Research Article
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Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle

Year 2018, , 177 - 182, 29.12.2018


In the presented study, we aimed to investigate
fetal wastage and endometritis ratio in slaughterhouses. For this aim, we
examined the uterus and ovarium tissues of slaughtered cattle by using
macroscopic and histopathological evaluation methods to detect pregnancy and
metritis ratio. Routine histopathological processing was performed for gathered
tissues. All sections were stained with hematoxylin- eosin. After staining all
slides were examined under the light microscopy.  Out of the 140 cattle, 18 animals were found
to be pregnant at different stages of pregnancy. No histopathological changes were
observed in 62 uterus organs of 122 non-pregnant cattle and inflammatory
uterine lesions were observed in different characters and intensities in 60
uterus organs. In result of this study, we detect the percentage of pregnant
animals which are slaughtered is 12,8%. Besides, the percentage of female
animals with no pathological lesions were found to be an obstacle to pregnancy
is 44,2%. According to these findings, we were in the belief that these rates
are a significant loss in terms of our local economy.


  • Armengol, R., Fraile, L., 2015. Comparison of two treatment strategies for cows with metritis in high-risk lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology 83(8): 1344-1351.
  • Bartlett, PC., Kirk, JH., Wilke, MA., 1986. Kaneene JB, Mather EC. Metritis complex in Michigan Holstein-Friesian cattle: incidence, descriptive epidemiology and estimated economic impact. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 4(3): 235-248.
  • Benbia, S., Yahia, M., Boutelis, S., Chennaf, A., Yahia Massinissa. In: Evaluation of the cytology and histology of uterus and cervix as predictors of estrous stages in ewes and dairy cows. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Biology and Biomedicine. Batna, Republic of Algeria, pp. 33-39.
  • Canisso, IF., Stewart, J., Coutinho da Silva, MA.,2106. Endometritis: Managing Persistent Post-Breeding Endometritis. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice 32(3): 465-480.
  • Diskin, MG. and Morris, DG., 2008. Embryonic and Early Foetal Losses in Cattle and Other Ruminants. Reprod Dom Anim 43 (2): 260–267.
  • Espejel, MC. and Medrano, A., 2017. Histological Cyclic Endometrial Changes in Dairy Cows: An Overview. Review. Journal of Dairy and Veterinary Sciences 2 (8) 2017.
  • Feldmann, M., Tenhagen genannt Emming, S., Hoedemaker, M., 2005. Treatment of chronic bovine endometritis and factors for treatment success. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 112(1):10-6.
  • Foster, RA., 2007. Female reproductive system. In: Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease, Ed., McGavin MD., Zachary JV., 4th ed., 1263-1316, Mosby Elsevier.
  • Gröhna, YT., Rajala-Schultzab, P J., 2000. Epidemiology of reproductive performance in dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science 60(6): 605-614.
  • Inchaisri, C., Jorritsmaa, R., Vosa, PLAM., van der Weijdena, GC., Hogeveenac, H.,2010. Economic consequences of reproductive performance in dairy cattle. Theriogenology 74(5): 835-846.
  • Knuttı, B., Kupfer, U., Busato, A., 2000. Reproductive Efficiency of Cows with Endometritis afterTreatment with Intrauterine Infusions or ProstaglandinInjections, or No Treatment. J. Vet. Med. A 47: 609–615.
  • Kim, KD., KI, KS., Kang, HG., Kim, IllH., 2005. Risk Factors and the Economic Impact of Ovarian Cysts on Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows in Korea. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 51(4): 491-498.
  • Lee, JI., Kim, IllH., 2007. Pregnancy loss in dairy cows: the contributing factors, the effects on reproductive performance and the economic impact. J. Vet. Sci 8(3): 283–288.
  • Milli ÜH, Hazıroğlu R, Veteriner Patoloji. 2. Baskı. Ankara. Tamer Matbaacılık. 2001: 2. Cilt. 31-104.
  • Mc Dougall, S., Macaulay, R., Compton, C., 2007. Association between endometritis diagnosis using a novel intravaginal device and reproductive performance in dairy cattle. Animal Reproduction Science 99(1–2): 9-23.
  • Nonga, HE., 2015. A review on cattle foetal wastage during slaughter and its impacts to the future cattle herds in Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27(12).
  • Oduguwa, BO., Raimi, CO., Talabi, AO., Sogunle, OM., 2013. Fetal Losses From Slaughtering Pregnant Cows at Lafenwa Abattoir in Abeokuta, South Western Nıgeria. G.J B.A.H.S 2 (2): 38-41.
  • Pleticha, S., Heuwieser, W., 2009. Definition and diagnosis of chronic endometritis in cattle. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 116(5): 164-72. Pottera, TJ., Guitian, J., Wick, JF., Gordonb, PJ., Sheldon, IM., 2010. Risk factors for clinical endometritis in postpartum dairy cattle. Theriogenology 74(8): 127-134.
  • Polat, B., Cengiz, M., Cannazika, O., Colak, A., Oruc, E., Altun, S., Salar, S., Bastan, A., 2015. Endometrial echotexture variables in postpartum cows withsubclinical endometritis. Animal Reproduction Science 155: 50–55.
  • Rhyaf, AG., 2010. Histopathological Study of Endometritis of the cows. AL-Qadisiya Journal of Vet.Med.Sci. Vol./9 No./1.
  • Sheldon, IM., Lewis, GS., Blanc, SL., Gilbert, RO., 2006. Defining postpartum uterine disease in cattle. Theriogenology 65(8): 1516-1530.
  • Schlafer, DH., Miller, RB., 2007. Female genital system in: Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals. 5th ed. Pp: 426-563.
  • Singh, J., Singla, P., Dhalıwal, GS., Kumar, A., Banga, HS., 2008. Histomorphological alterations in uterus of repeat breeding cows with subclinical endometritis following E. coli lipopolysaccharide and autologous serum therapy. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 78 (7): 710–713.
  • Sheldon, IM., Price, SB., Cronin, J., Gilbert, RO., Gadsby, JE., 2010. Mechanisms of Infertility Associated with Clinical and Subclinical Endometritis in High Producing Dairy Cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 44: 1–9.
  • Swai, ES., Hayghaimo, AA., Hassan, AA., Mhina, BS., 2015. The slaughter of increased numbers of pregnant cows in Tanga abattoir, Tanzania: A cause for concern. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 82 (1): 1-5.
  • Tsousis, G., Sharifi, AR., Hoedemaker, M., 2010. Increased risk of conception failure in German Holstein Friesian cows with chronic endometritis. Reprod Domest Anim 45(6):1114-7.
  • TÜİK, 2017. Hayvancılık İstatistikleri veri tabanı, http: //
  • TÜİK, 2015b. Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri veri tabanı, http:// disticaretapp/ menu.zul.

