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Doliche`de Yamaç Kilisesi ve Muhtelif Kült Yapıları

Year 2021, Issue: 47, 43 - 75, 20.12.2021


2015 yılında, Gaziantep `e bağlı Doliche antik kentinde, arkeolojik kazı çalışmaları başlamıştır. Proje kapsamında Doliche`nin kentsel gelişimini, kentsel yaşamını ve maddi kültürünü bütüncül ve diakronik bir bakış açısıyla incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmalar Almanya-Münster Üniversitesi`ne bağlı Küçük Asya Araştırma Merkezi`nin başkanlığında, T.C. Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü`nün izni ve de Alman Araştırma Kurumu`nun finansiyel desteği sayesinde yürütülmektedir.
Şimdiye dek kentin güneyindeki yamaçta Erken Hıristiyanlık Dönemi`ne ait bir Bazilika tespit edilmiştir. Kalıntıların üçte biri açığa çıkarılabilinmiştir. Yağmalama, yontma taş bloklarının devşirme kullanılması ve erozyon hasarlara sebep olmuştur. Yine de yapıya ait kalıntıları etkileyici olup, Geç Antik Çağ`ın kentsel kilise mimarisi hakkında önemli bilgiler sunmaktadır. Orijinal Bazilika MS geç 4. yüzyılda inşa edilmiş ve MS 7. yüzyılda terk edilmiştir.
Bazilika`nın üç koridoru ve güney yanında bir Porticus`u mevcuttur. Orta Nef`te üst üste iki mozaik taban tespit edilmiştir. İki mozaik taban da kesinlikle geometrik desenlerle bezenmiş olup, MS 4. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına tarihlendirilebilinir. Orta Nef`te paravanlarla çevrili, yükseltilmiş platform ilginç bir tespiti oluşturmaktadır. Bu bir Bema`dır. Kuzeybatı Suriye`deki antik kiliselerden bilinen ve nadir rastlanan mimari özelliktir. Her yerleşimde tek bir kilise Bema`ya sahipti. Genelde en önemli ve en büyük olanında görülürdü. İşlevselliği henüz tartışmalıdır. Doliche`deki Bema`nın varlığı sürpriz olmuştur. Bemata şimdiye dek sadece Orontes Antioch`unda tespit edilmiştir. Doliche antik kenti Antioch`un uzağında konumlu ve etrafındaki bölgede konumlu çok sayıdaki kilisede görülmemiş bir özelliktir. Doliche`de keşfedilen Bema sayesinde Orontes Antioch`u ile Doliche arasındaki bağlantıyla ilgili sorular merak konusu olmuş olup, Geç Antik Dönem`de karmaşık dini ritüellerin anlaşılırlığına biraz ışık tutmaktadır.
Apsis`in küçük bir bölümü açığa çıkarılmış olsa da, yapının tarihi hakkında önemli bilgiler sunmaktadır. Yaklaşık MS geç 5. yüzyıl veya MS erken 6. yüzyıla şimdilik tarihlendirilen yapının final evresindeki Apsis tabanı Nef`inkinden 0,7 metre yükselmiş. Mevcut mozaiğinde nilotik bir bezeme görülmektedir.
Kuzey geçişi açığa çıkarılmıştır. Binlerce çatı kiremit parçalarını barındıran tahribat katmanı bütün tabanı kaplamıştır. Kuzey Nef ve orta Nef`i birbirinden ayıran unsurların tespiti yapılabilinmiştir.
Antik nekropol alanında yer alan, orta Bizans Dönemi`ne tarihli, iki kaya kilisesi mevcuttur. Ayrıca 1950`lerde Dülük Köyü`nde gerçekleştirilmiş yapım çalışmaları esnasında da Geç Antik Kilise kalıntılarına rastlanmıştır.


