Stigma and Crime Among Patients with Mental Disorders
Year 2023,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 217 - 224, 31.01.2023
Dilek Önder
Gülseren Keskin
Individuals with mental disorders are generally seen as dangerous and should be avoided in the society. These individuals, who are feared and separated by the society, are reluctant to reach the necessary treatments, are disconnected from their social lives and are often left alone. Mostly, they have to lead an isolated life because of the attitude they face. As an effect of stigma, patients with mental disorders may sometimes associated with crime or be victims of crime themselves. In this review, the negative situations caused by stigma among patients with mental disorders and the relationship between stigma and the concept of crime were emphasized through literature review. The review is important in terms of increasing awareness that these individuals who are isolated from the society due to their diseases are a part of the society and that they can be more rehabilitated with positive attitudes.
- 1. Adriaensen, K. (2011). Stigmatisering van psychiatrische patiënten door huisartsen en studenten geneeskunde. Tijdschr Psychiatr, 53(12), 885-894.
- 2. Fischer, L. S., Mansergh, G., Lynch, J., & Santibanez, S. (2019). Addressing disease-related stigma during infectious disease outbreaks. Disaster Med Public Health Prep, 13(5-6), 989-994.
- 3. Goffman, E. (2009). Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity. Simon and Schuster.
- 4. Adom, D., Mensah, J. A., & Osei, M. (2021). The psychological distress and mental health disorders from COVID-19 stigmatization in Ghana. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 4(1),
- 5. Corrigan, P. ve Bink, A. B. (2005). Akıl hastalığının damgalanması üzerine. Amerika Psikoloji Derneği. (ss.11-44)
- 6. Dyduch, A., & Grzywa, A. (2009). Stigma and related factors basing on mental illness stigma. Pol Merkur Lekarski, 26(153), 263-267.
- 7. Güney, M. (2004). Ruhsal bozukluklarda stigmatizasyonu önlemek için neler yapılabilir. Kriz Dergisi, 12(1), 67-71.
- 8. Stafford, M. C., & Scott, R. R. (1986). Stigma, deviance, and social control. S.C., Ainlay, G., Becker, L. M., Coleman (Ed.). The dilemma of difference (ss.77-91). Boston, MA. Springer.
- 9. Gaebel, W., Zäske, H., Cleveland, H. R., Zielasek, J., Stuart, H., Arboleda-Florez, J., et al. (2011). Measuring the stigma of psychiatry and psychiatrists: development of a questionnaire. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin
Neurosci., 261(2), 119-123.
- 10. Jackowska, E. (2009). Stigma and discrimination towards people with schizophrenia – a survey of studies and psychological mechanisms. Psychiatria Polska, 43 (6), 655-670.
- 11. Bekiroğlu, S. B. (2021). Ruhsal hastalığa sahip bireylere yönelik damgalama: etkileyen faktörlere ve bireyler üzerindeki etkilerine dair kavramsal bir çalışma. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi,
17(33), 595-618.
- 12. Buchman-Wildbaum, T., Váradi, E., Schmelowszky, Á., Griffiths, M. D., Demetrovics, Z., & Urbán, R. (2020). The paradoxical role of insight in mental illness: The experience of stigma and shame in schizophrenia,
mood disorders, and anxiety disorders. Arch. Psychiatr. Nurs., 34(6), 449-457.
- 13. Avcil, C., Bulut, H., & Sayar, G. H. (2016). Psikiyatrik hastalıklar ve damgalama. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (2), 175-202. DOI: 10.32739/uskudarsbd.2.2.4
- 14. Drukker, M., Krabbendam, L., Driessen, G., & van Os, J. (2006). Social disadvantage and schizophrenia. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41(8), 595-604.
- 15. Vendsborg, P., Nordentoft, M., & Lindhardt, A. (2011). Stigmatizing of persons with a mental illness. Ugeskrift for Laeger, 173(16-17), 1194-1198.
- 16. Paternoster, R., & Iovanni, L. (1989). The labeling perspective and delinquency: An elaboration of the theory and an assessment of the evidence. Justice Q., 6(3), 359-394.
- 17. Kruis, N. E., McLean, K., & Perry, P. (2021). Exploring first responders' perceptions of medication for addiction treatment: Does stigma influence attitudes?. J. Subst. Abuse Treat., 131.
