Culture is reading,
understanding, seeing, seeing the provision of the provision, reason and
intelligence to nurture and treatment means in another sense. Culture is
divided into two parts: the general culture of the general culture of all
nations as the scope of culture and private culture, where only the culture of
a nation a state or a country is addressed. Every nation has its own culture.
It is an indisputable fact that the city of Amasya has been home to countless
cultures since the day it was founded. In this cultural climate, many
scientists, inventors, doctors, historians, geographers and poets have been
trained in the field of which the name is heard or not heard, famous or not.
After the acceptance of Islam under the umbrella of the Islamic civilization it
is understood that there is a certain culture of jurisprudence besides the
other cultures many scholars, scribe, preacher and their valuable works who
grew up in Amasya.
Many works have been
written about Amasya and made incredible contributions to its history and
culture. Our research does
not include all of these works, but the religious life and culture. The independent
works that deal with this aspect of Amasya already started to be written in the
18th and 19th centuries. The two most important works among these are Mustafa Vâzıh Efendi's
"Belâbil er-râsiye” and Abdurrahman Kâmil Efendi's "Fatâvâ"
which also touches on the subjects that are not mentioned in the book. These two works
reflect all the fiqh life in Amasya in detail. For this reason, these two works
are the main source in our research.
In addition to these, some
historical memories and memories written by the authors of the period were also
mentioned in order to mention the old religious beliefs and rituals seen before
the Islam in Amasya. Because some beliefs and rituals before Islam continued after Islam and
applied to the public opinion.
Scholars of that period
accepted fatwa of those beliefs and rituals that were in accordance with Islam
and rejected those that were not.
When we look at the
systematic of the study, our study firstly gives brief information about the
religious life of Amasya before Islam.
Then, the research examines the works written about the fiqh life of Amasya.
Lastly, fiqh culture has
been subjected to examination under the titles of Worship, Legal Proceedings and Punishment by adopting the
method widely used in fiqh literature.
In the title of vigils
cleaning, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage and zakat issues; within the scope of the
Law of Obligations in the Law of Immigration, the sale of the party, contract,
negotiation and execution contracts, easement and recourse rights and silkworm
trade; marriage, talaq and childcare issues under
family law; under the title of grims, disguise, the right to the eye, food and
beverages, games, acceptance of the invitation and the gift, the deeds of verbs
and hunting; customs and traditions under the title of customs and traditions,
oath betting, inheritance division fee and foundation issues; under the title
of Punishment, the issues of promissory, tazir, financial
tazir, compensation and diet penalties were discussed.
As a result, in this
research, the fact that Islam had a constructive, directing and productive
character from the beginning made it a fundamental, decisive and permanent
factor before any culture and civilization. Amasya society is one of the societies in which the fiqh culture
established, directed and produced by Islam, fully intervenes in the culture of
human substitution and reveals its own model of life. The most subtle problems
from worship to legal proceedings and punishment were solved by
fatwa authority, and it was observed that as a result of the sensitivity of the
mufti and the supervisor on religious matters, the commanding movements were
not included.
It has been observed that
many fiqh events in Amasya and the resolution of them by the fatwa authority
make it feel that the people of Amasya attach importance to Islamic
jurisprudence and that they organize their lives accordingly.
Amasya fiqh culture "Make
it easy, do not make difficult. Good news, do not
intimidate" hadith public faith that the general principle of the
operation has been overtly observed. Because, when the fatwas given are reviewed, not only the views of Abu
Hanifa, but also the opinions of other jurists within the sect are included in
order to operate this principle.
As mentioned in the sources
used, it was observed that some of the fatwas were asked about the hypothetical
events and the reflections of the Iraqi school prevailed in the town of Amasya.
Kültür; başka
bir anlamıyla okumak, anlamak, görebilmek, görebildiğinden hüküm çıkarmak, aklı
ve zekâyı terbiye ve tedip etmek demektir. Kültür, kapsamı itibariyle bütün
milletlerin umumi olarak kültürünün ele alındığı genel kültür; sadece bir
milletin, bir devletin veya bir memleketin kültürünün ele alındığı özel kültür
olmak üzere iki kısma ayrılır. Her milletin kendine özgü birtakım kültürü
vardır. Amasya şehrinin de kurulduğu günden bugüne sayısız kültüre ev sahipliği
yapmış olduğu gerçeğinden hareketle kendine has bir kültürünün oluştuğu
tartışılmaz bir gerçektir. Bu kültür ikliminde ismi duyulan veya duyulmayan,
meşhur olan veya olmayan dalında mütehassıs pek çok bilim adamı, mucit, tabip,
tarihçi, coğrafyacı ve şair yetişmiştir. İslamiyet’in kabulünden sonra ise
İslam medeniyetinin şemsiyesi altında diğer kültürlerinin yanında belli bir
fıkıh kültürünün de oluştuğu, Amasya’da yetişen pek çok âlim, fakih, din adamı
ve onların bıraktığı kıymetli teliflerden anlaşılmaktadır. Araştırmamız başta
fetvalar ve mevizeler olmak üzere şehzadeler sancağı Amasya şehri hakkında
yazılan eserler bağlamında Amasya’da mevcut fıkıh kültürünü ele almakta,
böylelikle bu zenginliği gün yüzüne çıkarma amacı gütmektedir.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Religious Studies |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 30, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2019 |
Amasya İlahiyat Dergisi-Amasya Theology Journal Creative Commons Alıntı-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.