Research Article
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Collaborating with ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning

Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 63 - 76, 30.12.2023


The continuous advancements in artificial intelligence technology bring about changes in foreign language learning. One of the artificial intelligence applications, ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, draws attention for its applicability in foreign language education. This study explores the opportunities provided by ChatGPT for the learning of four fundamental language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in the context of German language education. The advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT in foreign language education are examined. Recommendations are provided regarding the points to be considered when utilizing artificial intelligence for the acquisition of the four language skills. Additionally, the disadvantages and limitations of artificial intelligence are discussed.
In conclusion, artificial intelligence offers new opportunities in foreign language education. Artificial intelligence applications like ChatGPT can assist students in developing communication skills in a foreign language. Particularly, ChatGPT is believed to have a significant role in enhancing reading and writing skills. However, the disadvantages and limitations of artificial intelligence should not be overlooked. Careful utilization of artificial intelligence in foreign language learning can play a crucial role in students' skill development and improvement of their communication abilities.


  • Aktay, S. (2022). The usability of images generated by artificial intelligence (AI) in education. International technology and education journal, 6(2), 51-62.
  • Ashfaque, M.W., Tharewal, S., Iqhbal, S., & Kayte, N. C., (2020). A review on techniques, characteristics and approaches to an intelligent tutoring chatbot system. In 2020 International Conference on Smart Innovations in Design, Environment, Management, Planning and Computing (ICSIDEMPC), (pp.258–262). Aurangabad.
  • Beliūnas, L. Linas Beliūnas' Post. 2023.
  • Bhattacharya, K., Bhattacharya, A.S., Bhattacharya, N., Yagnik, VD., Garg P., & Kumar, S. (2023) ChatGPT in surgical practice-a new kid on the block. Indian J Surg 1-4.
  • Chiui T.K.F., Moorhouse L.M., Chai, C.S., & Ismailov, M. (2023) Teacher support and student motivation to learn with Artificial Intelligence (AI) based chatbot. Interactive Learning Environment, 0(0), 1-21.
  • Cooper, G. (2023) Examining Science Education in ChatGPT: An exploratory study of generative artificial intelligence. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 32(3), 444–452.
  • Ferikoğlu, D., & Akgün, E. (2022). An Investigation of teachers’ artificial intelligence awareness: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(3), 215–231.
  • Fryer, L.K. & Coniam, D., Carpenter, R., & Lăpușneanu, D. (2020) Bots for language learning now: Current and future directions. Language Learning & Technology, 24(2), 8–22.
  • Fryer, L.K. & Nakao, K., Thompson, A. (2019) Chatbot learning partners: Connecting learning experiences, interest and competence. Computers in Human Behavior, 93, 279–289.
  • Fryer, LK. & Carpenter, R. (2006). Emerging technologies – bots as language learning tools. Language Learning & Technology, 10(3), 8–14. Kohnke, L. & Moorhouse, B. L. & & Zou, D. (2023). ChatGPT for language teaching and learning. RELC Journal, 0(0), 1-14.
  • Kohnke, L. (2022). A Pedagogical Chatbot: A supplemental language learning tool. RELC Journal, 0(0), 1-11.
  • Lee, H. (2023). The rise of ChatGPT: Exploring its potential in medical education. Anatomical Sciences Education, 0(0), 1–6.
  • Mollman, S. (2022, December 9). ChatGPT has gained 1 million followers in a single week. Here’s why the A.I. chatbot is primed to disrupt search as we know it. 224523258.htmlguce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFoaVt0Jgmrz33m4F8LQ93tU37YKNp45BNiRU295yW5YSO9PkirImoDOfHuNU3b9C9E4zFl6W1R6mSZrM5SFK7y0Au9ht-wMKUfBuhQ0Y254BzjvjaYypRR60aUlPgL3xfTqaM81r3SoP4-QEwJD1lW3avB5uVyxoyu0Src7ffpU&guccounter=2
  • Nghi, T. T. & Phuc, T. H. & & Thang, N. T. (2019). Applying AI chatbot for teaching a foreign language: An empirical research. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(12), 897–902.
  • OpenAI. (2023a). ChatGPT.\
  • OpenAI. (2023b). ChatGPT: Optimizing language models for dialogue.
  • Pavlik, J. V. (2023). Collaborating with ChatGPT: Considering the Implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Journalism and Media Education. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 78(1), 84–93.
  • Ruan, S. & Jiang, L., Xu, J., Tham, B. J. K., Qiu, Z., Zhu, Y., & Landay, J. A. (2019a, May). Quizbot: A dialogue-based adaptive learning system for factual knowledge. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1–13).
  • Scharth, M. (2022). The ChatGPT chatbot is blowing people away with its writing skills. An expert explains why it’s so impressive.
  • The Guardian. (2023). New York City schools ban AI chatbot ChatGPT. The Guardian.
  • Tlili, A., Shehata, B., Adarkwah, M.A., Bozkurt, A., Hickey, D.T., Huang, R., & Agyemang, B. (2023) What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education. Smart Learning Environments, 10(1), 1-24.
  • Ventayen, R.J.M. (2023). OpenAI ChatGPT generated results: similarity index of artificial intelligence-based contents. Social Science Research Network Electronic Journal.
  • Yiğit S, Berşe S, & Dirgar E. (2023), The Application of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence assisted language processing technology in health services. Eurasian Journal of Health Technology Assessment, 7(1),57-65