- 18. Ruiz, J., & Miller, C. (2004). An exploratory study of Pennsylvania police officers’ perceptions of dangerousness and their ability to manage persons with mental illness. Police Q., 7(3), 359-371.
- 19. Yüksel, F. T., Karataş, B., Saygılı, E., ve Çolak, A. (2018). Şizofreni ve medya: damgalamanın önlenmesi. Sosyal Hizmet Dergisi, (1), 14-22
- 20. Torrey, E. F. (2011). Stigma and violence: isn’t it time to connect the dots?. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37(5), 892-896.
- 21. Ciydem, E., Aci, O. S., Bilgin, H., Ozaslan, Z., & Tek, S. (2020). A retrospective examination of the content of violence in headlines of news related to individuals with mental disorders. Arch. Psychiatr. Nurs. 34(6),
- 22. Bonnet, S., Lacambre, M., Schandrin, A., Capdevielle, D., & Courtet, P. (2016). Insight and psychiatric dangerousness: A review of the literature. Encephale., 43(2), 146-153.
- 23. Parrott, S., & Parrott, C. T. (2015). Law & disorder: The portrayal of mental illness in US crime dramas. J. Broadcast. Electron. Media, 59(4), 640-657.
- 24. Halle, C., Tzani-Pepelasi, C., Pylarinou, N. R., & Fumagalli, A. (2020). The link between mental health, crime and violence. New Ideas Psychol., 58, 100779.
- 25. West, M. L., Yanos, P. T., & Mulay, A. L. (2014). Triple stigma of forensic psychiatric patients: Mental illness, race, and criminal history. Int. J. Forensic Ment. Health., 13(1), 75-90.
- 26. Gonzales, L., Davidoff, K. C., Nadal, K. L., & Yanos, P. T. (2015). Microaggressions experienced by persons with mental illnesses: An exploratory study. Psychiatr. Rehabil. J., 38(3), 234.
- 27. Mezey, G., Youngman, H., Kretzschmar, I., & White, S. (2016). Stigma and discrimination in mentally disordered offender patients–A comparison with a non-forensic population. J. Forensic Psychiatry Psychol,
27(4), 517-529.
- 28. Angermeyer, M. C., & Matschinger, H. (1995). Violent attacks on public figures by persons suffering from psychiatric disorders. Eur. Arch. Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci., 245(3), 159-164.
- 29. Stuart, H., & Arboleda-Florez, J. (2001). Community attitudes toward people with schizophrenia. Can. Psychiatr. Assoc. J, 46(3), 245-252.
- 30. Sathyanath, S., Mendonsa, R. D., Thattil, A. M., Chandran, V. M., & Karkal, R. S. (2016). Socially restrictive attitudes towards people with mental illness among the non-psychiatry medical professionals in a
university teaching hospital in South India. Int. J. Soc. Psychiatry, 62(3), 221-226.
- 31. Audu, I. A., Idris, S. H., Olisah, V. O., & Sheikh, T. L. (2013). Stigmatization of people with mental illness among inhabitants of a rural community in northern Nigeria. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 59(1), 55-60.
- 32. Tassone-Monchicourt, C., Daumerie, N., Caria, A., Benradia, I., & Roelandt, J. L., (2010). États dangereux et troubles psychiques: images et réalités. Encephale, 36(3), 21-25.
- 33. Asan, Ö. (2019). Ruhsal hastalıklar ve damgalama; toplumda, medyada, sağlık çalışanlarda ve her yerde. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi, 9 (2) , 199-205 . DOI: 10.31832/smj.470300.
- 34. Kochański, A., & Cechnicki, A., (2017). The attitudes of psychiatrists toward people suffering from mental illnesses. Psychiatria Polska, 51(1), 29-44.
- 35. Arabacı, B. L., Başoğul, C., & Büyükbayram, A. (2015). Adli psikiyatri hastalarının içselleştirilmiş damgalanma ve sosyal işlevsellik düzeyleri. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg, 16(2), 113-121.
