Research Article
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Examining The Factors Affecting Women's Family Planning Attitudes and Perceived Barriers to Contraception Methods

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 61 - 77, 31.01.2025


Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the factors affecting women's attitudes towards family planning and their perceived barriers to contraception methods.
Method: This descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted in a university hospital in Bursa with 382 women between October 2018 and October 2019. Data were collected with the Family Planning Attitude Scale and the Perception Scale of Barriers to Contraceptive Use.
Results: The mean total scores of the Family Planning Attitude Scale and the Perception Scale of Barriers to Contraceptive Use were determined to be 115.4±39.7 and 78.1±41.7, respectively. The mean total score of the Family Planning Attitude Scale was found to be statistically significantly high in women lower who were 33 years of age or younger, married, graduated from high school or above, had a nuclear family, had a high-income level, lived in the city center, were aware of and used birth control methods, received counseling about birth control methods, and had a planned pregnancy. The total mean score of the Perception Scale of Barriers to Contraceptive Use was statistically significantly lower in these women (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Women's attitude towards FP was positive but not at the desired level, and their perception of obstacles to birth control methods was at a medium level. It is very important for health professionals to provide counseling and training in order to determine the perceived barriers of women toward birth control methods and to develop a positive attitude towards family planning in women.

Project Number



  • 1. Akar, N., & Yildiz, S.E. (2023). Evaluation of the attitudes of married women aged 15- 49 living in Kars/digor district about family planning before and after the training. Kafkas J Med Sci, 13(1), 32–38.
  • 2. Nazik, F., Mumcu, Ş., Sönmez, M., Yılmaz, A. N., & Yüksekol, Ö.D. (2021). 15-49 yaş evli kadınların aile planlamasına ilişkin tutumlarının belirlenmesi (Determination of attitudes of 15-49 age married women towards family planning). Ordu University J Nurs Stud, 4(3), 326-336.
  • 3. World Health Organization. Family planning/contraception methods 2023. room/fact-sheets/detail/family-planning-contraception (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 4. Türkiye Population and Health Survey 2018. (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 5. United Nations Population Fund 2022. (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 6. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Investing in three transformative results: realizing powerful returns 2022. New York: UNFPA. 25.September 2023 (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 7. World Health Organization. WHO Multi-Country Survey on Abortion (WHOMCS-A) 2021. (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 8. Ökem, Z. G., & Pekkurnaz, D. (2023). Determinants of unmet need for family planning: Evidence from the 2018 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey. J Biosoc Sci, 13, 1-14.
  • 9. Alomair, N., Alageel, S., Davies, N., & Bailey, J. V.(2020). Factors influencing sexual and reproductive health of Muslim women: a systematic review. Reprod Health, 17(1):33
  • 10. Bain, L. E., Amu, H., & Tarkang, E. E (2021). Barriers and motivators of contraceptive use among young people in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of qualitative studies. PLoS One, 16(6), e0252745.
  • 11. Aydın, E.İ., & Bilgin, N.Ç. (2020). Relationship among family planning attitude, gender and religious orientation of ındividuals preparing for marriage. Euras J Fam Med, 9(4), 214-224.
  • 12. Gökseven, Y., Öztürk, G. Z., & Toprak, D. (2020). Üreme çağındaki kadınlarda kontrasepsiyon bilgi düzeyinin, tutum ve davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of contraception knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in women of reproductive age). Türk Aile Hek Derg, 24(4), 203-212.
  • 13. Çakmak, V., Keme, Z. U., Ünal, İ., & Can, H. Ö. (2021). Investigating the reasons for using, and quitting the coitus interruptus method of women applying to the family planning clinic to use an effective family planning method. Forbes J Med, 2(1), 31-40.
  • 14. Twesigye, R., Buyungo, P., Kaula, H., & Buwembo, D. (2016). Ugandan women’s view of the IUD: generally favorable but many have misperceptions about health risks. Glob Health Sci Pract, 4(2), 73-82.
  • 15. Kırıcı, P., Karaçor, T., Kaplan, S., & Nacar, M. C. (2020). The effect of the family planning counselling service on women’s choice of contraceptive method: a tertiary healthcare center experience. JOGNN, 17(3), 425-430.
  • 16. Örsal, Ö., & Kubilay, G. (2007). Aile planlaması tutum ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi (Developing family planning attitude scale). İ.Ü.F.N. Hemşirelik Dergisi, 15(60), 155-164.
  • 17. Şen, S., Çetinkaya, A., & Çavuslar, A. (2017). Perception scale of barriers to contraceptive use: a methodological study. Fertil Res Pract, 3(11), 1-10.
  • 18. Bilgin, N. Ç., Ak, B., Potur, D. C., & Özdoğan, E. (2019). Identifying engaged couples’ knowledge and attitudes about family planning. JAREN, 5(2), 141-148.
  • 19. Bilgin, N. Ç., & Kesgin, M. T. (2020). Determining the knowledge and attitudes of women working in the poultry sector regarding family planning and emergency contraception. J Health Sci, 29, 123-132.
  • 20. Dal, N. A., &Beydağ, K. D. (2021).Attitudes of married muslim women regarding family planning methods during the Covıd-19 pandemic in Western Turkey. J Relig Health, 60(5), 3394-3405.
  • 21. Gözükara, F., Kabalcıoğlu, F., & Ersin, F. (2015). Şanlıurfa ilinde kadınların aile planlamasına ilişkin tutumlarının belirlenmesi (Determining the attitudes of woman towards family planning in Şanlıurfa). Harran Univ.Tıp Fak. Derg, 12(1), 9-16.
  • 22. Tezel, A., Gönenç, M. İ., Akgün, Ş., Karataş Öztaş, D., & Yıldız Altuntaş, T. (2015). Attitudes towards family planning of women and affecting factors. Anadolu Hemşire Sağlık Bilim. Derg,18(3),181-188.
  • 23. Eryılmaz, N., & Ege, E. (2016). Doğum sonu dönemdeki kadınların aile planlaması konusundaki tutumları ve ilişkili faktörler (The attitudes of women towards family planning and related factors in the postpartum period). JHS, 13(2), 3389-3401.
  • 24. Bucak, F., & Kahraman, S. (2018). The determination of the attitudes of pregnant women, seasonal agricultural workers, toward family planning. Gevher Nesibe Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2(1), 40-46.
  • 25. Egelioğlu Cetişli, N., Kahveci, M., & Hacılar, A. (2020). Postpartum contraceptive choice and attitudes of women. JAREN, 6(1), 67-72.
  • 26. Dilmen, S., Kocaöz, S., & Kızılırmak, A. (2022). Family planning attitudes of adolescent pregnant women and the contraceptive methods used. TJFMPC, 16(1), 16-24.
  • 27. Avcı, S., Seda Mutlu, S., & Yiğit, F. (2021). The factors affecting of family planning method preferences of married women. J Midwifery and Health Sci, 4(2), 128-138.