ChatGPT ile işbirliği yapmak: Alman Dili Eğitimi Üzerine Keşfedici Bir Çalışma

Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 63 - 76, 30.12.2023


Yapay zekâ teknolojisindeki sürekli gelişmeler, yabancı dil öğrenimindeki değişimleri beraberinde getirmektedir. Yapay zekâ uygulamalarından biri olan ve OpenAI tarafından geliştirilen ChatGPT, yabancı dil eğitiminde uygulanabilir olması dikkat çekmektedir. Bu çalışmada ChatGPT’nin yabancı dil olarak Almanca öğreniminde dört temel becerinin (dinleme, okuma, konuşma, yazma) öğrenimi için sunduğu olanaklar araştırılarak, yabancı dil eğitiminde ChatGPT'nin avantajlarına ve dezavantajları incelenmiştir. Yapay zekânın yabancı dil eğitiminde dört temel becerilerin öğrenilmesinde kullanılırken dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar üzerine öneriler verilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, yapay zekânın dezavantajları ve sınırlılıkları da beraberinde tartışılmıştır.
Sonuç olarak, yapay zekâ, yabancı dil eğitiminde yeni fırsatlar sunmaktadır. ChatGPT gibi yapay zekâ uygulamaları, öğrencilere yabancı dilde iletişim becerileri kazandırmada yardımcı olabilir. Özellikle okuma ve yazma becerilerinin geliştirilmesi üzerinde ChatGPT’nin önemli bir rolü olduğu düşünülmektedir. Fakat yapay zekânın dezavantajları ve sınırlılıkları ve göz ardı edilmemesi gerekmektedir. Yabancı dil öğreniminde yapay zekânın dikkatli bir şekilde kullanılması, öğrencilerin dil becerilerini geliştirmelerinde ve iletişim yeteneklerini arttırmada önemli bir rol oynayabilir.