Ruhsal Bozukluğu Olan Hastalarda Damgalanma ve Suç
Year 2023,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 217 - 224, 31.01.2023
Dilek Önder
Gülseren Keskin
Ruhsal bozukluğu olan bireyler genel olarak toplumda tehlikeli ve uzak durulması gereken kişiler olarak görülmektedirler. Toplum tarafından korkulan ve ayrıştırılan bu bireyler gerekli tedavilere ulaşma konusunda isteksizlik yaşamakta, sosyal hayatlarından kopmakta ve çoğu zaman yalnız bırakılmaktadırlar. Çoğunlukla da karşılaştıkları tutum nedeniyle izole bir hayat sürmek zorunda kalmaktadırlar. Ruhsal bozukluğu olan hastalar damgalanmanın bir etkisi olarak bazen suçla ilişkilendirilmekte bazen de suçun bizzat kurbanı olabilmektedir. Bu derlemede literatür taraması yoluyla ruhsal bozukluğu olan bireylerde damgalanmanın neden olduğu olumsuz durumlar ve damgalanma ile suç kavramı arasındaki ilişki üzerinde durulmuştur. Derleme, hastalıkları nedeniyle toplumdan soyutlanan bu bireylerin toplumun bir parçası olduğunun ve olumlu tutumlarla birlikte daha fazla rehabilite olabilecekleri yönünde farkındalığın artması açışından önemlidir.
- 1. Adriaensen, K. (2011). Stigmatisering van psychiatrische patiënten door huisartsen en studenten geneeskunde. Tijdschr Psychiatr, 53(12), 885-894.
- 2. Fischer, L. S., Mansergh, G., Lynch, J., & Santibanez, S. (2019). Addressing disease-related stigma during infectious disease outbreaks. Disaster Med Public Health Prep, 13(5-6), 989-994.
- 3. Goffman, E. (2009). Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity. Simon and Schuster.
- 4. Adom, D., Mensah, J. A., & Osei, M. (2021). The psychological distress and mental health disorders from COVID-19 stigmatization in Ghana. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 4(1),
- 5. Corrigan, P. ve Bink, A. B. (2005). Akıl hastalığının damgalanması üzerine. Amerika Psikoloji Derneği. (ss.11-44)
- 6. Dyduch, A., & Grzywa, A. (2009). Stigma and related factors basing on mental illness stigma. Pol Merkur Lekarski, 26(153), 263-267.
- 7. Güney, M. (2004). Ruhsal bozukluklarda stigmatizasyonu önlemek için neler yapılabilir. Kriz Dergisi, 12(1), 67-71.
- 8. Stafford, M. C., & Scott, R. R. (1986). Stigma, deviance, and social control. S.C., Ainlay, G., Becker, L. M., Coleman (Ed.). The dilemma of difference (ss.77-91). Boston, MA. Springer.
- 9. Gaebel, W., Zäske, H., Cleveland, H. R., Zielasek, J., Stuart, H., Arboleda-Florez, J., et al. (2011). Measuring the stigma of psychiatry and psychiatrists: development of a questionnaire. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin
Neurosci., 261(2), 119-123.
- 10. Jackowska, E. (2009). Stigma and discrimination towards people with schizophrenia – a survey of studies and psychological mechanisms. Psychiatria Polska, 43 (6), 655-670.
- 11. Bekiroğlu, S. B. (2021). Ruhsal hastalığa sahip bireylere yönelik damgalama: etkileyen faktörlere ve bireyler üzerindeki etkilerine dair kavramsal bir çalışma. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi,
17(33), 595-618.
- 12. Buchman-Wildbaum, T., Váradi, E., Schmelowszky, Á., Griffiths, M. D., Demetrovics, Z., & Urbán, R. (2020). The paradoxical role of insight in mental illness: The experience of stigma and shame in schizophrenia,
mood disorders, and anxiety disorders. Arch. Psychiatr. Nurs., 34(6), 449-457.
- 13. Avcil, C., Bulut, H., & Sayar, G. H. (2016). Psikiyatrik hastalıklar ve damgalama. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (2), 175-202. DOI: 10.32739/uskudarsbd.2.2.4
- 14. Drukker, M., Krabbendam, L., Driessen, G., & van Os, J. (2006). Social disadvantage and schizophrenia. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41(8), 595-604.
- 15. Vendsborg, P., Nordentoft, M., & Lindhardt, A. (2011). Stigmatizing of persons with a mental illness. Ugeskrift for Laeger, 173(16-17), 1194-1198.