Kesime Sevk Edilen İnek Uteruslarında Hayvanların Damızlık Değerini Düşüren Patolojik Lezyonların ve Fötal Kayıpların Araştırılması

Year 2018, , 177 - 182, 29.12.2018


Bu çalışmada; kesime sevk edilen ineklerin, uterus
organlarının makroskobik ve histopatolojik muayenelerinin yapılması, böylece
gebe olarak kesime sevk edilen hayvan sayısının belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Ayrıca,
toplanan örneklerde yapılacak histopatolojik mueyene ile endometritisli
hayvanların, uteruslarında yangı olmayan hayvanlara oranının tespit edilmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla dişi hayvan kesimleri rutin olarak takip edildi ve bu
hayvanlara ait uterus organları toplandı. Toplanan bu organlar detaylı
makroskobik ve histopatolojik muayeneden geçirildi. Tüm kesitler
hematoksilen-eozin boyama yöntemi ile boyandı ve histopatolojik muayene ışık
mikroskobu kullanılarak yapıldı. Toplam 140 hayvana ait uterus organlarının dış
bakısında 18 (%12.8) hayvanın farklı dönemlerde gebe olduğu tespit edildi. Yine
uterus organlarına yapılan makroskobik ve histopatolojik incelemeler sonucunda
gebe olmayan 122 hayvana ait organların 62’ sinde herhangi patolojik bir
değişiklik izlenmedi, 60’ ında ise farklı karakter ve şiddetlerde yangısal
lezyonlar izlendi.  Sonuç olarak kesime
sevk edilen dişi hayvanlardan gebe hayvan oranının yöremizde %12.8 olduğu,
ayrıca kesilen hayvanların %44.2’ sinde gebeliğe engel teşkil edecek herhangi
bir patolojik lezyona rastlanmadığı görülmüş ve bu oranların bölge
hayvancılığımız açısından önemli bir kayıp olduğu kanısına varılmıştır.