Kadınların Aile Planlaması Tutumları ve Gebeliği Önleyici Yöntemlere Yönelik Algıladıkları Engelleri Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 61 - 77, 31.01.2025


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı kadınların aile planlamasına yönelik tutumlarını ve gebeliği önleyici yöntemlere yönelik algıladıkları engelleri etkileyen faktörleri incelemektir.
Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı, kesitsel ve ilişki arayıcı tipte olan bu çalışma Bursa'da bir üniversite hastanesinde Ekim 2018-Ekim 2019 tarihleri arasında 382 kadın ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler tanıtıcı özellikler soru formu, Aile Planlaması Tutum Ölçeği ve Gebeliği Önleyici Yöntem Kullanımında Engeller Algısı Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Aile Planlaması Tutum Ölçeği ve Gebeliği Önleyici Yöntem Kullanımının Engeller Algısı Ölçeği toplam puan ortalamaları sırasıyla 115.4±39.7 ve 78.1±41.7 olarak belirlenmiştir. Aile Planlaması Tutum Ölçeği toplam puan ortalaması 33 yaş ve altı, evli, en az lise mezunu olan, çekirdek aileye sahip, gelir düzeyi yüksek olan, şehir merkezinde yaşayan, doğum kontrol yöntemlerini bilen ve kullanan, doğum kontrol yöntemleri konusunda danışmanlık alan ve planlı gebeliğe sahip olan kadınlarda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yüksek bulunmuştur. Bu kadınlarda Gebeliği Önleyici Yöntem Kullanımında Engeller Algısı Ölçeği toplam puan ortalaması istatistiksel anlamlı olarak düşük saptanmıştır (p<0.05).
Sonuç: Bu araştırmada kadınların aile planlamasına yönelik tutumu olumlu ancak istenilen düzeyde olmadığı, doğum kontrol yöntemlerine yönelik engel algılarının ise orta düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu nedenle doğum kontrol yöntemlerine yönelik tutumları düşük olan ve engel algısı olan kadınlara bu konuda birebir danışmanlık verilmesi önemlidir.

