ISSN: 2149-5254
e-ISSN: 2458-8849
Founded: 1933
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Dear authors and readers,

Science is an endless journey; sometimes, we reach definitive truths, while at other times, we find ourselves in pursuit of new questions. Just like a ship navigating uncharted seas, scientists courageously set sail into the depths of the unknown. However, this journey is not merely about acquiring knowledge; advancing within the framework of ethical values is what makes science meaningful and sustainable. Carrying the light of science safely through the darkness is only possible by adhering to the principles of honesty, transparency, and ethical responsibility.
As Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Science, we greatly appreciate the dedicated efforts of our researchers, the meticulous evaluations of our reviewers, and the disciplined work of our editorial team on this scientific journey. Each research study serves as a compass cast into the vast ocean of science, guiding us, broadening our horizons, and adding value to humanity. In this regard, we would like to emphasize once again that every study published in our journal not only contributes to scientific knowledge but is also conducted in accordance with ethical principles. Scientific progress can only be lasting and reliable when intertwined with ethical values. Through our open-access publishing approach, we continue to facilitate access to knowledge while maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.
With a commitment to ethical principles as our guiding light, our journal takes pride in presenting to you, our esteemed readers, a new issue featuring 15 original articles, 1 case report, and 2 reviews.
On behalf of all editors.

2025 - Volume: 30 Issue: 1

Research Article

19. İgtida Hastalıklarile Tedavilerinde Esaslı Noktalar

Research Article

Odyoloji bölümü lisans öğrencilerinin çalışma alanı seçimlerinde etkili olan faktörlerin incelenmesi

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