  • Armengol, R., Fraile, L., 2015. Comparison of two treatment strategies for cows with metritis in high-risk lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology 83(8): 1344-1351.
  • Bartlett, PC., Kirk, JH., Wilke, MA., 1986. Kaneene JB, Mather EC. Metritis complex in Michigan Holstein-Friesian cattle: incidence, descriptive epidemiology and estimated economic impact. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 4(3): 235-248.
  • Benbia, S., Yahia, M., Boutelis, S., Chennaf, A., Yahia Massinissa. In: Evaluation of the cytology and histology of uterus and cervix as predictors of estrous stages in ewes and dairy cows. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Biology and Biomedicine. Batna, Republic of Algeria, pp. 33-39.
  • Canisso, IF., Stewart, J., Coutinho da Silva, MA.,2106. Endometritis: Managing Persistent Post-Breeding Endometritis. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice 32(3): 465-480.
  • Diskin, MG. and Morris, DG., 2008. Embryonic and Early Foetal Losses in Cattle and Other Ruminants. Reprod Dom Anim 43 (2): 260–267.
  • Espejel, MC. and Medrano, A., 2017. Histological Cyclic Endometrial Changes in Dairy Cows: An Overview. Review. Journal of Dairy and Veterinary Sciences 2 (8) 2017.
  • Feldmann, M., Tenhagen genannt Emming, S., Hoedemaker, M., 2005. Treatment of chronic bovine endometritis and factors for treatment success. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 112(1):10-6.
  • Foster, RA., 2007. Female reproductive system. In: Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease, Ed., McGavin MD., Zachary JV., 4th ed., 1263-1316, Mosby Elsevier.
  • Gröhna, YT., Rajala-Schultzab, P J., 2000. Epidemiology of reproductive performance in dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science 60(6): 605-614.
  • Inchaisri, C., Jorritsmaa, R., Vosa, PLAM., van der Weijdena, GC., Hogeveenac, H.,2010. Economic consequences of reproductive performance in dairy cattle. Theriogenology 74(5): 835-846.
  • Knuttı, B., Kupfer, U., Busato, A., 2000. Reproductive Efficiency of Cows with Endometritis afterTreatment with Intrauterine Infusions or ProstaglandinInjections, or No Treatment. J. Vet. Med. A 47: 609–615.
  • Kim, KD., KI, KS., Kang, HG., Kim, IllH., 2005. Risk Factors and the Economic Impact of Ovarian Cysts on Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows in Korea. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 51(4): 491-498.
  • Lee, JI., Kim, IllH., 2007. Pregnancy loss in dairy cows: the contributing factors, the effects on reproductive performance and the economic impact. J. Vet. Sci 8(3): 283–288.
  • Milli ÜH, Hazıroğlu R, Veteriner Patoloji. 2. Baskı. Ankara. Tamer Matbaacılık. 2001: 2. Cilt. 31-104.
  • Mc Dougall, S., Macaulay, R., Compton, C., 2007. Association between endometritis diagnosis using a novel intravaginal device and reproductive performance in dairy cattle. Animal Reproduction Science 99(1–2): 9-23.
  • Nonga, HE., 2015. A review on cattle foetal wastage during slaughter and its impacts to the future cattle herds in Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27(12).
  • Oduguwa, BO., Raimi, CO., Talabi, AO., Sogunle, OM., 2013. Fetal Losses From Slaughtering Pregnant Cows at Lafenwa Abattoir in Abeokuta, South Western Nıgeria. G.J B.A.H.S 2 (2): 38-41.
  • Pleticha, S., Heuwieser, W., 2009. Definition and diagnosis of chronic endometritis in cattle. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 116(5): 164-72. Pottera, TJ., Guitian, J., Wick, JF., Gordonb, PJ., Sheldon, IM., 2010. Risk factors for clinical endometritis in postpartum dairy cattle. Theriogenology 74(8): 127-134.
  • Polat, B., Cengiz, M., Cannazika, O., Colak, A., Oruc, E., Altun, S., Salar, S., Bastan, A., 2015. Endometrial echotexture variables in postpartum cows withsubclinical endometritis. Animal Reproduction Science 155: 50–55.
  • Rhyaf, AG., 2010. Histopathological Study of Endometritis of the cows. AL-Qadisiya Journal of Vet.Med.Sci. Vol./9 No./1.
  • Sheldon, IM., Lewis, GS., Blanc, SL., Gilbert, RO., 2006. Defining postpartum uterine disease in cattle. Theriogenology 65(8): 1516-1530.
  • Schlafer, DH., Miller, RB., 2007. Female genital system in: Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals. 5th ed. Pp: 426-563.
  • Singh, J., Singla, P., Dhalıwal, GS., Kumar, A., Banga, HS., 2008. Histomorphological alterations in uterus of repeat breeding cows with subclinical endometritis following E. coli lipopolysaccharide and autologous serum therapy. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 78 (7): 710–713.
  • Sheldon, IM., Price, SB., Cronin, J., Gilbert, RO., Gadsby, JE., 2010. Mechanisms of Infertility Associated with Clinical and Subclinical Endometritis in High Producing Dairy Cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 44: 1–9.
  • Swai, ES., Hayghaimo, AA., Hassan, AA., Mhina, BS., 2015. The slaughter of increased numbers of pregnant cows in Tanga abattoir, Tanzania: A cause for concern. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 82 (1): 1-5.
  • Tsousis, G., Sharifi, AR., Hoedemaker, M., 2010. Increased risk of conception failure in German Holstein Friesian cows with chronic endometritis. Reprod Domest Anim 45(6):1114-7.
  • TÜİK, 2017. Hayvancılık İstatistikleri veri tabanı, http: //
  • TÜİK, 2015b. Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri veri tabanı, http:// disticaretapp/ menu.zul.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Serdar Altun

