Research Article
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Year 2021, , 99 - 110, 30.06.2021



Teşekkür ederim.


  • Agnolucci, P., & Venn, A. (2011). Industrial energy intensities in the UK: is there a deterministic or stochastic difference among sectors?. Applied Economics, 43(12), 1447-1462.
  • Akalp, M., F., (2019). Yenilenebilir Enerji Tüketimi İle Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişki; Türkiye Örneği. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Bahmani-Oskooee, M., Chang, T., & Wu, T. (2014). Revisiting purchasing power parity in African countries: panel stationary test with sharp and smooth breaks. Applied Financial Economics, 24(22), 1429-1438.
  • Baki, İ., (2018). Türkiye’deki Enerji Tüketiminin Belirleyicileri: Eşbütünleşme Ve Nedensellik Analizleri. Gazi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Becker, R., Enders, W., Lee, J. (2006). A Stationary Test in the Presence of an Unknown Number of Smooth Breaks. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 27(3), 381-409.
  • Bozkurt, C., & Okumuş, İ. (2016). Petrol Tüketimindeki Dalgalanmalar Geçici Mi Yoksa Kalıcı Mı? Brıcs-T Ülkeleri İçin Doğrusal Ve Doğrusal Olmayan Birim Kök Testi Uygulamaları. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 27-37.
  • Bozoklu, S., Yilanci, V., & Gorus, M. S. (2020). Persistence in per capita energy consumption: A fractional integration approach with a Fourier function. Energy Economics, 91, 104926.
  • BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2020). Erişim Tarihi: 23/05/2021.
  • Can, H. (2017). Yenilebilir enerjinin makroekonomik etkileri: Türkiye örneği. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Carrion‐i‐Silvestre, L., J., Del Barrio‐Castro, T., & López‐Bazo, E. (2005). Breaking the panels: an application to the GDP per capita. The Econometrics Journal, 8(2), 159-175.
  • Chen, P. F., & Lee, C. C. (2007). Is energy consumption per capita broken stationary? New evidence from regional-based panels. Energy Policy, 35(6), 3526-3540.
  • Christopoulos, D. K., & León-Ledesma, M. A. (2010). Smooth breaks and non-linear mean reversion: Post-Bretton Woods real exchange rates. Journal of International Money and Finance, 29(6), 1076-1093.
  • Christopoulos, D. K., & Leon-Ledesma, M. A. (2011). International output convergence, breaks, and asymmetric adjustment. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 15(3).
  • Duran, M. S. (2020). BRICS-T ülkelerinde enerji tüketiminin belirleyicileri: Ekonometrik bir uygulama. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Enders, W., & Lee, J. (2004, April). Testing for a unit root with a nonlinear Fourier function. In Econometric Society 2004 Far Eastern Meetings (Vol. 457).
  • Enders, W., & Lee, J. (2012). A unit root test using a Fourier series to approximate smooth breaks. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 74(4), 574-599.
  • Gokcu, A., T., (2021). The Effect of Renewable Energy Resources on Economıc Growth: A Case Studyf Turkey. Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Master’s Thesis.
  • Hasanov, M., & Telatar, E. (2011). A re-examination of stationarity of energy consumption: evidence from new unit root tests. Energy Policy, 39(12), 7726-7738.
  • Izgi, B. B., & Destek, G. ,(2017). Brics ve Mist Ülkelerinde Yenilenebilir Ve Yenilenemeyen Enerji Tüketiminin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkileri. ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi, 4(9), 14-23.
  • Karakurt, I. (2021). Modelling and forecasting the oil consumptions of the BRICS-T countries. Energy, 220, 119720.
  • Karhan, G. (2016). Enerji yoğunluğu ve ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin analizi: BRICS-T ülkeleri üzerine bir araştırma. İnönü Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Kizilkaya, O., & Konat, G. (2019). Elektrik Tüketimindeki Dalgalanmalar Geçici mi Yoksa Kalıcı mı? Türkiye İçin Amprik Bir Analiz. Ekoist: Journal of Econometrics and Statistics, (31), 53-62.
  • Lean, H. H., & Smyth, R. (2013). Will policies to promote renewable electricity generation be effective? Evidence from panel stationarity and unit root tests for 115 countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22, 371-379.
  • Meng, M., Payne, J. E., & Lee, J. (2013). Convergence in per capita energy use among OECD countries. Energy Economics, 36, 536-545.
  • Mishra, V., Sharma, S., & Smyth, R. (2009). Are fluctuations in energy consumption per capita transitory? Evidence from a panel of Pacific Island countries. Energy Policy, 37(6), 2318-2326.
  • Mishra, V., & Smyth, R. (2014). Convergence in energy consumption per capita among ASEAN countries. Energy policy, 73, 180-185.
  • Narayan, P. K., & Smyth, R. (2007). Are shocks to energy consumption permanent or temporary? Evidence from 182 countries. Energy policy, 35(1), 333-341.
  • Omay, T., 2015. Fractional frequency flexible Fourier form to approximate smooth breaks in unit root testing. Econ. Lett. 134, 123–126.
  • Ozcan, B., & Ozturk, I. (2016). A new approach to energy consumption per capita stationarity: Evidence from OECD countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 65, 332-344.
  • Ozsahin, S., Mucuk, M., & Gerceker, M. (2016). Yenilenebilir enerji ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki: BRICS-T ülkeleri üzerine panel ARDL analizi. Siyaset Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(4), 111-130.
  • Pedroni, P. (1999). Critical values for cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels with multiple regressors. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and statistics, 61(S1), 653-670.
  • Perron, P. (1989). The great crash, the oil price shock, and the unit root hypothesis. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1361-1401.
  • Unuvar, I., & Keskinkılıc, S. (2020). Yenilenebilir Enerji Ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: G20 Ülkeleri Örneği (2000-2016). Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 16(2), 251-266.
  • Westerlund, J. (2005). New simple tests for panel cointegration. Econometric Reviews, 24(3), 297-316.
  • Westerlund, J., & Edgerton, D. L. (2008). A simple test for cointegration in dependent panels with structural breaks. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 70(5), 665-704.
  • Yıldırım, D. Ç., Yıldırım, S., & Demirtas, I. (2019). Investigating energy consumption and economic growth for BRICS-T countries. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development.
  • Yilanci, V., & Tunali, C. B. (2014). Are fluctuations in energy consumption transitory or permanent? Evidence from a Fourier LM unit root test. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 36, 20-25.
  • Zeren, A. B. (2019). Does A Positive Relationship Between Renewable Energy Investment And Real Gdp Of Countries Really Exist? (Doctoral dissertation, Institute of Social Sciences).

