Güneydoğu Asya´nın en az gelişmiş ülkesi olan Myanmar bünyesinde 135 farklı etnik kimliğe ve yüzden fazla dile ev sahipliği yapması ile bilinmektedir. Ülke 1948 yılında İngiliz yönetiminden bağımsızlığını aldıktan sonra bu farklılıklarını ülkenin kalkınması adına fırsata dönüştürme çabası içinde iken 1962 darbesi ile yanlış bir yöne girmiş ve aralarında milyonlarca Müslüman’ın da bulunduğu azınlıklar için yaşanmaz bir ülkeye dönüşmüştür. Geçmişte Burma krallığı döneminde Müslümanlarla tanışmaya başlayan ülkenin Budist halkı özellikle İngiliz yönetimi altına girmesi ile birlikte Müslümanlardan nefret ettiği bir zaman dilimine girmiştir. Günümüze kadar ulaşan bu nefret sebebi ile ülkede binlerce insan hayatını kaybetmiştir. Daha çok Arakanlı Müslümanlara uygulanan zulümle andığımız Myanmar'da aslında Arakan eyaletinde yaşayandan çok daha fazla Müslüman diğer eyaletlerde dağılmış bir şekilde bulunmaktadır. Arakan Müslümanlarının yaşadıkları dünya kamuoyu tarafından kısmen bilinmekle birlikte ülkenin geri kalanında yaşayan Müslümanlar hakkında ise yeterince bilgiye sahip olunamamaktadır. Çalışmamızın konusu işte Arakan eyaleti dışındaki eyaletlerde yaşayan Myanmar Müslümanlarının tarihi hakkındadır. Onların geçmişten günümüze bu ülkede neler yaşadıklarının tespit edilmesi ile birlikte günümüzde yaşananların daha iyi anlaşılabileceği düşünülmektedir. Yeterince tanınmayan bu insanların tarihinin ortaya konulması ile birlikte çok daha detaylı ve tanıtıcı çalışma ile bu insanların gördüğü zulüm dünya kamuoyuna duyurulabilir ve durdurulabilir.
Ba Shin, C. (1961), “Coming of Islam to Burma down to 1700 A. D.”, Lecture before Asian History Congress, New Delhi: Azad Bhavan.
Bennison, J. J. (1933), Burma, Census of India Report 1931, Vol. XI, Part I, Rangoon: Superintendent, Burma Government Printing and Stationery.
Clifford, H. (1904), Further India: Being the Story of Exploration from the Earliest Times in Burma, Malaya, Siam and Indo-China, London: Lawrence and Bullen.
Collis M. (1936), Siamese White, London: Faber and Faber.
Collis M. (1958), The Land of Great Image: Being Experiences of Friar Manrique in Arakan, New York: New Directions Paperbook.
Desai, W. S. (1954), India and Burma, Calcutta: Orient Longmans.
Desai, W. S. (1961), A Pageant of Burmese History, Calcutta: Orient Longmans.
Donnison, F. S. V. (1953), Public Administration in Burma: A Study of Development during the British Connexion, London: Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Ekinci, A. (2005), Ortadoğu´da Marjinal Bir Hareket: Karmatiler, Ankara: Odak Yayın.
Gaffari, K. M. (1960), “The First Muslim Community of Rangoon: Arakanese Muslims´ Part in Defence against British Invasion”,Guardian Monthly,Rangoon, VII,Oct., 45.
General Council of Burman Moslem Associations (1945), Draft Constitution, Rangoon, Sept. 23, 1945.
Global Centre (2015), Persecution of the Rohingya in Burma/Myanmar and the Responsibility to Protect, Burma Brief, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, 5 March, 1-6.
Guardian (1960, 1961), In Defence of Maungdaw Muslims,14 Ocak 1961. 27 Ocak 1960.
Günarslan, H. (2017), Ağa Hanlar Ve Günümüzdeki Faaliyetleri, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Harran Üniversitesi, Şanlıurfa.
Interim Report (1939), BurmaFinal Report of the Riot Inquiry Committee, Rangoon: Superintendent, Government Printing and Stationery.
Irwin, A. (1945), Burmese Outpost, London: Collins.
