Research Article
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Investigation of the Relationship Between Physical Fitness And Birth Weight, Income Level And School Period in Preschool Children

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 5, 37 - 43, 07.10.2019


aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between birth weight,
socio-economic status and school environment with physical fitness in preschool
children.The study was carried out in 212 healthy children aged 4-6 years.
PREschool Physical
FITness (PREFIT) test battery developed specifically for this age range was
used to evaluate the physical fitness of children. The total number of school
terms that children spent at school was recorded.
The statistical
relationship between the physical fitness of children and the duration of
school terms was found (p <0.05). In preschool children, although the birth
weight and the family income level do not affect the physical fitness of
children, the physical fitness of children increases with the increasing of
their school term period.   


  • Bayoglu, B. U., Bakar, E. E., Kutlu, M., Karabulut, E., & Anlar, B. (2007). Can preschool developmental screening identify children at risk for school problems? Early Human Development, 83(9), 613-617.
  • Bernink, M., Erich, W., Peltenburg, A., Zonderland, M., & Huisveld, I. (1983). Height, body composition, biological maturation and training in relation to socio-economic status in girl gymnasts, swimmers, and controls. Growth, 47(1), 1-12.
  • Burns, Y. R., Danks, M., O’CALLAGHAN, M. J., Gray, P. H., Cooper, D., Poulsen, L., & Watter, P. (2009). Motor coordination difficulties and physical fitness of extremely‐low‐birthweight children. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51(2), 136-142.
  • Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Martinez-Tellez, B., Sanchez-Delgado, G., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Castro-Pinero, J., Lof, M., . . . Ortega, F. B. (2016). Assessing physical fitness in preschool children: Feasibility, reliability and practical recommendations for the PREFIT battery. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19(11), 910-915. doi:10.1016/j.jsams.2016.02.003
  • Christodoulos, A. D., Flouris, A. D., & Tokmakidis, S. P. (2006). Obesity and physical fitness of pre-adolescent children during the academic year and the summer period: effects of organized physical activity. Journal of Child Health Care, 10(3), 199-212.
  • de Groot, J. F., & Takken, T. (2011). The six-minute walk test in paediatric populations. Journal of physiotherapy, 57(2), 128.
  • de Rezende, L. F. M., Lopes, M. R., Rey-Lopez, J. P., Matsudo, V. K. R., & Luiz, O. D. (2014). Sedentary Behavior and Health Outcomes: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. Plos One, 9(8). doi:ARTN e10562010.1371/journal.pone.0105620
  • Delidou, E., Matsouka, O., & Nikolaidis, C. (2016). Influence of school playground size and equipment on the physical activity of students during recess. European Physical Education Review, 22(2), 215-224.
  • Geiger, R., Strasak, A., Treml, B., Gasser, K., Kleinsasser, A., Fischer, V., . . . Stein, J. I. (2007). Six-minute walk test in children and adolescents. The Journal of pediatrics, 150(4), 395-399. e392.
  • Goslin, B. R., & Burden, S. B. (1986). Physical fitness of South African school children. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 26(2), 128-136.
  • Güler, D., & Günay, M. (2004). Çocuklarda Sosyo-Ekonomik Düzeyin Fiziksel Uygunluğa Etkisinin AAHPERD Fiziksel Uygunluk Test Bataryasi İle Değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1).
  • Hayran, M., & Hayran, M. (2011). Sağlık Araştırmaları İçin Temel İstatistik (1. Basım). Art Ofset Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Organizasyon. Ankara. Sayfa, 95.
  • Health, U. D. o., & Services, H. (2008). Physical activity guidelines advisory committee. Washington DC: US Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Kaçan, M. O., Halmatov, M., & Kartaltepe, O. (2017). Okul öncesi eğitim kurumları bahçelerinin incelenmesi. Erken Çocukluk Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 60-70.
  • Karaküçük, S. A. (2008). Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumlarında Fiziksel/Mekansal koşulların İncelenmesi. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi/Journal of Social Sciences, 32(2).
  • Kelly, L. E. (2000). Patterns of physical activity in 9–10-year-old American children as measured by heart rate monitoring. Pediatric exercise science, 12(1), 101-110.
  • Kerkez, F. İ. (2012). Sağlıklı Büyüme İçin Okul Öncesi Dönemdeki Çocuklarda Hareket ve Fiziksel Aktivite. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(1), 34-42.
