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Hemşirelerin ve hemşirelik öğrencilerinin basınç yaralanmalarını önlemeye yönelik tutumları: İlişkisel kesitsel bir çalışma

Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 242 - 252, 23.09.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma hemşirelik son sınıf öğrencilerinin ve hemşirelerin basınç yaralanmasını önlemeye yönelik tutumlarını ölçmek ve geri bildirimlerine dayanarak gerekli eğitimin geliştirilmesi için önerilerde bulunmak amacıyla yapılmıştır.

Yöntemler: Tanımlayıcı-kesitsel bir ilişki arama deseni kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya 229 hemşire ve 93 hemşirelik son sınıf öğrencisi dâhil edilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri “tanımlayıcı özellikler anket formu” ve “basınç yaralanmasından korunmaya yönelik tutum ölçeği” kullanılarak toplanmıştır.

Bulgular: Hemşirelerin basınç yaralanmasını önlemeye yönelik tutum puanları 26.98 ± 3.33 ve hemşirelik öğrencilerinin puanları 25.52 ± 3.64 bulunmuştur. Hemşirelerin ve hemşirelik öğrencilerinin basınç yaralanmasını önlemeye yönelik tutum ölçeği alt boyut puanları incelendiğinde hemşirelerin en yüksek puanı “öncelik” boyutundan, en düşük puanı ise “önlemenin etkinliği” boyutundan aldıklarını göstermiştir.

Sonuç: Basınç yaralanmasını önlemeye yönelik olumlu bir tutum geliştirmek için öncelikle farkındalık oluşturmak gerekir. Hemşireler ve hemşirelik öğrencileri için müfredat gözden geçirilmeli ve belirlenen bilgi boşlukları etkili öğretim yöntemleri ile doldurulmalıdır. Simülasyon veya klinik uygulama yoluyla hastanelerde, sınıflarda ve laboratuvarlarda daha fazla konu ele alınmalıdır.