  • Abdallah 2018 K. Abdallah, Les mosaïques romaines et byzantines de Syrie du Nord. La collection du musée de Maarrat al-Numan, BAH 213 (Paris 2018).
  • Balty 1995 J. Balty, Mosaïques antiques du Proche-Orient. Chronologie, iconographie, interprétation, Annales littéraires de l’Université de Besançon Centre de Recherches d’Histoire Ancienne 140 (Paris 1995).
  • Balty – Balty 2004 J. Balty – J. C. Balty, « Nouveaux Examples de « Bȇma » Syrien », in: J. Blázquez Martínez – A. González Blanco (Eds.), Sacralidad y arqueología. Homenaje al Prof. Thilo Ulbert al cumplir 65 anos, Antigüedad y cristianismo 21 (Murcia 2004), 447–457.
  • Blömer 2012 M. Blömer, „Iuppiter Dolichenus zwischen lokalem Kult und reichsweiter Verehrung“, in: Blömer – Winter 2012 (Eds.), Iuppiter Dolichenus. Lokalkult und Reichsreligion im Vergleich, Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 8 (Tübingen 2012), 39–98.
  • Blömer – Winter 2012 M.Blömer – E.Winter, Iuppiter Dolichenus. Lokalkult und Reichsreligion im Vergleich, Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 8 (Tübingen 2012).
  • Blömer et al. 2019 M. Blömer – D. Çobanoğlu – E. Winter, „Die Stadtgrabung in Doliche. Zu den Ergebnissen der Feldarbeiten 2015–2018“, IstMitt 69, 2019, 103–186.
  • Borbone 2014 P. G. Borbone, „Neue syrische Inschriftenfunde – Das Kloster des Mar Salomon auf dem Dülük Baba Tepesi“, in: E. Winter (Ed.), Kult und Herrschaft am Euphrat, Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen 6 = AMS 73 (Bonn 2014), 127–139.
  • Borbone – Oenbrink 2011 P. G. Borbone – W. Oenbrink, „Das christianisierte Heiligtum auf dem Dülük Baba Tepesi. Eine syrische Inschrift, Architekturbefunde und Bauglieder“, in: E. Winter (Ed.), Von Kummuh nach Telouch. Archäologische und historische Untersuchungen in Kommagene, Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen 4 = AMS 64 (Bonn 2011), 187–206.
  • Bostanci 1961/62 E. Y. Bostanci, Güney Doğu Anadolou araştırmaları. Dülük ve Kartal´in Chellean ve Acheulean Endüstrisi = Researches in South-East Anatolia. The Chellean and Acheulean Industry of Dülük and Kartal, Anatolia 6, 1961/62, 87–162.
  • Boyd 1989 S. Boyd, “The decorative program of the champlevé revetments from the episcopal basilica at Kourion in Cyprus”, in: N. Duval (Ed.), Actes du XIe Congrès International d’Archéologie Chrétienne. Lyon, Vienne, Grenoble, Genève et Aoste (21 - 28 septembre 1986), Collection de l’École Française de Rome 123,3 (Rome 1989), 1821–1840.
  • Boyd 2007 S. Boyd, “The Champlevé Revetments”, in: A. H. S. Megaw (Ed.), Kourion. Excavations in the episcopal precinct, Dumbarton Oaks studies 38 (Washington, D.C. 2007), 235–320.
  • Candemir – Wagner 1978 H. Candemir – J. Wagner, Christliche Mosaiken in der nördlichen Euphratesia, in: S. Şahin – E. Schwertheim – J. Wagner (Eds.), Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens. Festschrift für Friedrich Karl Dörner zum 65. Geburtstag am 28. Februar 1976, Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l’Empire romain 66 (Leiden 1978), 192–231.
  • Cellini 1996 G. A. Cellini, « Les sources littéraires sur Iuppiter Dolichenus et Iuppiter Heliopolitanus », in: G. M. Belelli – U. Bianchi (Eds.), Orientalia Sacra Urbis Romae. Dolichena et Heliopolitana, StA 84, 1996, 19–55. Cumont 1917 F. Cumont, Études Syriennes (Paris 1917).
  • Donceel-Voûte 1988 P. Donceel-Voûte, Les pavements des églises byzantines de Syrie et du Liban. Décor, archéologie et liturgie, Publications d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie de l’Université Catholoque de Louvain 69 (Louvain-La-Neuve 1988).
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  • Ergeç 2003 R. Ergeç, Nekropolen und Gräber in der südlichen Kommagene, AMS 47 (Bonn 2003).
  • Facella – Stanke 2011 M. Facella – M. Stanke, „Eine Inschriftenplatte für Theodoros Stratelates und weitere christliche Zeugnisse vom Dülük Baba Tepesi“, in: E. Winter (Ed.), Von Kummuh nach Telouch. Archäologische und historische Untersuchungen in Kommagene, Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen 4 = AMS 64 (Bonn 2011), 157–186.
  • Harper – Wilkinson 1975 R. P. Harper – T. J. Wilkinson, Excavations at Dibsi Faraj, Northern Syria, 1972-1974. A Preliminary Note on the Site and Its Monuments with an Appendix, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 29, 1975, 319–338.
  • Hellenkemper 1978 H.-G. Hellenkemper, „Kirchen und Klöster in der nördlichen Euphratesia“, in: S. Şahin – E. Schwertheim – J. Wagner (Eds.), Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens. Festschrift für Friedrich Karl Dörner zum 65. Geburtstag am 28. Februar 1976 I, EPRO 66 (Leiden 1978), 389–414.
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The terrace basilica and other Christian cult buildings at Doliche

