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Year 2007, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 14 - 34, 01.12.2007


Ascochyta yanıklığı Türkiye’de bezelyenin önemli bir yeşil aksam hastalığıdır. Hastalığa içlerinde Ascochyta pisi, A. pinodes ve A. pinodella’nın bulunabildiği Ascochyta kompleksi fungal patojenler neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmayla Ege ve Marmara bölgesinde hastalıktan sorumlu patojenler araştırılmış ve bunlar A. pinodes ve A. pisi olarak tanılanmıştır. Bunun yanında, patojenisite testleriyle hastalığa karşı çeşitlerin dayanıklılık durumları incelenmiş, bu testlerde Bolero’nun tolerant, geriye kalan diğer çeşitlerin duyarlı ya da aşırı duyarlı bir reaksiyon sergiledikleri ortaya konmuştur. Aynı zamanda bu çalışmada fluoresent Pseudomonasların A. pinodes’ten kaynaklanan Ascochyta yanıklığının entegre yönetiminin bir komponenti olarak potansiyeli de ele alınmıştır. Dört izolat tarla koşullarında hastalığı baskılayıcılıkları ve bitki gelişimini uyarıcı etkileri açısından tek başlarına ve kombinasyonlar halinde denenmiştir. İzolatların bireysel kullanımı Ascochyta yanıklığını yeşil aksam ve kalıntı uygulamalarının her ikisinde de kombinasyon uygulamalarına göre daha yüksek oranda azaltmıştır. En umitvar izolat 51’le ortalama hastalık şiddeti yeşil aksamda %60, kalıntı uygulamalarında %55 oranında azalmıştır. Hastalığın baskılanması yanında Pseudomonaslar bitki boyunda ve verimde sağladıkları artışla bitki gelişimini de uyarmıştır. Ayrıca bu bakteriler bazı fungisitlerle 100 ppm gibi yüksek konsantrasyonlarda uyumlu bulunmuştur


  • Albuquerque, V. V., D. Terao, and R. L. R. Mariano. 2003. Growth-Promotion and Biocontrol of Fusarium Wilt In Micropropagated Plantlets Of Musa Sp., 6th International Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). 5–10 October, Calicut, India, page 3-8.
  • Ali, S., L. E. Nitschke, A. J. Dube, M. R. Krause and B. Cameron. 1978. Selection of pea lines for resistance to pathotypes of Ascochyta pinodes, A.pisi and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella. Aust.J.Agric.Res. 39: 841-849.
  • Anith, K. N., M. T. Momol and J. W. Kloepper. 2003. Plant Growth Promotion and Biological Control of Bacterial Wilt of Tomato by Plant-Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, 6th International Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). 5–10 October, Calicut, India, page 103 (Abstract).
  • Anonymus. 2002. Türkiye İstatistik Yıllığı. Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü.
  • Barbetti, M. and A. Brown. 1993. Diseases, in: Growing Field Peas, J. Carpenter ed. Western Australia Department of Agriculture. Buletin 4239.
  • Beasse, C., B. Ney and B. Tivoli. 2000. A simple model of pea (Pisum sativum) growth affected by Mycosphaerella pinodes. Plant Pathology, 49:2, 187-200.
  • Bora, T. ve H. Özaktan. 1998. Bitki hastalıklarıyla biyolojik savaş. Prizma Matbaacılık, 205p.
  • Borowitz, J. J., M. Stankie-Dicz, T. Lewicka and Z. Zukowska. 1992. Inhibition of fungal cellulase, pectinase and xylanase activity of plant growth promoting fluorescent pseudomonads. Bull. OILB/SROP 15: 103-106.
  • Bretag, T. 1991. Epidemiology and control of Ascochyta blight of field peas. Ph.D. Thesis, La Trobe University.
  • Bretag, T. W., T. V. Price, and P. J. Keane. 1995. Importance of seed-borne inoculum in tthe etiology of the Ascochyta blight complex of field peas (Pisum sativum L.) grown in Victoria. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 35: 4, 525-530.
