Enine Donatısız Betonarme Kirişlerin Kesme Mukavemetinin Çoklu Regresyon Modelleriyle Tahmini
Year 2019,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 81 - 89, 30.08.2019
Selim Murtazaoğlu
Aydoğan İbiş
donatısız betonarme kirişlerin eğik çatlama kesme mukavemetlerinin tahmini için
yönetmelik ve araştırmalarda çok sayıda bağıntı önerilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ise,
enine donatısız betonarme kirişlerin kesme mukavemetlerinin tahmini için mevcut
matematik modellere alternatif olarak çoklu regresyon modelleri
- Yetilmezsoy, K., “Treatability of Poultry Manure Wastewater Using Anaerobic Sludge Bed Reactor”, Doktora Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2008
- ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements For Structural Concrete (ACI 318M-08) and Commentary, ACI, Farmington Hills, 2008.
- TS 500, Betonarme Yapıların Hesap ve Yapım Kuralları, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2000.
- Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures, Part 1-1, General Rules and Rules For Buildings, CEN, Brussels, EN 1992-1-1:2004.
- Zsutty, T. C., Shear Strength Prediction For Separate Categories of Simple Beam Tests, ACI J Proceed, 68(2): 138-143, 1971.
- Lowe, D., Emsley, M., and Harding, A. ”Predicting Construction Cost Using Multiple Regression Techniques.” J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 132(7), 750–758, 2006.
- Chang, H., Park, D., Lee, Y. ve Yoon, B., “Multiple time period imputation technique for multiple missing traffic variables: nonparametric regression approach” ,Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 39(4): 448-459, 2012.
- Mata J, “Interpretation of concrete dam behaviour with artificial neural network and multiple linear regression models”, Engineering Structures, 33(3): 903–910, 2011.
- Bresler B., Scordelis A.C., 1961, Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams, Structures and Materials Research, 100, 3, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA.Krefeld, W. J.; Thurston, C. W. 1966. Studies of the shear and diagonal tension strength of simply supported reinforced concrete beams, ACI Journal 63(4): 451–476.
- Bresler B., Scordelis A.C., 1966, Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams - Series III. Report No. 65 –10, Structures and Materials Research, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
- Placas A., Regan P.E., 1971, Shear failure of reinforced concrete beams, ACI Journal, 68, 10, 763-773.
- Mattock A.H., Wang Z., 1984, Shear strength of reinforced concrete members subject to high axial compressive stress, ACI Structural Journal, 11, 3, 287-298.
- Türkdoğan Aydınol, F.İ. ve Yetilmezsoy, K., “A Fuzzy- Logic- Based Model to Predict Biogas and Methane Production Rates in a Pilot- Scale Mesophilic UASB Reactor Treating Molasses Wastewater”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 182(1-3): 460-471., 2010.
- Akkoyunlu, A., Yetilmezsoy, K., Ertürk, F. ve Öztemel, E., “A neural Network- Based Approach for the Prediction of Urban SO2 Concentrations in İstanbul Metropolitan Area”, Int. J. Enviroment and Pollution, 40(4): 301-321, 2010.
Year 2019,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 81 - 89, 30.08.2019
Selim Murtazaoğlu
Aydoğan İbiş
- Yetilmezsoy, K., “Treatability of Poultry Manure Wastewater Using Anaerobic Sludge Bed Reactor”, Doktora Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2008
- ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements For Structural Concrete (ACI 318M-08) and Commentary, ACI, Farmington Hills, 2008.
- TS 500, Betonarme Yapıların Hesap ve Yapım Kuralları, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2000.
- Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures, Part 1-1, General Rules and Rules For Buildings, CEN, Brussels, EN 1992-1-1:2004.
- Zsutty, T. C., Shear Strength Prediction For Separate Categories of Simple Beam Tests, ACI J Proceed, 68(2): 138-143, 1971.
- Lowe, D., Emsley, M., and Harding, A. ”Predicting Construction Cost Using Multiple Regression Techniques.” J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 132(7), 750–758, 2006.
- Chang, H., Park, D., Lee, Y. ve Yoon, B., “Multiple time period imputation technique for multiple missing traffic variables: nonparametric regression approach” ,Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 39(4): 448-459, 2012.
- Mata J, “Interpretation of concrete dam behaviour with artificial neural network and multiple linear regression models”, Engineering Structures, 33(3): 903–910, 2011.
- Bresler B., Scordelis A.C., 1961, Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams, Structures and Materials Research, 100, 3, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA.Krefeld, W. J.; Thurston, C. W. 1966. Studies of the shear and diagonal tension strength of simply supported reinforced concrete beams, ACI Journal 63(4): 451–476.
- Bresler B., Scordelis A.C., 1966, Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams - Series III. Report No. 65 –10, Structures and Materials Research, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
- Placas A., Regan P.E., 1971, Shear failure of reinforced concrete beams, ACI Journal, 68, 10, 763-773.
- Mattock A.H., Wang Z., 1984, Shear strength of reinforced concrete members subject to high axial compressive stress, ACI Structural Journal, 11, 3, 287-298.
- Türkdoğan Aydınol, F.İ. ve Yetilmezsoy, K., “A Fuzzy- Logic- Based Model to Predict Biogas and Methane Production Rates in a Pilot- Scale Mesophilic UASB Reactor Treating Molasses Wastewater”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 182(1-3): 460-471., 2010.
- Akkoyunlu, A., Yetilmezsoy, K., Ertürk, F. ve Öztemel, E., “A neural Network- Based Approach for the Prediction of Urban SO2 Concentrations in İstanbul Metropolitan Area”, Int. J. Enviroment and Pollution, 40(4): 301-321, 2010.