Baş ve boyun bölgesi, yaşamsal öneme sahip çok sayıda anatomik yapıyı barındırmaktadır. Bu nedenle diğer anatomik bölgelere göre, baş ve boyunun ateşli silah yaralanmalarında, yaşamı tehdit eden klinik durumlar daha sık meydana gelmektedir. Bu makalede, mermi çekirdeğinin vücuda girdikten sonra, izlediği seyir göz önüne alındığında, servikal vertebralara doğru yönelmiş iken, sonrasında sıradışı bir yol izleyen bir baş-boyun kurşunlanma vakası sunulmuştur. Ateşli silah yaralanmalarında, kurşun beklenmedik bir yolu takip edebilir. Baş ve boyun bölgesi önemli nörovasküler yapılara sahip olduğu için bu bölgenin yaralanmaları hayatı tehdit edebilmektedir. Dolayısıyla hastanın ilk değerlendirilmesi dikkatli yapılmalıdır.
1. Jiaquan Xu MD, Kenneth D. Kochanek, MA, Betzaida TejadaVera BS Division of Vital Statistics: Deaths: Preliminary
Data for 2007. National Vital Statistics Reports. 2009;
Volume 58, number 1. August 19,
2. Wilson AJ. Gunshot injuries: what does a radiologist need
to know? Radiographics. 1999 Sep-Oct;19[5]:1358-68.
3. Hollerman JJ, Fackler ML, Coldwell DM, Ben-Menachem Y.
Gunshot wounds: 1. Bullets, ballistics, and mechanisms of
injury. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1990 Oct;155[4]:685-90.
4. Ziyal İM, Kılınçoğlu BF, Şahin Y, Aydın Y. Delici kranioserebral
ateşli silah yaralanmaları, Ulusal Travma Dergisi, 1999;
5. Hollier L, Grantcharova EP, Kattash M. Facial gunshot
wounds: a 4-year experience. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2001
6. Schneidereit NP, Simons R, Nicolaou S, Graeb D, Brown DR,
Kirkpatrick A et al. Utility of screening for blunt vascular
neck injuries with computed tomographic angiography. J
Trauma. 2006 Jan;60[1]:209-15; for discussion 215-6.
7. Steenburg SD, Sliker CW, Shanmuganathan K, Siegel
EL. Imaging evaluation of penetrating neck injuries.
Radiographics. 2010 Jul-Aug;30[4]:869-86.
An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report
Year 2012,
Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 214 - 216, 01.04.2012
Head and neck regions include many vital anatomical
structures; therefore, firearm injuries of these regions
threaten life more commonly than the other anatomical
regions. In spite of the bullet’s heading towards the cervical vertebrae after a gunshot, this case-report has been
presented as a head and neck firearm injury taking the
unusual path into account after the bullet had entered the
In the firearm injuries, the bullet may follow an unexpected path. Head and neck injuries are life threatening causes including major neurovascular structures; therefore,
demonstrative assessment is important after the first careful evaluation
1. Jiaquan Xu MD, Kenneth D. Kochanek, MA, Betzaida TejadaVera BS Division of Vital Statistics: Deaths: Preliminary
Data for 2007. National Vital Statistics Reports. 2009;
Volume 58, number 1. August 19,
2. Wilson AJ. Gunshot injuries: what does a radiologist need
to know? Radiographics. 1999 Sep-Oct;19[5]:1358-68.
3. Hollerman JJ, Fackler ML, Coldwell DM, Ben-Menachem Y.
Gunshot wounds: 1. Bullets, ballistics, and mechanisms of
injury. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1990 Oct;155[4]:685-90.
4. Ziyal İM, Kılınçoğlu BF, Şahin Y, Aydın Y. Delici kranioserebral
ateşli silah yaralanmaları, Ulusal Travma Dergisi, 1999;
5. Hollier L, Grantcharova EP, Kattash M. Facial gunshot
wounds: a 4-year experience. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2001
6. Schneidereit NP, Simons R, Nicolaou S, Graeb D, Brown DR,
Kirkpatrick A et al. Utility of screening for blunt vascular
neck injuries with computed tomographic angiography. J
Trauma. 2006 Jan;60[1]:209-15; for discussion 215-6.
7. Steenburg SD, Sliker CW, Shanmuganathan K, Siegel
EL. Imaging evaluation of penetrating neck injuries.
Radiographics. 2010 Jul-Aug;30[4]:869-86.
Çavuş, U., Kırar, F., Bayram, M., Eren, İ., et al. (2012). An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report. Ankara Medical Journal, 12(4), 214-216.
Çavuş U, Kırar F, Bayram M, Eren İ, Alp S. An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report. Ankara Med J. April 2012;12(4):214-216.
Çavuş, Umut, Fatih Kırar, Mehtap Bayram, İmam Eren, and Sinem Alp. “An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report”. Ankara Medical Journal 12, no. 4 (April 2012): 214-16.
Çavuş U, Kırar F, Bayram M, Eren İ, Alp S (April 1, 2012) An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report. Ankara Medical Journal 12 4 214–216.
U. Çavuş, F. Kırar, M. Bayram, İ. Eren, and S. Alp, “An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report”, Ankara Med J, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 214–216, 2012.
Çavuş, Umut et al. “An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report”. Ankara Medical Journal 12/4 (April 2012), 214-216.
Çavuş U, Kırar F, Bayram M, Eren İ, Alp S. An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report. Ankara Med J. 2012;12:214–216.
Çavuş, Umut et al. “An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report”. Ankara Medical Journal, vol. 12, no. 4, 2012, pp. 214-6.
Çavuş U, Kırar F, Bayram M, Eren İ, Alp S. An Atypical Craniocervical Firearm Injury Without Neurological Deficit: A Case Report. Ankara Med J. 2012;12(4):214-6.