  • Shahin ES, Dassen T, Halfens RJ. Incidence, prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in intensive care patients: a longitudinal study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2009;46(4):413-21.
  • Tanrıkulu F, Dikmen Y, Tanrıkulu F. Yoğun Bakım Hastalarında Basınç Yaraları: Risk Faktörleri ve Önlemler. Journal of Human Rhythm. 2017;3(4):177-82.
  • Grešš Halász B, Bérešová A, Tkáčová Ľ, Magurová D, Lizáková Ľ. Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes towards Prevention of Pressure Ulcers. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1705.
  • Kara H, Arikan F, Kahyaoglu A. Student Nurse Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Pressure Injury Prevention: How Sufficient Is Undergraduate Education?. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2021;34(9):473-80.
  • Aydoğmuş Ünlü A. Işık Andsoy I. Examination of Surgical Nurses’ Pressure Ulcer, Risk Factors and Knowledge Related to Prevention. Genel Tıp Derg. 2021;31(2):168-74.
  • Chaboyer WP, Thalib L, Harbeck EL, et al. Incidence and Prevalence of Pressure Injuries in Adult Intensive Care Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med. 2018;46(11):e1074-81.
  • Kayser SA, VanGilder CA, Lachenbruch C. Predictors of superficial and severe hospital-acquired pressure injuries: A cross-sectional study using the International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence™ survey. Int J Nurs Stud. 2019;89:46-52.
  • Akıl Y, Kavukçu N. Pressure ulcer point prevalence sample Çukurova University Balcalı Hospital. In III. National Wound Care Congress. Turkey; Çeşme; 26-28 November 2008.
  • Karadag A, Baykara Z. Pressure ulcer point prevalence study in a university. 15. National Internal Diseases Congress. 2-4 October 2013 Antalya Turkey.
  • Karadag A, Kutlu L, Yıldırım G, et al. “Where are we in quality of patient care: prevalence of pressure ulcers in Turkish hospitals”. 5th Congress of WUWHS-World Unıon of Wound Healing Societies. 25-29 September 2016 Florence, Italy.
  • Demarré L, Van Lancker A, Van Hecke A, et al. The cost of prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015;52(11):1754-74.
  • Chan BC, Nanwa N, Mittmann N, Bryant D, Coyte PC, Houghton PE. The average cost of pressure ulcer management in a community dwelling spinal cord injury population. Int Wound J. 2013;10(4):431-40.
  • Simonetti V, Comparcini D, Flacco ME, Di Giovanni P, Cicolini G. Nursing students’ knowledge and attitude on pressure ulcer prevention evidence-based guidelines: a multicenter cross-sectional study. Nurse Educ Today. 2015;35(4):573-9.
  • Çelik S, Dirimeşe E, Taşdemir N, et al. Pressure sore prevention and treatment knowledge of nurses. Medical Journal of Bakırköy. 2017;13:133-9.
  • Kaddourah B, Abu-Shaheen AK, Al-Tannir M. Knowledge and attitudes of health professionals towards pressure ulcers at a rehabilitation hospital: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nurs. 2016;15:17.
  • Beeckman D, Defloor T, Demarré L, Van Hecke A, Vanderwee K. Pressure ulcers: development and psychometric evaluation of the attitude towards pressure ulcer prevention instrument (APuP). Int J Nurs Stud. 2010;47(11):1432-41.
  • Üstün Y. Adapting the “attitude towards pressure ulcer prevention instrument” into Turkish and studying its validity and reliability [master’s thesis]. İzmir, Türkiye: Ege University; 2013.
  • Khojastehfar S, Najafi Ghezeljeh T, Haghani S. Factors related to knowledge, attitude, and practice of nurses in intensive care unit in the area of pressure ulcer prevention: A multicenter study. J Tissue Viability. 2020;29(2):76-81.
  • Balan S, Güneş Aktan G, Kocaçal E. Determination of association between the knowledge and attitudes of nurses to pressure ulcer prevention. J Educ Res Nurs. 2021;18(3):304-10.
  • Özyürek P, Gürlek Kısacık Ö. Evaluation of nurses’ knowledge and attitudes to prevent pressure injuries. Ordu University J Nurs Stud. 2023;6(2):340-53.
  • Dag Sucu G, Firat Kilic H. Knowledge and attitudes of Turkish nursing students towards pressure injury prevention. J Tissue Viability. 2022;31(1):16-23.
  • Ghazanfari MJ, Karkhah S, Maroufizadeh S, et al. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of Iranian critical care nurses related to prevention of pressure ulcers: A multicenter cross-sectional study. J Tissue Viability. 2022;31(2):326-31.
  • Kısacık ÖG, Sönmez M. Pressure ulcers prevention: Turkish nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes and influencing factors. J Tissue Viability. 2020;29(1):24-31.
  • Ekim CE, Sabuncu N. Examination of nurses’ attitudes towards prevention of pressure ulcers. IGUSABDER. 2019;9:890-901.
  • Usher K, Woods C, Brown J, et al. Australian nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes towards pressure injury prevention: A cross-sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2018;81:14-20.
  • Cukljek S, Rezic S, Ficko SL, Hosnjak AM, Smrekar M, Ljubas A. Croatian nurses’ and nursing students’ knowledge about pressure injury prevention. J Tissue Viability. 2022;31(3):453-8.
  • Aydogan S, Caliskan N. A Descriptive Study of Turkish Intensive Care Nurses’ Pressure Ulcer Prevention Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Barriers to Care. Wound Manag Prev. 2019;65(2):39-47.
  • Şen B. The effect of learning motivation and knowledge levels on preventing pressure wounds in intensive care nurses [master’s thesis]. Bursa: Bursa Uludağ University; 2019.
  • Aslan A, Yavuz van Giersbergen M. Nurses’ attitudes towards pressure ulcer prevention in Turkey. J Tissue Viability. 2016;25(1):66-73.
  • Garrigues LJ, Cartwright JC, Bliss DZ. Attitudes of Nursing Students About Pressure Injury Prevention. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2017;44(2):123-8.
  • Etafa W, Argaw Z, Gemechu E, Melese B. Nurses’ attitude and perceived barriers to pressure ulcer prevention. BMC Nurs. 2018;17:14.
  • Hu L, Sae-Sia W, Kitrungrote L. Intensive Care Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Pressure Injury Prevention in China: A Cross-Sectional Study. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2021;14:4257-67.

