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Medikal yoğun bakım ünitesinde takip edilen sistemik romatolojik hastalığı olan hastaların klinik özellikleri, sonuçları ve prognostik faktörleri: Retrospektif tek merkezli çalışma

Year 2025, , 40 - 47, 29.01.2025


Amaç: Sistemik romatolojik hastalıklar, birçok organı etkileyebilen ve sıklıkla hastalığın şiddeti veya komplikasyonları nedeni ile yoğun bakım yatışı gereken bir grup hastalıktır. Bu çalışmada, medikal yoğun bakım ünitesinde (YBÜ) takip edilen sistemik romatolojik hastalık tanılı hastaların klinik özellikleri ve mortalite ile ilişkili faktörlerin değerlendirilmesini amaçladık.

Yöntemler: Bu retrospektif çalışma 1 Ocak 2018 ve 31 Aralık 2022 tarihleri arasında medikal YBÜ’ de yapılmıştır. On sekiz yaş ve üzerinde bilinen veya yeni tanı almış sistemik romatolojik hastalığı olan ve YBÜ’de 48 saatten daha uzun süre takip edilen hastalar çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların YBÜ’ye yatış nedenleri, klinik özellikleri ve mortalite ile ilişkili faktörleri değerlendirildi.

Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 76 hastanın ortalama yaşı 60.8±15.0 yıldı ve en sık sistemik romatolojik hastalık romatoid artrit (%39) olarak tespit edildi. Yoğun bakıma en sık kabul edilme nedeni akut solunum yetmezliği (%64) ve septik şoktu (%16). Toplam 41 (%54) hasta YBÜ takipleri esnasında vefat etti. Vefat eden hastalar yaşayan hastalar ile karşılaştırıldığında daha ileri yaşta (ortalama yaş, 66.1 vs. 54.8 yıl, p=0.005) ve daha yüksek APACHE-2 skoruna (ortanca, 24 vs. 14, p<0.001) sahipti. APACHE-2 skorunun 19 ve üzeri olmasının %82 sensitivite ve %80 spesifite ile sistemik romatolojik hastalığı olanlarda mortaliteyi gösterdiği tespit edildi.

Sonuç: Sistemik romatolojik hastalığı olan hastalarda yoğun bakım mortalitesi yüksektir. APACHE-2 skoru YBÜ’ de takip edilen sistemik romatolojik hastalığı olanlarda prognostik bir göstergedir.