  • Carter, M. V. and W. J. Moller. 1961. Factors affecting the survival and dissemination of Mycosphaerella pinodes in south Australian irrigated pea fields. Australian J. Agric. Res. 12(5): 878-888 + plate 1.
  • Clulow, S. A. 1989. The resistance of Pisum to Mycosphaerella pinodes (Berk.&Blox.) Vestergr. PhD Thesis, pp.1-198. The University of East Anglia, Norwich.
  • Clulow, S. A., B. G. Lewis, and P. Matthews. 1991. A pathotype classification for Mycosphaerella pinodes. Journal of Phytopathology, 131: 4, 322-332.
  • De Boer, M., I. van der Sluis, L.C. van Loon, and P. A. H. M. Bakker. 1997. In vitro compatibility between fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. strains can increase effectivity of Fusarium wilt control by combinastions of these strains. Pages 380-382 in: Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria-Present Status and Future Prospects. Proc.Int. Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, 4th. A. Ogoshi, K. Kobayashi, Y. Homma, F. Kodama, N. Kondo, and S. Akino, eds. Nakanishi Printing, Sapporo, Japan.
  • Defago, G., C. H. Berling, U. Burger, D. Hass, G. Kahr, C. Keel, C. Vosard, P. Wirthner and B. Wuthrich. 1990. Suppression of black root rot of tobacco and other root diseases by strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens: potential applications and mechanisms. In Hornby, D. (Ed.), Biological Control of Soilborne Plant Pathogens. CAB International, Wellingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 93-108.
  • Dığrak, M. ve S. Özçelik. 1998. Effect of some pesticides on soil microorganisms. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 60, 916-922.
  • Diby Paul, V. Srinivasan, M. Anandaraj and Y. R. Sarma. 2003. Pseudomonas Fluorescens Mediated Nutrient Flux In The Black Pepper Rhizosphere Microcosm And Enhanced Plant Growth. 6 th International Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). 5–10 October, Calicut, India, page 18-24.
  • Duffy, B. K. and G. Defago. 1997. Zinc improves biocontrol of Fusarium crown and root rot of tomato by Pseudomonas fluorescens and represses the production of pathogen metabolites inhibitory to bacterial antibiotic biosynthesis. Phytopathology 87: 1250-1257.
  • Elad, Y. and R. Baker. 1985. The role of the competition for iron and carbon in suppression of chlamydospore germination of Fusarium spp. by Pseudomonas spp. Phytopathology, 75: 1053-59.
  • Elad, Y. and I. Chet. 1987. Possible role of competition for nutrition in biocontrol of Pythium damping-off by bacteria. Phytopathology, 77: 190-195.
  • Garry, G., B. Tivoli, M. H. Jeuffroy and J. Citharel. 1996. Effect of Ascochyta blight caused by Mycosphaerella pinodes on the translocation of carbohydrates and nitrogenous compounds from the leaf and hull to the seed of dried-pea. Plant Pathology, 45: 4, 769-777.
  • Göre, M. E. ve T. Bora. 2003. Bezelyede Ascochyta Hastalıklarıyla Biyolojik Savaşta Fluoresent Pseudomonasların Etkisinin Saptanması Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 172 sayfa.
  • Harvey, W. and Jr. Spurr. 1994. Microbial ecology of fruit and vegetable surfaces: its relationship to postharvest biocontol: In Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases: Theory and Practice. 11-23. C. L. Wilson, M. E. Wisniewski (Eds) CRC Pres, London.
  • Johnson, K. B., V. O. Stockwell, R.J. McLaughlin, D. Sugar, J. E. Loper and R. G. Roberts. 1993. Effect of antagonistic bacteria on establishment of honey beedispersed Erwinia amylovora in pear blossoms and on fire blight control. Phytopathology, 83: 995-1002.
  • Jones, L. K. 1927. Studies of the nature and control of blight, leaf and pod spot, and foot rot of peas caused by species of Ascochyta. N. Y. St. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 547.
  • Kloepper, J. W., J. Leong, M. Teintze and M. N. Schroth. 1980. Enhanced plant growth by siderophores produced by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Nature (Lond.), 227: 680-685.
