Writing Rules

The writing rules of our journal are as follows:
Articles must be written in Turkish or English.
Articles uploaded to the journal should not have been previously published in any journal or should not be under evaluation.
Articles that have previously been presented at a conference but have not been published in journals can be uploaded to the journal system, provided that they are stated as a footer on the first page of the text.
The submission file must have a .doc or .docx extension.
Text; It should be written single-spaced, in 11-point font. All figures, pictures and tables should be placed in appropriate sections within the text.
The article title should be in 14-point bold font and appropriate to the content of the article.
All article sections except the Abstract, Acknowledgments and Reference sections should be numbered. Article organization should be done in the order of Abstract, Article Main Text, Acknowledgments (if necessary) and References.
Equation editor programs should be used for mathematical expressions and each equation should be numbered right-justified.
Acknowledgments regarding individual or institutional financial support provided for the research should be included in the acknowledgments section at the end of the article.

The article should be arranged in the order given below:
a.) Summary: The summary should consist of a maximum of 150 words. There should not be any abbreviations or mathematical expressions in the abstract. Key words to be written in italics must consist of at least 4 (four) words and there must be a line space between them and the abstract.
b.) Main Text: Abbreviations of any expression, technical terms and symbols should be defined where they are first used in the main text of the article, and then these uses should be continued throughout the article. All sections should be numbered and formatted in the following order:
1. Introduction,
2. Material and Method,
3. Findings and Discussion,
4. Conclusion.
The headings Materials and Methods and Results and Discussion may also have subheadings if necessary. (2.1, 3.1, etc.)
c) References: All references should be numbered in square brackets. The formats of the sources are given in the article template.
d) Acknowledgments: If there are individuals, institutions or organizations that received help, they can be stated in this section. Otherwise, this topic will not be opened.


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Last Update Time: 4/25/24, 3:51:13 PM