  • Ferucci ED, Holck P. Hospitalizations associated with rheumatic disease in Alaska, 2015‐2018. ACR Open Rheumatol. 2022;4(6):520.
  • Carrara G, Bortoluzzi A, Sakellariou G, et al. Risk of hospitalisation for serious bacterial infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with biologics. Analysis from the RECORD linkage on rheumatic disease study of the Italian Society for Rheumatology. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2019;37(1):60-6.
  • Brünnler T, Susewind M, Hoffmann U, Rockmann F, Ehrenstein B, Fleck M. Outcomes and prognostic factors in patients with rheumatologic diseases admitted to the ICU. Intern Med. 2015;54(16):1981-7.
  • Arjmand M, Shahriarirad R, Shenavandeh S, Fallahi MJ. Determination of the main causes, outcome, and prognostic factors of patients with rheumatologic diseases admitted to the medical intensive care unit in Southern Iran. Clin Rheumatol. 2022;41(12):3859-68.
  • Larcher R, Pineton de Chambrun M, Garnier F, et al. One-year outcome of critically ill patients with systemic rheumatic disease: a multicenter cohort study. Chest. 2020;158(3):1017-26.
  • Dumas G, Géri G, Montlahuc C, et al. Outcomes in critically ill patients with systemic rheumatic disease: a multicenter study. Chest. 2015;148(4):927-35.
  • Kollef MH, Enzenauer RJ. Predicting outcome from intensive care for patients with rheumatologic diseases. J Rheumatol. 1992;19(8):1260-62.
  • Fujiwara T, Tokuda K, Momii K, et al. Prognostic factors for the short-term mortality of patients with rheumatoid arthritis admitted to intensive care units. BMC Rheumatol. 2020;4(1):1-11.
  • Cavallasca JA, Del Rosario Maliandi M, Sarquis S, et al. Outcome of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases admitted to a medical intensive care unit. J Clin Rheumatol. 2010;16(8):400-2.
  • Moreels M, Mélot C, Leeman M. Prognosis of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases admitted to the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Med. 2005;31(4):591-3.
  • Cruz BA, Ramanoelina J, Mahr A, et al. Prognosis and outcome of 26 patients with systemic necrotizing vasculitis admitted to the intensive care unit. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2003;42(10):1183-8.
  • Çakir N, Pamuk ÖN, Dervis E, et al. The prevalences of some rheumatic diseases in western Turkey: Havsa study. Rheumatol Int. 2012;32(4):895-908.
  • Myasoedova E, Crowson CS, Turesson C, Gabriel SE, Matteson EL. Incidence of extraarticular rheumatoid arthritis in Olmsted County, Minnesota, in 1995-2007 versus 1985-1994: a population-based study. J Rheumatol. 2011;38(6):983-9.
  • Bonfiglioli KR, de Medeiros Ribeiro AC, Carnieletto AP, et al. Extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis remain a major challenge: data from a large, multi-centric cohort. Adv Rheumatol. 2023;63(1):1-9.
  • Cunnane G, Doran M, Bresnihan B. Infections and biological therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2003;17(2):345-63.
  • Gladman DD, Hussain F, Iban D, Urowitz MB. The nature and outcome of infection in systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus. 2002;11(4):234-9.
  • Listing J, Gerhold K, Zink A. The risk of infections associated with rheumatoid arthritis, with its comorbidity and treatment. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013;52(1):53-61.
  • Aydin K, Türk İ. The Diagnostic profile and clinical course of patients with rheumatic diseases in the medical intensive care unit. Turk J Med Sci. 2023;53(5):1084-93.
  • Godeau B, Mortier E, Roy PM, et al. Short and longterm outcomes for patients with systemic rheumatic diseases admitted to intensive care units: a prognostic study of 181 patients. J Rheumatol. 1997;24(7):1317-23.

Clinical characteristics, outcomes, and prognostic factors of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases in medical intensive care unit: A retrospective single center study

Year 2025, , 40 - 47, 29.01.2025


Aim: Systemic rheumatic diseases are a group of diseases that can affect several organs and occasionally need intensive care unit (ICU) admission due to the severity of diseases or complications. In this study, we aimed to investigate clinical features and factors associated with mortality in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases who were followed up in the medical ICU

Methods: This retrospective cohort study was conducted at a medical ICU, between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2022. Patients who were 18 years older and with known or newly diagnosed systemic rheumatic diseases who were followed up in the ICU for more than 48 hours were included in the study. The cause of admission, clinical characteristics, and factors associated with mortality were evaluated.

Results: A total of 76 patients were included in the final analysis; the mean age was 60,8±15.0 years and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (39%) was the most common systemic rheumatic disease. Acute respiratory failure (64%) was the most common reason for ICU admission, followed by septic shock (16%). A total of 41 (54%) patients died during their ICU stay. Non-survivor patients were older (mean age, 66.1 vs. 54.8 years, p=0.005) and had a higher APACHE-2 score than survivors (median, 24 vs. 14, p<0.001). APACHE-2 score ≥19 predicted mortality with 82% sensitivity and 80% specificity in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases.

Conclusions: ICU mortality was higher in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases. APACHE-2 score is a prognostic factor for ICU mortality in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases.