- 16. Paternoster, R., & Iovanni, L. (1989). The labeling perspective and delinquency: An elaboration of the theory and an assessment of the evidence. Justice Q., 6(3), 359-394.
- 17. Kruis, N. E., McLean, K., & Perry, P. (2021). Exploring first responders' perceptions of medication for addiction treatment: Does stigma influence attitudes?. J. Subst. Abuse Treat., 131.
- 18. Ruiz, J., & Miller, C. (2004). An exploratory study of Pennsylvania police officers’ perceptions of dangerousness and their ability to manage persons with mental illness. Police Q., 7(3), 359-371.
- 19. Yüksel, F. T., Karataş, B., Saygılı, E., ve Çolak, A. (2018). Şizofreni ve medya: damgalamanın önlenmesi. Sosyal Hizmet Dergisi, (1), 14-22
- 20. Torrey, E. F. (2011). Stigma and violence: isn’t it time to connect the dots?. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37(5), 892-896.
- 21. Ciydem, E., Aci, O. S., Bilgin, H., Ozaslan, Z., & Tek, S. (2020). A retrospective examination of the content of violence in headlines of news related to individuals with mental disorders. Arch. Psychiatr. Nurs. 34(6),
- 22. Bonnet, S., Lacambre, M., Schandrin, A., Capdevielle, D., & Courtet, P. (2016). Insight and psychiatric dangerousness: A review of the literature. Encephale., 43(2), 146-153.
- 23. Parrott, S., & Parrott, C. T. (2015). Law & disorder: The portrayal of mental illness in US crime dramas. J. Broadcast. Electron. Media, 59(4), 640-657.
- 24. Halle, C., Tzani-Pepelasi, C., Pylarinou, N. R., & Fumagalli, A. (2020). The link between mental health, crime and violence. New Ideas Psychol., 58, 100779.
- 25. West, M. L., Yanos, P. T., & Mulay, A. L. (2014). Triple stigma of forensic psychiatric patients: Mental illness, race, and criminal history. Int. J. Forensic Ment. Health., 13(1), 75-90.
- 26. Gonzales, L., Davidoff, K. C., Nadal, K. L., & Yanos, P. T. (2015). Microaggressions experienced by persons with mental illnesses: An exploratory study. Psychiatr. Rehabil. J., 38(3), 234.
- 27. Mezey, G., Youngman, H., Kretzschmar, I., & White, S. (2016). Stigma and discrimination in mentally disordered offender patients–A comparison with a non-forensic population. J. Forensic Psychiatry Psychol,
27(4), 517-529.
- 28. Angermeyer, M. C., & Matschinger, H. (1995). Violent attacks on public figures by persons suffering from psychiatric disorders. Eur. Arch. Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci., 245(3), 159-164.
- 29. Stuart, H., & Arboleda-Florez, J. (2001). Community attitudes toward people with schizophrenia. Can. Psychiatr. Assoc. J, 46(3), 245-252.
- 30. Sathyanath, S., Mendonsa, R. D., Thattil, A. M., Chandran, V. M., & Karkal, R. S. (2016). Socially restrictive attitudes towards people with mental illness among the non-psychiatry medical professionals in a
university teaching hospital in South India. Int. J. Soc. Psychiatry, 62(3), 221-226.
- 31. Audu, I. A., Idris, S. H., Olisah, V. O., & Sheikh, T. L. (2013). Stigmatization of people with mental illness among inhabitants of a rural community in northern Nigeria. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 59(1), 55-60.
- 32. Tassone-Monchicourt, C., Daumerie, N., Caria, A., Benradia, I., & Roelandt, J. L., (2010). États dangereux et troubles psychiques: images et réalités. Encephale, 36(3), 21-25.
- 33. Asan, Ö. (2019). Ruhsal hastalıklar ve damgalama; toplumda, medyada, sağlık çalışanlarda ve her yerde. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi, 9 (2) , 199-205 . DOI: 10.31832/smj.470300.
- 34. Kochański, A., & Cechnicki, A., (2017). The attitudes of psychiatrists toward people suffering from mental illnesses. Psychiatria Polska, 51(1), 29-44.
- 35. Arabacı, B. L., Başoğul, C., & Büyükbayram, A. (2015). Adli psikiyatri hastalarının içselleştirilmiş damgalanma ve sosyal işlevsellik düzeyleri. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg, 16(2), 113-121.