Jamiat-al-Ulama (1960), Memorandum for the Arakan Enquiry Commission, North Arakan, General Secretary. Rangoon.
Hall, D. G. E. (1928), Early English Intercourse with Burma: 1587-1743, London: Longmans.
Hall, D. G. E. (1958), History of South-East Asia, London: Macmillan.
Harvey, G. E. (1925), History of Burma: From the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824, the Beginning of the English Conquest, London: Longman´s.
Human Rights Council (2018), Report of the independent international fact-finding mission on Myanmar, Human Rights Situations, Thirty-ninth session, 10-28 September 2018, Agenda item 4, 1-21.
Khan, M. S. (1936), “Muslim Intercourse with Burma”,Islamic Culture, Hyderabad, Deccan, X, 416-419.
Khin Khin S. (1960), The Acculturation of the Burmese Muslims, Unpublished master’s thesis, Rangoon University, Rangoon.
Khin Khin U. (1954), “Marriage in the Burmese Muslim Community”,JBRS, XXXVI, Dec. part 2, 25-33.
Lattimer, M. (2002), Burma (Myanmar): The Time for Change, Report of Minority Rights Group International, Director.
Locke, C. (Ed.) (1930), The First Englishmen in India,London: George Routledge.
Majumdar, R. C. (1944), Hindu Colonies in the Far East, Calcutta: General Printers and Publishers.
Majumdar, R. C. (1960), The Delhi Sultanate, Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
Manrique, S. (1927), Travels of Fray, 1629-1643. A Translation of the Itinerario de las Missions Orientales, Introduction and notes by Lt. Col. C. Eckford Juard, assisted by Father H. Hosten. Vol. I, Arakan, Oxford: Hakluyt Society.
Mohajan, H. (2018), History of Rakhine State and the Origin of the Rohingya Muslims, Chittagong, Bangladesh: Premier University.
Nation (23 Mart 1962), Muslim Pilgrimage, Nation Newspaper.
O’Connor, V. C. S. (1904), The Silken East, London: Hutchinson.
Rahman, M. K. (1953), Burma Muslims,Annual Magazine, Rangoon University Muslim Students Association, 1-3.
Smith, M. (2002), Burma (Myanmar): The Time for Change, Report of Minority Rights Group International, 1-46.
Symes, M. (1959), Journal of his Second Embassy to the Court of Ava in 1802, ed. D. G. E. Hall London: George Allen and Unwin.
Tinker, H. (1959), The Union of Burma, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tha, Ba (1960), Rowengyese in Arakan, Guardian Monthly, Rangoon, VII, May.
Thompson, V., and R. Adloff (1955),Minority Problems in South East Asia, Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
Tydd, W. B. (1912), Sandoway District Gazetteer, Vol. A. Rangoon, s. 19.
Williamson, A. (1929), Shwebo District Gazetteer.Vol. A. Rangoon, s. 64.
Union of Burma (1955), Religious Tolerance in Foreward with the People, by President U Nu.Ministry of Information,Rangoon.
Yegar, M. (1972), The Muslims of Burma, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
Yule, H. (1858), Narrative of the Mission Sent by the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava in 1855, London: Smith Elder.
Ba Shin, C. (1961), “Coming of Islam to Burma down to 1700 A. D.”, Lecture before Asian History Congress, New Delhi: Azad Bhavan.
Bennison, J. J. (1933), Burma, Census of India Report 1931, Vol. XI, Part I, Rangoon: Superintendent, Burma Government Printing and Stationery.
Clifford, H. (1904), Further India: Being the Story of Exploration from the Earliest Times in Burma, Malaya, Siam and Indo-China, London: Lawrence and Bullen.
Collis M. (1936), Siamese White, London: Faber and Faber.
Collis M. (1958), The Land of Great Image: Being Experiences of Friar Manrique in Arakan, New York: New Directions Paperbook.
Desai, W. S. (1954), India and Burma, Calcutta: Orient Longmans.
Desai, W. S. (1961), A Pageant of Burmese History, Calcutta: Orient Longmans.
Donnison, F. S. V. (1953), Public Administration in Burma: A Study of Development during the British Connexion, London: Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Ekinci, A. (2005), Ortadoğu´da Marjinal Bir Hareket: Karmatiler, Ankara: Odak Yayın.