  • Kochuthresiamma, J., V. Sinju, G. Jinu, M. Jacob and C. K. Jacob. 2003. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria In Rubber (Hevea brasiltensis) Plantations. 6th International Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). 5–10 October, Calicut, India, page 47 (Abstract).
  • Lawyer, A. S. 1984. Foliar diseases caused by fungi. Pages 11-15 in Hagedorn, D. J. (ed.). Compendium of Pea Diseases, Am. Phytopathol. Soc., St. Paul, MN.
  • Lemanceau, P., P. A. H. M. Bakker, W. J. Dekogel, C. Alabouvette and B. Schippers. 1992. Effect of pseudobactin 358 produced by Pseudomonas putida WCS358 on suppression of Fusarium wilt of carnation by non patgogenic Fusarium oxysporum. Appl.Environ.Microbiol., 58: 2978-2980.
  • Levy, E., Z. Eyal, and I. Chet. 1988. Suppression of Septoria tritici and leaf rust on wheat seedling leaves by pseudomonads. Plant pathology, 37: 4, 551-557.
  • Lim, H., Y. Kim, and S. Kim. 1991. Pseudomonas stutzeri YLP-1 genetic transformation and antifungal mechanism agaisnt Fusarium solani, an agent of plant root rot. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 57: 510-516.
  • McKenzie, D. L. and R. A. Morrall. 1973. Diseases of three specialty legume crops in Saskatchewan in 1972. Field pea, lentil and faba bean, Can. Plant Dis. Surv., 53:187-190.
  • Nasir, M. and H. H. Hoppe. 1991. Studies on pathotype differentiation witin Mycosphaerella pinodes, a component of the Ascochyta-disease-complex of peas (Pisum sativum L.). Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, 98: 6, 619-626.
  • Odeyeni, O. and M. Alexander. 1977. Resistance of Rhizobium Strain to Phygon, Spergon and Thiram. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, American Society for Microbiology. P.784-790.
  • Pedersen, H. C., I. Weiergang, M. M. Pontoppidan, L. Jorgensen and A. Svingel. 2001. Prolonged shelf-life or carrier-loaded dehydration sensitive microorganism. Danisco Seed, Seed Technology , Dept., Hoejbygaardvej 31, DK4960 Holeby, Denmark.
  • Pierson, E. A. and D. M. Weller. 1994. Use of mixtures of fluorescent pseudomonads to suppress take-all and improve the growth of weat. Phytopathology, 84: 940947.
  • Pierson, L. S. and L. S. Thomashow. 1992. Cloning and heterologous expression of the phenazine biosynthetic locus from Pseudomonas aureofaciens. Mol.PlantMicrobe Interact., 5: 330-339.
  • Van Peer, R., G. J. Niemann and B. Schippers. 1991. Induced resistance and phytoalexin accumulation in biological control of Fusarium wilt of carnation by Pseudomonas sp. strain WCS417r. Phytopathology, 81: 728-734.
  • Velazhahan, R., R. Samiyappan and P. Vidhyasekaran. 1999. Relationship between antagonistic activities of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolates agaisnt Rhizoctonia solani and their production of lytic enzyme. J.Plant Dis.Prot., 79: 782-786.
  • Vidhyasekaran, P. and M. Muthamilan. 1999. Evaluation of powder formulations of Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf1 for control of rice sheath blight. Biocontrol Sci.Technol., 9:67-74.
  • Wallen, V. R. 1974. Influence of three Ascochyta diseases of peas on plant development and yield. Can. Plant Dis. Surv., 54:86-90.
  • Wroth, J. M. and T. N. Khan. 1999. Differential responses of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) to Ascochyta blight (Mycosphaerella pinodes) : rating diseases in the field. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 50: 4, 601-615.
  • Wroth, J. M. 1998. Possible role for wild genotypes of Pisum spp. to enhance Ascochyta blight resistance in pea. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 38: 5, 469-479.
