Peer Review Process

Publication Ethics Review

Based on the best practices in publication ethics, AndHD aims to publish in accordance with scientific ethics within the framework of, but not limited to, transparency and best practices set by the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE, Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ and Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association – OASPA. Accordingly, the evaluation process of the manuscripts submitted to AndHD is carried out within the framework of the Journal's Ethical Principles and Publication Policy. In case of suspected violation of relevant principles and rules, the associated flowcharts of COPE are applied.

Prereview Process and Copy Editing

The manuscripts requested to be published in the journal should not have been published elsewhere or sent to another place for publication. The fact that a manuscript has been sent to AndHD indicates the commitment of the author in this regard. 

It is accepted that the manuscripts submitted to the journal have been finalized in terms of spelling and are ready to be published. The manuscripts that do not comply with the scientific criteria and AndHD's Writing Rules, or have more than usual spelling mistakes, are returned to the author for necessary corrections without being sent to the reviewers.

Manuscripts deemed suitable for peer review by the Editorial Board are first sent to the copy editor, and then to the language editor. The copy editor examines the manuscript's adherence to the AndHD's Writing Rules—especially footnotes and bibliography—while the language editor reviews the manuscript’s compliance with general grammar and spelling rules. If any issues that require review are identified at this stage, the manuscript is sent back to the author for revision.

Manuscripts deemed suitable for peer review by the Editorial Board are first sent to the copy editor, and then to the language editor. The copy editor examines the manuscript's adherence to the AndHD's Writingespecially footnotes and bibliographywhile the language editor reviews the manuscript's compliance with general grammar and spelling rules. If any issues that require review are identified at this stage, the manuscript is sent back to the author for revision. 

Before publication, all manuscripts are reviewed by the copy and language editors once again. 

Peer Review Process

In the evaluation process, the double-blind peer-reviewing method is used. Manuscripts that pass the prereview of the Editorial Board are submitted to the review of two peer reviewers with the name of the author removed from the manuscript. The reviewers suggest that the manuscript is either published just as, sent to the author for revision, or rejected. 

The author is informed of the decision as soon as possible and preferably by e-mail. If both reviewers suggest the rejection of the manuscript, the manuscript is rejected and the author cannot request a third review. On the other hand, if one of the reviewer's reports is positive and the other is negative, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer and the decision to publish is made accordingly. 

Revised or completed manuscripts can be sent to the reviewer once again if the Editorial Board deems it necessary. All reports are kept for five years.

Evaluation of Other Manuscripts

The publication of manuscripts other than peer-reviewed articles and translations is subject to the decision of the Editorial Board. In order for the translations to be evaluated, the original manuscript in the source language and the translation permission obtained from the owner (the original author or the copyright holder) must be sent along.

Last Update Time: 11/28/24, 3:31:17 PM
