Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles
1- Regarding ethical principles values, the Journal of Atatürk Yolu takes into account the criteria determined by the COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics) and the principles determined in the YÖK (Council of Higher Education) Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.
2- For researches requiring ethics committee permit, approval of ethics committee is obligatory. This approval should be stated and documented in the article.
3- Manuscripts sent to the journal, yet detected as against the rules of research and publication ethics during the evaluation process will be rejected. If any contradiction is found out after the publication process, the article will be removed from the publication.

4-If the manuscript derived from a thesis is not two-authored (supervisor-student), a statement of renounce must be received from the thesis supervisor.
5- Authors' Responsibility: The author ensures that the manuscript submitted to the journal is in accordance with the ethical rules, publication principles and writing rules adopted by the journal.
6- Referees’ Responsibility: The referee evaluates the manuscript by taking into account the principles determined by COPE and submits the report containing his/her opinions about the manuscript to the editorial board within the given time.
7- Editors' Responsibility: Editor;
• conducts the evaluation process of manuscripts submitted to the journal in a fair manner without any regard to religion, language, race, gender, nationality, seniority or institutional relationship,
• does not share the referee evaluation process with third parties by keeping it confidential,
• takes into account the COPE guidelines in terms of compliance of the evaluation process with ethical standards,
• provides the necessary cooperation and coordination to complete the evaluation process within the given time,
• applies the sharing of information with the Editorial Board regarding the evaluation and publication processes within the framework of COPE guidelines,
• complies with the standards set by COPE when duplicate publication, slicing, plagiarism, fictitious data, conflict of interest and suspicion of unfair authorship arise regarding a manuscript submitted to the journal for publication or published in previous issues.

Publication Principles
1- The Journal of Atatürk Yolu (JOAY) is published biannually in Spring (May) and Autumn (November) by Ankara University, Institute of Turkish Revolution History.
2- The JOAY adopts the open access policy.
3- The language of the journal is Turkish and English. Manuscripts written in other languages and sent to the journal are evaluated with the approval of the Editorial Board.
4- No payment is requested from the authors who submit manuscripts to the journal and no royalties are paid to the authors. The copright of the published articles belongs to the Journal of Atatürk Yolu.
5- If the authors submit their manuscripts to the journal, it means that they accept the JOAY's publication principles.
6- Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent elsewhere for publication. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with scientific research criteria and publication ethics. The JOAY owns all publication rights from the moment the manuscripts are accepted.
7- Manuscripts sent to the journal are evaluated on condition that they comply with the spelling rules. The evaluation period of the manuscripts is three months on average. After the manuscripts are checked with the iThenticate Plagiarism Program, they are evaluated by the Editorial Board and sent to the referees, and in line with the reports from the referees, it is decided to print / request / reject the manuscripts.
8- An extended abstract in English is requested for articles in Turkish after evaluation process is approved.
9- After approval process, the manuscripts are published with the acceptance of at least eight members of the Editorial Board.

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