  • Xue, A. G., T. D. Warkentin and E. O. Kenaschuk. 1997. Effects of timings of inokulation with Mycosphaerella pinodes on yield and seed infection of field pea. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 77: 4, 685-689.
  • Xue, A. G., T. D. Warkentin, B. D. Gossen, P. A. Burnett, A. Vandenberg and K. Y. Rashid. 1998. Pathogenic variation of western Canadian isolates of Mycosphaerella pinodes on selected Pisum genotypes. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 20: 2, 189-193.
Year 2007, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 14 - 34, 01.12.2007



  • Albuquerque, V. V., D. Terao, and R. L. R. Mariano. 2003. Growth-Promotion and Biocontrol of Fusarium Wilt In Micropropagated Plantlets Of Musa Sp., 6th International Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). 5–10 October, Calicut, India, page 3-8.
  • Ali, S., L. E. Nitschke, A. J. Dube, M. R. Krause and B. Cameron. 1978. Selection of pea lines for resistance to pathotypes of Ascochyta pinodes, A.pisi and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella. Aust.J.Agric.Res. 39: 841-849.
  • Anith, K. N., M. T. Momol and J. W. Kloepper. 2003. Plant Growth Promotion and Biological Control of Bacterial Wilt of Tomato by Plant-Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, 6th International Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). 5–10 October, Calicut, India, page 103 (Abstract).
  • Anonymus. 2002. Türkiye İstatistik Yıllığı. Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü.
  • Barbetti, M. and A. Brown. 1993. Diseases, in: Growing Field Peas, J. Carpenter ed. Western Australia Department of Agriculture. Buletin 4239.
  • Beasse, C., B. Ney and B. Tivoli. 2000. A simple model of pea (Pisum sativum) growth affected by Mycosphaerella pinodes. Plant Pathology, 49:2, 187-200.
  • Bora, T. ve H. Özaktan. 1998. Bitki hastalıklarıyla biyolojik savaş. Prizma Matbaacılık, 205p.
  • Borowitz, J. J., M. Stankie-Dicz, T. Lewicka and Z. Zukowska. 1992. Inhibition of fungal cellulase, pectinase and xylanase activity of plant growth promoting fluorescent pseudomonads. Bull. OILB/SROP 15: 103-106.
  • Bretag, T. 1991. Epidemiology and control of Ascochyta blight of field peas. Ph.D. Thesis, La Trobe University.
  • Bretag, T. W., T. V. Price, and P. J. Keane. 1995. Importance of seed-borne inoculum in tthe etiology of the Ascochyta blight complex of field peas (Pisum sativum L.) grown in Victoria. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 35: 4, 525-530.
  • Carter, M. V. and W. J. Moller. 1961. Factors affecting the survival and dissemination of Mycosphaerella pinodes in south Australian irrigated pea fields. Australian J. Agric. Res. 12(5): 878-888 + plate 1.
  • Clulow, S. A. 1989. The resistance of Pisum to Mycosphaerella pinodes (Berk.&Blox.) Vestergr. PhD Thesis, pp.1-198. The University of East Anglia, Norwich.
  • Clulow, S. A., B. G. Lewis, and P. Matthews. 1991. A pathotype classification for Mycosphaerella pinodes. Journal of Phytopathology, 131: 4, 322-332.
  • De Boer, M., I. van der Sluis, L.C. van Loon, and P. A. H. M. Bakker. 1997. In vitro compatibility between fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. strains can increase effectivity of Fusarium wilt control by combinastions of these strains. Pages 380-382 in: Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria-Present Status and Future Prospects. Proc.Int. Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, 4th. A. Ogoshi, K. Kobayashi, Y. Homma, F. Kodama, N. Kondo, and S. Akino, eds. Nakanishi Printing, Sapporo, Japan.
  • Defago, G., C. H. Berling, U. Burger, D. Hass, G. Kahr, C. Keel, C. Vosard, P. Wirthner and B. Wuthrich. 1990. Suppression of black root rot of tobacco and other root diseases by strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens: potential applications and mechanisms. In Hornby, D. (Ed.), Biological Control of Soilborne Plant Pathogens. CAB International, Wellingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 93-108.
