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Türk Populasyonundaki Gebelerin Glikoz Yükleme Testi Hakkındaki Bilgi Düzeyleri, Tutum ve Davranışları

Year 2016, , 0 - 0, 20.05.2016


Amaç: Gestasyonel diabetes mellitus (GDM) ile ilgili en iyi tarama ve tanı yönteminin ne olduğu konusundaki tartışmalar devam etmektedir. Gebelerin gestasyonel diabetes mellitus tarama testleri ile ilgili farkındalığı ve bunu etkileyen faktörlerle ilgili çalışmalar sınırlı sayıdadır. Bu çalışma gebelerin glikoz yükleme testleri konusundaki bilgi düzeyleri, bu testleri yaptırma konusundaki tutum ve davranışları ve bu testleri yaptırma konusundaki son kararlarını etkileyen faktörleri araştırmak için yapılmıştır.

Materyal ve Metot: Bu çalışma Şubat 2015 ve Nisan 2015 arasında gebelik takibi için gebe polikliniğimize başvuran gebeler arasında yürütülen bir anket çalışmasıdır. Çalışmaya katılan gebelere 14 soruluk anket uygulanmıştır.

Bulgular: Çalışmaya toplam 476 gebe katılmıştır. Katılan gebelerin ortalama yaşı 27,7(17-42) yıl idi. İyi bilgi düzeyine sahip olma ile bu gebelikte glikoz testini yaptırma veya testi yaptırmayı düşünme arasında istatistiksel anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Önceki gebelikte testi yaptırma ile bu gebelikte testi yaptırma veya yaptırmayı düşünme arasında istatistiksel anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir (p<0,001). Eğitim düzeyi ile iyi bilgi düzeyine sahip olma arasında da istatistiksel anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir (p<0,001).

Sonuç: Glikoz yükleme testleriyle ilgili literatürde henüz tespit edilmiş komplikasyon yoktur. Glikoz yükleme testleri konusunda gebe kadınların yanlış bilgilendirildiğine ve bilgilerini düzeltmek için eğitim programları ile yeniden bilinçlendirilmeleri gerektiğine inanıyoruz


  • American Diabetes Association. Gestational diabetes mellitus (Position Statement). Diabetes Care 2003;27:5-20.
  • Setji TL, Brown AJ, Feinglos MN. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Clinical Diabetes 2005;23:17-24.
  • Engelgau MM, Herman WH, Smith PJ, et al. The epidemiology of diabetes and pregnancy in the U.S., 1988. Diabetes Care 1995;18:1029-33.
  • Akış N, Pala K, Seçkin RÇ. Gestasyonel Diabetes Mellitus prevalansı ve ilişkili risk etmenleri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2008;34:93-6.
  • Metzger BE, Lowe LP, Dyer AR, et al. Hapo Study Cooperation Research Group. Hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcomes. N Engl J Med 2008;358:1991-2002.
  • Griffin ME, Coffey M, Johnson H, et al. Universal vs. risk factor-based screening for gestational diabetes mellitus: detection rates, gestation at diagnosis and outcomes. Diabet Med 2000;17:26-32.
  • Cosson E, Benchimol M, Carbillon L, et al. Universal rather than selective screening for gestational diabetes mellitus may improve fetal outcomes. Diabetes Metab 2006;32:140-6.
  • Magon N. Gestational diabetes mellitus:Get, set, go from diabetes capital of the World to diabetes care capital of the World. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2011;15:161-9.
  • Afridi JB, Khan MJ, Iman NU. Diabetes in females: Knowledge, attittude and practices. J Med Sci 2010;18:40-4.
  • Carolan M, Steele C, Margetts H. Knowledge of gestational diabetes among a multi-ethnic cohort in Australia. Midwifery 2010;26:579-88.
  • Seshiah V, Sahay BK, Das AK, et al. Gestational diabetes mellitus-Indian guidelines. J Indian Med Assoc 2009;107:799-802, 804-6. Available from: http://www.Abcofobg.Com/GDM-New/Gestational Diabetes Mellitus-Indian Guidelines. Pdf. [Last Accessed on 2010 Aug 27]
  • Diabetes Mellitus Çalışma ve Eğitim Grubu, Diabetes Mellitus ve Komplikasyonlarının Tanı, Tedavi ve İzleme Klavuzu, Mayıs 2014. URL: (Last Accessed on 01.04.2015)
  • Shriraam V, Rani MA, Sathiyasekaran BWC, et al. Awareness of gestational diabetes mellitus among antenatal women in a primary health center in South India. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2013;17:146-8.
  • Massa AC, Rangel R, Cardoso M, et al. Gestational diabetes and the new screening test's impact. Acta Med Port 2015;28:29-34.
  • Crowther CA, Hiller JE, Moss JR, et al. Effect of Treatment of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Pregnancy Outcomes. N Engl J Med 2005; 352:2477-86. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa042973.
  • Damm P. Future risk of diabetes in mother and child after gestational diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Gynecology&Obstetrics 2009;104:25-6.
  • Maegawa Y, Sugiyama T, Kusaka H, et al. Screening tests for gestational diabetes in Japan in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2003;62:47-53.
  • Rodin J. Insulin levels, hunger, and food intake: An example of feedback loops in body weight regulation. Health Psychology 1985;4(1):1-24.

Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women

Year 2016, , 0 - 0, 20.05.2016


Objectives: Debates continue about the best screening and diagnostic method for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). However, the number of the studies investigating the awareness and related behaviors of pregnant women about gestational diabetes mellitus screening tests are limited in the literature. This study was planned to investigate the levels of knowledge about the glucose challenge tests, attitudes towards agreeing to these tests and facts affecting their final decisions about having these tests done or not of pregnant women.

Materials and Methods: This study is a survey, conducted among pregnant women admitted to our obstetric outpatient clinic for pregnancy follow-up, between February 2015 and April 2015. A fourteen items long questionnaire was administered to pregnant women who participated in the study.

Results: A total of 476 pregnant women participated in the study. The average age of the participating women was determined to be 27.7 (17-42) years. We found a statistically significant difference between having good knowledge and having the glucose challenge test done or considering to have it done in the current pregnancy (p<0.05). A statistically significant difference was found between having glucose challenge test done during the previous pregnancy and having the test done or considering to have it done during the current pregnancy (p <0.001). The difference between the level of education and having a good level of knowledge was statistically significant (p <0.001).

Conclusion: No scientifically confirmed complications related to the glucose challenge tests exist. We believe that the pregnant women are misinformed about glucose loading tests and should be reeducated to correct their knowledge through training programs. 