  • Kolimechkov, S. (2017). Physical Fitness Assessment in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science.
  • Laboratories, A. C. o. P. S. f. C. P. F. (2002). ATS statement: guidelines for the six-minute walk test. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 166, 111-117.
  • Lammers, A. E., Hislop, A. A., Flynn, Y., & Haworth, S. G. (2007). The six-minute walk test: Normal values for children of 4-11 years of age. Archives of disease in childhood.
  • Li, A. M., Yin, J., Au, J. T., So, H. K., Tsang, T., Wong, E., . . . Ng, P. C. (2007). Standard reference for the six-minute-walk test in healthy children aged 7 to 16 years. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 176(2), 174-180.
  • Lopes, V. P., Rodrigues, L. P., Maia, J. A. R., & Malina, R. M. (2011). Motor coordination as predictor of physical activity in childhood. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 21(5), 663-669. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01027.x
  • Malina, R. M., Bouchard, C., & Bar-Or, O. (2004). Growth, maturation, and physical activity: Human kinetics.
  • Marlow, N., Roberts, L., & Cooke, R. (1993). Outcome at 8 years for children with birth weights of 1250 g or less. Archives of disease in childhood, 68(3 Spec No), 286-290.
  • Martinez-Tellez, B., Sanchez-Delgado, G., Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Martin-Matillas, M., Lof, M., . . . Ruiz, J. R. (2016). Health-related physical fitness is associated with total and central body fat in preschool children aged 3 to 5 years. Pediatric Obesity, 11(6), 468-474. doi:10.1111/ijpo.12088
  • Moura‐Dos‐Santos, M., Wellington‐Barros, J., Brito‐Almeida, M., Manhães‐de‐Castro, R., Maia, J., & Góis Leandro, C. (2013). Permanent deficits in handgrip strength and running speed performance in low birth weight children. American Journal of Human Biology, 25(1), 58-62.
  • Oğuz, H. (1998). Bursa ilinde farklı sosyo-ekonomik düzeye sahip ailelerin 8, 9 ve 10 yaş grubu çocukların fiziksel performans ve antropometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Bursa.
  • Ortega, F. B., Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Sanchez-Delgado, G., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Martinez-Tellez, B., Artero, E. G., . . . Ruiz, J. R. (2015). Systematic Review and Proposal of a Field-Based Physical Fitness-Test Battery in Preschool Children: The PREFIT Battery. Sports medicine, 45(4), 533-555. doi:10.1007/s40279-014-0281-8
  • Ortega, F. B., Ruiz, J. R., Castillo, M. J., & Sjostrom, M. (2008). Physical fitness in childhood and adolescence: a powerful marker of health. Int J Obes (Lond), 32(1), 1-11. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0803774
  • ÖZEN, G. (2014). 8-10 Yaş Çocuklarda Doğum Ağırlığının Bazı Fiziksel Uygunluk Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi İnönü Üniversitesi, MALATYA.
  • Pérez, G. E. N., D’Angelo, C. P., & Zabala, R. D. (1991). Physical Fitness in Children and Adolescents from Differing Socioeconomic Strata Human growth, physical fitness and nutrition (Vol. 31, pp. 80-98): Karger Publishers.
  • Powls, A., Botting, N., Cooke, R. W., & Marlow, N. (1995). Motor impairment in children 12 to 13 years old with a birthweight of less than 1250 g. Archives of Disease in Childhood-Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 73(2), F62-F66.
  • Sanchez-Delgado, G., Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Martinez-Tellez, B., Chillón, P., Löf, M., . . . Ruiz, J. (2015). Assessment of handgrip strength in preschool children aged 3 to 5 years. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume), 40(9), 966-972.
  • Singhal, A., Wells, J., Cole, T. J., Fewtrell, M., & Lucas, A. (2003). Programming of lean body mass: a link between birth weight, obesity, and cardiovascular disease? The American journal of clinical nutrition, 77(3), 726-730.
  • Smith, J. J., Eather, N., Morgan, P. J., Plotnikoff, R. C., Faigenbaum, A. D., & Lubans, D. R. (2014). The health benefits of muscular fitness for children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports medicine, 44(9), 1209-1223.
  • Tekelioğlu, A. (1999). Physical Fitness of Girls and Boys Aged 11-13 Years Attending to Goverment School and Private School. Doktora Dissertation, GÜ Institute of Medical Sciences, Ankara(s 7), 71.
  • Thompson, P. D., Arena, R., Riebe, D., & Pescatello, L. S. (2013). ACSM's New Preparticipation Health Screening Recommendations from ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Ninth Edition. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 12(4), 215-217. doi:DOI 10.1249/JSR.0b013e31829a68cf

Okul Öncesi Çocuklarda Fiziksel Uygunlukla Doğum Ağırlığı, Gelir Düzeyi ve Okul Süresi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 5, 37 - 43, 07.10.2019