Attitude of nurses and nursing students towards preventing pressure injury: A relational cross-sectional study

Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 242 - 252, 23.09.2024


Aim: This study aims to measure the attitude of senior nursing students and practicing nurses toward preventing pressure injury and to provide recommendations for improving the necessary education based on their feedback.

Methods: A descriptive-cross-sectional relationship-seeking design was used. 229 nurses and 93 senior nursing students were included in the study. The study data were collected using the “descriptive characteristics questionnaire form” and “attitude towards pressure injury prevention scale”.

Results: The attitude scores of nurses for the prevention of pressure injury were 26.98 ± 3.33 and 25.52 ± 3.64 of the nursing students. The scores of the sub-dimensions of the attitude towards pressure injury prevention scale of nurses and nursing students were examined and showed that the nurses obtained the highest score from the “priority” dimension, and the lowest score from the “effectiveness of prevention” dimension.

Conclusions: It is necessary to raise awareness first to develop a positive attitude towards pressure injury prevention. The curriculum for nurses and nursing students should be reviewed and the identified knowledge gaps should be filled with effective teaching methods. More topics should be covered in hospitals, classrooms, and labs through simulation or clinical practice.

Ethical Statement

Çalışma için gerekli etik izin, kurum izni ve katılımcılardan onam alınmıştır.