  • American Diabetes Association. Gestational diabetes mellitus (Position Statement). Diabetes Care 2003;27:5-20.
  • Setji TL, Brown AJ, Feinglos MN. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Clinical Diabetes 2005;23:17-24.
  • Engelgau MM, Herman WH, Smith PJ, et al. The epidemiology of diabetes and pregnancy in the U.S., 1988. Diabetes Care 1995;18:1029-33.
  • Akış N, Pala K, Seçkin RÇ. Gestasyonel Diabetes Mellitus prevalansı ve ilişkili risk etmenleri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2008;34:93-6.
  • Metzger BE, Lowe LP, Dyer AR, et al. Hapo Study Cooperation Research Group. Hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcomes. N Engl J Med 2008;358:1991-2002.
  • Griffin ME, Coffey M, Johnson H, et al. Universal vs. risk factor-based screening for gestational diabetes mellitus: detection rates, gestation at diagnosis and outcomes. Diabet Med 2000;17:26-32.
  • Cosson E, Benchimol M, Carbillon L, et al. Universal rather than selective screening for gestational diabetes mellitus may improve fetal outcomes. Diabetes Metab 2006;32:140-6.
  • Magon N. Gestational diabetes mellitus:Get, set, go from diabetes capital of the World to diabetes care capital of the World. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2011;15:161-9.
  • Afridi JB, Khan MJ, Iman NU. Diabetes in females: Knowledge, attittude and practices. J Med Sci 2010;18:40-4.
  • Carolan M, Steele C, Margetts H. Knowledge of gestational diabetes among a multi-ethnic cohort in Australia. Midwifery 2010;26:579-88.
  • Seshiah V, Sahay BK, Das AK, et al. Gestational diabetes mellitus-Indian guidelines. J Indian Med Assoc 2009;107:799-802, 804-6. Available from: http://www.Abcofobg.Com/GDM-New/Gestational Diabetes Mellitus-Indian Guidelines. Pdf. [Last Accessed on 2010 Aug 27]
  • Diabetes Mellitus Çalışma ve Eğitim Grubu, Diabetes Mellitus ve Komplikasyonlarının Tanı, Tedavi ve İzleme Klavuzu, Mayıs 2014. URL: (Last Accessed on 01.04.2015)
  • Shriraam V, Rani MA, Sathiyasekaran BWC, et al. Awareness of gestational diabetes mellitus among antenatal women in a primary health center in South India. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2013;17:146-8.
  • Massa AC, Rangel R, Cardoso M, et al. Gestational diabetes and the new screening test's impact. Acta Med Port 2015;28:29-34.
  • Crowther CA, Hiller JE, Moss JR, et al. Effect of Treatment of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Pregnancy Outcomes. N Engl J Med 2005; 352:2477-86. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa042973.
  • Damm P. Future risk of diabetes in mother and child after gestational diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Gynecology&Obstetrics 2009;104:25-6.
  • Maegawa Y, Sugiyama T, Kusaka H, et al. Screening tests for gestational diabetes in Japan in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2003;62:47-53.
  • Rodin J. Insulin levels, hunger, and food intake: An example of feedback loops in body weight regulation. Health Psychology 1985;4(1):1-24.
There are 18 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Articles

Esengul Turkyilmaz

Emel Kelestemur This is me

İrep Karatas Eray

Fatma Doga Ocal

Ayse Filiz Yavuz This is me

Publication Date May 20, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Turkyilmaz, E., Kelestemur, E., Karatas Eray, İ., Ocal, F. D., et al. (2016). Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women. Ankara Medical Journal, 16(2).
AMA Turkyilmaz E, Kelestemur E, Karatas Eray İ, Ocal FD, Yavuz AF. Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women. Ankara Med J. May 2016;16(2). doi:10.17098/amj.34510
Chicago Turkyilmaz, Esengul, Emel Kelestemur, İrep Karatas Eray, Fatma Doga Ocal, and Ayse Filiz Yavuz. “Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women”. Ankara Medical Journal 16, no. 2 (May 2016).
EndNote Turkyilmaz E, Kelestemur E, Karatas Eray İ, Ocal FD, Yavuz AF (May 1, 2016) Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women. Ankara Medical Journal 16 2
IEEE E. Turkyilmaz, E. Kelestemur, İ. Karatas Eray, F. D. Ocal, and A. F. Yavuz, “Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women”, Ankara Med J, vol. 16, no. 2, 2016, doi: 10.17098/amj.34510.
ISNAD Turkyilmaz, Esengul et al. “Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women”. Ankara Medical Journal 16/2 (May 2016).
JAMA Turkyilmaz E, Kelestemur E, Karatas Eray İ, Ocal FD, Yavuz AF. Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women. Ankara Med J. 2016;16. doi:10.17098/amj.34510.
MLA Turkyilmaz, Esengul et al. “Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women”. Ankara Medical Journal, vol. 16, no. 2, 2016, doi:10.17098/amj.34510.
Vancouver Turkyilmaz E, Kelestemur E, Karatas Eray İ, Ocal FD, Yavuz AF. Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women. Ankara Med J. 2016;16(2).