çalışmadaki amacımız okul öncesi çocukların doğum ağırlığının, sosyo-ekonomik
durumun ve okul süresinin fiziksel uygunlukla ilişkisini araştırmaktır. Çalışma
İl Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı okulların ana sınıflarında bulunan, 4-6 yaş
aralığındaki 212 sağlıklı çocuklarda yapıldı. Çocukların sosyodemografik ve
doğum özellikleri kaydedildikten sonra çocukların fiziksel uygunluklarını
değerlendirmek için bu yaş aralığına özel geliştirilen PREschool Physical
FITness (PREFIT) test bataryası kullanıldı. Çocukların okulda geçirdikleri
toplam dönem sayısı kaydedildi.
Çocukların fiziksel uygunlukları ile okuldaki dönem süresi arasında
ilişki bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Okul öncesi çocuklarda doğum ağırlığının ve
ailenin gelir düzeyinin çocukların fiziksel uygunluklarını etkilemediği
bulunmasına rağmen, okulda geçirilen sürenin artmasıyla çocukların fiziksel
uygunlukları artmaktadır. 


  • Bayoglu, B. U., Bakar, E. E., Kutlu, M., Karabulut, E., & Anlar, B. (2007). Can preschool developmental screening identify children at risk for school problems? Early Human Development, 83(9), 613-617.
  • Bernink, M., Erich, W., Peltenburg, A., Zonderland, M., & Huisveld, I. (1983). Height, body composition, biological maturation and training in relation to socio-economic status in girl gymnasts, swimmers, and controls. Growth, 47(1), 1-12.
  • Burns, Y. R., Danks, M., O’CALLAGHAN, M. J., Gray, P. H., Cooper, D., Poulsen, L., & Watter, P. (2009). Motor coordination difficulties and physical fitness of extremely‐low‐birthweight children. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51(2), 136-142.
  • Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Martinez-Tellez, B., Sanchez-Delgado, G., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Castro-Pinero, J., Lof, M., . . . Ortega, F. B. (2016). Assessing physical fitness in preschool children: Feasibility, reliability and practical recommendations for the PREFIT battery. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19(11), 910-915. doi:10.1016/j.jsams.2016.02.003
  • Christodoulos, A. D., Flouris, A. D., & Tokmakidis, S. P. (2006). Obesity and physical fitness of pre-adolescent children during the academic year and the summer period: effects of organized physical activity. Journal of Child Health Care, 10(3), 199-212.
  • de Groot, J. F., & Takken, T. (2011). The six-minute walk test in paediatric populations. Journal of physiotherapy, 57(2), 128.
  • de Rezende, L. F. M., Lopes, M. R., Rey-Lopez, J. P., Matsudo, V. K. R., & Luiz, O. D. (2014). Sedentary Behavior and Health Outcomes: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. Plos One, 9(8). doi:ARTN e10562010.1371/journal.pone.0105620
  • Delidou, E., Matsouka, O., & Nikolaidis, C. (2016). Influence of school playground size and equipment on the physical activity of students during recess. European Physical Education Review, 22(2), 215-224.
  • Geiger, R., Strasak, A., Treml, B., Gasser, K., Kleinsasser, A., Fischer, V., . . . Stein, J. I. (2007). Six-minute walk test in children and adolescents. The Journal of pediatrics, 150(4), 395-399. e392.
  • Goslin, B. R., & Burden, S. B. (1986). Physical fitness of South African school children. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 26(2), 128-136.
  • Güler, D., & Günay, M. (2004). Çocuklarda Sosyo-Ekonomik Düzeyin Fiziksel Uygunluğa Etkisinin AAHPERD Fiziksel Uygunluk Test Bataryasi İle Değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1).
  • Hayran, M., & Hayran, M. (2011). Sağlık Araştırmaları İçin Temel İstatistik (1. Basım). Art Ofset Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Organizasyon. Ankara. Sayfa, 95.
  • Health, U. D. o., & Services, H. (2008). Physical activity guidelines advisory committee. Washington DC: US Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Kaçan, M. O., Halmatov, M., & Kartaltepe, O. (2017). Okul öncesi eğitim kurumları bahçelerinin incelenmesi. Erken Çocukluk Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 60-70.
  • Karaküçük, S. A. (2008). Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumlarında Fiziksel/Mekansal koşulların İncelenmesi. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi/Journal of Social Sciences, 32(2).
  • Kelly, L. E. (2000). Patterns of physical activity in 9–10-year-old American children as measured by heart rate monitoring. Pediatric exercise science, 12(1), 101-110.
  • Kerkez, F. İ. (2012). Sağlıklı Büyüme İçin Okul Öncesi Dönemdeki Çocuklarda Hareket ve Fiziksel Aktivite. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(1), 34-42.
  • Kolimechkov, S. (2017). Physical Fitness Assessment in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science.
  • Laboratories, A. C. o. P. S. f. C. P. F. (2002). ATS statement: guidelines for the six-minute walk test. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 166, 111-117.