Selim Çomaklı

Kübra Asena Terim Kapakin This is me

Mehmet Cengiz

Publication Date December 29, 2018
Acceptance Date October 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Altun, S., Çomaklı, S., Terim Kapakin, K. A., Cengiz, M. (2018). Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 33(2), 177-182.
AMA Altun S, Çomaklı S, Terim Kapakin KA, Cengiz M. Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. December 2018;33(2):177-182. doi:10.28955/alinterizbd.414745
Chicago Altun, Serdar, Selim Çomaklı, Kübra Asena Terim Kapakin, and Mehmet Cengiz. “Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 33, no. 2 (December 2018): 177-82.
EndNote Altun S, Çomaklı S, Terim Kapakin KA, Cengiz M (December 1, 2018) Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 33 2 177–182.
IEEE S. Altun, S. Çomaklı, K. A. Terim Kapakin, and M. Cengiz, “Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle”, Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 177–182, 2018, doi: 10.28955/alinterizbd.414745.
ISNAD Altun, Serdar et al. “Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 33/2 (December 2018), 177-182.
JAMA Altun S, Çomaklı S, Terim Kapakin KA, Cengiz M. Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. 2018;33:177–182.
MLA Altun, Serdar et al. “Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle”. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, vol. 33, no. 2, 2018, pp. 177-82, doi:10.28955/alinterizbd.414745.
Vancouver Altun S, Çomaklı S, Terim Kapakin KA, Cengiz M. Investigation of Pathological Lesions and Fetal Losses in Slaughtered Cattle. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science. 2018;33(2):177-82.