Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 106 - 111, 13.12.2017


Predispozan durumlarda nöbet, baş
ağrısı, kusma gibi nonspesifik semptomlar, intrakraniyal apsenin ilk
belirtileridir. Tanıda gecikilirse nörolojik sekeller ve ölüm

Çift çıkışlı sağ ventrikül, büyük
arterlerin transpozisyonu, ventriküler septal defekt, s/p pulmoner bantlama,
Eisenmenger sendromu tanılarıyla kardiyolojiden takipli, 3 gündür ateş
yüksekliği, bel ve baş ağrısı yakınmasıyla dış merkezden yönlendirilen 13
yaşında erkek, ilk bakısında genel durumu orta, bilinci açıktı. Nörolojik
muayenesi olağandı. Telekardiyografisinde kardiyomegalisi mevcuttu. İnfektif
endokardit olasılığıyla birer saat arayla üç kan kültürü alındı, seftriakson
başlandı. Ekokardiyografisinde vejetasyon görülmedi. İzlemde bilinç bulanıklığı
gelişti, intrakraniyal apse şüphesiyle kraniyal Bilgisayarlı Tomografi çekildi.
Sol frontal lob orta frontal gyrus düzeyinde 55x45mm, ödemli, sol lateral
ventrikül anterior hornunu basılayan, 6mm şift yapan, çevresel kontrastlanmış
yoğun sıvı birikimi görüldü, apse düşünüldü. Çekilen kraniyal Manyetik
Rezonansta sol frontoparietalde, frontobazale uzanan T1A düşük, T2A yüksek,
periferde düşük sinyalli ve çevresinde hipointens halolu patolojik sinyaller
izlendi. Kapsüler kontrast tutulumu görüldü. Antiödem amaçlı baş yükseltildi,
mannitol, furosemid ve %3 NaCl intravenöz başlandı, apsesinin drenajı için
beyin cerrahisiyle görüşüldü, drene edildi. Postoperatif dönemde yoğun bakıma
alındı. Ampirik vankomisin, meropenem, metronidazol başlandı. Kontrol kraniyal
Bilgisayarlı Tomografide de operasyon sahasında sentrum semiovale düzeyinde sol
frontal lobda subkortikal beyaz cevherde 16x14mm intraserebral kanama, apsenin
53x29mm ve içerisinde kanamaya bağlı hiperdens alanlar, 2mm şift görüldü. Apse
drenajında Streptococcus intermedius üredi fakat kan kültürlerinde üremesi
olmadı. Antibiyogram duyarlılığına uygun antibiyoterapisine devam edildi

Öyküde infektif endokardite
predispoziyonu olmayan konjenital kalp hastalıklı çocuklarda ateş yüksekliği,
bilinç bulanıklığı, kusma gibi KİBAS bulguları ön planda olmasa bile
intrakraniyal apse düşünülmesi ve kraniyal görüntüleme yapılması hayat
kurtarıcı olabilir.


