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Authors should ensure that they contribute scientifically to the article. Only individuals who have made scientific contributions to the article should be included as co-authors. Authors should consider carefully the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript. Any change in the authorship list is not acceptable unless a clear reason communicated to the Editor. No changes can be made after publication of the article. All the article authors have equal responsibility for ethical principles.
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Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Approval
If studies requiring ethics committee approval in accordance with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Dizin are submitted to the journal, the ethics committee document must be uploaded with the article file. In these studies, information regarding the approval (board name, date and issue number) can be included in the method section. Such articles without ethics committee approval will not be accepted and will be removed from the process at any stage.Competing Interests
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Authors must ensure that the article is plagiarism-free and is their own work. Authors must reference all citations they use. In the preliminary evaluation phase of submitted manuscripts, the Anadolu Journal of Economics and Business uses iThenticate software for plagiarism checks. In this respect, studies that do not meet certain criteria (total and single source publication similarity rates are above 20% and 3%, respectively) are not evaluated and are rejected.Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers
Referees must agree to evaluate only articles related to their field of expertise and must make the evaluation objectively, according to scientific criteria and in relation to the content of the study. This evaluation must be done confidentially. Referees must evaluate the article in a constructive and critical manner, in accordance with academic rules, but avoid general and superficial evaluations, as well as offensive personal comments. Referees must allocate sufficient time to evaluate the article.If there is a conflict or alliance of interest, referees should not accept evaluating the article and should inform the editors. In case of any situation contrary to scientific research and publication ethics, the editor should be informed immediately.
Ethical Rules for Editors
Editors should only accept articles that are original and contribute to literature, readers and researchers. Other institutions outside the journal editorial board cannot influence this decision. Editors should evaluate articles in terms of their intellectual content, without considering the author's race, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, political belief, sexual orientation, country of origin, etc.Editors should send articles to field editors and referees according to their areas of expertise and should take care to ensure that articles are evaluated impartially and independently. The peer-review process should be fair, impartial and timely. In addition, they should work with a sufficient number of referees, and this should be updated continuously.
Editors should protect the intellectual property rights of published articles and defend the rights of the journal and authors in case of infringement. They should take measures to ensure that the content of published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications. Editors reserve the right to reject articles submitted to the journal without sending them to referees for reasons such as plagiarism, lack of academic originality, relevant legal requirements and copyright infringement. Editors should reject articles that do not have ethics committee approval for studies involving participants and experimental research.
As review process of the articles, the journal operates double-blind peer review system, and all manuscripts are sent to two independent experts for peer review. Reviewers assess the manuscript's originality, methodological rigor, significance, and clarity. The identities of the reviewers are kept confidential, and the authors’ identities are not disclosed to the reviewers. If one of the referees find the paper proper for publication while the other one does not, Editor can decide whether send papers to the third reviewer or send it back to the author. Papers are published only if two referees are found the paper proper for publication. For an article to be published, at least two referees must give a positive opinion. Studies that require correction by the referees are sent to the corresponding author for the necessary changes.
Articles accepted for publication are published in an issue determined by the editor.
Studies which have been presented in a scientific congress or submitted to a symposium as a paper may be submitted for publication on the condition that authors inform the editor.
All manuscripts sent to the journal are previewed by the Editor and the relevant Field Editor. Manuscripts, which are irrelevant to the scope of the Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business, are rejected before the referee review process begins. Changes may be required by the Editors for studies that do not comply with the academic study format in terms of content and form.