Publication Board

Ahmet Elbay, Assoc.Prof. Dr., Ophthalmology Department, Faculty of Medicine,  Bezmi Alem Vakıf University, Istanbul

Aynur Görmez, Assoc. Prof.Dr., Psychiatry Department, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul

Hasan Demirhan, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, Medipol University Hospital

İbrahim Yıldırım, Prof. Dr.(Retired) Plastic, Reconstructive and Esthetic Surgery DepartmentCerrahpasa Faculty of  Medicine Istanbul University, Istanbul

İlker İnanç Balkan, Prof. Dr .Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Department, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul

Mehmet Koç, Prof. Dr.Radiation Oncology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Selcuk University, Konya

Mehmet Okka, Prof. Dr., Ophthalmology DepartmentFaculty of Medicine Selcuk University, Konya

Muhittin Çalım, Assist. Prof. Dr., Anesthesiology and Reanimation Department Faculty of Medicine,  Bezmialem Vakıf University, Istanbul

Mustafa Doğan, Assoc. Prof.Dr.Ophthalmology DepartmentFaculty of Medicine, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon

Mustafa Duran, Prof.Dr.,Cardiology Clinic, Ministry of Health. Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara

Nusret Akpolat, Prof.Dr., Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, İnönü University, Malatya

Rümeysa Yeni Elbay, Assoc. Prof.Dr., Psychiatry Department, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul

Şükrü Öksüz, Prof.Dr.Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Düzce University, Istanbul

Zeynep İrem Yüksel Salduz, Spec.Dr,, Family Medicine DepartmentFaculty of Medicine,  Bezmi Alem Vakıf University, Istanbul

Last Update Time: 8/17/23, 7:57:25 AM

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