  • 1- May MLA. Instructive Case: Congenitalcyanoticheartdiseaseandheadache. Pediatr Child Health. 2004; 40: 60-2. 2- Carpenter J, Stapleton S, Holliman R. Retrospectiveanalysis of 49 cases of brainabscessandreview of the literatüre. Eur J ClinMicrobiolInfectDis. 2007; 26: 1-11. 3- Robert H. Brain Abscess. In: Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB, editors. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 17th ed. Philadelphia: WB SaundersCo.; 2004. P. 1857-8. 4- Saez-Lloens X. Brain Abscess in Children. Semin Pediatr InfectDis. 2003; 14: 108-14. 5- Howard PG, Marvin BH, Scott LP. IntraserebralAbscess in Children: Historicaltrends at Children’sHospital Boston. Pediatrics 2004; 133: 1765-70. 6- Yogev R, Maskit B-M. Management of Brain Abscesses in Children. Pediatr InfectDis J 2004; 23: 157-9. 7- Frazier JL, Ahn ES, Jallo GI. Management of Brain Abscesses in Children. NeurosurgFocus 2008; 24: E8. 8- Sheehan JP, Jane JA, Ray DK, Goodkin HP. Brain abscess in children. NeurosurgFocus 2008; 24(6):E6. 9- Shachor-Meyouhas Y, Bar-Joseph G, Guilburd JN, Lorber A, Hadash A, Kassis I. Brain abscess in children -epidemiology, predisposingfactorsandmanagement in the modern medicineera. ActaPaediatr 2010; 99(8):1163-1167. 10- Shahzad K, Hamid MH, Khan MA, Malik N, Maqbool S. Brain abscess in children. J CollPhysiciansSurg Pak 2005; 15(10):609-611. 11- Kuzaytepe EÇ, Karaaslan A, Akın Y, Hiçdönmez T, Çiftçi Ö, Meriç İ, Esmi E, Şirinoğlu M, Yüzüak SG ve Dülger Ş. Brain Abscess due to Streptococcus Intermedius Secondary to Tetralogy of Fallot in a Child: A Case Report. South Clin Ist Euras 2016; 27(3): 246-249. 12- Abdullah R, Baldauf M, Azam S, Hassanein M, Dhuper S. Multiple brain abscesses: An initial presentation in a child with an undiagnosed sinus venosus atrial septal defect. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2007; 109: 620-3 13- Khouzam RN, El-Dokla, Ahmed M, Menkes DL, Daneil L. Undiagnosed patent foramen ovale presenting as cryptogenic brain abscess: case report and review of literature. Heart Lung 2006; 35: 108-11. 14- Pektaş A, Çevik A, Çilsal E, Bedir T, Kula S, Oğuz AD ve Tunaoğlu FS. Baş Ağrısıyla Başvuran Doğumsal Siyanotik Kalp Hastalığı Olgusunda Beyin Apsesi Gazi Med Jour 2014; 25: 32-34. 15- Brook I. Aerobicandanaerobicbacteriology of intracranialabscesses. Pediatr Neurol 1992; 8(3):210-214. 16- Brouwer MC, Coutinho JM, van de Beek D. Clinicalcharacteristicsandoutcome of brainabscess: systematicreviewandmetaanalysis. Neurology2014;82:806–13. 17- Sharma BS, Gupta SK, Khosla VK. Current concepts in the management of pyogenic brain abscess. Neurol India 2000; 48: 105-11. 18- Nagamune H, Whiley RA, Goto T, Inai Y, Maeda T, Hardie JM, et al. Distribution of the intermedilysin gene among the anginosus group streptococci and correlation between intermedilysin production and deep-seated infection with Streptococcus intermedius. J ClinMicrobiol2000;38:220 - 6. 19- Menon S, Bharadwaj R, Chowdhary A, Kaundinya DV, Palande DA. Currentepidemiology of intracranialabscesses: a prospective 5 yearstudy. J MedMicrobiol 2008; 57(Pt 10):1259-1268. 20- Bağdatoğlu H, Ildan F, Cetinalp E, Doğanay M, Boyar B, Uzuneyüpoğlu Z, et al. Theclinicalpresentation of intracranialabscesses. A study of seventy-eightcases. J NeurosurgSci 1992; 36(3):139-143.


Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 106 - 111, 13.12.2017


symptoms as convulsion, headache, vomiting are signs of intracranial abscess in
predisposing situations. If diagnosis is late, will be occured neurological
damages and mortality.

Monitored by pediatric
cardiology in our hospital because of double outlet right ventricle, great
arterial maltranspositions, s/p pulmoner binding, Eisenmenger sydrome referred
from another hospital because of fever, lumbalgia and headache in last 3 days
13 years male patient, general contiditon was moderate and conscious opened. Neurological
examination was normal.
protein:12.3. Cardiomegaly was seen on telecardiography
. Blood cultures was taken 3 times per hour for possibility of
infective endocarditis, ceftriaxone started. No vegetation on
echocardiography.Confusion developed within hours, cranial Computed Tomography
filmed for possibility of
abscess,55x45mm, peripheral wide
edematous, pushing anterior horn in left lateral ventricle, shift 6mm,
liquid accumulation where on a level with left frontal gyrus,thought
abscess.Cranial Magnetic Resonanse was seen pathological signals in left
frontoparietale extending to frontobazale,peripheral low signal area and had
peripheral hyperintense halo and capsular contrastretention. Patients head was
raised,started mannitol,furosemide, 3% NaCl intravenosus to reduce
edema,consulted for neurosurgery, abscess was drained. Patient was treated in
pediatric intensive care unit after operation. Empirical vancomycin,meropenem,metronidazole
started. Intracerebral hemorrhage (16x14mm), abscess (53x29mm), shift (6mm)
were seen in operation area on controle.Streptococcus
intermedius became in culture of abscesses content, not blood
cultures.It was continued antibiotic appropriate from antibiogram.

intracranial abscess and doing cranial images who children with congenital
heart disease even if no remarkable findings of intracranial pressure
increaseas fever height, confusion and vomiting can be life saver. 