Supporting Institution

destekleyen kurum bulunmamaktadır

Project Number



  • 1. Akar, N., & Yildiz, S.E. (2023). Evaluation of the attitudes of married women aged 15- 49 living in Kars/digor district about family planning before and after the training. Kafkas J Med Sci, 13(1), 32–38.
  • 2. Nazik, F., Mumcu, Ş., Sönmez, M., Yılmaz, A. N., & Yüksekol, Ö.D. (2021). 15-49 yaş evli kadınların aile planlamasına ilişkin tutumlarının belirlenmesi (Determination of attitudes of 15-49 age married women towards family planning). Ordu University J Nurs Stud, 4(3), 326-336.
  • 3. World Health Organization. Family planning/contraception methods 2023. room/fact-sheets/detail/family-planning-contraception (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 4. Türkiye Population and Health Survey 2018. (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 5. United Nations Population Fund 2022. (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 6. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Investing in three transformative results: realizing powerful returns 2022. New York: UNFPA. 25.September 2023 (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 7. World Health Organization. WHO Multi-Country Survey on Abortion (WHOMCS-A) 2021. (Erişim Tarihi: 31.10.2023).
  • 8. Ökem, Z. G., & Pekkurnaz, D. (2023). Determinants of unmet need for family planning: Evidence from the 2018 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey. J Biosoc Sci, 13, 1-14.
  • 9. Alomair, N., Alageel, S., Davies, N., & Bailey, J. V.(2020). Factors influencing sexual and reproductive health of Muslim women: a systematic review. Reprod Health, 17(1):33
  • 10. Bain, L. E., Amu, H., & Tarkang, E. E (2021). Barriers and motivators of contraceptive use among young people in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of qualitative studies. PLoS One, 16(6), e0252745.
  • 11. Aydın, E.İ., & Bilgin, N.Ç. (2020). Relationship among family planning attitude, gender and religious orientation of ındividuals preparing for marriage. Euras J Fam Med, 9(4), 214-224.
  • 12. Gökseven, Y., Öztürk, G. Z., & Toprak, D. (2020). Üreme çağındaki kadınlarda kontrasepsiyon bilgi düzeyinin, tutum ve davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of contraception knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in women of reproductive age). Türk Aile Hek Derg, 24(4), 203-212.
  • 13. Çakmak, V., Keme, Z. U., Ünal, İ., & Can, H. Ö. (2021). Investigating the reasons for using, and quitting the coitus interruptus method of women applying to the family planning clinic to use an effective family planning method. Forbes J Med, 2(1), 31-40.
  • 14. Twesigye, R., Buyungo, P., Kaula, H., & Buwembo, D. (2016). Ugandan women’s view of the IUD: generally favorable but many have misperceptions about health risks. Glob Health Sci Pract, 4(2), 73-82.
  • 15. Kırıcı, P., Karaçor, T., Kaplan, S., & Nacar, M. C. (2020). The effect of the family planning counselling service on women’s choice of contraceptive method: a tertiary healthcare center experience. JOGNN, 17(3), 425-430.
  • 16. Örsal, Ö., & Kubilay, G. (2007). Aile planlaması tutum ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi (Developing family planning attitude scale). İ.Ü.F.N. Hemşirelik Dergisi, 15(60), 155-164.
  • 17. Şen, S., Çetinkaya, A., & Çavuslar, A. (2017). Perception scale of barriers to contraceptive use: a methodological study. Fertil Res Pract, 3(11), 1-10.
  • 18. Bilgin, N. Ç., Ak, B., Potur, D. C., & Özdoğan, E. (2019). Identifying engaged couples’ knowledge and attitudes about family planning. JAREN, 5(2), 141-148.
  • 19. Bilgin, N. Ç., & Kesgin, M. T. (2020). Determining the knowledge and attitudes of women working in the poultry sector regarding family planning and emergency contraception. J Health Sci, 29, 123-132.
  • 20. Dal, N. A., &Beydağ, K. D. (2021).Attitudes of married muslim women regarding family planning methods during the Covıd-19 pandemic in Western Turkey. J Relig Health, 60(5), 3394-3405.
  • 21. Gözükara, F., Kabalcıoğlu, F., & Ersin, F. (2015). Şanlıurfa ilinde kadınların aile planlamasına ilişkin tutumlarının belirlenmesi (Determining the attitudes of woman towards family planning in Şanlıurfa). Harran Univ.Tıp Fak. Derg, 12(1), 9-16.
  • 22. Tezel, A., Gönenç, M. İ., Akgün, Ş., Karataş Öztaş, D., & Yıldız Altuntaş, T. (2015). Attitudes towards family planning of women and affecting factors. Anadolu Hemşire Sağlık Bilim. Derg,18(3),181-188.
  • 23. Eryılmaz, N., & Ege, E. (2016). Doğum sonu dönemdeki kadınların aile planlaması konusundaki tutumları ve ilişkili faktörler (The attitudes of women towards family planning and related factors in the postpartum period). JHS, 13(2), 3389-3401.
  • 24. Bucak, F., & Kahraman, S. (2018). The determination of the attitudes of pregnant women, seasonal agricultural workers, toward family planning. Gevher Nesibe Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2(1), 40-46.
  • 25. Egelioğlu Cetişli, N., Kahveci, M., & Hacılar, A. (2020). Postpartum contraceptive choice and attitudes of women. JAREN, 6(1), 67-72.
  • 26. Dilmen, S., Kocaöz, S., & Kızılırmak, A. (2022). Family planning attitudes of adolescent pregnant women and the contraceptive methods used. TJFMPC, 16(1), 16-24.
  • 27. Avcı, S., Seda Mutlu, S., & Yiğit, F. (2021). The factors affecting of family planning method preferences of married women. J Midwifery and Health Sci, 4(2), 128-138.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Midwifery (Other), Nursing (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Canan Aslıyüksek 0000-0002-8489-9425

Emre Yanıkkerem 0000-0001-8909-3597

Project Number yok
Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date March 7, 2024
Acceptance Date September 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Aslıyüksek, C., & Yanıkkerem, E. (2025). Examining The Factors Affecting Women’s Family Planning Attitudes and Perceived Barriers to Contraception Methods. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(1), 61-77.