  • Aktay, S. (2022). The usability of images generated by artificial intelligence (AI) in education. International technology and education journal, 6(2), 51-62.
  • Ashfaque, M.W., Tharewal, S., Iqhbal, S., & Kayte, N. C., (2020). A review on techniques, characteristics and approaches to an intelligent tutoring chatbot system. In 2020 International Conference on Smart Innovations in Design, Environment, Management, Planning and Computing (ICSIDEMPC), (pp.258–262). Aurangabad.
  • Beliūnas, L. Linas Beliūnas' Post. 2023.
  • Bhattacharya, K., Bhattacharya, A.S., Bhattacharya, N., Yagnik, VD., Garg P., & Kumar, S. (2023) ChatGPT in surgical practice-a new kid on the block. Indian J Surg 1-4.
  • Chiui T.K.F., Moorhouse L.M., Chai, C.S., & Ismailov, M. (2023) Teacher support and student motivation to learn with Artificial Intelligence (AI) based chatbot. Interactive Learning Environment, 0(0), 1-21.
  • Cooper, G. (2023) Examining Science Education in ChatGPT: An exploratory study of generative artificial intelligence. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 32(3), 444–452.
  • Ferikoğlu, D., & Akgün, E. (2022). An Investigation of teachers’ artificial intelligence awareness: A scale development study. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(3), 215–231.
  • Fryer, L.K. & Coniam, D., Carpenter, R., & Lăpușneanu, D. (2020) Bots for language learning now: Current and future directions. Language Learning & Technology, 24(2), 8–22.
  • Fryer, L.K. & Nakao, K., Thompson, A. (2019) Chatbot learning partners: Connecting learning experiences, interest and competence. Computers in Human Behavior, 93, 279–289.
  • Fryer, LK. & Carpenter, R. (2006). Emerging technologies – bots as language learning tools. Language Learning & Technology, 10(3), 8–14. Kohnke, L. & Moorhouse, B. L. & & Zou, D. (2023). ChatGPT for language teaching and learning. RELC Journal, 0(0), 1-14.
  • Kohnke, L. (2022). A Pedagogical Chatbot: A supplemental language learning tool. RELC Journal, 0(0), 1-11.
  • Lee, H. (2023). The rise of ChatGPT: Exploring its potential in medical education. Anatomical Sciences Education, 0(0), 1–6.
  • Mollman, S. (2022, December 9). ChatGPT has gained 1 million followers in a single week. Here’s why the A.I. chatbot is primed to disrupt search as we know it. 224523258.htmlguce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFoaVt0Jgmrz33m4F8LQ93tU37YKNp45BNiRU295yW5YSO9PkirImoDOfHuNU3b9C9E4zFl6W1R6mSZrM5SFK7y0Au9ht-wMKUfBuhQ0Y254BzjvjaYypRR60aUlPgL3xfTqaM81r3SoP4-QEwJD1lW3avB5uVyxoyu0Src7ffpU&guccounter=2
  • Nghi, T. T. & Phuc, T. H. & & Thang, N. T. (2019). Applying AI chatbot for teaching a foreign language: An empirical research. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(12), 897–902.
  • OpenAI. (2023a). ChatGPT.\
  • OpenAI. (2023b). ChatGPT: Optimizing language models for dialogue.
  • Pavlik, J. V. (2023). Collaborating with ChatGPT: Considering the Implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Journalism and Media Education. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 78(1), 84–93.
  • Ruan, S. & Jiang, L., Xu, J., Tham, B. J. K., Qiu, Z., Zhu, Y., & Landay, J. A. (2019a, May). Quizbot: A dialogue-based adaptive learning system for factual knowledge. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1–13).
  • Scharth, M. (2022). The ChatGPT chatbot is blowing people away with its writing skills. An expert explains why it’s so impressive.
  • The Guardian. (2023). New York City schools ban AI chatbot ChatGPT. The Guardian.
  • Tlili, A., Shehata, B., Adarkwah, M.A., Bozkurt, A., Hickey, D.T., Huang, R., & Agyemang, B. (2023) What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education. Smart Learning Environments, 10(1), 1-24.
  • Ventayen, R.J.M. (2023). OpenAI ChatGPT generated results: similarity index of artificial intelligence-based contents. Social Science Research Network Electronic Journal.
  • Yiğit S, Berşe S, & Dirgar E. (2023), The Application of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence assisted language processing technology in health services. Eurasian Journal of Health Technology Assessment, 7(1),57-65
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects German Language, Literature and Culture
Journal Section Articles

Merve Çıldır 0000-0002-2441-8255

Early Pub Date December 21, 2023
Publication Date December 30, 2023
Submission Date October 4, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Çıldır, M. (2023). Collaborating with ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning. Alman Dili Ve Kültürü Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 63-76.
AMA Çıldır M. Collaborating with ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning. ALKAD. December 2023;5(2):63-76. doi:10.55143/alkad.1371058
Chicago Çıldır, Merve. “Collaborating With ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning”. Alman Dili Ve Kültürü Araştırmaları Dergisi 5, no. 2 (December 2023): 63-76.
EndNote Çıldır M (December 1, 2023) Collaborating with ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning. Alman Dili ve Kültürü Araştırmaları Dergisi 5 2 63–76.
IEEE M. Çıldır, “Collaborating with ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning”, ALKAD, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 63–76, 2023, doi: 10.55143/alkad.1371058.
ISNAD Çıldır, Merve. “Collaborating With ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning”. Alman Dili ve Kültürü Araştırmaları Dergisi 5/2 (December 2023), 63-76.
JAMA Çıldır M. Collaborating with ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning. ALKAD. 2023;5:63–76.
MLA Çıldır, Merve. “Collaborating With ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning”. Alman Dili Ve Kültürü Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 2, 2023, pp. 63-76, doi:10.55143/alkad.1371058.
Vancouver Çıldır M. Collaborating with ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of German Language Learning. ALKAD. 2023;5(2):63-76.