  • Dığrak, M. ve S. Özçelik. 1998. Effect of some pesticides on soil microorganisms. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 60, 916-922.
  • Diby Paul, V. Srinivasan, M. Anandaraj and Y. R. Sarma. 2003. Pseudomonas Fluorescens Mediated Nutrient Flux In The Black Pepper Rhizosphere Microcosm And Enhanced Plant Growth. 6 th International Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). 5–10 October, Calicut, India, page 18-24.
  • Duffy, B. K. and G. Defago. 1997. Zinc improves biocontrol of Fusarium crown and root rot of tomato by Pseudomonas fluorescens and represses the production of pathogen metabolites inhibitory to bacterial antibiotic biosynthesis. Phytopathology 87: 1250-1257.
  • Elad, Y. and R. Baker. 1985. The role of the competition for iron and carbon in suppression of chlamydospore germination of Fusarium spp. by Pseudomonas spp. Phytopathology, 75: 1053-59.
  • Elad, Y. and I. Chet. 1987. Possible role of competition for nutrition in biocontrol of Pythium damping-off by bacteria. Phytopathology, 77: 190-195.
  • Garry, G., B. Tivoli, M. H. Jeuffroy and J. Citharel. 1996. Effect of Ascochyta blight caused by Mycosphaerella pinodes on the translocation of carbohydrates and nitrogenous compounds from the leaf and hull to the seed of dried-pea. Plant Pathology, 45: 4, 769-777.
  • Göre, M. E. ve T. Bora. 2003. Bezelyede Ascochyta Hastalıklarıyla Biyolojik Savaşta Fluoresent Pseudomonasların Etkisinin Saptanması Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 172 sayfa.
  • Harvey, W. and Jr. Spurr. 1994. Microbial ecology of fruit and vegetable surfaces: its relationship to postharvest biocontol: In Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases: Theory and Practice. 11-23. C. L. Wilson, M. E. Wisniewski (Eds) CRC Pres, London.
  • Johnson, K. B., V. O. Stockwell, R.J. McLaughlin, D. Sugar, J. E. Loper and R. G. Roberts. 1993. Effect of antagonistic bacteria on establishment of honey beedispersed Erwinia amylovora in pear blossoms and on fire blight control. Phytopathology, 83: 995-1002.
  • Jones, L. K. 1927. Studies of the nature and control of blight, leaf and pod spot, and foot rot of peas caused by species of Ascochyta. N. Y. St. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 547.
  • Kloepper, J. W., J. Leong, M. Teintze and M. N. Schroth. 1980. Enhanced plant growth by siderophores produced by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Nature (Lond.), 227: 680-685.
  • Kochuthresiamma, J., V. Sinju, G. Jinu, M. Jacob and C. K. Jacob. 2003. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria In Rubber (Hevea brasiltensis) Plantations. 6th International Workshop on Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). 5–10 October, Calicut, India, page 47 (Abstract).
  • Lawyer, A. S. 1984. Foliar diseases caused by fungi. Pages 11-15 in Hagedorn, D. J. (ed.). Compendium of Pea Diseases, Am. Phytopathol. Soc., St. Paul, MN.
  • Lemanceau, P., P. A. H. M. Bakker, W. J. Dekogel, C. Alabouvette and B. Schippers. 1992. Effect of pseudobactin 358 produced by Pseudomonas putida WCS358 on suppression of Fusarium wilt of carnation by non patgogenic Fusarium oxysporum. Appl.Environ.Microbiol., 58: 2978-2980.
  • Levy, E., Z. Eyal, and I. Chet. 1988. Suppression of Septoria tritici and leaf rust on wheat seedling leaves by pseudomonads. Plant pathology, 37: 4, 551-557.
  • Lim, H., Y. Kim, and S. Kim. 1991. Pseudomonas stutzeri YLP-1 genetic transformation and antifungal mechanism agaisnt Fusarium solani, an agent of plant root rot. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 57: 510-516.