Year 2021, Issue: 47, 43 - 75, 20.12.2021


In 2015, a new research project has started to explore the ancient city of Doliche which is located at the outskirts of Gaziantep. The project aims to investigate the urban development, urban life, and material culture of Doliche in a holistic and diachronic perspective. It is run by the Forschungsstelle Asia Minor, Münster University, in cooperation with the Turkish Ministry for Tourism and Culture, and it is.
Among the main results of the first three campaigns was the discovery of a large early Christian basilica at a slope in the southern part of the of the city. By now, approximately one third of the building have been excavated. Pillaging, the extraction of stones for reuse, and erosion have caused substantial damage, but the remains of the church are still impressive, and they give important new evidence for the development of urban church architecture in late antiquity. The original basilica was constructed in the later fourth century, and it was finally abandoned in the seventh century. During the life span of the church, the layout and the decoration underwent important changes.
The basilica has three aisles and an additional porticus running along its southern side. Two superimposed mosaic floors are preserved in the central nave, both of which display strictly geometric patterns. They can be dated to the second half of the fourth century. An interesting discovery is a raised platform in the central nave that was fenced off with screens. This is a bema, a rare architectural feature that is known from late antique churches of northwest Syria. Per town one church with bema existed, usually the most significant and largest. It`s precise function, however, is a hotly debated topic. Apparently, the clergy was seated there during parts of the service, facing the sanctuary. The presence of a bema in Doliche is a surprise. So far, bemata are almost exclusively attested in the territory of the Antioch on the Orontes. Doliche, however, is far from Antioch and none of the many churches in region around Doliche have a bema. The newly discovered bema raises questions about connections between the cities of Antioch and Doliche and sheds new light on the complex networks of ritual praxis in late antiquity.
Of the apse, only a small section has been excavated, but it already offers valuable information about the building history of the church. Three different building phases can be distinguished. In the final phase, which can tentatively be dated to the late fifth or early sixth century CE, the floor of the apse towered 0,7 m above the nave and was covered with a mosaic showing a Nilotic scene fishes, birds, and lotus plants framed by bands of geometric ornaments.
Particularly revealing was the further excavation of the northern aisle. Beneath up to 3,50 m soil the original mosaic floor that dates to the first phase of the church is still well preserved. A destruction layer with thousands of roof tile fragments that were part of a timber and tile roof covered the floor. The excavations also revealed later installations that changed the original layout and separated a large section of the northern aisle from the central nave.
The basilica is not the first Christian cult building known from Doliche. Two rock churches are located in the area of the ancient necropolis. They can tentatively be dated to the Middle Byzantine period. Moreover, remains of another late antique church were discovered during construction work in the area of the modern village of Dülük in the 1950s, but no traces of it have been preserved.