  • 1- May MLA. Instructive Case: Congenitalcyanoticheartdiseaseandheadache. Pediatr Child Health. 2004; 40: 60-2. 2- Carpenter J, Stapleton S, Holliman R. Retrospectiveanalysis of 49 cases of brainabscessandreview of the literatüre. Eur J ClinMicrobiolInfectDis. 2007; 26: 1-11. 3- Robert H. Brain Abscess. In: Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB, editors. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 17th ed. Philadelphia: WB SaundersCo.; 2004. P. 1857-8. 4- Saez-Lloens X. Brain Abscess in Children. Semin Pediatr InfectDis. 2003; 14: 108-14. 5- Howard PG, Marvin BH, Scott LP. IntraserebralAbscess in Children: Historicaltrends at Children’sHospital Boston. Pediatrics 2004; 133: 1765-70. 6- Yogev R, Maskit B-M. Management of Brain Abscesses in Children. Pediatr InfectDis J 2004; 23: 157-9. 7- Frazier JL, Ahn ES, Jallo GI. Management of Brain Abscesses in Children. NeurosurgFocus 2008; 24: E8. 8- Sheehan JP, Jane JA, Ray DK, Goodkin HP. Brain abscess in children. NeurosurgFocus 2008; 24(6):E6. 9- Shachor-Meyouhas Y, Bar-Joseph G, Guilburd JN, Lorber A, Hadash A, Kassis I. Brain abscess in children -epidemiology, predisposingfactorsandmanagement in the modern medicineera. ActaPaediatr 2010; 99(8):1163-1167. 10- Shahzad K, Hamid MH, Khan MA, Malik N, Maqbool S. Brain abscess in children. J CollPhysiciansSurg Pak 2005; 15(10):609-611. 11- Kuzaytepe EÇ, Karaaslan A, Akın Y, Hiçdönmez T, Çiftçi Ö, Meriç İ, Esmi E, Şirinoğlu M, Yüzüak SG ve Dülger Ş. Brain Abscess due to Streptococcus Intermedius Secondary to Tetralogy of Fallot in a Child: A Case Report. South Clin Ist Euras 2016; 27(3): 246-249. 12- Abdullah R, Baldauf M, Azam S, Hassanein M, Dhuper S. Multiple brain abscesses: An initial presentation in a child with an undiagnosed sinus venosus atrial septal defect. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2007; 109: 620-3 13- Khouzam RN, El-Dokla, Ahmed M, Menkes DL, Daneil L. Undiagnosed patent foramen ovale presenting as cryptogenic brain abscess: case report and review of literature. Heart Lung 2006; 35: 108-11. 14- Pektaş A, Çevik A, Çilsal E, Bedir T, Kula S, Oğuz AD ve Tunaoğlu FS. Baş Ağrısıyla Başvuran Doğumsal Siyanotik Kalp Hastalığı Olgusunda Beyin Apsesi Gazi Med Jour 2014; 25: 32-34. 15- Brook I. Aerobicandanaerobicbacteriology of intracranialabscesses. Pediatr Neurol 1992; 8(3):210-214. 16- Brouwer MC, Coutinho JM, van de Beek D. Clinicalcharacteristicsandoutcome of brainabscess: systematicreviewandmetaanalysis. Neurology2014;82:806–13. 17- Sharma BS, Gupta SK, Khosla VK. Current concepts in the management of pyogenic brain abscess. Neurol India 2000; 48: 105-11. 18- Nagamune H, Whiley RA, Goto T, Inai Y, Maeda T, Hardie JM, et al. Distribution of the intermedilysin gene among the anginosus group streptococci and correlation between intermedilysin production and deep-seated infection with Streptococcus intermedius. J ClinMicrobiol2000;38:220 - 6. 19- Menon S, Bharadwaj R, Chowdhary A, Kaundinya DV, Palande DA. Currentepidemiology of intracranialabscesses: a prospective 5 yearstudy. J MedMicrobiol 2008; 57(Pt 10):1259-1268. 20- Bağdatoğlu H, Ildan F, Cetinalp E, Doğanay M, Boyar B, Uzuneyüpoğlu Z, et al. Theclinicalpresentation of intracranialabscesses. A study of seventy-eightcases. J NeurosurgSci 1992; 36(3):139-143.
There are 1 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

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Publication Date December 13, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Arı, H. F., Meşe, T., Yılmazer, M. M., Arı, M., et al. (2017). İNTRAKRANİYAL APSE SAPTANAN KONJENİTAL KALP HASTALIKLI OLGU. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(3), 106-111.