Stationarity Test of Renewable Energy Consumption with Fractional Frequency Fourier Unit Root Test: Evidence from BRICS-T Countries

Year 2021, , 99 - 110, 30.06.2021


Countries consume large amounts of coal, oil, and natural gas due to the energy structure dominated by fossil fuels worldwide. For this reason, the rate of renewable energies in countries or country groups in general is below the global average level. In this study, we aimed to test the stationarity of renewable energy consumption for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Turkey (the BRICS-T countries), which are in a rapid development. For this purpose, Bozoklu et al. (2020) used the fractional frequency Fourier unit root test. Annual data on renewable energy consumption covering the period of 1990–2015 have been accessed from the official database of the World Bank. According to the results obtained, it has been found that the renewable energy consumption of China, one of the BRICS-T countries, is stationary and that other countries contain unit root.


  • Agnolucci, P., & Venn, A. (2011). Industrial energy intensities in the UK: is there a deterministic or stochastic difference among sectors?. Applied Economics, 43(12), 1447-1462.
  • Akalp, M., F., (2019). Yenilenebilir Enerji Tüketimi İle Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişki; Türkiye Örneği. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Bahmani-Oskooee, M., Chang, T., & Wu, T. (2014). Revisiting purchasing power parity in African countries: panel stationary test with sharp and smooth breaks. Applied Financial Economics, 24(22), 1429-1438.
  • Baki, İ., (2018). Türkiye’deki Enerji Tüketiminin Belirleyicileri: Eşbütünleşme Ve Nedensellik Analizleri. Gazi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Becker, R., Enders, W., Lee, J. (2006). A Stationary Test in the Presence of an Unknown Number of Smooth Breaks. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 27(3), 381-409.
  • Bozkurt, C., & Okumuş, İ. (2016). Petrol Tüketimindeki Dalgalanmalar Geçici Mi Yoksa Kalıcı Mı? Brıcs-T Ülkeleri İçin Doğrusal Ve Doğrusal Olmayan Birim Kök Testi Uygulamaları. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 27-37.
  • Bozoklu, S., Yilanci, V., & Gorus, M. S. (2020). Persistence in per capita energy consumption: A fractional integration approach with a Fourier function. Energy Economics, 91, 104926.
  • BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2020). Erişim Tarihi: 23/05/2021.
  • Can, H. (2017). Yenilebilir enerjinin makroekonomik etkileri: Türkiye örneği. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Carrion‐i‐Silvestre, L., J., Del Barrio‐Castro, T., & López‐Bazo, E. (2005). Breaking the panels: an application to the GDP per capita. The Econometrics Journal, 8(2), 159-175.
  • Chen, P. F., & Lee, C. C. (2007). Is energy consumption per capita broken stationary? New evidence from regional-based panels. Energy Policy, 35(6), 3526-3540.
  • Christopoulos, D. K., & León-Ledesma, M. A. (2010). Smooth breaks and non-linear mean reversion: Post-Bretton Woods real exchange rates. Journal of International Money and Finance, 29(6), 1076-1093.
  • Christopoulos, D. K., & Leon-Ledesma, M. A. (2011). International output convergence, breaks, and asymmetric adjustment. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 15(3).
  • Duran, M. S. (2020). BRICS-T ülkelerinde enerji tüketiminin belirleyicileri: Ekonometrik bir uygulama. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Enders, W., & Lee, J. (2004, April). Testing for a unit root with a nonlinear Fourier function. In Econometric Society 2004 Far Eastern Meetings (Vol. 457).
  • Enders, W., & Lee, J. (2012). A unit root test using a Fourier series to approximate smooth breaks. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 74(4), 574-599.
  • Gokcu, A., T., (2021). The Effect of Renewable Energy Resources on Economıc Growth: A Case Studyf Turkey. Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Master’s Thesis.
  • Hasanov, M., & Telatar, E. (2011). A re-examination of stationarity of energy consumption: evidence from new unit root tests. Energy Policy, 39(12), 7726-7738.