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  • Balty – Balty 2004 J. Balty – J. C. Balty, « Nouveaux Examples de « Bȇma » Syrien », in: J. Blázquez Martínez – A. González Blanco (Eds.), Sacralidad y arqueología. Homenaje al Prof. Thilo Ulbert al cumplir 65 anos, Antigüedad y cristianismo 21 (Murcia 2004), 447–457.
  • Blömer 2012 M. Blömer, „Iuppiter Dolichenus zwischen lokalem Kult und reichsweiter Verehrung“, in: Blömer – Winter 2012 (Eds.), Iuppiter Dolichenus. Lokalkult und Reichsreligion im Vergleich, Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 8 (Tübingen 2012), 39–98.
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  • Blömer et al. 2019 M. Blömer – D. Çobanoğlu – E. Winter, „Die Stadtgrabung in Doliche. Zu den Ergebnissen der Feldarbeiten 2015–2018“, IstMitt 69, 2019, 103–186.
  • Borbone 2014 P. G. Borbone, „Neue syrische Inschriftenfunde – Das Kloster des Mar Salomon auf dem Dülük Baba Tepesi“, in: E. Winter (Ed.), Kult und Herrschaft am Euphrat, Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen 6 = AMS 73 (Bonn 2014), 127–139.
  • Borbone – Oenbrink 2011 P. G. Borbone – W. Oenbrink, „Das christianisierte Heiligtum auf dem Dülük Baba Tepesi. Eine syrische Inschrift, Architekturbefunde und Bauglieder“, in: E. Winter (Ed.), Von Kummuh nach Telouch. Archäologische und historische Untersuchungen in Kommagene, Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen 4 = AMS 64 (Bonn 2011), 187–206.
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  • Boyd 2007 S. Boyd, “The Champlevé Revetments”, in: A. H. S. Megaw (Ed.), Kourion. Excavations in the episcopal precinct, Dumbarton Oaks studies 38 (Washington, D.C. 2007), 235–320.
  • Candemir – Wagner 1978 H. Candemir – J. Wagner, Christliche Mosaiken in der nördlichen Euphratesia, in: S. Şahin – E. Schwertheim – J. Wagner (Eds.), Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens. Festschrift für Friedrich Karl Dörner zum 65. Geburtstag am 28. Februar 1976, Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l’Empire romain 66 (Leiden 1978), 192–231.
  • Cellini 1996 G. A. Cellini, « Les sources littéraires sur Iuppiter Dolichenus et Iuppiter Heliopolitanus », in: G. M. Belelli – U. Bianchi (Eds.), Orientalia Sacra Urbis Romae. Dolichena et Heliopolitana, StA 84, 1996, 19–55. Cumont 1917 F. Cumont, Études Syriennes (Paris 1917).
  • Donceel-Voûte 1988 P. Donceel-Voûte, Les pavements des églises byzantines de Syrie et du Liban. Décor, archéologie et liturgie, Publications d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie de l’Université Catholoque de Louvain 69 (Louvain-La-Neuve 1988).
  • Eger 2012 A. Eger, The Spaces between the Teeth: A Gazetteer of Towns on the Islamic-Byzantine Frontier (Istanbul 2012).
  • Ergeç 2003 R. Ergeç, Nekropolen und Gräber in der südlichen Kommagene, AMS 47 (Bonn 2003).
  • Facella – Stanke 2011 M. Facella – M. Stanke, „Eine Inschriftenplatte für Theodoros Stratelates und weitere christliche Zeugnisse vom Dülük Baba Tepesi“, in: E. Winter (Ed.), Von Kummuh nach Telouch. Archäologische und historische Untersuchungen in Kommagene, Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen 4 = AMS 64 (Bonn 2011), 157–186.
  • Harper – Wilkinson 1975 R. P. Harper – T. J. Wilkinson, Excavations at Dibsi Faraj, Northern Syria, 1972-1974. A Preliminary Note on the Site and Its Monuments with an Appendix, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 29, 1975, 319–338.
  • Hellenkemper 1978 H.-G. Hellenkemper, „Kirchen und Klöster in der nördlichen Euphratesia“, in: S. Şahin – E. Schwertheim – J. Wagner (Eds.), Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens. Festschrift für Friedrich Karl Dörner zum 65. Geburtstag am 28. Februar 1976 I, EPRO 66 (Leiden 1978), 389–414.
  • Huyse 1999 Ph. Huyse, Die dreisprachige Inschrift Šābuhrs I. an der Ka‘ba-i Zardušt (ŠKZ), Corpus inscriptionum Iranicarum 3,1 (London 1999).
  • Khoury – Riba 2013 W. Khoury – B. Riba, Les églises de Syrie (IVe-VIIe siècle). Essai de synthèse, Les églises en monde syriaque 2013, 41–84.
  • Kielau 2004 S. Kielau, „Die mittelalterliche Klosterkirche Basamaklı Mağara und eine weitere Felskirche am Rand der Nekropole von Doliche“, in: Schütte-Maischatz – E. Winter (Eds.), Doliche – eine kommagenische Stadt und ihre Götter. Mithras und Iupiter Dolichenus, AMS 52 (Bonn 2004), 37–52.
  • Klingborg – Finné 2018 P. Klingborg – M. Finné, « Modelling the freshwater supply of cisterns in ancient Greece ». (03.10.2020).
  • Lassus 1947 J. B. A. Lassus, Sanctuaires chrétiens de Syrie. Essai sur la genèse, la forme et l’usage liturgique des édifices du culte chrétien, en Syrie, du III siècle à la conquête musulmane, Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 42 (Paris 1947).
  • Loosley 2012 E. Loosley, The Architecture and Liturgy of the Bema in Fourth- to-Sixth-Century Syrian Churches, Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity (Leiden 2012).
  • Mayer – Allen 2012 W. Mayer – P. Allen, The churches of Syrian Antioch (300 - 638 CE), Late antique history and religion 5 (Leuven 2012).
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There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Michael Blömer This is me 0000-0002-3921-4036

Dilek Cobanoglu 0000-0002-5265-3236

Publication Date December 20, 2021
Submission Date July 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 47


Chicago Blömer, Michael, and Dilek Cobanoglu. “Doliche`de Yamaç Kilisesi Ve Muhtelif Kült Yapıları”. Anatolia, no. 47 (December 2021): 43-75.

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