Gaffari, K. M. (1960), “The First Muslim Community of Rangoon: Arakanese Muslims´ Part in Defence against British Invasion”,Guardian Monthly,Rangoon, VII,Oct., 45.
General Council of Burman Moslem Associations (1945), Draft Constitution, Rangoon, Sept. 23, 1945.
Global Centre (2015), Persecution of the Rohingya in Burma/Myanmar and the Responsibility to Protect, Burma Brief, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, 5 March, 1-6.
Guardian (1960, 1961), In Defence of Maungdaw Muslims,14 Ocak 1961. 27 Ocak 1960.
Günarslan, H. (2017), Ağa Hanlar Ve Günümüzdeki Faaliyetleri, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Harran Üniversitesi, Şanlıurfa.
Interim Report (1939), BurmaFinal Report of the Riot Inquiry Committee, Rangoon: Superintendent, Government Printing and Stationery.
Irwin, A. (1945), Burmese Outpost, London: Collins.
Jamiat-al-Ulama (1960), Memorandum for the Arakan Enquiry Commission, North Arakan, General Secretary. Rangoon.
Hall, D. G. E. (1928), Early English Intercourse with Burma: 1587-1743, London: Longmans.
Hall, D. G. E. (1958), History of South-East Asia, London: Macmillan.
Harvey, G. E. (1925), History of Burma: From the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824, the Beginning of the English Conquest, London: Longman´s.
Human Rights Council (2018), Report of the independent international fact-finding mission on Myanmar, Human Rights Situations, Thirty-ninth session, 10-28 September 2018, Agenda item 4, 1-21.
Khan, M. S. (1936), “Muslim Intercourse with Burma”,Islamic Culture, Hyderabad, Deccan, X, 416-419.
Khin Khin S. (1960), The Acculturation of the Burmese Muslims, Unpublished master’s thesis, Rangoon University, Rangoon.
Khin Khin U. (1954), “Marriage in the Burmese Muslim Community”,JBRS, XXXVI, Dec. part 2, 25-33.
Lattimer, M. (2002), Burma (Myanmar): The Time for Change, Report of Minority Rights Group International, Director.
Locke, C. (Ed.) (1930), The First Englishmen in India,London: George Routledge.
Majumdar, R. C. (1944), Hindu Colonies in the Far East, Calcutta: General Printers and Publishers.
Majumdar, R. C. (1960), The Delhi Sultanate, Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
Manrique, S. (1927), Travels of Fray, 1629-1643. A Translation of the Itinerario de las Missions Orientales, Introduction and notes by Lt. Col. C. Eckford Juard, assisted by Father H. Hosten. Vol. I, Arakan, Oxford: Hakluyt Society.
Mohajan, H. (2018), History of Rakhine State and the Origin of the Rohingya Muslims, Chittagong, Bangladesh: Premier University.
Nation (23 Mart 1962), Muslim Pilgrimage, Nation Newspaper.
O’Connor, V. C. S. (1904), The Silken East, London: Hutchinson.
Rahman, M. K. (1953), Burma Muslims,Annual Magazine, Rangoon University Muslim Students Association, 1-3.
Smith, M. (2002), Burma (Myanmar): The Time for Change, Report of Minority Rights Group International, 1-46.
Symes, M. (1959), Journal of his Second Embassy to the Court of Ava in 1802, ed. D. G. E. Hall London: George Allen and Unwin.
Tinker, H. (1959), The Union of Burma, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tha, Ba (1960), Rowengyese in Arakan, Guardian Monthly, Rangoon, VII, May.
Thompson, V., and R. Adloff (1955),Minority Problems in South East Asia, Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
Tydd, W. B. (1912), Sandoway District Gazetteer, Vol. A. Rangoon, s. 19.
Williamson, A. (1929), Shwebo District Gazetteer.Vol. A. Rangoon, s. 64.
Union of Burma (1955), Religious Tolerance in Foreward with the People, by President U Nu.Ministry of Information,Rangoon.
Yegar, M. (1972), The Muslims of Burma, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
Yule, H. (1858), Narrative of the Mission Sent by the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava in 1855, London: Smith Elder.