  • Ferucci ED, Holck P. Hospitalizations associated with rheumatic disease in Alaska, 2015‐2018. ACR Open Rheumatol. 2022;4(6):520.
  • Carrara G, Bortoluzzi A, Sakellariou G, et al. Risk of hospitalisation for serious bacterial infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with biologics. Analysis from the RECORD linkage on rheumatic disease study of the Italian Society for Rheumatology. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2019;37(1):60-6.
  • Brünnler T, Susewind M, Hoffmann U, Rockmann F, Ehrenstein B, Fleck M. Outcomes and prognostic factors in patients with rheumatologic diseases admitted to the ICU. Intern Med. 2015;54(16):1981-7.
  • Arjmand M, Shahriarirad R, Shenavandeh S, Fallahi MJ. Determination of the main causes, outcome, and prognostic factors of patients with rheumatologic diseases admitted to the medical intensive care unit in Southern Iran. Clin Rheumatol. 2022;41(12):3859-68.
  • Larcher R, Pineton de Chambrun M, Garnier F, et al. One-year outcome of critically ill patients with systemic rheumatic disease: a multicenter cohort study. Chest. 2020;158(3):1017-26.
  • Dumas G, Géri G, Montlahuc C, et al. Outcomes in critically ill patients with systemic rheumatic disease: a multicenter study. Chest. 2015;148(4):927-35.
  • Kollef MH, Enzenauer RJ. Predicting outcome from intensive care for patients with rheumatologic diseases. J Rheumatol. 1992;19(8):1260-62.
  • Fujiwara T, Tokuda K, Momii K, et al. Prognostic factors for the short-term mortality of patients with rheumatoid arthritis admitted to intensive care units. BMC Rheumatol. 2020;4(1):1-11.
  • Cavallasca JA, Del Rosario Maliandi M, Sarquis S, et al. Outcome of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases admitted to a medical intensive care unit. J Clin Rheumatol. 2010;16(8):400-2.
  • Moreels M, Mélot C, Leeman M. Prognosis of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases admitted to the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Med. 2005;31(4):591-3.
  • Cruz BA, Ramanoelina J, Mahr A, et al. Prognosis and outcome of 26 patients with systemic necrotizing vasculitis admitted to the intensive care unit. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2003;42(10):1183-8.
  • Çakir N, Pamuk ÖN, Dervis E, et al. The prevalences of some rheumatic diseases in western Turkey: Havsa study. Rheumatol Int. 2012;32(4):895-908.
  • Myasoedova E, Crowson CS, Turesson C, Gabriel SE, Matteson EL. Incidence of extraarticular rheumatoid arthritis in Olmsted County, Minnesota, in 1995-2007 versus 1985-1994: a population-based study. J Rheumatol. 2011;38(6):983-9.
  • Bonfiglioli KR, de Medeiros Ribeiro AC, Carnieletto AP, et al. Extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis remain a major challenge: data from a large, multi-centric cohort. Adv Rheumatol. 2023;63(1):1-9.
  • Cunnane G, Doran M, Bresnihan B. Infections and biological therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2003;17(2):345-63.
  • Gladman DD, Hussain F, Iban D, Urowitz MB. The nature and outcome of infection in systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus. 2002;11(4):234-9.
  • Listing J, Gerhold K, Zink A. The risk of infections associated with rheumatoid arthritis, with its comorbidity and treatment. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013;52(1):53-61.
  • Aydin K, Türk İ. The Diagnostic profile and clinical course of patients with rheumatic diseases in the medical intensive care unit. Turk J Med Sci. 2023;53(5):1084-93.
  • Godeau B, Mortier E, Roy PM, et al. Short and longterm outcomes for patients with systemic rheumatic diseases admitted to intensive care units: a prognostic study of 181 patients. J Rheumatol. 1997;24(7):1317-23.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Rheumatology and Arthritis, Intensive Care

Tuba Demirci Yıldırım 0000-0003-3186-0591

Süleyman Yıldırım 0000-0001-9856-3431

Cenk Kıraklı 0000-0001-6013-7330

Publication Date January 29, 2025
Submission Date March 1, 2024
Acceptance Date September 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


Vancouver Demirci Yıldırım T, Yıldırım S, Kıraklı C. Clinical characteristics, outcomes, and prognostic factors of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases in medical intensive care unit: A retrospective single center study. Anadolu Klin. 2025;30(1):40-7.

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