  • Lammers, A. E., Hislop, A. A., Flynn, Y., & Haworth, S. G. (2007). The six-minute walk test: Normal values for children of 4-11 years of age. Archives of disease in childhood.
  • Li, A. M., Yin, J., Au, J. T., So, H. K., Tsang, T., Wong, E., . . . Ng, P. C. (2007). Standard reference for the six-minute-walk test in healthy children aged 7 to 16 years. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 176(2), 174-180.
  • Lopes, V. P., Rodrigues, L. P., Maia, J. A. R., & Malina, R. M. (2011). Motor coordination as predictor of physical activity in childhood. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 21(5), 663-669. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01027.x
  • Malina, R. M., Bouchard, C., & Bar-Or, O. (2004). Growth, maturation, and physical activity: Human kinetics.
  • Marlow, N., Roberts, L., & Cooke, R. (1993). Outcome at 8 years for children with birth weights of 1250 g or less. Archives of disease in childhood, 68(3 Spec No), 286-290.
  • Martinez-Tellez, B., Sanchez-Delgado, G., Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Martin-Matillas, M., Lof, M., . . . Ruiz, J. R. (2016). Health-related physical fitness is associated with total and central body fat in preschool children aged 3 to 5 years. Pediatric Obesity, 11(6), 468-474. doi:10.1111/ijpo.12088
  • Moura‐Dos‐Santos, M., Wellington‐Barros, J., Brito‐Almeida, M., Manhães‐de‐Castro, R., Maia, J., & Góis Leandro, C. (2013). Permanent deficits in handgrip strength and running speed performance in low birth weight children. American Journal of Human Biology, 25(1), 58-62.
  • Oğuz, H. (1998). Bursa ilinde farklı sosyo-ekonomik düzeye sahip ailelerin 8, 9 ve 10 yaş grubu çocukların fiziksel performans ve antropometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Bursa.
  • Ortega, F. B., Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Sanchez-Delgado, G., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Martinez-Tellez, B., Artero, E. G., . . . Ruiz, J. R. (2015). Systematic Review and Proposal of a Field-Based Physical Fitness-Test Battery in Preschool Children: The PREFIT Battery. Sports medicine, 45(4), 533-555. doi:10.1007/s40279-014-0281-8
  • Ortega, F. B., Ruiz, J. R., Castillo, M. J., & Sjostrom, M. (2008). Physical fitness in childhood and adolescence: a powerful marker of health. Int J Obes (Lond), 32(1), 1-11. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0803774
  • ÖZEN, G. (2014). 8-10 Yaş Çocuklarda Doğum Ağırlığının Bazı Fiziksel Uygunluk Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi İnönü Üniversitesi, MALATYA.
  • Pérez, G. E. N., D’Angelo, C. P., & Zabala, R. D. (1991). Physical Fitness in Children and Adolescents from Differing Socioeconomic Strata Human growth, physical fitness and nutrition (Vol. 31, pp. 80-98): Karger Publishers.
  • Powls, A., Botting, N., Cooke, R. W., & Marlow, N. (1995). Motor impairment in children 12 to 13 years old with a birthweight of less than 1250 g. Archives of Disease in Childhood-Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 73(2), F62-F66.
  • Sanchez-Delgado, G., Cadenas-Sanchez, C., Mora-Gonzalez, J., Martinez-Tellez, B., Chillón, P., Löf, M., . . . Ruiz, J. (2015). Assessment of handgrip strength in preschool children aged 3 to 5 years. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume), 40(9), 966-972.
  • Singhal, A., Wells, J., Cole, T. J., Fewtrell, M., & Lucas, A. (2003). Programming of lean body mass: a link between birth weight, obesity, and cardiovascular disease? The American journal of clinical nutrition, 77(3), 726-730.
  • Smith, J. J., Eather, N., Morgan, P. J., Plotnikoff, R. C., Faigenbaum, A. D., & Lubans, D. R. (2014). The health benefits of muscular fitness for children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports medicine, 44(9), 1209-1223.
  • Tekelioğlu, A. (1999). Physical Fitness of Girls and Boys Aged 11-13 Years Attending to Goverment School and Private School. Doktora Dissertation, GÜ Institute of Medical Sciences, Ankara(s 7), 71.
  • Thompson, P. D., Arena, R., Riebe, D., & Pescatello, L. S. (2013). ACSM's New Preparticipation Health Screening Recommendations from ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Ninth Edition. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 12(4), 215-217. doi:DOI 10.1249/JSR.0b013e31829a68cf
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Halil Alkan 0000-0001-6895-2495

Akmer Mutlu 0000-0001-6346-1750

Publication Date October 7, 2019
Acceptance Date February 14, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 5


APA Alkan, H., & Mutlu, A. (2019). Okul Öncesi Çocuklarda Fiziksel Uygunlukla Doğum Ağırlığı, Gelir Düzeyi ve Okul Süresi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(5), 37-43.

Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.