, A. B., & Gupta, T. (2014). Pathetic plight of a woman as revealed in Sylvia Plath’s poetry. Indian Journal of Research, 3(9), 1-2.
  • Singhai, C. (2016). Women and the sub-cultures: Turkey in the works of Elif Shafak. New Man International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(12), 4-8.
  • Stephenson, C. M. (2009). Gender equality and a culture of peace. J. De Rivera (Ed.), In handbook on building cultures of peace (pp. 123–138). New York, NY: Springer.
  • Subagyo, K. P. (2009). Confronted patriarchy in Sylvia Plath's poems. Teflin Journal, 20(1), 83-103.
  • Şahin, E. (2014). A comparative approach to fictions named Malone Dies and Lying Down to die. Athens Journal of Philology, 1(2), 127-138,
  • Şahin, V. (2018). Romanla kimlikleşen bir yüz: Halide Edib Adıvar ve edebi yaratımları. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Tuğlu, B. (2016). Bodies (re) gained: Gender and identity in Elif Shafak‘s Pinhan and Virginia Woolf‘s Orlando. International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, 2(3), 90-95.
  • Yurttaş, H. (2016). Representation of Women in George Eliot’s Middlemarch, (Available: 12.07.2019),
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There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Reviews

Zerrin Önen 0000-0001-9785-6881

Mehmet Sincar 0000-0002-4979-5014

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date September 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Önen, Z., & Sincar, M. (2022). The Representation of “Woman” in Turkish Literature from the Perspective of Gender. Alanyazın49-62.