Aims and Scope
Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business is a peer-reviewed journal publishes theoretical and empirical original articles. Papers written in Turkish or English can all be submitted to the Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business. The journal is open to articles in areas of economics, business, public finance, econometrics, labor economics, public administration and international relations.
Review Process
As review process of the articles, the journal operates double-blind peer review system, and all manuscripts are sent to two independent experts for peer review. If one of the referees find the paper proper for publication while the other one does not, Editor can decide whether send papers to the third reviewer or send it back to the author. Papers are published only if two referees are found the paper proper for publication. The estimated time of manuscript processing is 3 months.
All submitted works must consider the submission guidelines, must not be published, and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration by this journal.
Scientific and linguistic responsibilities of the articles published in this journal belong to the author(s).Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business and its editors are not responsible in this regard. It is possible to quote the articles published in this journal by citing.
Open Access Policy
Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business adopts an open access policy.
Publication Frequency
Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business publishes two times a year in April and October. After the review process, papers are published taking into account of the submission date of the article to the journal.
Academic Ethics Policy
Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business commits to implement publication ethical standards and follow Best Practice Guidelines by Committee on PublicationEthics. Moreover, it is assumed that all authors commit to obey the rule of ethics and declare academic misconduct. It should be noted that the articles acting ethic code of misconduct will be rejected at the initial stage of internal review, and will not be accepted in the future papers of the those of whom in the journal.
Privacy Statement
Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business use privacy statements such as name and email on the websites in line with aims of the journal.
Copyright Regulation
A Copyright Transfer Form is filled out by author(s) for article submitted to Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business, and in the case of acceptance all copyrights of their works transferred to the Anatolian Journal of Business and Economics.