  • Izgi, B. B., & Destek, G. ,(2017). Brics ve Mist Ülkelerinde Yenilenebilir Ve Yenilenemeyen Enerji Tüketiminin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkileri. ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi, 4(9), 14-23.
  • Karakurt, I. (2021). Modelling and forecasting the oil consumptions of the BRICS-T countries. Energy, 220, 119720.
  • Karhan, G. (2016). Enerji yoğunluğu ve ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin analizi: BRICS-T ülkeleri üzerine bir araştırma. İnönü Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Kizilkaya, O., & Konat, G. (2019). Elektrik Tüketimindeki Dalgalanmalar Geçici mi Yoksa Kalıcı mı? Türkiye İçin Amprik Bir Analiz. Ekoist: Journal of Econometrics and Statistics, (31), 53-62.
  • Lean, H. H., & Smyth, R. (2013). Will policies to promote renewable electricity generation be effective? Evidence from panel stationarity and unit root tests for 115 countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22, 371-379.
  • Meng, M., Payne, J. E., & Lee, J. (2013). Convergence in per capita energy use among OECD countries. Energy Economics, 36, 536-545.
  • Mishra, V., Sharma, S., & Smyth, R. (2009). Are fluctuations in energy consumption per capita transitory? Evidence from a panel of Pacific Island countries. Energy Policy, 37(6), 2318-2326.
  • Mishra, V., & Smyth, R. (2014). Convergence in energy consumption per capita among ASEAN countries. Energy policy, 73, 180-185.
  • Narayan, P. K., & Smyth, R. (2007). Are shocks to energy consumption permanent or temporary? Evidence from 182 countries. Energy policy, 35(1), 333-341.
  • Omay, T., 2015. Fractional frequency flexible Fourier form to approximate smooth breaks in unit root testing. Econ. Lett. 134, 123–126.
  • Ozcan, B., & Ozturk, I. (2016). A new approach to energy consumption per capita stationarity: Evidence from OECD countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 65, 332-344.
  • Ozsahin, S., Mucuk, M., & Gerceker, M. (2016). Yenilenebilir enerji ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki: BRICS-T ülkeleri üzerine panel ARDL analizi. Siyaset Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(4), 111-130.
  • Pedroni, P. (1999). Critical values for cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels with multiple regressors. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and statistics, 61(S1), 653-670.
  • Perron, P. (1989). The great crash, the oil price shock, and the unit root hypothesis. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1361-1401.
  • Unuvar, I., & Keskinkılıc, S. (2020). Yenilenebilir Enerji Ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: G20 Ülkeleri Örneği (2000-2016). Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 16(2), 251-266.
  • Westerlund, J. (2005). New simple tests for panel cointegration. Econometric Reviews, 24(3), 297-316.
  • Westerlund, J., & Edgerton, D. L. (2008). A simple test for cointegration in dependent panels with structural breaks. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 70(5), 665-704.
  • Yıldırım, D. Ç., Yıldırım, S., & Demirtas, I. (2019). Investigating energy consumption and economic growth for BRICS-T countries. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development.
  • Yilanci, V., & Tunali, C. B. (2014). Are fluctuations in energy consumption transitory or permanent? Evidence from a Fourier LM unit root test. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 36, 20-25.
  • Zeren, A. B. (2019). Does A Positive Relationship Between Renewable Energy Investment And Real Gdp Of Countries Really Exist? (Doctoral dissertation, Institute of Social Sciences).
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Operation
Journal Section Articles

Eda Fendoğlu 0000-0003-4092-7137

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date June 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Fendoğlu, E. (2021). Stationarity Test of Renewable Energy Consumption with Fractional Frequency Fourier Unit Root Test: Evidence from BRICS-T Countries. Alphanumeric Journal, 9(1), 99-110.

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