  • McKenzie, D. L. and R. A. Morrall. 1973. Diseases of three specialty legume crops in Saskatchewan in 1972. Field pea, lentil and faba bean, Can. Plant Dis. Surv., 53:187-190.
  • Nasir, M. and H. H. Hoppe. 1991. Studies on pathotype differentiation witin Mycosphaerella pinodes, a component of the Ascochyta-disease-complex of peas (Pisum sativum L.). Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, 98: 6, 619-626.
  • Odeyeni, O. and M. Alexander. 1977. Resistance of Rhizobium Strain to Phygon, Spergon and Thiram. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, American Society for Microbiology. P.784-790.
  • Pedersen, H. C., I. Weiergang, M. M. Pontoppidan, L. Jorgensen and A. Svingel. 2001. Prolonged shelf-life or carrier-loaded dehydration sensitive microorganism. Danisco Seed, Seed Technology , Dept., Hoejbygaardvej 31, DK4960 Holeby, Denmark.
  • Pierson, E. A. and D. M. Weller. 1994. Use of mixtures of fluorescent pseudomonads to suppress take-all and improve the growth of weat. Phytopathology, 84: 940947.
  • Pierson, L. S. and L. S. Thomashow. 1992. Cloning and heterologous expression of the phenazine biosynthetic locus from Pseudomonas aureofaciens. Mol.PlantMicrobe Interact., 5: 330-339.
  • Van Peer, R., G. J. Niemann and B. Schippers. 1991. Induced resistance and phytoalexin accumulation in biological control of Fusarium wilt of carnation by Pseudomonas sp. strain WCS417r. Phytopathology, 81: 728-734.
  • Velazhahan, R., R. Samiyappan and P. Vidhyasekaran. 1999. Relationship between antagonistic activities of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolates agaisnt Rhizoctonia solani and their production of lytic enzyme. J.Plant Dis.Prot., 79: 782-786.
  • Vidhyasekaran, P. and M. Muthamilan. 1999. Evaluation of powder formulations of Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf1 for control of rice sheath blight. Biocontrol Sci.Technol., 9:67-74.
  • Wallen, V. R. 1974. Influence of three Ascochyta diseases of peas on plant development and yield. Can. Plant Dis. Surv., 54:86-90.
  • Wroth, J. M. and T. N. Khan. 1999. Differential responses of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) to Ascochyta blight (Mycosphaerella pinodes) : rating diseases in the field. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 50: 4, 601-615.
  • Wroth, J. M. 1998. Possible role for wild genotypes of Pisum spp. to enhance Ascochyta blight resistance in pea. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 38: 5, 469-479.
  • Xue, A. G., T. D. Warkentin and E. O. Kenaschuk. 1997. Effects of timings of inokulation with Mycosphaerella pinodes on yield and seed infection of field pea. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 77: 4, 685-689.
  • Xue, A. G., T. D. Warkentin, B. D. Gossen, P. A. Burnett, A. Vandenberg and K. Y. Rashid. 1998. Pathogenic variation of western Canadian isolates of Mycosphaerella pinodes on selected Pisum genotypes. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 20: 2, 189-193.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Mehmet Erhan Göre This is me

Tayyar Bora This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2007
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


Chicago Göre, Mehmet Erhan, and Tayyar Bora. “BEZELYEDE ASCOCHYTA YANIKLIĞI VE BUNUN FLUORESENT PSEUDOMONASLARLA BİYOLOJİK KONTROLÜ”. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 17, no. 2 (December 2007): 14-34.
ISNAD Göre, Mehmet Erhan - Bora, Tayyar. “BEZELYEDE ASCOCHYTA YANIKLIĞI VE BUNUN FLUORESENT PSEUDOMONASLARLA BİYOLOJİK KONTROLÜ”. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 17/2 (December 2007), 14-34.
MLA Göre, Mehmet Erhan and Tayyar Bora. “BEZELYEDE ASCOCHYTA YANIKLIĞI VE BUNUN FLUORESENT PSEUDOMONASLARLA BİYOLOJİK KONTROLÜ”. ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 2, 2007, pp. 14-34.
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