Supporting Institution



  • Shahin ES, Dassen T, Halfens RJ. Incidence, prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in intensive care patients: a longitudinal study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2009;46(4):413-21.
  • Tanrıkulu F, Dikmen Y, Tanrıkulu F. Yoğun Bakım Hastalarında Basınç Yaraları: Risk Faktörleri ve Önlemler. Journal of Human Rhythm. 2017;3(4):177-82.
  • Grešš Halász B, Bérešová A, Tkáčová Ľ, Magurová D, Lizáková Ľ. Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes towards Prevention of Pressure Ulcers. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1705.
  • Kara H, Arikan F, Kahyaoglu A. Student Nurse Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Pressure Injury Prevention: How Sufficient Is Undergraduate Education?. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2021;34(9):473-80.
  • Aydoğmuş Ünlü A. Işık Andsoy I. Examination of Surgical Nurses’ Pressure Ulcer, Risk Factors and Knowledge Related to Prevention. Genel Tıp Derg. 2021;31(2):168-74.
  • Chaboyer WP, Thalib L, Harbeck EL, et al. Incidence and Prevalence of Pressure Injuries in Adult Intensive Care Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med. 2018;46(11):e1074-81.
  • Kayser SA, VanGilder CA, Lachenbruch C. Predictors of superficial and severe hospital-acquired pressure injuries: A cross-sectional study using the International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence™ survey. Int J Nurs Stud. 2019;89:46-52.
  • Akıl Y, Kavukçu N. Pressure ulcer point prevalence sample Çukurova University Balcalı Hospital. In III. National Wound Care Congress. Turkey; Çeşme; 26-28 November 2008.
  • Karadag A, Baykara Z. Pressure ulcer point prevalence study in a university. 15. National Internal Diseases Congress. 2-4 October 2013 Antalya Turkey.
  • Karadag A, Kutlu L, Yıldırım G, et al. “Where are we in quality of patient care: prevalence of pressure ulcers in Turkish hospitals”. 5th Congress of WUWHS-World Unıon of Wound Healing Societies. 25-29 September 2016 Florence, Italy.
  • Demarré L, Van Lancker A, Van Hecke A, et al. The cost of prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015;52(11):1754-74.
  • Chan BC, Nanwa N, Mittmann N, Bryant D, Coyte PC, Houghton PE. The average cost of pressure ulcer management in a community dwelling spinal cord injury population. Int Wound J. 2013;10(4):431-40.
  • Simonetti V, Comparcini D, Flacco ME, Di Giovanni P, Cicolini G. Nursing students’ knowledge and attitude on pressure ulcer prevention evidence-based guidelines: a multicenter cross-sectional study. Nurse Educ Today. 2015;35(4):573-9.
  • Çelik S, Dirimeşe E, Taşdemir N, et al. Pressure sore prevention and treatment knowledge of nurses. Medical Journal of Bakırköy. 2017;13:133-9.
  • Kaddourah B, Abu-Shaheen AK, Al-Tannir M. Knowledge and attitudes of health professionals towards pressure ulcers at a rehabilitation hospital: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nurs. 2016;15:17.
  • Beeckman D, Defloor T, Demarré L, Van Hecke A, Vanderwee K. Pressure ulcers: development and psychometric evaluation of the attitude towards pressure ulcer prevention instrument (APuP). Int J Nurs Stud. 2010;47(11):1432-41.
  • Üstün Y. Adapting the “attitude towards pressure ulcer prevention instrument” into Turkish and studying its validity and reliability [master’s thesis]. İzmir, Türkiye: Ege University; 2013.
  • Khojastehfar S, Najafi Ghezeljeh T, Haghani S. Factors related to knowledge, attitude, and practice of nurses in intensive care unit in the area of pressure ulcer prevention: A multicenter study. J Tissue Viability. 2020;29(2):76-81.
  • Balan S, Güneş Aktan G, Kocaçal E. Determination of association between the knowledge and attitudes of nurses to pressure ulcer prevention. J Educ Res Nurs. 2021;18(3):304-10.
  • Özyürek P, Gürlek Kısacık Ö. Evaluation of nurses’ knowledge and attitudes to prevent pressure injuries. Ordu University J Nurs Stud. 2023;6(2):340-53.
  • Dag Sucu G, Firat Kilic H. Knowledge and attitudes of Turkish nursing students towards pressure injury prevention. J Tissue Viability. 2022;31(1):16-23.
  • Ghazanfari MJ, Karkhah S, Maroufizadeh S, et al. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of Iranian critical care nurses related to prevention of pressure ulcers: A multicenter cross-sectional study. J Tissue Viability. 2022;31(2):326-31.
  • Kısacık ÖG, Sönmez M. Pressure ulcers prevention: Turkish nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes and influencing factors. J Tissue Viability. 2020;29(1):24-31.
  • Ekim CE, Sabuncu N. Examination of nurses’ attitudes towards prevention of pressure ulcers. IGUSABDER. 2019;9:890-901.
  • Usher K, Woods C, Brown J, et al. Australian nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes towards pressure injury prevention: A cross-sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2018;81:14-20.
  • Cukljek S, Rezic S, Ficko SL, Hosnjak AM, Smrekar M, Ljubas A. Croatian nurses’ and nursing students’ knowledge about pressure injury prevention. J Tissue Viability. 2022;31(3):453-8.
  • Aydogan S, Caliskan N. A Descriptive Study of Turkish Intensive Care Nurses’ Pressure Ulcer Prevention Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Barriers to Care. Wound Manag Prev. 2019;65(2):39-47.
  • Şen B. The effect of learning motivation and knowledge levels on preventing pressure wounds in intensive care nurses [master’s thesis]. Bursa: Bursa Uludağ University; 2019.
  • Aslan A, Yavuz van Giersbergen M. Nurses’ attitudes towards pressure ulcer prevention in Turkey. J Tissue Viability. 2016;25(1):66-73.
  • Garrigues LJ, Cartwright JC, Bliss DZ. Attitudes of Nursing Students About Pressure Injury Prevention. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2017;44(2):123-8.
  • Etafa W, Argaw Z, Gemechu E, Melese B. Nurses’ attitude and perceived barriers to pressure ulcer prevention. BMC Nurs. 2018;17:14.
  • Hu L, Sae-Sia W, Kitrungrote L. Intensive Care Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Pressure Injury Prevention in China: A Cross-Sectional Study. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2021;14:4257-67.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nurse Education, Fundamentals of Nursing, Nursing Workforce

Gülşen Ulaş Karaahmetoğlu 0000-0002-3792-4579

Mahinur Durmuş İskender 0000-0002-0050-6680

Publication Date September 23, 2024
Acceptance Date December 7, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 29 Issue: 3


Vancouver Ulaş Karaahmetoğlu G, Durmuş İskender M. Attitude of nurses and nursing students towards preventing pressure injury: A relational cross-sectional study. Anatolian Clin. 2024;29(3):242-5.

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